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Sean was coiled on the couch, trying his best to become a human burrito under a pile of blankets that were mostly clean. He had stayed up too late once again and it was now 8 am, the light streaming through the cheap blinds as his roomie stumbled through in a rush. With his eyes closed it sounded like a clumsy monster thumping about, the crunch and crashing accented with occasional cursing. Eventually it hit the kitchen, some water sloshing about as first cabinets were thrown open and slammed shut, a dejected sigh the final thing before Sean's half awake sleep was interrupted.

"I can't fucking live like this anymore Sean!"

"Huh? Whass wrong?"

He slurred it out half awake, only to be roughly shaken as David screamed at him.

"What's wrong? I have to go to work and I want some cereal, but there's no clean bowls! I have to wade through laundry and crap all over the floor just to get around! You were supposed to put up the dishes YESTERDAY! Why is this place such a fucking mess?!"

Well Sean was awake now, and cold, which sucked but he wasn't going to be pushed around.

"Well it's not like this is all my mess. You barely help around the pla-"

"That's cause I'm the one who WORKS! You know, that thing that pays the rent? I'm cramming in overtime and collapse in my bed half the time I get back! Just clean this fucking place before I have to kick you out."

"Yeah yeah sure..."

He ran out grumbling about the nearest Dunkins, leaving his tired roomie to shuffle through the trash back to the couch. It's not like he liked living in a mess either. He just always found something else he had to do instead, whether lost online or stuck scanning temp sites for days on end. Time just always seemed to pass him. David did sound more serious this time, but he was so tired. He'd do it after a quick nap, and after he checked his emails. And maybe after-


"Ah! Shiiit!"

He had stepped on something sharp, hidden in the mess below.

It took a bit to rifle through the mess, some discarded boxers and mail covering a small cat charm. Sean vaguely remembered David buying it off some random yard sale months ago they had stumbled on, though he missed the whole spiel she gave his roomie that convinced him, something about the patron saint of maids and wishes blah blah blah. David was real easy to convince, something Sean was thankful for cause he knew he could talk his way out of any mess he made. Well in this case the literal mess, but he now had a sizable hole in his black socks though the pain was gone. He picked up the chintzy cat idol, its clawed paw raised in salute, its cat body dressed in a typical maid costume.

"Stupid thing. Can't believe David would leave something like this out- AGH!"

The raised claw hand suddenly swiped, digging into his brow and cutting a line down his left lid as his cheek felt hot.


He ran to the bathroom, flinging water onto the cut, digging into the medicine cabinet for some peroxide as the initial pain died down to a faint throbbing. His eye still stung, but as he looked into the mirror, it seemed the bleeding had stopped, an angry red line left behind, looking nasty. His green iris was stained red, looking like a few vessels had popped, which probably meant this was serious. It didn't help that his eye felt swollen now, almost like it was too small for the socket, though it wasn't painful as much as a neutral thumping that made him feel slightly dizzy. Well it seemed he'd have to go to the hospital and David better not give him any shit for it, though there was one thing he had to take care of first.

"Fuck you stupid charm shit!"

He kicked the small idol, regretting it as his toes stung on impact, gripping his now exposed sole as the nail stained itself black from bruising. Grabbing the shitty little trinket off the floor, he tossed it into the nearest trash can, feeling happy it was gone. Like, really happy. It felt so good to clean up...

Before he knew it, he was collecting up odd bits of mail and paper, the pain forgotten, or maybe it was just how nice the throbbing felt, the tiny crunches of bone lost as each piece of trash discarded was its own reward. Gradually his boxers tented as he found himself compelled to clean, cooing as he filled up one garbage bag, then two.

He didn't notice his stomach gradually shrinking, though the bliss of removing everything non essential made itself well known, his navel slowly flattening, his undershirt bunching in the middle as his sides shaved off bulk to curve nicely inwards. After two hours a faint line of muscle had been carved into his curvy midsection, his aroused coos frequent as he piled the clothes left by their overflowing baskets. He needed more, not satisfied, unconsciously rubbing his erection between his thighs as he moved towards his room, breathing heavily at the mounds of trash that greeted him.

