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Ash felt groggy as he woke, his head still throbbing where the Pokemaniacs had slugged him. Where the hell was he and why was it so hot?

"Your eyeballs are MINE -- caught in my Electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Iono! Welcome all my Ions to a very special stream! Recently this one icky trainer's been giving me nothing but smoke! Just cause he won one championship doesn't mean he gets to keep throwing subliminals at me! The only subs I accept come from all of you cuties! Thankfully some of my special tier three subs came through to make this collab stream possible! Trust me, you won't want to miss this one!"

Oh right, he had been making fun of that weird streamer chick with the intense fanbase. Crap what the hell was she planning to do to- Wait!

"Why the hell am I naked?!"

Ash blushed as the room came into focus, an elaborate stage with lots of lighting and cameras filming him. He was being held upright on a slab, bound by thin strands of glowing electroweb, his body fully stuck and splayed so that every inch of him was visible to the lenses locked onto his embarrassment.

"Oh good he's awake. Had to use a smellingsalt after the number my fans did. As to why you're naked, well where's the fun in a twinning stream when the audience can't see what they're donoing for? As you all remember, this guy's been saying some awfully mean things about me! Roll clip!"

Offstage Ash could hear recordings of him mocking her outfit, her team, calling her hair stupid as he struggled hopelessly against the slab.

"Let me out of here! If you want a battle then I'll wipe that dumb smirk off any day of the week! Just let me go!"

He only got nervous as she approached with a syringe, giggling as her magnemites danced around and charged the liquid inside.

"Oh it's too late for that Ionooo~! Now lets open it up to chat! What goes first!"

And with that she stabbed the syringe into Ash's neck, his whole body buzzing as a screen held up the five options.

1: Hair 52.7%

2: Clothing 14.5%

3: Fingers 3.6%

4: Teeth 18.2%

5: Eyes 10.9%

"Wh-What did you juuuuhst nngh!"

It felt like a bunch of ants were crawling inside his body, tiny sparks rummaging through as he grinded awkwardly against the slab. He had hoped the cameras were just a fakeout to intimidate him, but judging by the votes and chat flying across the screens this was all live. The buzzing intensified with a ding from the monitor, his scalp suddenly prickling as stinging sweat spilled from his brow, a stray lock annoyingly drooping into his right eye. He blew at it hoping it'd move out, but more hair joined the bothersome lock, a growing curtain gently tickling his shoulders, then back as he groaned from the odd pushing sensations in his scalp.

It was starting to feel good as his cock gave a shameful twitch, Ash trying to distract from the gentle caresses as Iono's magnemites softly ran current through him, the injected solution bubbling as across his body every last hair pulled into his skin, that thin crawling feeling returning as he cooed feeling the countless static shocks acting like a magnet to his absorbed hair, the silky feeling now down to his midback, then his bony rear. The curtain over his right eye surged, bangs tickling his cheeks as he gave embarrassed moans at it, utterly confused until he noticed the color of the bangs tickling his cheeks. Pink. The left fringe was pink, a glance right confirming them as blue.

"No! S-Stop this!"

"Aww looks like he noticed my "stupid haircut" Ions! But I think it looks good on him don't you agree?"

"I'm not one of your annoying fans! Giving me your hairstyle won't change that! When I get out of here-"

She giggled at that for some reason.

"Ooh~ looks like he thinks he's only getting MY hair. Hehehe lets show him we mean business! C'mon and vote!"

1: Clothing 21.7%

2: Shoulders 4.3%

3: Legs 13.0%

4: Hands 4.3%

5: Voice 56.5%


Ash was for the moment mostly fixated on what he'd do once he got out of his bindings. He knew streamers could get really weird but this went beyond all expectations. He mostly assumed it was all just aesthetics as the votes rolled in, his throat feeling parched.

"Hehe so that's what you all want next is it? Well I guess it beats hearing some boring guy voice moaning its identity away."

What was she even talking about? God Ash hated the attention seeking types, probably a side product of years of dealing with Gary, even her voice grating in its fake, super cutesy spiel.

