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There was a certain swagger Jack had about him as he moved through the new world, his steps full of confidence as he moved forwards. It was hard not to be full of himself at this point, his life as a nerd back in Earth lame compared to the goddess granted power he now held. He had always enjoyed isekai works, but never in a million years did he think it'd *actually* be real! And what a generous goddess she had been, supplying him with power comparable to an archon, the local guilds shocked at his already high level as he easily made quick work of the goons and thieves that thought he was weak.

Yes he had been the toast of the town after repelling someone called a Harbinger, that overconfident ass Tartar something or other a breeze with the godly sword he possessed. For someone like Jack, it was hard not to get a big head after everyone kept talking him up. Make a few rainbow looking lights? First genius to ever master all seven elements. Not know what a vision was? That made it even more impressive. And any cocky idiot that tried to get in his way wasn't just taken care of, but dispatched with an ease that made him feel invincible.

But the accolades can only satisfy for so long, Jack ready for something new, to spread his legend further beyond Teyvat. Besides, the lands around weren't even considered that strong even for the nongeniuses like him. And so he set off, aiming to take care of the hardest quest he could, his elemental energy like a beacon as he traveled through the glades. One type of creature in particular seemed drawn towards the power as he made his way past the nearby hills, Jack taking a small water break four hours into his trek. He became aware of them long before they crested over to him, any unease immediately squashed when he saw the round, harmless forms of slimes coming towards him, their cute bodies bouncing as he sighed. He almost felt bad for farming them, but it was their fault for flocking to an apex predator like him.

They made an adorable show, slowly bouncing towards him, reminding him of a stuffed animal mascot more than a dangerous predator, but he still shouldn't be careless. He finished his water, pulled out his goddess sword and prepared to destroy these low level mobs. One of the smaller ones rolled ahead of the pack, the first to fall to Jack's skill as he stabbed it clean through the middle with his sword.



His sword nearly jerked out of his hand, the slime as perturbed by the goddess's sword as a pebble in its body, the gelatinous mass hopping awkwardly.

"Get off! Get off my- FUCK!"

He was swinging it, his motion awkward despite the mastery he had been given, the thick body stuck to it as the blue slime crawled up the blade. Jack tried to stab it into the ground and shake it off that way, only to feel the slime squish over his sword hand, the cool gel firmly swallowing up to his wrist as he began to flail. It felt like a million micro suckers were lapping at his skin, dissolving away the fingerless gloves and some of his sleeve as it sucked and sucked. Jack's fingers felt numb, loosening their grip as his strength weakened. It seemed to be smiling as it pulsed up his arm, the blue of its body glowing brighter as he realized it was sucking away his strength, his elemental energy. Alright this was bad, but he couldn't panic. He just had to keep his calm and-


The other slimes were reaching him now, slapping their gelled bodies one by one, smacking into his stomach, his thighs, one especially feisty one knocking him to his knees as the bulky slime squished between his thighs. The sudden hit to his balls knocked the air out of him as he fell, his other hand smashing into a slime that spread over it, the sucking feeling getting worse. He cursed and ineffectively grabbed at the encroaching slime, more flowing together as his outfit was slowly dissolved, the hungry creatures ready to suck him dry.


It wasn't till his pants had been half melted that the repetitive sucking began to feel almost perverted, the slimy touch of countless tongues frictionlessly taking his elemental power getting him off in a very different kind of way. It made him squirm harder, finding his efforts stopped by the rising piles of slime melting over his legs, bubbling as they stuck him in place as they growing mound raised his hips up in the air.

What the hell were they doing? Ugh shit his pants were dissolving, slime coating his dick as the suggestive became teasing, then downright masturbatory as his cock was subsumed in slime. He was breathing heavily, groaning as every inch of his cock extended, the slimy sleeve jerking it expertly as precum welled at his tip. Why was this happening to him?! He was the hero! He couldn't be taken down by such weak measly- W-Wait something was pressing on his tip, th-that sucking lapping feeling almost-


It entered him, the precum pushed back down, a bead of slime stuck in his tip that thrust into a stream. It was licking his shaft internally, the sensations so bizarre and new it took a moment for his body to realize if it felt good or not. He quickly realized it did, cumming or trying to as the spasms of his cock swallowed the slime deeper, his struggles weaker as his energy reserves faded.

The mound of slime now had him swallowed up to his calves, Jack whimpering as the energetic gels smacked into his half bared ass, strands throbbing around the rim of his asshole. Looking down, he noticed for the first time what was happening to his hands in the slime, his digits greatly shrunken, his nails longer, the last hairs on his knuckles swallowed as his muscle subtly tapered off. It caught him off guard, just in time for a large slime to splatter on his ass, the mass thrusting inside his cheeks as the failed orgasms pulled slime into his balls.


