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Raph could hardly believe how easy it was, looking at his twitter in a daze. Well, not his, the white haired shark girl icon looking at him with her mouth in a small o of surprise, like Gura was as surprised as him. It was meant to just be him fucking around, logging into her email with a joke password, GuraYabai1234. At first he almost logged off, feeling like he was encroaching on something shocking, perverse. He was a proud Chumbud, following the shark vtuber since her debut and he could not sully his queen like this. ...but he was also a proud shrimp and once he remembered her talk of accidentally streaming naked, his curiosity was too strong.

He tested it out first with her twitter, resetting the password, smiling at her latest tweet about "Very Special Stream tonight. Yagoo don't look." She'd probably be occupied, and the airheaded little shark girl was likely not to notice till it was too late. Even the company specific modeling software they used was quickly open, Raph looking up password recovery messages, Gura apparently frequent in forgetting hers. Clicking the link launched a view of a blue featureless room, Gura's model in her seasonal outfit as he grinned, finding the layers for Gura's model after some fiddling with the menus, his mouse hovering over the delete button for her hoodie, her underwear. Soon she'd be bare and he'd get a full look at his idol, his pervy smile near slobbering with lust as he clicked on the delete function, only for a gust of wind to blow over him.

A new window had opened, the red blink of a livestream glowing from his computer, the rest of Raph's room rendered into the same blank void Gura's model was stuck in, the model giggling as Raph noticed the livestream was a live feed centered on him.

"We got em boyyys~! Our little yabai shrimp wanted to put on a show for himself, but that's not fair. Thanks Ame for getting this to work, now let's have fun with this perv!"

Gura's voice echoed around the entire void, a click changing it from grey to the brightly colored sea blue with white tridents patterning the box. This only disoriented Raph further, the shift in brightness blinding him as he groped the wall for an exit. Gura's amused laughter only added to the nightmarish feeling of it all, each minute that passed cementing how trapped he was in this solid box, no exit or entrance visible.

"Alright chumbuds, it took a bit for him to get in here, but I know you've all been waiting for the fun to start. I'm putting a cooldown on so it happens bit by bit. Hmm? How is this being allowed? Well technically that's not me there since I'm here duh. So it's just like we're watching a movie, a very very yabai movie. Though I'll let you all get a gooood look at mister 'oh I'm such a smart hacker let me see Gura naked' over here. Only fair we give him his wish..."

A loud ding echoed, a feeling similar to the gust of wind that transported Raph here blowing over as his clothes felt itchy, a glance downward all he needed to figure out why. His clothes were dissolving, not that he was wearing much, but his cotton undies split into threads, his white undershirt similarly breaking to pieces as his cock sprung out the opening front. Raph was suddenly very aware of just how many people were watching, feeling the lust of the viewers watching. He didn't know how he knew, but he could feel his body being sized up, surveyed, broken down into donateable chunks like so much chum in the water.

Disturbingly, the feeling of being watched wasn't entirely of horror, the horniness of the hundreds of thousands of viewers was leeching off on him, his body feeling pins and needles as the invisible crowd's gaze ran up and down his body, his cock standing to attention as he tried to hide it from sight.

"Wow no wonder you're a shrimp. But really you should be thanking me. Now no one has to see your cum stained boxers. Anyways let's open up doooonations~!"

Raph looked up, briefly noticing a donation from Gura hanging above the space, only getting a brief look at it before the left lens of his glasses fell out, the same erasure of clothing apparently affecting his glasses as well as the chamber turned blurry for the most part, another loud ding making him shiver as Gura giggled at it.

"Ohh~ turn his sensitivity all the way up? Give him that smooth shark skin? Look it's not quite smooth but kind of, have you ever pet a shark in-"

Gura's words slowly faded from Raph's mind, not because her volume was any lower, but his body was trembling, waves of something blowing gently over his skin. He didn't know what the hell was going on, but it was feeling distressingly good, his teeth clenched as he tried not to moan, each wave passing through making his body hair stand on end, Raph aware of every follicle that was eradicated as his skin lost all blemishes. Sunspots, birthmarks, pimples, all was slowly normalized to a pristine shimmer, his greasy skin losing its oils as instead a slippery wet shimmer graced his pale body, his voice squeaking as his cock couldn't be held by his thighs as they turned as soft and slippery as the rest of him.

It was like the slippery new skin didn't just feel every minute gust, but connected his entire body straight to his cock, even his nipples while not mind blowingly sensitive were puckered, a quick poke making his already hard cock fully spread out as he finally gave a shameful moan. That really got the viewers excited, the shameful pleasure forced out no matter how he stood, his slick thighs smoothly jerking his balls as his breathing hitched, getting hastier and hastier as Gura snorted as another donation dinged.

"Yeah I know his voice suuuuucks! Not cute. Not cute at all. Don't want to ruin all the fun with that hoarse ugly thing so thanks GuRapscallion for the dono. Now he can sound like my Ring Fit vids eheh-heh~!"