"You're not gonna scare me o-KFF KFF Kay? I know you're probably just gonna- Huh?"

Something had dislodged in that cough, his throat feeling weird, his boyish tone raised to a breathier kind of voice, his throat tingling. Every word rang out clearer and higher, a bitter taste splashing on the back of his tongue as he felt an urge to swallow.

"Ugh th-think that stuff you gave me is giving me an allergic reaction to- Huh? My voice? No I sound like l-like-"

Iono bounced over to him, smirking over him as he whined in a copy of her voice, the bubbly squeaky soprano unable to sound anything but cute.

"Yep ya sound like me! Isn't it so much better than that dumb old voice of yours? C'mon chat lets keep making him better! I know you've all wanted to hear me get heated before..."

1: Physique 17.4%

2: Feet 8.7%

3: Undergarments and Leggings 43.5%

4: Height 13.0%

5: Hips 17.4%


Ash tried talking low, his voice sounding frustratingly adorable no matter how he tried to lower it.

"I-I'll get you blacklisted Iono! I'll make it so your gym won't be recognized alright? And this can't fall under the TOS! You'll get banned for nudity."

Iono just giggled.

"Heh I'm the platform's number one earner. I've got special privileges dummy. Besides I've been getting this setup for a while. As I always say, You're caught in my Electroweb! But my you seem eager to cover up huh? And here I thought you hated my fashion sense."

She cuddled up to him, her jacket opening wide as her magnemite sent electricity through Iono's outfit, the gleaming hexagons shining as she rubbed against her captive champion.

Something was smearing off as she rubbed against him, Ash confused as the silver of her legging and top melted onto him, the hexagons spreading into a way too tight elastic covering, the only part that fit right being the black choker locked into a blue X holder around his slimmed throat. The fabric was buzzing, the individual hexagons rubbing his skin in ways that were slowly arousing him, his groans rising as her black biker shorts seemed to swallow his cock.

"Ohh could it be? Our fashionista here was just jealous of our look! Look how happy he is in my outfit, not that I blame him. Though without the jacket it doesn't leave much to the imagination now does it."

She winked as Ash struggled against the tight latex spreading around his hips, moaning as the tight flexible material outlined every ridge of his erect cock, hugging his bony hips with a vengeance while a copy of her legging and thigh band finished forming on his legs. The legging was a bit droopy, not made for a man's leg, but Iono was sure that'd fix itself soon enough.

"Now this isn't the first time our tsun tsun champ over here has been dressed up like a girl. Lets watch a montage of his crossdressing while the next vote goes live!"

1: Hips 12.0%

2: Physique 48.0%

3: Singular hand that'll tease him too 8.0%

4: Booty 20.0%

5: Feet 12.0%

Ash couldn't believe someone had kept video of that time at Erika's, and that time at the beach, and that time- Wow he had crossdressed more times than he had thought. But that didn't matter, he had to get out before anything else changed, before these stupid horny simps-


"Ah it seems like everyone wants to bring you down to size Ashy! Get ready for a barrage of 'wish that were me' cause you're about to lose a whole lot of that dumb muscle!"

Ash was having a hard time seeing what had been voted on, his eyes squinted as the biker shorts aggressively rubbed his cock, teasing and rolling it as he failed to hold back his horny grunts. Pressure was building, the hexagons in her top gleaming on him as the bottom lip began to squeeze on his waist, his shoulders feeling sore as the stroking went into overdrive.


It all burst at once, Ash moaning as he came, feeling the release pull from his waist as his sides crumpled inwards, his horny bucking easing the snap in his spine as he came out over a foot of height. By the end he was left exhausted, the pain of his shoulders rounding more than made up for by the oddly sensual rubbing of Iono's silky top against his slendered waist. His ass had slid against the slab as his body shrank to petite, curvy cuteness, and for a second he felt freedom as the cost of his height and width was finally some slack in his bindings.

