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Yuri Briar was many things. A devoted brother, a deep perfectionist, terrible with alcohol and above all else, one of Ostania's most effective SSS members in the detection and destruction of spies. This was a secret very few knew, much less suspected, his own way of keeping his sister safe after a lifetime of her protecting him. Ah his perfect, amazing sister... If only she wasn't married to that damned interloper!!! Worse, he was essentially perfect, stealing his precious sister's heart with nary even a flaw to find. Sure some might call his behavior obsessive, but they didn't understand the debt he had to her, how hard she had worked to get him to where he was. Well, where she thought he was, it wasn't like she could ever know what his real job was, but it just spurred him on to comb through everything her temporary husband did. Not at the expense of his actual work, but doing both his usual performance and analyzing every minutiae of Loid Forger's life was starting to wear him out. His shoulders were getting stiff, his movements were not quite perfect and he could feel a slight crick forming from his work.

In short, he needed an adjustment, his eyes landing on a spot he had been hearing about for weeks from Yor, her glowing praise of it obviously making him immediately interested as he stared across towards Wisdom Acupuncture.

Yor had sounded incredibly excited, continually mentioning how sharp and gleaming the needles were, not something he usually cared about, but his sister loved it so he'd try his best. For such a professional agent, his sister was his one and only true blindspot, Yuri unwilling to compromise anything for her sake, a fact that his rival secret service agency WISE had clued into. He couldn't have known Loid was their top agent Twilight, the visit a slip up he had hastily covered once Yor had taken an interest in the needles, one that WISE was planning to use to their full advantage, doing this behind Twilight's back as he surely would have vetoed it the second he heard of the plan.

Either way, Yuri entered the acupuncture clinic, his mind on his sister, hoping to make her happy with a shared interest. He really needed to visit her again soon to make sure Loid was still treating her right. He had his suspicions even if he could cook perfectly and scheduled things well and supported her completely and-

The list went on, distracting him in the waiting room as a special hypnotic agent wafted in, the trained agent's polished demeanor slipping as the minutes passed, his body swaying left to right as he looked about in a daze. What was he thinking about? Oh right his sister. Had to work hard to keep her safe. Had to be in good condition. Yor loved acupuncture so he did too. Had to do whatever she said. Had to let them work their magic...

A fan scattered the remnants of the gas, a door opening as Yuri looked around, no one else in the waiting room. Normally he'd wonder why no one was leaving the office, but he was a bit sloshed from the gas, his tolerance terrible for anything that wasn't on his poison immunity schedule. He was guided in and told to strip, leaving himself in his boxers, his white dress shirt pooled behind him as he was laid down face up, the doctor approaching with the first few needles.

It had an open donut for a headpiece, usually used for a patient lying down, but given what was being planned for the undercover agent, they had access to what they needed. Yuri wasn't all that impressed by the needles admittedly, though he was denying it, not wanting to upset Yor's tastes even if they were bland and a dull grey. He actually didn't like needles all that much but repressed the urge to bolt, doing this for Yor, his sister, his everything his-


The first needle went into the back of his neck, precisely navigating his brain stem and spinal cord to interrupt his mobility, Yuri's body essentially paralyzed from the neck down though he could still feel every inch of his body. It was strange, feeling like a passenger to your own body, his groan covering the slight hiss as the needle gave a microinjection of something experimental. Sure killing him would be easy enough, but that would tip too much of WISE's hands and escalate tensions. Better if Yuri were someone else entirely, leaving behind a mix of carefully laid breadcrumbs. A bizarre disappearance would waste more resources, plus if all went well they could always turn him back if the experiments were successful, though that was of secondary concern.

So what did they want? Well while complete transfigurement of a person was still impossible(though their disguises team was adamant about it being unnecessary for the field), changing something as simple as a Y chromosome and adjusting to a very close blood relative was, and they had plenty of DNA collected from Loid's house. Yuri had always wanted to be the closest person to his sister, and his most reviled enemies were about to make that wish a reality.

It started off small, Yuri finding his attention frequently lapsing towards the needles, the grey looking less dull, the small pricks as they entered his pressure points letting his blush grow more obvious. Why had he been so scared of these before? It was everything Yor had promised and more, his breathing getting heavier as his arms were pricked through with needles. The acupuncturist was amazing in Yuri's eyes, each piercing stab spreading a euphoric jolt in the muscle, Yuri unaware that with each needle his arms were quivering more and more, as malleable as jello. And yet, he never felt stronger, each needle getting flicked as they injected their loads, Yuri stifling a moan as his well muscled arms compressed.