He relished the cleaning unlike anything before, giving cutesy little mewls as he started with the obvious trash, his limbs slimming nicely, his calves tapered as the rest of his toes happily dug into the carpet. The blackened nails had spread to his other toes, his feet looking somewhat deflated as he tossed the final bit of obvious trash, making a dissatisfied tssk. Then his eyes landed on his desk, cluttered with merch and decorations, his walls crowded with the detritus of his past obsessions. Cautiously he picked up a figurine of one of his waifus, turning it in his hands, looking almost guilty as he tossed it into the waste basket nearby.


Why he felt so aroused at the plastic thunk it made he couldn't say, but the truth of the matter was he felt horny, inexplicably, uncontrollably so. It didn't take long before another joined it in the trash, and another, each thunk accompanied by his own frenzied moaning, both hiding the subtle skeletal pops as his spine began to arch, his shoulders grinding down as his body's shape turned girly.

It grew easier with every discard, his table clearing, his nightstand, his walls. Each toe relocked as the bones shifted, his shirt baggy on his frame, even his books unspared as he tossed them, unaware each thunk was scrubbing away his mastery of English. Certain things could stay. Pink things. Cute things. Right things. There was something just so dreadfully, "Hmm, what waz ze word? Mazculine?" Yes that's right. This room was unbearably masculine, and not the right kind either, his thoughts returning to David.

They kept coming back to him, sometimes annoyed at the idol, other times needfully focused on what he wanted, what would make him happy. Maybe that's why cleaning felt so good all of a sudden, knowing that it would make David happy, h-his hunky master...


His boxers were a bit damp, a clear wet spot around his bulge as he shook his head, confused by the thought. That wasn't right at all. He wasn't into men was he? And David was so bossy too. He didn't like-


His confused thrashing ended up pushing him into one of his mostly cleared bookshelves, a heavy trophy falling onto his skull. It bounced, clocking him twice, a pained hiss leaving his lips as he rubbed his sore head. He couldn't remember what he was worried about, more annoyed by the tender new bumps on his head gradually swelling from his scalp, tossing the dangerous trophy away. With it went the last of his high school memories, instead remembering his immigration from France, the pain dying down to just another pleasant throb as he stretched out, his spine beautifully arched as it accented his flat chest and bony ass. His torn "socks" had deformed further against the carpets, holes appearing in both heels, letting their slim shapes peek out, the calf length ridges unfurling and flattening as they now crawled up to his knees. His slender feet brushed against the carpet, feeling hairs, crumbs, uncleanliness, his cheeks blushing as he ran to the closet to pull out their vacuum cleaner.



For some reason the sound of the vacuum was stimulating, every hair on his body standing up as his skin was littered in pleasant goosebumps. Even the bruises on his skull seemed to respond, the flesh rising as he purred, the soothing repetitive vrring almost teasing his skin. It made him eager to clean, hearing the lovely little clicks as grit and dirt were pulled into the device, the blackened strands of carpet having that nice singular color and raised pull from the cleaning. Each strip of carpet matched a patch of skin on his body, the hairs and other imperfections all pulled into the void, patch by patch the gooseflesh flattening as his skin gleamed creamy and perfect, sensitive to even the slightest of teases as another wet spurt soiled his shrinking boxers. There was just one room left to vacuum. An important room. Master's room...

It was much cleaner than his own had been, though still messy, a few used glasses cluttered around an insufficient number of wood protectors. The smell was intoxicating, more purrs leaving his lips as his nose popped cuter. But as for the mess it was mostly just clothing, piled up around his bed. Master's scent... Seanei groaned, his cock beginning to twitch, his skin warm and needy as its smooth expanse grew wet with scent. He just had to clear the strewn about boxers, but it was making him so horny, the infrequent drips of release not nearly enough as he bunched them together.

He was so grateful to master, t-to David he meant. But calling him by his name felt wrong all of a sudden. Master let him stay warm. Master let him sleep in a nice place. Master was so generous, so kind. Seanei was rubbing his face into David's discarded clothes, not caring how perverted it was, rubbing the scent deeper as his jaw scrunched, his other eye tearing up as it slanted and grew to a matching red ruby. His cock was so needy now, smooth and hairless, twitching so desperately at master's scent as he thrust into the pile.


