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“I won’t tell you anything about the others! My spirit won’t break! So whatever you’re planning will-“

Rrgh shut the fuck up!

Daki was not in the mood for this goody two shoes shit, recovering from a bad hangover after eating a few really blitzed customers. And here she was enjoying herself when she heard a little rat scampering about, triggering one of her stray cloths to know someone was snooping inside her personal room. Sure enough she found the little shit crossdressing(very poorly), remembering them as that very ugly servant girl who had just recently joined their brothel. Sigh. Spies, great. Actually wait, that meant good eating for a while and more of Muzan’s favor.

Tell me what I need or else! This is your last chance before I fucking eviscerate you.

He was currently completely bound, struggling incessantly against her Obi sashes which had him cocooned up like a fly in a spider's web.

“Never! I won’t let you continue to treat the other oirans like- Mmph? MM! MMMGH!”

Yeah she didn’t care to have him yapping about justice and shit. But there was the question of what to do with him, Daki not impressed by what she felt, hardly enough for a proper meal. And he definitely could make this so much easier if he just- Oh there was an idea. She did admire Muzan’s technique, and with her own considerable powers, she wanted to try something.

Really, how often did she have a slayer this weak? Someone she could be confident fully in keeping bound, his swords left behind. And such a pure little weakling. Daki felt her pussy give a slight twitch, her breath starting to hitch as she imagined how much fun she was about to have, removing the gag as she began letting her blood flow into the bindings. The innermost layer of cloth was trembling, splitting into thin threads that began to weave into his shabby kimono, Daki smirking as she began to feed.

"Feel honored scum, I will be gracing you with something most would pay their entire worth for. I'll be gracing you with my perfect body."

Now he was blushing, Tanjiro unsure what was exactly happening, keeping his eyes away from her very up front cleavage as she loomed over him.

"E-Er I don't know what you mean, b-but I'm not interested in- Ah?!"

Enough of his clothes were being absorbed inside her sashes, her silky threads having no barrier to his skin, the strands beginning to tease his skin as they probed his body, slipping into pores while the cloth cocoon rubbed against his nakedness. He only noticed as Daki rubbed around his cock, tearing away the last of his undergarments to surround his trembling shaft, giggling as it hardened with only a few pumps.

"Trying to be pure but you sure react like the usual perverts that come crawling in here."

He gave a sharp moan as her strokes hastened, her grip tight as his lips trembled to and from a forced smile. She could tell he was giving it his all not to cum, leaving the rest of him easier to probe as her stings dived into more of his body, her heart beating loudly as she could feel her sense of self spreading, mixing, moaning as she let her strands swell inside, a brief look of confused horror on her captive's face before her blood spilled inside, any horror drowned out with a sharp shriek of unbridled ecstasy as he came in her folded grasp.

It was hard to explain, the injected blood spilling into his muscles, the usual ebb and flow of strength sidelined for a softening of the muscles as it felt like something molten was mixed into his blood. He struggled fruitlessly, feeling it pump deeper into his body, feeling hot and weak as the blood spilled into his veins, his erection hot as it emptied him, groaning weakly as his cock began to soften, only for Daki to flex her finger as her blood pumped into it, forcing it erect once more.

"Wh-What is this? Whaaaht are you- Ohh~ ohh NOOO!"

Tanjiro's skin was soaked through, the blood making him sweat as his body hairs were siphoned into Daki's cloth, his skin beginning to sing under her grip as corruption rolled through his body. It was making him hypersensitive, Daki's skills as an Oiran not leaving an inch unteased as his balls thickened once more, feeling his skin rubbed smooth and perfect, the sinful pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt as his forehead throbbed.

It dizzied him, the bloodrush to both heads making him thrust, groaning as his sore groin unloaded as the edges of his scar prickled. Daki was breathing heavily as well, feeling almost godly as she did what Muzan had done to her, slowly filling his struggling body with her blood, feeling connected as her strings continued to probe, hooking to his nervous system as he gave a desperate squeal. It took intense focus to mold him like this, her blood flowing and pulsing throughout, slipping into the folds of his brain as she began adjusting his sense of pleasure. She could tell it was working as his thrusting began to grow more desperate, something in his body not quite triggering as his thinning masculinity dribbled from his cock. Daki stroked his head mockingly, watching as that red blight of a scar shrank, swallowed by perfect smooth skin. He was bursting with her blood, his flushed face scrunched as Daki dug her nails into his scalp, ready for the show as all that dormant demon power activated.

"Scream for me, let me hear your purity crumble as you are reborn!"

She hardly needed to ask, Tanjiro's eyes rolling back as dark corruption surged into him, his sleek skin soaking up pleasure as his skeleton crumbled under the force burning through him. It wasn't enough to just cum, he needed something more, screeching as his toes and fingers dislocated, blood forcing them out longer, slimmer, the corruption pumping as each nail darkened to a glossy black talon. His body was betraying him, each blissful gush accompanied by more of it changing, his soles slimming, palms squeezed by the fabric as they molded. Even the muscle memory felt wrong as he found his fingers flexing with more finesse, his heels popping up as his feet became perfectly molded for heels.