He was hyperaware of each sliver of metal shifting in his body, excited by them, sighing as his arms gaining subtle curves that made them more appealing, his fingers twitching as the nerves sparked in shifting formations. Like the needles shaping him, his fingers were becoming elegant, slender things, nails surging out sharply as he laid helpless to the process, huffing as his cock twitched from the strength gracing his feminine arms. The entire experience left him hungry for more, his eyes now hyper focused on each needle as the amazing doctor moved towards his shoulders, the light gleaming off the tips of the metal spikes as his briefs tightened, the bliss brutally effective as his shoulder's pressure points were expertly pricked.

There was so much tension in his shoulders, so much overwork and hard muscle that felt stiff. Yuri was drooling as the needles did their work, losing not just the soreness, but the breadth, bones cracking in a way that only made him further aroused. He didn't associate the cracking with his own body, instead the countless villains she had taken out, their warm red blood bruising over any spot she- Yuri paused, confused to why he was thinking of himself as a woman, panting heavily as the heat in his cheeks felt blazing. Every now and again the acupuncturist would flick the neck needle, letting more serum flow, Yuri's eyes gleaming as their red saturated to a more piercing scarlet, his lashes growing as his moans gurgled out more shamelessly than he expected.

"Ahhh haah ahh..."

There was something so mesmerizing in the way his skin rested from his arms against his middle, the smoothness comforting, familiar, thoughts of Yor disturbingly crossing his mind as he tried to keep her away from the impure thoughts making his shaft harden. He looked down, willing it to go down, not wanting to think of Yor like that, giving him a good view of the spreading smoothness overtaking his body. Sure he had felt a very pleasurable prickling running down his shoulders, but he thought that was just the stress melting away, but now he could see his skin clearing up by the second, hairs and pinprick scars fading to a uniform cream color, his abs rising and falling to the beat of his aroused groans as the acupuncturist ran a hand down his stomach.

He was feeling for something, his touch doing things Yuri had never felt before on his new skin, the doctor's fingers flexing over a spot just above his navel as two long, sharp and beautiful needles hovered over his kidneys before stabbing just above, right into his adrenal glands as the sudden shock and hormonal serum made them go into overdrive, estrogen pumping into the confused agent's body.

"Ohh~ ahh Y-Yooorrr~!"

There was little he could do but swallow as the heat spilled into his guts. His stomach rumbled, his cock fully erect despite his attempts to slow his desire, his sister on his mind as his moans rose to match her soft voice, perfect for getting the sneak on any villain she- He shook his head, his black locks spilling down cheeks as the hormones began a sudden surge in his bangs, the smooth skin rolling up his throat as the bulge in his throat struggled under the slimming neck. Another needle did the trick, avoiding any major arteries, but popping his Adam's Apple as it deflated much to Yuri's confused delight, the pleasure corrosive, corrupting.

Stuck in place as he was, he couldn't help but feel the changes running through his core, his toned physique rising and falling frantically as the pleasure spiked, his toned core trembling as the acupuncturist brought out another needle. It didn't matter how strange it all felt, the thoughts racing through his mind, lips suckled in nervousness as they smacked thicker by the second, Yuri's attention was on the gleaming metal. It was polished, silvery at the tip, Yuri panting at the thought of its stabbing force going through her skin, an aroused shiver making his eyes slant as he moaned.

He didn't want these thoughts, these obtrusive perverted feelings mixing with his love for his sister, but he couldn't help it, her voice leaving his lips, her wants slowly swallowing his as the needle's tip dipped into his navel. The doctor was teasing him, Yuri aware that he was being conditioned, unable to help the desperate look as the cold point of steel swiveled into his navel, his muscles all struggling inwards as if to meet it, his body unbearably horny for the rush of stabbing. It ran up and down his navel, carving it wider, slimmer, Yuri grinding his jaw softer trying to hide his need as the tip pushed into his flesh, the smooth skin flexing till it popped inside, Yuri squealing as he came.

With his motor system blocked, it was mainly his head shifting about, black hair streaming down his back, a few strands caught in the needle in his neck while the doctor slowly drove the one in his navel deeper. Each dive was accompanied by another load foaming out his tip, Yuri's voice making noises he couldn't help but imagine were saved for only the most intimate of occasions. His guilt would have been worse if the feeling wasn't so wonderful, feeling the needle digging into her flesh, her body trying to greet its cold piercing touch.

His heavy breathing hiccuped as his sides curved, his stomach falling more than it rose as his abs were leashed by the acupuncture, muscle slipping beneath the surface of his slimming waist as the doctor's fingers ran along the sides, occasionally tapping on the adrenal needles with another flurry of heat. It felt so much better, not a single ounce of strain in his curved waist, the muscle denser than ever even if his core betrayed nothing of the unbelievable strength inside. Countless hours of workouts and routines filled his mind, the sleek firmness solidifying the routines in his mind. Yor truly knew what was best, her workouts perfection, her body perfection, she must become-

"N-Nooo~ I-I don't want to become Yor I waaaant to pr-ohhh~!"