It was like he was cumming in reverse, pleasure exploding as his balls swelled, the slime coiling in his balls, rolling them around as it strived to plunge deeper. A separate grouping of slime streamed inside his asshole, lubing it up as if for fucking, though the lube itself was having all the fun as it frictionlessly slipped inside. All that changed about it was the viscosity, Jack seeing stars, delirious as his prostate was subsumed like a piece of fruit in jello, the mold squeezing as something popped.


Jack couldn't see, only feel, his thinning arms glued to the ground, something unbearably sensitive warping behind his cock as his cock tried to cum, his voice cracking as his bucking balls swelled against the sticky strands around his former prostate. It made his groin feel tight, more slime trying to enter him as it thickened inside his shaft, his cock warping as the slime seemed to have only one thought. DEEPER.

Heat poured from the new organ throbbing in the sticky goo, the slime's push only making his internally stuck balls tighter, Jack fucked by his own cum as it assimilated to the slime, his scrotum warping as it sucked and sucked and-



Again he couldn't see, only feel as the pressure in his balls finally found release the wrong way out, his tongue lolling as slime rocketed back deep into his churning innards. His scrotum vacuumed flat, the thrusting of slime and his own balls anchoring deep into his subconscious the bliss of penetration, Jack barely able to stay conscious as the sticky goo sucked and pulled, his balls dragged inwards to an endless spiral, stuck as they scraped against his hips. It was fucking his cock, his voice cracking as the squeeze of slime compressed it, Jack confused and horrified as his tip split open, a slinky like fold in his cock's muscles making it shrink as he was fucked like the girl he was quickly becoming.

It was near impossible to think, too many new sensations fucking him, Jack's eyes rolled up in his head as the slime mound grew, the pressure in his hips rising as his balls were thrust by slime, his ass by slime, his... cock? It barely felt like one any more, the slime pushing in thicker at the base, more viscous, his cock more like the jelly as a cavern was carved out of it. It was almost painful how much pressure was building inside, his cock thrust about as it melted, almost as eager as the slime to bust inside as he was stroked and fucked along every receding inch, the bliss of both sexes fading with one strung thrust as Jack felt his hips explode.


Was that his voice? It sounded so high and tight, his thighs forced to squeeze around the slime tentacle fucking him. There was no familiar bulge, no scrape of balls on the backs of his thighs, nothing beyond the thrusting blue jelly against his hairless legs. He was being fucked, the cock amorphous and all encompassing, the million small tongues licking his fresh pussy as his tip was glued to the top of his new cavern as a clit. Even the hope that it might stop was squashed as it endlessly slid in, the slimes giggling and singing as they fucked him, gurgling happily as his balls finished their inwards curve, the flow of it pausing as the streams throbbed and bubbled inside. They throbbed once, twice-



There was a contented squeal from some of the slimes as a wave of release gushed inside, inhuman noises leaving the hero's mouth as the slime released sparkling elemental energy, Jack's thighs squeezing tightly as they thickened, his ass cheeks tripling in sensitivity as slimy fat gushed into the recesses of his butt. The slime was thrusting in his muscle, plugging his pussy, Jack's now peach shaped ass groped and licked all over by the wave of slime filling in, plumping into his thighs as his stomach began to gurgle.

If his struggles before were ineffectual, his blissful thrashing was downright anemic, the endless slimes all hungry for a piece of him, sucking his endless energy reserves, proving there was a bottom as he weakly squirmed amid the wave of low level mobs. It was unbearable, a constant shifting mass stroking and pleasuring him, his ass simultaneously jiggled, slapped and fucked by the same force, the mound of slime fully raising his legs off the ground as it squeezed and teased his flesh.

It was effortlessly fucking him, his body unable to stop as it drained the muscle in his calves, the strength in his feet, their shape slowly deflating like his dainty hands as they slimmed. Jack's stomach gurgled as the slimy mass plunged deeper into his organs, fucking so hard and slippery he felt each thrust deeper, now in his stomach as his ab lines rumbled, flattening down.

Below his legs were utterly encased, Jack wheezing as the slime thrust deep inside, down his thighs bloating them further, pushing up in just the right spots to curve his thinned calves. When it hit his toes the jelly squeezed, sliding and shaping them, bending him over in submission to fuck him better as his soles were squeezed to arches, dainty toes wriggling as they floated in the mass of slime. There was nothing he could do but take it as it rose internally up his stomach, his flesh tense as the sucking fluids melted the last of his strength, leaving the once overpowered hero hanging limp as he was endlessly fucked, his stomach smooth and girly as the mass gurgled happily once more.