Daki was having a grand time feeling his body shift, already loving the feel of his ugly body becoming delectable, gripping his arms as her blood forced his muscle to condense, hiding the overwhelming strength inside with feminine grace. But there was a buzzkill element, his soft voice annoying her, Daki hungry to hear her own scream with such force, such wanton need.

It wasn't hard to fix, his mouth wide open as Daki moved his twitching body to hers, her teeth biting down only to pump more blood into the struggling slayer, feeling them plump with every smack of her own to matching perfection. She might as well do some remodeling while her tongue slid in, her hands gripping his cheeks, crunching them down with a muffled whimper as the remnant of his scar burned brightly. It wasn't his power activating, just Daki having some fun, turning the scar tissue to decoration, feeling his cheeks scrunch as the red blot's skin bubbled and shifted down to his left cheek. She almost laughed when he tried to bite her tongue, making him writhe in pain as she broke his nose to shape, his brow squeezed to match. Her tongue snaked around his Adam's Apple, tearing it out in one motion as she spat it to the floor.

It didn't take much to fix the rest, Daki half strangling him while she tore out his eyebrows, letting her threads sew in to replace, his eyes watering as his lashes were poked out and made thicker.

"Trying to be frisky now? Thought you could bite through my tongue you little shit?"

The bindings slowly tightened, his cries of pain sounding like music to her ears as his shoulders were forcefully shrunk, his feet and knees gripped as Daki had them pull.

"I want you to understand what's happening. I'm filling you up with my blood, my perfection, and your worthless shit of a body can't help but want to match the greatness spilling in. Soon enough you'll be my perfect twin, and you'll love it."

Tanjiro wanted to deny it, to say he'd never let her take over, but at that moment more blood was pumped into his lengthening calves, a watery gush of cum making his tongue lol as his legs were turned shapelier, perfect curves forming as his height raised three inches from the added shape. He was drooling as the heat was now in his thighs, the prickles of insertion worsening as the strands stabbed inside, bloating his muscle with blood as the unbearable pleasure somehow found a new level of intensity, Tanjiro struggling to keep conscious as his thighs filled with fat.

He didn't know how to explain what he was feeling, his skin sensitized to the bloat of fat feeling like strokes to his cock, the plushness squeezing and joining the cloth in the rubbing as the last slivers of sperm spilled out, his cum translucent as they lubed his swollen thighs. It was dazing him, the blood rush to his head beginning to seep as his eyes slanted on their own, the pure gaze of his eyes glazing over with a hungry lust. His thoughts were beginning to feel like his cock, surrounded by pleasure, being squeezed into nothingness as Daki's blood flowed strong, Danjiro groaning as the thickness of his thighs made his hips grind till a loud snap spread them apart.

"Ooh interesting."

Daki shifted the cocoon, still keeping him trapped, but it was looser, letting more of his changing body be visible as she inspected his hips, hearing him moan as every second his ass wobbled, the spread cheeks thickening bit by bit. She gave it a smack, laughing at the clear spurt that followed, Danjir's cock barely visible between his thighs.

"Looks like I don't even have to lift a finger any more. Your worthless self is in agreement, it wants to be me so badly. You just can't help yourself. Where was all that bullshit you were screaming earlier? I thought you'd never give in."

Danjir tried to ignore her, the maliciousness of her laugh scraping something inside, feeling almost excited by the mocking nature. He needed to focus, something to center himself amidst the pleasure, not wanting to admit how good it felt, almost wanting his ass thicker, rounder, that measly little cock just a distrac- No no that wasn't him, that was her influence, he had to ignore it.

Inevitably his thoughts moved to his sister, his guiding light in all of this, needing to protect her from nobody, since Daki was stronger than any chump demon slayer. His eyes crinkled, something not right, the red glow of them ambering to a dark orange, his hair beginning to spill from his scalp. Daki wasn't his younger sister she was her twin. A shudder ran through his groin, her blood seeping deeper into his brain, the demon blood animating his cock bubbling as his own desires were shifting. After all it just felt so good to have his sister's cloth plunge into his-


It was like his body had heard that slide towards Daki, his balls full of her blood, the heat bubbling, melting, his hips thrusting side to side as they cleaved his sack inwards, both balls giving a juicy pop as a leaking slit formed beneath his leaking cock, estrogen joining the demon blood as his nipples came to life.

Danji couldn't stop thinking of his sister, the blood strangling his brain as more and more of Daki's desires and personality took over. With such a key piece already replaced and corrupted, all his attempts at resisting only hastened as his thoughts gained Daki, his love for his sister perverted into an increasingly narcissistic mix of wants. His own hair spilled to the floor, Daki styling it as she hovered a sash by his former balls. Slowly she teased it open, Danji screaming as the channel carved deeper, his cock softening as the demonic blood inside throbbed to his growing needs. A long tendril of cloth was folding in front of his eyes, forming a phallic shape, his mind screaming at him to do something before it was too late. If he could only fight back, his breathing he had to use his breathing-

"Let's hear you really scream now sis."