He was such a dirty boi, but master's clothes were cleansing him, thick fluids gushing as they thinned with every release. Sanei thrust with animalistic fervor, his features twitching as the bruised bumps grew more erect with his pleasure, twitching in tandem with his thrusts, dark fur growing off the distended flesh as they flopped upwards into cones. The cloth chafed against his tender cock, rubbing against it as each pull shrunk it further, his needy thrusting splitting his tip as his balls began to shrink.

The releases were now the consistency of soap, filmy and only somewhat white, the pleasure rising as he polished his cock away. The way he was pleasuring himself slowly shifted, less jerking and more circular thrusts, inch after inch sliding deeper inside, his cute mewls only growing needier as something was missing, something essential. Looking down he felt embarrassed by the mess, stopping his thrusts, a shrunken nub atop two deflated balls barely tenting the pulled back panties hugging his groin.

"Zis ees a problem. Monsi- Mazter would not be, how you seh, happy."

Thankfully he hadn't started the laundry yet, adding the cum sodden clothing to the sizable pile outside. A quick vacuum left the base of his cock fully plucked and David's room cleaner, his glasses moved to the sink along with a dish or two as Sanei looked to their washer. He didn't exactly know how to fully use it, but it seemed easy enough. The real problem was how many clothes he had to go through. Not wanting to risk ruining his master's clothing, Sanei threw his overflowing basket in, having stuff the last few socks and a shirt in, hoping the super load size could handle it. After putting a few cups of detergent in he shut the white top, cranking it up to cottons and hitting start. It didn't take long to realize his mistake though, the entire washer shaking as the inner turbine spun violently, the overloaded machine shaking as sudsy water threatened to boil over.

Like a soldier throwing themselves over a grenade, Sanei was quick to throw himself atop the rattling washer, grunting as he sat on it to try and keep it sealed. He couldn't let all this water spill out, it'd ruin the carpet! And the thought of master coming home to a bigger mess was unacceptable.

"Non! I von't let thees seely leetehl machine get ze best of- m-OIIIIII~?"

The lid thumped up, smacking against his thighs and ass, the flesh bloating as a sexual thrill filled the squirming 'man'.


He was groaning as he squeezed his thick thighs together, the lid scraping as it tried to escape, sliding him down as the next one smacked his ass.


A thin trickle of release spilled from his shrunken cock, the lid showing no mercy as it smacked his perky ass again and again, his legs spasming as they spread open, leaving his balls open to a full on-



Something had popped, Sanei seeing stars as their squirming lowered them, them further, their microdick straddling one of the knobs. The lid kept trying to toss them off, thwacking the small of their back, the bone starting to dislodge. Each hit made their shrunken cock stab at the dial, their thick thighs squeezed around and twisting it as they desperately tried to stay on. They were so close to success, they couldn't fail at something so simple.





Sanuei squealed as she blew her own heavy load, her panties lying flat and soaked, the wild thumping stopping entirely as her clit rubbed the dial down to "Delicates," her thighs squeezing the load knob down to medium as the freshly minted girl collapsed to the floor. She was such a dirty girl, lying in her own filth, but she had only just put the wash on. She stripped, tossing her cum soaked panties in with her other clothes, seeing nothing wrong with the frilly maid apparel swirling inside.

There was a new source of irritation, the repeated hits of the uncooperative washer having created a nub of flesh tenting right above her ass. The irritating part wasn't the way it wagged back and forth or the steady, but slow stretching of the skin, but just how tender it was, the pleasure of stroking it almost making her cum all over the freshly cleaned carpet. Sanuei didn't have the time to waste, moving in the nude towards the kitchen, organizing the messy cabinets and pausing to move her frilly lingerie into the dryer, putting a substantially smaller amount of her master's clothes in after giving them a nice whiff. She mewled like a kitten, her tail surging out as she squirmed, borrowing one of master's hoodies as she put the next load up.

She loved how it rested on her head, nuzzling into the hood as it squashed her tender cones, black fur growing as her cat ears finished forming under the caress of master's hood. Rolling up the sleeves, she moved onto the part she had put off long enough, the sink full of dishes of the last month of meals calling. She put on gloves, her growing nails tearing through the rubber, Sanuei tssking at her carelessness, though she quickly forgot as the rubber hugged her hands, darkening as the thick material slowly thinned.