"Aww looks like our little pervert here's loving the full Iono experience, buuuut~ now he's too small for my web! Well, good thing all my outfits are both stylish and magnifying hehehe!"

With a button press his top and leggings were glued once more to the cold metal, Iono sticking her tongue out as the next round of voting began.

1: Face 19.7%

2: Nipples 3.3%

3: Vocabulary/Manner of Speech 31.1%

4: Feet 6.6%

5: Preferences(I.e. personality tweaks and a slow need for attention etc) 39.3%


Ash waited for the next round of changes, unsure what was coming, but determined to not moan so loudly for her fans. H-Her fans... For some reason that made his cheeks blush, imagining all those eyes on him, scrutinizing his body, loving his every change. So many generous subs donating to watch him-


He couldn't help it, giving a soft, sensual coo as he began to wiggle his hips, almost like he was putting on a show for the cameras, drinking in their attention, loving it. After all, they were paying for him to put on a show right? B-But he didn't want this to happen to him! So why did it feel so good to- t-to-

"giggle I-Isn't something supposed to change? N-Not that I want it to but mm~ i-isn't this stream gonna get boring if I don't-"

What was he even saying? He didn't care about these randos on the internet or if they were bored by his torture. H-He just hoped they were entertained, there were so many chats going by, so many people watching him.

"Hear that my precious Ions? I think he's really coming around to the fan club. Don't ya wanna be cute for all your fans Ash?"

He barely stopped himself from saying yes, feeling so small, so visible, so turned on by the attention as he kept wondering what was going on as the next round of voting started.

1: Breasts 17.5%

2: Lips(vis a kiss) 38.6%

3: Face 14.0%

4: Lesbianism 19.3%

5: Feet 10.5%

This time Ash could see what was winning, licking them as his lips began to bloat. Another small change, even if Ash was entranced by their slowly plumping shape, smacking them as he grew more worried if the subs were happy, even his moaning barely putting on a show. He was growing more interested in Iono's showmanship, the way she pranced around, her energetic squeaking, all of it guaranteed to tease and entice as she bounced over to him.

"Oh dear and here I promised my dear dear papa to never give away my lips except to the one I love most. Oh wait, I love ME the most! So this must be fine! Don't you agree Io- MM~ MMPH?!"

Ash's lips hungrily locked into hers, the thought of how hot a kiss between them would be for the viewers was the only seed needed to make him act, hopeful to keep the viewers entertained. He could feel the clippers all converging, videos taken as he felt all the hornier from the attention, smiling as his tongue grew slightly, his teeth clacking against her showy shark fangs as she pushed him away. For the first time all stream Iono seemed flustered herself.

"Uh... w-wow well I guess we can see how quickly this negative charge turned positive. Umm... sorry need a sec to gather my thoughts uh, n-next round!"

Ash felt proud for a second to be the center of attention, but it quickly faded, horror filling him as he realized he was starting to think like her.

1: Rest of her Clothes 17.6%

2: Lesbianism 17.6%

3: Breasts 32.4%

4: Futa(slit opens up but still has a dick) 4.4%

5: Ass 27.9%


"Ohh~ ahh~ s-something's hAHHHppening to m-my EEEEK~!"

Something felt different in the buzzing of his top, Ash suddenly very aware of his nipples as the sensation around them was magnified. Slowly, the flat top was starting to rise, Ash bucking as a whole new world of bliss assaulted his body. It was like he was growing two new cocks as his nipples hardened, his lewd moans echoing cutely as each breath out swelled his bosom. Even when they were just combeestings, the pleasure was overwhelming, Ash unable to hold back as he let loose more trapped cum in her tight biker shorts.

"Well you seemed so hungry for mine just a second ago you should really be thanking chat for giving you your own pair Iono~! Didn't ya call me flat like that tomboy Misty in one of your interviews? Well how flat do ya feel right now?"


Yes Ash had to thank her audience, bucking as he came, mewling as showboatingly as he could as the top lip of her top was pushed down, the swelling flesh visible for all to see. He had to give the audience what they wanted, the dopamine rush nearly comparable with the bliss of the elastic digging into his now applin sized babies, Ash giving one final screech as they surged to their perky, perfect size.