Proper breathing was the last thing on his mind, Danki screaming as the cloth dildo carved out the rest of her pussy. It thrust once, twice, his sweat ridden brow pulsing, another flower tattoo burning into his forehead as his eyes widened into golden discs, the thought of rising in the ranks fucked into being one of the upper six, willing to do anything to please her master, her savior-


The curses spilled out as Daki fucked more blood into his body, Danki's nipples swelling as the cloth filled him utterly, each thrust making them swell as his canines sharpened. He tore at his restraints, finding no resistance as the mark of his new position burned into his sclera, his mind shattering as his breasts surged past the loose restraints. It didn't matter that his torso was free to use a breath technique, it was too manly, Danki begging the cloth to squeeze, cumming as it bent to her will, his sides giving in as the added curves to his waist burst out into two large, perky breasts.

Daki wanted to take some time to admire her handiwork, the nearly complete clone a dead ringer for her, even her mannerisms taking over as the former slayer's moaning became less embarrassing, more mannered in its-


Oh he was really far gone wasn't he? She could say she fucked every last inch of him gone, but it seemed she still had around four inches left to take care of.

"Why should I do all the work?! Besides that's no way to talk to your fucking sister is it?! If you want it gone do it yourself!"

It was a bit of a shock to see her fabric's sprout from the sashes still wrapped around his body, Danki using them to pleasure herself, groping her breasts as an outfit slowly formed from her self teasing, the blood in her cock knowing what she wanted as the hornier she grew, the softer it got. Really all of it fit much better swelling the lips sucking on it, engorged as the freshly fucked cavern between her thighs throbbed with need. It wasn't like she lost all of her memories, she just didn't care, her old self annoying her the more she thought about it as she shoved a few fingers into her needy snatch.


She rubbed her knuckles against her shrinking shaft as she fingered, feeling her cock shrink faster the more she embraced her shifted sex. Finally she used her thumb to shove it in as her tip sealed, the entire thing giving a wet sounding rip as her shaft detached from her tip, leaving a bright pink clit glistening as Daki came away the last of her former body.

"Mmm~ I feel fucking amazing sister. Thanks for making me so much better."

She gave her fingers a flick, cleaning them of her juices.

"Oh, but before I tell you where those other feeble slayers and their spies are, there is one thing I need to take care of. After all, siblings should never be apart…

Nezuko was a bit confused at first, her brother's presence feeling different, but given his disguise the strong femininity radiating didn't alarm her yet. Besides it was the middle of the day when she was at her most sleepy. As usual the top of her carrying box opened, the drowsy demon girl nuzzling into the hand, only to feel sharp nails dig into her skull, something pumping inside as she burst out, only to be wrapped up in an endless wave of silk, the twins struggling to keep her contained as she thrashed about, going into battle mode as she matured instantly to fighting form.

"I thought you said this would be easy?"

"Just shut up and keep her held down. It shouldn't take long to kick in but we need to- AGH bind her arms better!"

Nezuko's limbs were splayed, hands and legs thrashing as she growled in an animalistic frenzy. Realizing she was fully ensnared, she went to her next option, planning to shrink down and fight the twins as soon as she found her brother. Except she couldn't, her older body refusing to change, Nezuko feeling strange as her skin paled down her scalp, a new sort of hunger filling her as her resistance became less violent and more squirmy.


She didn't know what was happening, her chest hard at the front, the twins slowly moving closer as they began to stroke her, grinning as they flicked her nipples, her clothes torn and replaced with extensions of their own living fabric. Nezuko gave an aroused groan, confused as they massaged her chest, feeling her breasts grow as the fabric teased her more, their fingers slipping between her thighs to pierce a spot she never knew could feel so good. Slowly her growls turned more human, her eyes turning golden as thoughts of her brother turned towards her sisters.

"Ahh H-Ahhh nnghrrrOOOH~ OOH OH!"

She already had so much demon blood in her, the corruption hastened as her body matured in other ways, her mind gaining a ruthless intelligence, her body jerking as her sisters brought her to a climax, their bodies nestling together as her restraints became part of her.


The corruption was inevitable, Nezaki partially realizing what happened to her former brother as she squeaked in bliss, the thought of it turning her on as her twins pumped her full of themselves, caressing her, fingering her, pleasuring every inch until the memories wouldn't stop. With a final screech she felt her body explode, cumming as demonic energy turned her hair white, her moans ending in a bout of maniacal laughter that sent a chill down any courtesan who heard their echoed malice.

"Should we turn more?"

"No, we wouldn't want to dilute the pool too much. They aren't worthy."

"Ohh~ it's so nice of them to come as a group of six. Enough for each of us to have two."

It wouldn't take long for them to hunt down every threat to their fun, the hashira too confused to resist much once the other two hers surprised him in the middle of battle's start, the annoying yellow haired one and pretty faced loud one taking even less time to murder. No, what mattered most to them was how Muzan would react once they shared their success, the triplets excited to continue making this pleasure district of theirs all the more gruesome.


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