He realized what was coming as the slime bubbled, cheery again as it hugged his waist, teasing his creamy skin as his navel turned enticingly plush, his ribs squeezed tenderly on the outside as they curved magnificently. Jack was already being fucked so hard it was near impossible to notice the strands of slime suckling outside his nipples, his areolas first freed from hair, then lumps, the pink flesh spreading to a large circle as the suckers carefully latched onto each nipple and pulled. He hadn't felt it whenever it started, but now it was starting to suck more than just power, the flesh almost blushing, Jack's eyes squeezed shut as they hardened like phantoms of his removed cock.

He couldn't take any more, his eyes dry of tears, his voice ragged from screaming, yet more was coming. It started between his legs and cheeks, the thrusting streams of slime suddenly doubling in girth, Jack's eyes rolling back into his head as his pussy and ass weren't just fucked but stretched. All of it was alive, sucking, licking, surging upwards inside as his nipples were tugged and teased. He was stripped bare, the once electric blue slime almost clear as for once he could see the change, helpless as his erect nipples trembled as the mass thrust harder past his stomach.


It felt like two cocks thrust into his nipples, fucking them so hard they mashed themselves into the flesh as his flat chest perked out. His small tits were encased in endless tongues, only growing more sensitive as the second round of slime infused fat made his small breasts jiggle. The larger they were, the more there was to tease, to grope, his tongue lolling, all thought lost as the slime smushed them together, pumping more and more mass in as the flow fucking his pussy split into two streams, each perfectly ramming into his tits as they burst to their final size, Jack's screams gurgling as the fucking filled his throat with slime.

Even his screams were stopped as the fucking slime flooded up his esophagus, the taste of blue raspberry and watery cum washing over his tongue. It was an infinite french kiss, the suckers latching onto his lips, his tongue, the few solitary thrusts it took to reach dislodging his Adam's Apple as strangled, girly gurgles streamed out his slime covered lips. He didn't want to feel his lips plumping, the slime coating his cheeks and chin with slimy kisses as the sucked the energy out, the masculinity from his cutifying, bliss filled expression.

Another thrust and he was coughing, his nose streaming blue slime as it messily spilled in its attempt to plunge deeper, fixing the wide flaring nostrils by plugging them smaller, cuter. Jack was beyond any limit, not wanting to think, not wanting to feel, but forced to bear through it, even his tears thickening as the blue spilled into his tear ducts. It couldn't possibly get worse, the pleasure had to end it couldn't-


Slime gushed over his brain, his eyes leaking it, mouth drooling it, nose spilling out the excess with every added thrust as the slime literally fucked his brains out. He couldn't describe how it was even stronger than before, the slime's teasing no longer needing to slide up his nervous system and register in his brain. It relentlessly pressed every pleasure center, the hero thrashing as before she understood he was orgasming, he was already onto the third one in line, his body endlessly catching up to the pleasure the slime had already programmed into his brain. Each thrust and gush of slime left his head a little emptier, her eyes glazing over, the blue filtering through her green irises as it gushed out, leaving only gold behind.

She couldn't hold on, her brain rewritten as it was scrambled, the slime hungrily lapping at her memories, her being, and all she could do was grin like an idiot as the final orgasm burned away the last of herself, the former hero empty as she was reborn.


She came, feeling a release like none other as the slime finished feasting, her elemental energy sapped, her brain emptied, all spare thoughts gushing from her ears, nose and mouth as she felt a tremendous spill from her pussy. It was simply the best, her dark brown hair bleached from the slime, the tug of it spilling down enough to drape it past her shoulders as it exited the squirming girl. To her mind she just kept cumming, her mind even empty of what the slimes had done as they drained out, her breasts trembling, spine cracking as they rushed out her gushing slit, the utterly soaked girl left in a daze as the massive conglomerate began to ooze away.

It paused though, its form bubbling, the paleness not agreeing with it as the goddess granted clothing from before tried to purify it. Slowly the blue color returned, a whitish lump of dissolved cloth forming in the mass, the slime giving a spit noise as the formless white ooze fell onto the still twitching girl, the goddess's powers shaping it to automatically fit her new body.

A few hours later and the girl woke up, her head throbbing, her body slimy and weirdly heated. She could barely remember a thing, flashes of something incomprehensible there, memories of her... brother? She remembered a guy that was important and they felt very very close... But who was she? Her thoughts were completely empty, the girl for some reason blushing at her own body, thinking she was cute even if she was a mess. The slime was glowing prettily though, almost luminescent in-

"Ah! Lumine!"

For some reason the name just felt right, the amnesiac girl groaning as she struggled to her feet. She didn't know if it was her name, but she'd need one anyways, a vague sense that a town was nearby. Hopefully they'd be able to help fill the gaps in her head, or at least the need between her thighs, a nice soreness filling her as she imagined a redheaded bad boy-

No! Lewd thoughts later! Her journey had only just begun.


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