At first it was just a slight tickle in his throat, then a strong one, his still shifting body and struggled moans giving his pleasure an echo as it warbled, more and more mucus filling his throat as he began to cough. Something was snagged in his throat, his breathing only partially blocked, but it was enough to combine with his already barely restrained panic as he gripped his throat. That's when he could feel what was exactly happening, each thick sounding clear making the lump flatten, the surprise making him gasp, not really thinking as his palm flattened. All at once he spat out a slimy lump, wheezing as his voice came out slightly nasally and girlish, the mischievous groans that left immediately familiar to him as Gura's to a T, his panicked "WHAT THE HELL?!" getting a matching cheer from Gura as it all clicked into place, another donation ding ringing out.

"Oh? I shouldn't be surprised one of you pervs would go there next. Give em the Ame overlay lol. Just say you like feet ya shrimp! Oh another one who wants feet? And anoth- Okay look I know I'm half to blame but that doesn't give you pervs the right to-"

More dings rang out, Raph unable to help his own toe clenches as the most intensive massage ran through his feet, the forces changing him feeling shamefully erotic on his new skin as muscle and bone was sculpted. He couldn't even whine, only moan as invisible forces crunched his arches, pulling on each toe as they elongated. Worse, he was such a Gura simp that his own moans were really starting to turn him on, already on the verge of cumming as his heels were squeezed cute. Looking down he could hardly see what was happening, just seeing the blurs shrinking followed by pleasure, more dono dings echoing. They were bidding invisibly on making him Gura, Raph determined not to give these sickos any enjoyment even if he was in their place he'd probably be happy to turn someone into her. He refused to-

"I get it, you guys poured like a thousand into it. I'll make em EXTRA thicc. Three c's. His own C'll be crushed."

Raph didn't even get much of a chance to be confused, his feet getting less blurry as vertigo struck, the sudden drop in height barely noticeable compared to the bliss sensations ravaging his perverted mind. He didn't want to make a show, to give the perverts changing him any satisfaction. And yet...


It was undeniable, the pleasure beating him down as his bones crunched smaller, a foot of height collapsing as he felt every fiber of muscle rub and melt into one another, the internal stroking impossible to stay sane through as he came. It wasn't like he had much of a choice, his calves jiggling slimmer and curvy as his tender skin was stroked every which way possible, his knees wobbling together as they snapped together giving his cock a smooth jerk off.

That's what was driving him crazy, his hips somehow popping outwards while squeezing together into a petite frame, smaller than his usual hips but his legs were so much tinier now, and all that spare height seemed to bulge into his thighs. It was enough to make him verbally keymash as they crushed his cock, no discomfort to be found in the juicy thickness swaddling it no matter how he shifted and moved. The slick skin meant it never stayed in one place for long, but the bloated girth of them meant it couldn't find an escape on his petite bottom. His cock was already on edge from just the jacked up settings on his body, but this led to something truly mind breaking, his first orgasm leaving him winded enough to grunt like he had run a marathon, but even just the minute shifting was getting his cock to twitch, his exhausted groans exactly what he imagined Gura sounding like while getting fucked hard as it hardened, another orgasm devastating him as he squealed shamefully, unable to hide how turned on he was as he shook his flat ass.

"Look I know I said I wouldn't BUTT into this process, I'm just mildly suggesting that you guys ASS-ist our volunteer here with the show. This stream is TAIL-or made for you other pervs. ...I'm out of ass puns so just-"

Raph couldn't take any more of this, being mocked and played with so thoroughly, his puddle of drool almost as large as his cum as he begged for them to stop, groaning as the third orgasm punched into his guts, his entire body rolling around as he felt beyond empty, the pleasure scraping him clean at this point as it kept building through his slippery body.


The rest of his begging was interrupted by another dono, Raph tearing up as Gura scoffed.

"Oh Nyoo! Looks like poor wil baby here's annoyed we're the ones invading his privacy. Maybe ya shouldn't have tried to hack me dweeb! You wanted to spread me naked on the internet didn't ya? Well be happy you're getting your- Huh? Was this chat? I said ASS not- sigh FIIINE well I guess this is that and you did spend a thousand on this... Hope you're a fan of peen Raph. Might want to relax befo-"

The warning didn't help, Raph already out of it as the pleasure was searing, yet nothing could have prepared him for the sudden penetration, his ass quivering as a floating, girthy cock shoved into his asshole. He wriggled, screaming as it pushed deeper, his tiny hips not enough to fit it. Every inch was painful, every inch was orgasmic, both feeding into the other as Raph could feel it spreading his ass wider, shrieking as each shove forced his hips to creak apart. The term 'cock sleeve' had never felt so appropriate before as it shoved halfway in, Raph feeling like he was being worn by the cock as it utterly filled his innards. Slowly it tilted upwards, Raph's toes scrambling for purchase, kicking in the air as he was skewered on the cock, gravity sliding him down as it stabbed into his prostate.

