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It was a lot harder being an asshole genie than most people realized, Desiree fuming after her latest loss to Danny, inspired by a trend in certain kinds of fanfiction to just secretly hover inside him. Not inhabiting no, just being a passive observer. Every teen made a poorly thought out wish eventually right? Well yes, but nothing that was fun. And he was also just so boooring. New cars, cooler clothes, her ears perked up during a love wish to be a girl's perfect date, but said girl was straight so there wasn't much fun she could have with that. She was looking to completely overwrite him, not just a simple mess. Sure she could drop a car on him or smother him in clothes but she had tried all that before to no avail.

The idea came to her during third period, bored out of her mind as she was wondering if being reincarnated physically was even worth more of these math classes. Though as bored as she was, the jock sitting behind her host was even more sapped of spirit, Dash Baxter yawning and fidgeting incessantly. She could feel his desires, the low thought, high lust wants exactly what she needed to twist around. Besides it wasn't like she only had to grant Danny's wishes. Why limit herself when the options were limitless? Being proactive, Desiree flew into his subconscious, dancing in the daydream of his mind, getting him nice and worked up as he looked over at Danny, disappointed at the dweeb in front of him instead of the hottie in his head.

"I wish this dweeb was nicer to look at. More my type."

She sighed, happy to have a start at least as her powers got to work, picking and choosing what this walking pile of meat and hormones wanted, ignoring obedient, but zeroing in on popular and the rather sexist, 'will grant my every desire.' There was more she was going to add to that, but she had what she needed, Danny feeling a slight chill roll through him, goosebumps flaring up as his hair stood on end, before it all began fluttering to the ground.

He was trying to focus on class, but there was this weird feeling distracting him, a bit different from his usual ghost sense. Like his teacher, balding and in the middle of a minor mid life crisis. How he knew that he didn't know, but he was certain of it, feeling the desire like some kind of empathy gone haywire. Still, none of that was a reason to care. Everyone had problems, and it wasn't like his teacher had to deal with constant supernatural threats or any number of Danny's problems. Hell he wished all he had to worry about was his hair... well maybe not his hair. He spent plenty of time styling it for school. Why was he so hung up on this anyway? It wasn't like he could do anyth-

"They're looking at my bald spot aren't they? Ugh I wish my hair was back like it was twenty years ago."

It was faint, barely whispered while his back was turned to the class as he started writing formulas up on the board, but Danny heard it. No he didn't just hear it he felt it, the desire flowing into him, a warm rush of power that wasn't complete. It was difficult to describe, like being really in the mood spiritually instead of physically, the wish marinating in his body, an instinctual move making his body quiver, his sides shifting back and forth almost in a dance as whatever this initial need was, stroked him into a fervor as he clenched his teeth to block the moan that almost flew out. He felt so warm, something flowing between him and the teacher, the bald spot slowly filling in before Danny's eyes as his own hair grew. It spread in silky locks down his back, weighing him down.

He probably should have noticed half his vision being covered in raven black locks, but he was still getting over how good it felt to grant someone's wish, Danny shifting awkwardly to hide his stiffy. It couldn't be stressed just how amazing he felt, how powerful, but it was fading fast and he wanted more. His thoughts drifted through the room to find another desire to fulfill, fast.

The next person he latched onto was one of the nerdier kids in the back, Danny realizing that if he just sent a small bit of aura back, it would make people verbalize their wishes more, another new ability he couldn't explain that was lost in the rush as the pale boy made his wish.

"Girls only like beach bods. I wish I had a tan and looked fit."

This one was even easier than the last, but the pleasure was far greater, Danny wriggling as the desire warmed his pasty skin, the goosebumps flattening down as the last of his body hair prickled away, his skin feeling tender as it softened, its sensitivity rising as the touch of fabric more arousing than ever as he watched the pale kid's skin go from white to almost burnished bronze. Danny was still oblivious, feeling his whole body buzz with pleasure as the wish was granted, his milky complexion darkening to a nice mocha, that gleamed in conditioned beauty with the now hairless, slippery smooth sheen gracing his whole body. But that wasn't all.