"Ohhh~ s-sooo goood... N-Not flat I'm not- ahhh~ s-stop I'm losing my mind!"

Ash felt dizzy in the pleasure, Iono just rustling a hand through his hair.

"Not my fault you're loving the Iono experience so much. Don't worry, soon you'll be begging to be me. Alright Ions lets keep it going!"

1: Eye Color 6.6%

2: Lesbianism 26.2%

3: Face 8.2%

4: Ass 45.9%

5: Mind 13.1%



Ash could feel something happening in his tight biker shorts, a kind of low grumbling building in the tight material, the back cheeks of it prying away from his flesh only to snap back in as the elastic began spanking his ass.

"Not 'No' silly. Whosawhatsit? Iono!"

She gave a cute pose that only made Ash feel more jealous of the attention, grunting as another spank made his cheeks swell against the stinging bike shorts. The bigger it got, the tighter the material seemed to slide inside his ass, each spank shaking his prostate as it began to distend too.

"Looks like chat isn't wasting any time with you now are they? Evening out all of my beauty up top heh."


He was drooling, his mind racing, trying not to burst, desperate to put on a show as he shook his flat hips around.

"Please what Iono?"

"Lehhhht m-EEEE take off the shOOORts!"

"Why would I do that Iono?"

Fuck every time she called him her name he was starting to prefer it, liking how it sounded, imagining the fan meetups, b-but more than that he just n-needed to, "PLEASE LET ME SHOW THEM!"

Again Iono seemed shocked, but she couldn't blame him for wanting to please the audience. Her magnemites changed the polarity, their magnets working as he was rolled around, Iono making a show as she peeled the tight shorts down.

Ash swore he could feel the attention plunging into him, popping his prostate, smacking his ass as it bloated to a round, eye catching thickness. Iono gave it a nice smack for the camera as Ash came, groaning as she teased it for the audience, the bliss of entertaining them making each jiggle feel all the better. He desperately tried to not want the approval, the attention, but as the ring of donations and chats poured in, all he could do was groan as the next stage in his Ionofication was decided by his soon to be avid fans.

1: Legs 12.7%

2: Rest of her clothes 10.9%

3: Manner of Speaking 50.9%

4: Eye color 5.5%

5: Lesbianism 20.0%

The way he was wriggling his ass reeked of desperation, Iono proud of how quickly he was giving into her urges, but there was always more to learn and seeing what just won gave her a fun idea.

"I think that's enough of that Iono. Why don't you greet all the fans who have so lovingly given you the Iono experience?"

She pulled the bike shorts back up, her magnemites rolling him back to front facing polarity as his face lit up with the goofiest grin.

"I can greet them? H-"

No that wasn't right, Hello not cutesy enough. It should be more like, "'Ello, 'ello, hola! Ciao and Bonjour!"

The grin soured once he realized he was doing her catchphrase, even his speaking style a near perfect replica with held out vowels and chirpy accents on the shorter syllables.

"Perfect job Iono! Oh and what's your name again?"

Ash flashed her a dirty look, not that far gone.

"I-I know who I am and so do all my precious Ions! I'm Iono! ...EHHHHH?!"

What was going on? He knew his name, he knew who he was, but his lips kept changing it.

"N-No I'm Iono! Ack nooo! Why can't I say it?! Surely all my lovely Pokefans will be able to- Agh stop I'm Iono! I'm IonOOOOOO~!"

The biker shorts were gripping his cock again, Ash moaning as chat really seemed to love that last display of resistance.

"Well you heard the girl chat! She's Iono! So lets help her look the part!"

1: Legs 17.1%

2: Eye Color 12.2%

3: Lesbianism 39.0%

4: Enhanced sensitivity/Preference changes 14.6%

5: Face 17.1%


Iono looked at the winning option, a bit confused.