His denial was interrupted by the estrogen flowing from his adrenals swimming upwards as the needles were joggled slightly, Yuri helplessly stuck watching and feeling his nipples slowly perk, then harden, the brown flesh swelling pink. It left him in an odd kind of limbo, the hormones making his cock want to shrink, the pleasure fighting it as it tried to straighten, leading to a slinky effect, almost like his cock was pumping itself as the doctor held two more silver pleasure spikes, just what she needed for the tension in her chest.

He shook his head, long hair flailing in the attempt to clear his mind, knowing he'd soon have his nipples pierced, and if the doctor just slipped his hand, so much red red blood would come pouring- That last slip kept him just enough off guard to nearly miss the diving needles, Yuri refusing to let his own sister's breasts grant him any sort of plea-


Nothing could have prepared him, both needles piercing deep into the muscle of his pectorals, the hard masses squirming as lumps swam under his chest, sliding up to his nipples as the doctor flicked his adrenal needles once more. The pleasure won out as Yuri's cock hardened once more, Yuri trying to hold back, to stay strong, but failing as two taps to his nipple's needles brought forth a forceful gush of release. It was like his body was groping his own muscle, shaping and teasing the swelling mounds as he screamed in Yor's voice, his mind racing to find some distraction as her breasts swelled with every flick. He didn't want to find it so arousing, her swollen breasts perky and perfect. If only he didn't have these desires, if only his dick wasn't there making this filthy. After all, the only dick she would want down there was Loid's... Wait, no he didn't- Shit shit shi-

Now his thoughts were stuck between two separate obsessions, his eyes flicking between the shiny needles dotting his body or thoughts of Loid. Why couldn't he get Loid off his mind? Sure he was amazing at everything, so it wouldn't be hard to imagine him taking her to bed, slowly undressing her, showing her what to do as they-


If he could have moved he would have been fidgeting incessantly, the cock between his legs hardly feeling like his own, the estrogen mixed with Yor's fantasies making a sinking sort of bliss stab into his guts, that word stab making the his lewd thoughts flare as his cock began to twitch uncontrollably, letting out messy, thin spurts of fluid as part of it sunk inside. It was only a sliver, yet it fueled the fantasies, Yuri imagining the sister of all hate fucks in his mind, that hate slowly turning to love with every shift of his flaccid groin.

He kept seeing his face, his blonde, handsome face. B-But no it didn't matter that he could cook and raise a child wonderfully and make her feel special, i-it was a fake marriage! Wait it was? But he, h-h- she wanted to make it real! There was a voice in Yori's head screaming at her to stop, her own embarrassment she assumed, her balls tight between her thighs as she gave a desperate groan, unsure why she couldn't move but desperately needing release. This wasn't right, b-but Loid would make it right. He had tried to find a fault for ages but he was perfect. Caring and strong and sexy and and-

Yori was so caught up in her fantasies she barely noticed the acupuncturist move between her thighs, two blissful pokes into her sternum hitting muscles she hadn't even known were there, squealing as her fantasy of Loid thrust inside her for the first time.

It was pure euphoria, accented with brutal shocks as the needles wouldn't stop, Yori loving the feeling of becoming a pincushion to all these sharp weapons, though the one that interested her most was the blunt slab struggling between her thighs. Her head thrashed about as muscles split, a hungry maw of muscle pulling below, the internals as steely as they were slippery, a few prods all it took for one ball to pop loose from her sack. Never had such a clumsy fall feel so ecstatic, Yori squealing with all her might, feeling it carve inside, tearing up her innards much like her own nightly assassinations, the bliss leaving her other ball barely any time before it slid inside to join its twin.

With the path opened, her precious Loid could properly do what married couples did, that annoying voice of panic hiding away to the recesses of her mind as she saw stars from the fucking, the skin of her cock tightening as it struggled to fold in, sliding the thick meat deep into her spreading folds. The doctor was piling it on, sliding two needles into the sides of the agent's hips, one long needle just above her shrinking cock piercing deep into her prostate, Yori's hips spreading as a womb violently punched its way into existence.

The violent jerking of it only made her more aroused, Loid's dick like one of her thorns, knowing just where to pierce her for maximum effect. Her empty sack pulled tight, drawn to the tug of her carved out innards, splitting open as her cock gave a watery spill as the violent thrashing of her head lead her tangled hair to pull out the needle in her neck. The rival agency doctor was shocked when she started thrashing about, her half shrunken cock leaking as it dived further, needles popping out with nary a mark on her pristine skin as she gave a frustrated sounding sigh. Of course, he wasn't all that worried, the process nearly complete. Yor was just a simple housewife so there was nothing to-

Those were the last thoughts as his neck was snapped, a confused Yor blushing at her disheveled appearance, trying not to moan too loudly as innards continued to shift. She didn't quite remember what was happening, but that vague panic reminded her of what mattered. This was a place for villains, and they had done something to her. Looking around for something to cover herself, she tore a black curtain off the window, bringing the rod and a chunk of the wall with it. She tore at the cloth, fashioning her usual black dress. Due to a lucky accident with having trouble making a head hole, she even made the the top a near dead ringer for her usual look, though she still had to hold it partially to keep closed. Tearing she could do, mending on the other hand... Best left to Loid. Speaking of, she better head back quickly to her... mmm~ hubby.