That feeling of power was becoming more physical, Danny's semi gyrations whittling down his core. It wasn't like he wasn't strong, but that was his ghost form. His own form was firming up, his core just kind of average usually, but the more he shifted back and forth the faster it slimmed, a taut line running up his navel, Danny hugging himself with a look of bliss as his sides slowly sucked into sensual curves. He was doing his best to muffle the please groans leaving him, something just feeling so right as the muscles in his back shifted, a slight crunch making people look around, unsure at the source, Danny sighing as his spine arched giving his side to side swaying an alluring quality. The wish was finished, Danny panting as his boxers felt wet at the tip, the feeling of wish granting amazing as he looked at the happy nerd who was now buff as well, yet something was hollow in their smiles, not fully what he needed to get off. But what was it? What could he be-

A sudden flicker of revulsion swept through him, feeling a disgusting desire pour into him from behind, the want vile to his thoughts. While Danny thought he had been silent in his slowly burgeoning pleasure, Dash was staring slackjawed, watching his wish seemingly come true before his eyes. Visions of that hot harem dancing girl were still teasing him, Dash almost falling out his seat when the dweeb in front of him's hair spilled down past the chair, his initial disgust at hearing him clearly moaning fading as he watched his skin turn as sleek and tan as the girl in his vision, his shirt now loose and baggy showing off a glimpse of his new curves. Was he daydreaming? Yeah that had to be it, nothing this cool and hot would ever happen in real life. This must be one of those... Lucy dreams he had heard people talk about. Well if he was in control, he might as well have fun.

"I wish this dweeb had a big fat ass for me to ogle."

There was no way Danny was going to grant that crap. In fact he was smirking as he made his own counterwish of, "I wish Dash was a sexy cheerleader girl who had the hots for me."

He prepared to grant his own wish, stoking that desire into lust, excited to see his biggest bully get some comeuppance, but to his shock, his own wish fell flat, that instinctual granting latching onto Dash's wish as Danny suddenly grunted, fat pleasurable rushing into his ass and hips.

"NNGH! S-Staaaahp~!"

Nothing in his teenaged life could have prepared him for this, each cheek of his ass billowing out, jolting him up from the seat with every sudden growth, making him slap it back onto the seat as his growing ass jiggled. It felt impossibly good, Danny's tongue lolling as the pleasure of wish granting and the new pleasures of his ass merged together. It was like he was being massaged all across his hips and groin, fat curving and pushing his hips apart till the denim of his pants split, Danny on the edge as his tanned ass shook free.

Some people were starting to notice, but Dash didn't want any interruptions, casually wishing "-that no one would notice anything wrong. It's a private show just for me!"

Danny's horror could not be overstated, yet that sinking feeling in his gut was accenting the pleasure, his eyes rolling back as something in his brain twitched, the evil granting of the wish almost fun to him, that dark urge squashed as he tried to get help.

"S-Sam! Tuhhcker! Help me- NNGH!"

He was already granting the wish, neither of his friends hearing him as the room continued on with their math lesson, Danny trying to resist the urges as Dash continued to wish him sexier, girlier, a familiar form taking shape. His body was turning against him, the desire to lose that ugly nerd voice making his throat crater, a gush of bitter liquid coughing out as his voice turned sultry, purring as the desire to mash that pimply dork face into something sexy made his new voice squeal with pleasure.

His lips were bloating, gloss making them pucker, his cheeks crinkling as his brain was being assaulted with pleasure, something sinister digging into his brain as his own fear only quickened the changes. It was like his own whining was happening to some other victim, some helpless little idiot struggling under her wishes as his forehead scrunched in.

"Oh! Ohh~ fuck..."

His brain was being massaged by his crumbling skull, wishes changing and teasing him as his lashes extended, his nose scrunching at the bridge as it flared out cutely. Growing fingernails dug into his desk as they lengthened, polish extending their manicured claws as his arms warped before his eyes, slimming and plushing into Dash's wet dream. It took his shoulders collapsing and the long, sultry moan that followed to make him realize what was happening, Desiree's voice finally recognizable as he quickly went to go ghos-

"I wish he had a massive rack."