"Kay I've been seeing this one the last few rounds, but what does Lesbianism even do? He already likes girls! Well Iono do you feel any different?"

Ash felt his heart beat rapidly as Iono approached her, becoming a blushing mess as he fidgeted hornily on the slab. Something felt wrong with her cock, its erect, masculine need feeling off. Wait was she starting to think of herself as a girl?

"Hey! I'm talking to ya Iono! Feel different?"

Ah Iono was talking to her! Ugh she felt so flustered, that disgusting thing between her thighs wanting so desperately to plow Iono's perfect ass, to lock lips with Iono, to be with Iono, b-be-

"Ahh g-get away I can't take our gleaming presence!"

It sounded like a joke but she meant it, thrusting her chest out, trying to grind her breasts against Iono, Ash feeling so fidgety being so close to her. Fuuuck she really needed the audience to do more to her, to take care of her icky non Iono parts so the stream could end and her and Iono could...


1: Face 21.3%

2: Eye Color 9.8%

3: Genital Change 42.6%

4: Feet 18.0%

5: Teeth 8.2%

"Aww I know what you must want Iono~! And I think chat's gonna give it to you if you beg hard enough. Here it's even one of the options now."

She showed the votes to Ash, watching as she squirmed, her eyes blatantly staring at Genital Change as she thrust her hips out.


Ash couldn't take the feeling of her cock any more, the fantasies working her to a frenzy all involving Iono and a double sided dildo, the need to have it taken care of overwhelming any panic over losing her dick. She didn't even think of it as a dick any more, just an overgrown clit, her pathetic thighs trying to work it down as she begged to her fans.

"I-I n-HEEED to be IIIIonoOOOO~! P-Please my adOOOOrable I-AHHHNS! T-Take away this thing so I can- AHH AHH YESSS~!"

The votes rolled in, Ash bucking as the skintight bike shorts squeezed tighter and tighter. Her wishes were being granted, each vote making her cock soften, her balls starting to shift as the tightness bore down on her junk. All she could do was screech out her thanks as the votes bore down, her hips thrusting wildly to give them all the best look at her dwindling cock, the crease forming between her balls highlighted by the tight spandex as her struggling bulge gushed clearer and clearer releases.



Somehow she refrained from cursing, drool flinging out as the tightness overcame her left testicle, the rightness as it dove inside only making her more eager for the full penetration. She tightened her stomach, willing for the other to go inside, feeling something open as she squealed, a twin ovary plunging inside as she came out a clear gush of relief. Her overgrown clit had finally shrunken to a fifth its old length, her thighs spread as her only regret was not having them usher it inside. It was twitching, melting, the whole thing plugging her as she felt it invert into a clit.




1: Memories 19.6%

2: Eye Color 4.3%

3: Nose 4.3%

4: Feet 50.0%

5: Face 21.7%



Ash's new pussy felt amazing, her fingers teasing it at first till she realized they were still male, not wanting such thick sausages near her slit. She just had to let the buzzing fabric work her up, moaning as she felt her body continue to Iono-ize, lifting her legs as she felt the tell tale tingle of the serum in her toes.

"Heheh like what you're seeing I-ahhhhns AHH~!"

She curled her toes, feeling them shrink, each one painted pink as her left was completely bare, the right covered by her legging. She could feel the attention ramp as they changed, loving it, finding it harder to remember why she'd ever make fun of Iono when it felt so good to command attention with her every move, her heels slimming, arches popping, a loud moan echoing as her feet shrank to dainty enticers. Ash realized she was excited for the next round of voting, hungry for it as she prepared for more blissful Iono to overcome her.

1: Face 14.8%

2: Teeth 11.1%

3: Thighs 20.4%

4: Legs 11.1%

5: Rest of Clothes 42.6%


As quickly as her new feet were bared, they were covered, ankle length socks forming over them, Iono tssking her twin.

"Come on Iono, you know we can't give out our feet for free like that!"

Ash was too busy focusing on the heat in her pussy, the orgasm still rising as stylish shoes squeezed her feet, her hair tying itself into a bow as she wondered what just won. If it was clothes then did that mean... OOH HER JACKET!