There was a bit of awkwardness she wasn't used to, something flopping pleasurably between her thighs, her legs weaker than she remembered, though she still made quick work "cleaning" up the rest of the mess in the false acupuncture shop. What a shame though, all these lovely, sharp needles being used for evil. The rest of the walk home was her darting down back alleys, not wanting to be seen in broad daylight in such a revealing outfit. It didn't help that every few minutes a spasm would run through her, the shape of her ass slowly swelling, flatness now a petite bottom, then a perky ass, her groin especially tender as another inch gradually worked its way inside as she slipped into the window, thankful that the apartment was empty as she let out a loud, desperate moan.

Deep inside the recesses of her mind, Yuri was furious, knowing more than he ever wanted to, thinking how best to plot revenge. Of course part of his training involved torture, the ability to shut off part of yourself from the trauma not hard even in such bizarre circumstances. He was a passenger in his own body, but he'd wrest back control bit by bit and deal with the shocking revelations of his sister's real job after the fact. After all he was a professional and he wanted Loid to come home already.


Brief mental lapse, Yor teasing the edge of her slit as she let the put together black dress fall, Yuri blushing inside as he tried to keep his self control, certain he could weather any-

"Hmm, I feel in the mood for that bubbly feeling from before. Where did Loid hide the wine bottles again?"

It didn't take long for a naked Yor to find them on the top shelf behind the usual groceries, the horny assassin adding drunk to the mix as she swigged it back, ready to let her inhibitions run wild.

Each glug mixed with the serum, seemingly passing through her stomach, the alcohol doing its work while the leftover liquid sloshed lower, Yor cooing as her hips rounded, her thighs shivering as they thickened with every gulp. Yuri's mental state was beginning to sway, the pleasure one thing to get used to, but worse he was a complete lightweight, just like his sister. Her thoughts were beginning to grow fluid as she drank for two, Yuri having to focus more and more as Yor slipped into her usual red sweater dress, annoyed when her stockings slipped, her thighs not yet thick enough. Yuri couldn't help but think the sweater felt so comfy, like Loid's arms, though these annoying stockings- He looked down, realizing his own self image was wearing the same outfit, the embarrassed spy trying to hold on as Yor continued to drink, her thighs nearly touching as she downed another bottle.

"No I'm Yuri I'm Yuri I'm Yuri... Forger?"

He couldn't remember what his previous outfit looked like, her thighs battering the remnants of his cock, both of them moaning in unison as his thighs matched hers, each sensual self rub further altering his self image as he was helpless to resist. They were both getting plastered, Yor only needing to lightly fondle her own breasts for the last remnants of her brother to squeal, breasts surging as she downed half a second bottle. He had never appreciated just how massive her... their thighs were, barely leaving any room for his coc- h-her pussy?


It twitched, Yuri's hair exploding, a look of bliss on the nearly erased brother's face as their cock slid to a barely upthrusted nub, the stockings fitting perfectly now as fat and muscle pooled into their shapely legs. It didn't take much to deal the final blow, Yor shoving a finger into their leaking slit, toes flexing as they screamed together, Yuri's mental masculinity utterly swallowed by the bliss of Yor's body as thoughts of Loid swam inside her drunken consciousness.

"Mmm I really don't kn-ohhh~ wh-why I'm in such a mood... But I should give Loid something special when he gets back."

Yor's nub was curling in on itself, her moans growing more heated as she moved towards the master bedroom, Loid's room, spilling drops of wine after she dragged her special lingerie one of the clerk girls had told her would be sure to, "Get your hubby in the mood."

She just loved him so much, fingering herself as the serum pulsed in her overgrown clit, Yor peeling off her sweater and putting on her most risque underwear that would have surely made Yuri upset if he wasn't the one nearly cumming as she slipped it on. Something about the silk finished it, the pressure making that odd worm peeking between her thighs finally slot into place as she moaned Loid's name, anything left of her former self just a stain on the carpet she'd have to clean up later.

"Hehehe won't hee hic beee in fora srrprise heh..."

They both would be when he came home with the original, but that was a mess for another time, another headache for Twilight to figure out. For now, Yor was horny, and she was ready to finally prove how good of a wife she was…


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