Danny's ghost transformation stalled, going halfway down his shoulders, the ring pausing over his chest, ectoplasmic energy suddenly melting into his pecs.

"MMmph ahh ahh GYAAAA~!"

His bare ass slapped against the metal bars in the back, his own ectoplasm shooting out as his nipples turned rock hard, a few melty gushes slamming him forwards as his shirt tore from the round lumps of flesh bulging forth. Each slam forwards gave his new breasts a solid smack, his head spinning as the pleasure made him cum again and again, his cock nearing empty as he gave a pathetic, gurgling whine. He tried a few more times to go ghost, to fight against the corruptive power of Desiree's wishes, but it only made his breasts grow all the larger, the rings of his power fading as it broke apart, becoming bangles on his arms as he put on quite the show for the bully behind him. It was disgusting and violating and oh so much fun to feel the wriggling fear of a wish gone wrong, her body craving more with every-

"D-ahhhhsh~ y-yoooh have to- OHH~!"

He turned, desperate to stop this, willing to beg and grovel at his bully's feet if it meant the changes would stop, his eyes watering as a weak trickle of cum spilled out, the last as his groin felt tight. It didn't feel right to have such a thing between his legs, his wish granting far better at receiving than giving after a-


"Ugh! What the hell?!"

Dash wasn't listening to Danny's pleading, only focused on the cock poking out from the metal bars of the school chair.

"I wish I never had to see that thing again! And I like my girls curvy. I wish you were thicker Da- Dany- um-"

Desiree whispered in his ears for a proper name, giggling as she was pulled into her struggling host, ready to become one.


It didn't take long for Danny to feel the first twitch in his cock, his screams rising to a long screeching keen, the trembling shaft melting inside, clear fluids spilling out and lubricating it as it slowly fucked himself into submission. So many conflicting feelings were vying for dominance, his horror, that small part gleefully enjoying his own demise as his cock curled inwards like the finger of a monkey's paw. And then there was the rage, his already potent hatred for his bully more than enough for Desiree to hijack as that feeling of being wronged, of wanting revenge, of crushing that fucker's smirk took over as his thighs thickened to her delight.

Her moans were more controlled, no more hints of despair, Desiree enjoying the feeble screams of her former host as she bullied the rancid cock inside all the faster. Her legs grew, model like curves molding them as the trained muscle of a dancer. She flexed her toes as her cock popped inside, a malevolent wave of ecstasy washing over every inch of her as she squealed, fully resurrected. The horny djinn smiled at the dim witted jock, purring out her best seductive purr as she asked, "Don't you wish you could give pleasure beyond any imagining? To go all night long?"

He nodded, clearly not getting that it had to be verbal yet.

"Say it."

She was teasing him, her hands unclipping his jacket, feeling up his muscles as the blushing muscle head repeated, "I-I wish I could give you pleasure beyond imagining and to go all night long. Alright when'll we- GAH HCK ..."

It didn't take long for him to collapse and plasticize, his screams only lasting a second as his head squashed into a silicon base, the former bully now a vibrator that true to his wish could service her better than he ever could, and with its battery life all night was no problem.

She was still invisible, a small problem, but it wouldn't be hard to regain her full powers, going ghost as she slipped into the former teacher, using his wishes to be younger, sexier, urging him on while mixing it with a few of the bored' student's daydreams of a sexier teacher to make quite the show as the students watched their middle aged teacher suddenly hunch over, pants bursting into a skirt with the swell of his ass, sneakers shrinking to heels as his fixed hairline burst out in a wave down his back. Slowly his pained, confused cries turned to merciless giggles and moans, breasts bursting open his white dress shirt as with a showy flourish she squashed her second cock for the day, a feeling she could get used to as she grinned at the confused stares of that ghost brat's friends.

"Alright class, enough about what I want, let's talk about what you want. All of you. Let's make some dreams come true shall we?"


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