Vaguely Ash could remember calling it stupid in the past, but that seemed like another life, wanting nothing more than a comfy, floofy, swaddling yellow and black jacket. She needed it so badly all of a sudden, to hug and drape and and-


It floated down from the ceiling, dropped by her magnemites as they draped it over, freeing her from the slab as she squeaked happily. Sure she could run, but why would she want to? She was so comfy, and still had so much to fix~!

1: Face 17.6%

2: Memories 2.0%

3: Thighs/Legs 66.7%

4: Teeth 9.8%

5: Arms/Hands 3.9%



Her only regret was being fixed, her thighs tingling, those worthless flat twigs feeling so smooth and tender as she rubbed them together. She was unbelievably aroused, feeling them plump as they rubbed her lips, her hips trembling as her thick cheeks grinded together. There was a crunchy sounding crack as her hips spread outwards, forcing her thighs to smack together as they continued to bloat and tremble.

"Now as you can see chat, our little hater here just needed some attention. Seems like no one can resist the charms of Iono right- HYAA!"

Ash couldn't hold back, her freedom leaving Iono open for tackling as she straddled her, feeling her thighs thicken as they finished bloating around her twin's own.

"Mmm~ sOHHHH~ much n-need Iono! I c-can't hOHHHld bAHHHck!"

"H-Hey wait till after the stream. I know I said we're special but this is pushing- Mmph Mmm mmhmm~..."

The next round of voting started over a narcissistic show of Iono worship, Ash nearly all gone as the votes came in.

1: Teeth 4.0%

2: Memories 10.6%

3: Skin via cuddling 38.7%

4: Face 38.7%

5: Everything Remaining 8.0%


Ash barely cared about the voting, about her fading identity, her obsession with Iono trumping all as they rolled about on the floor, still in the camera's viewfinder as she grinded her thigh against Iono's slit, rubbing her own against an equally plush thigh. Her skin tingled, smoothing to a perfect cream, but it wasn't the smoothness that drove her crazy. As her skin Ionized, it connected how she felt pleasure, every rub and grope flowing straight to her nipples and pussy as she made out with her idol. It was like she was eroding her deficiencies with every kiss, their locked tongues tied as her own teeth crunched and turned jagged.

She kissed her old self away, moaning as her nose ground itself to a twin of her partner, her dull eyes gleaming pink and mischievous as their eyelashes mingled together, a blissful crunch arching them as their slobbery kisses rounded her cheeks to the epitome of Iono. It was so good, everything she wanted coming true. Their bike shorts slid together, so tight it barely affected the sex as Ash watched Iono buckle and moan, her thoughts getting cloudy as the heat in her grinding clit surged one last time. It was all coming together, their caressing, their teasing, Ash's forehead scrunching as she screamed, feeling something massive burst as Iono came.


Whatever was voted on didn't matter, Iono squealing as her long awaited first female orgasm came, all of her former self flushed out in one emptying gush of bliss atop her twin. Their hands interlocked, her fingers thinning as bright pink polish graced her slender nails, her arms shivering as they finished their change. Inside her organs churned slightly, her first orgasm followed by a second, then a third as she made out with her idol, her obsession, her...self?

The twin streamers slowly disentangled after both had made a mess of the set, both drenched in sweat and other fluids as they slowly got to their feet, clearly not done with their fun.

"W-Well I planned to do some more superchat readings after but AHH~!"

Most of chat noticed that they had stood with their lower halves out of frame, but the newly twinned Iono's arm was working while the original struggled to keep composure.

"BUUHHT th-that's the end of the s-stream so- OHHH~ J-Just finish the sign off okay Iono? And then we can..."

She was left panting, the two stepping back as they grinned. In sync, the two gave their catchphrase perfectly in sync, nary a difference between the former hater and the streamer gym leader.

"Your eyeballs are mine! -- caught in my Electroweb! Whosawhatsit? Ionoooo~!"


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