It wasn't the only thing thinning, her fingers turning slender as they scrubbed at the mess, grime from food turning to matching black polish, her palms cute little things as the rubber gloves gained bands at the end, digging into her biceps nicely. They weren't the only things digging in, her torn socks stretching up to her thighs, gripping the plump flesh as she grinded her bare pussy against the lower cabinet handle. She'd take turns, washing till the dishwasher was full, moving back to the washer dryer as she tossed one finished set over, moving the wets to the dryer before filling it up again with her master's delicates.

There was a slight hitch near the end, the sink's water not unclogging. Sighing, Sanuei tried unclogging with her fingers, the scum fully dyeing her arm gloves black, her claw like nails not enough. Glancing under the sink, she found a container of bleach, frustrated that she'd have to dissolve it. She uncapped it, the fumes strong enough to daze her, the tips of her black hair paling. She spilled a cap full into the water, only to smack herself in the head, unintentionally splashing some onto her hair.

"Imbécile! Maztehr's pipes! Vat am I going to do? Call ze fucking ploomber? Merde!"

She ran more water, but the damage was done, her nails running through her paling hair as it grew down past her shoulders, the sides tying themselves into french braids for a french girl like her. Thankfully the blockage seemed to take more of the base than the pipes as soon the water swirled down the drain, her own throat blockage vaporized as a saucy french accent purred from her lips.

"Vell zat vaz almost a deez-as-tehr. Time to fold ze maztehr's clothez."

It was all about compact, tidy folds to make the most of the space, the proper lines to bend each article coming naturally to her. Each crease sent ripples through her nipples, the flesh bunching pink and tight, the muscle bunching to fat as with each piece added to the pile her own chest began to swell. She could feel her thighs getting wet, her need ready to spill over as her beestings grew sizable. Her master's hoodie dabbed at the wetness, pulling tight to cover her shame, the bottom half ripping off as it squeezed against her body, Sanuei moaning as she fingered herself through the forming body suit, her free hand still folding. Eventually she had finished, moaning as her breasts hung ripe and tender, her soaked bodysuit in need of a good wash.

"Ze vash can take one more load, and onz ze maztehr seez juzt how good hiz leetle minet did, zere will be one more load in me!"

The rest was easy, the catgirl stripping to her bare essentials to wash the bathroom, every surface scrubbed as sparklingly clean as her now platinum white hair. There was one mistake when she knocked over a glass, the clear shards with a sloppy "SEAN" printed in sharpie. Thankfully it wasn't her master's or she would have never forgiven herself, but since it was a stranger's, Saruei was more than happy to sweep it up. Well... after pulling her own glasses from the reduced shards, how did she lose them there?

Of course once it was all done the last thing she had to prepare was herself, her own laundry left on the couch as she rifled through her silkiest numbers, the barest of aprons thrown on as she made sure to tie everything on tight. Looking around she could already imagine her master's pleasure at the sight of her work, her clit throbbing, her mewls burning to purrs as she could imagine the headpats he'd give, the teasing she'd get, the fucking she'd-


Her fantasies were too effective, Saruei screeching like an alley cat in heat as the last of her tail burst out, flicking back and forth as she was left panting, a wet puddle on the square couch cushion.


She couldn't believe she had done this, frustrated with herself for the mess after working so hard. And master would be back any-


"Alright Sean this place better be fucking spot- What the...?"

Saruei turned to her master, blushing half with shame and half with lust.

"Aye ahm, eh, 'ow you say, ehm-bahr-eesed! Your sillee leetle keetehn 'as made a mehss. But eet gehts vorse."

David didn't know how to react, the lewd catgirl panting with lust, the apartment fading to the periphery as her tail flicked against her pussy.

"For you zee maztehr, aye ahm eh dirty girl. In need of your mahgeek wahnd. Cahn you find eet een your 'eart to forgive me?"

David was ready to do a lot more than just forgive as she crawled towards him. Saruei smiled as she stripped him, though there was a hint of annoyance as she tossed his clothes to the floor. Such a shame to spend all day cleaning, just to mess it all up again. But then again what good was a maid without a mess?


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