He wasn't even squealing any more, his screams gurgling out like he was drowning, cumming more than he knew was possible as it pounded his g spot, each push warping the organ as his oversensitized body felt every minute shift. Gurgles accented with a screech, that was the noise filling the stream as gravity fucked him downwards, the cock in far enough that it could start to shift back a little before splitting him harder. Raph could barely think, barely more than a human condom for the audience to fuck as he never felt so filled, each crunch of his hips making his thighs jerk his cock even harder as liquids rumbled inside his prostate, the organ a squishy toy for chat's dick as each thrust made it spread further.

Tendrils were beginning to warp permanently, more and more spreading it triangularly as the thrusts forced offshoots to carve out their own path inside his guts. Each plunge dug deeper, Raph foaming at the mouth as he felt the squishy bits carve through his belly, a fresh heat adding to the already unbelievable pleasure assaulting his being to the core. There was a gurgle as it withdrew, Raph groaning as he felt the tendrils pull back, the heat filling his balls as it felt like someone was blowing hot air inside his sac, his prostate nearly deflated and reformed as he felt the fullness of cock pull back and back, almost retreating completely as he prayed the dono was done. That hope made his asshole loosen slightly, and that was when it stabbed up as Raph cried with ecstasy, his prostate fucked into a new shape as the offshoots dug out and stickily latched onto his scrotum.

It wasn't the triple penetration that made his eyes water and body thrash, nor was it the stirring it did as he came, screaming as his sac deflated until it was skin tight, empty beyond the tubes stuck on his balls and his burning, melting testes. No to his horror it was the pull out, reason lost on him as it pulled out the smallest of bits, and like the previous thrusts the new tubes of warped prostate retracted as well, taking his balls with them.


Raph begged for it to stay as it slid out, a crease digging deeper into his fucked hollow innards, his cock twitching as any male cum left in him sputtered out like a dying sprinkler as his balls were unfucked into his hips. It was like his body was trying to fill in the gap left by the cock, Raph squealing as it wetly slid out his ass, his balls drawn deeper inside, two new cocks to replace the one leaving his ass as with a wet pop, it slid out. His scrotum made a similar sound as it split open, Raph gripping his stomach and screeching as a slit opened up under his cock, balls melting into ovaries as he made cute little mewls, unable to relay just how much he was feeling as his innards completely inverted.

"Oh? You wanna get it back inside? Here chat, grant this perv's wish. She must looove your cocks hehe."

He didn't even have time to beg, a chorus of dings echoing as the cock shot up, Raph screaming as it dug past his prostate, popping it into a womb as the spare fluids plushed his ass into a jiggly, thick tush. But it kept going, further than any cock should, Raph mutely opening his mouth as tears ran down his face. He could feel it INSIDE his cock, spreading it, tearing it, making cocksleeve literal as it plunged his own stiffy, Raph certain it would break, the world turning white as he passed out for a second. The white out didn't last as he came, or his body tried to, the fluids rattling in his torn innards before finding a new place to flow, Raph feeling like he was cumming backwards as it thrust into his tailbone, a large bruised lump of flesh thrusting out shiny as it turned blue.

It was the most unsettling thing Raph had ever felt, his cock filled like a nesting doll, his mute drooling occasionally cracking into girly ekes. Worse it was the greatest thing he had ever felt, his brain making him drool, his hips subconsciously wriggling onto the cock as he felt another orgasm stretch the blue lump further as a thick, smooth appendage extended like a second cock from his back, muscle pumping inside as he felt a network of nerves latch onto his spine.

"Aww I think we're breaking her. Hey! Pervert? Want this one to stop?"

He shook his head yes, unable to beg, human speech impossible as the vertebrae of his spine were being invaded, his spine creaking as the growing lump made his back feel tight. He needed this cock out of him, needed it before he became addicted to the sensation, utterly ruined from the feeling his balls made when- Wait his balls! When the cock left it- Oh shit oh shit oh-


Again he was fucked mute, feeling the cock ever so slowly pull out, his own moving with it as the scraped loose skin of his former cock was peeling off the inner one, Raph twitching as his own cock fucked him hard. And each inwards orgasm only solidified how much he loved being penetrated, squealing as the blue lump of tail was now twitching as the receding cock slid against it, multiple dings ringing soundlessly to his mind as the pulling on his spine worsened.

There were too many unique pleasures barraging his mind, Raph helpless to stop any of them as his cock was nearly peeled back to the tip, clear fluids leaking out his folding cock as his spine did much the same. He was a bit over 6 feet tall, the leg changes dropping him half into the five's and now his growing tail needed vertebrae and muscle. This time when he back came, it was like his whole body was trying to cum itself out, his stomach writhing as its flab and spare mass was pulled back, the tail dragging his spine down as it grew out five more inches, Raph nearly in the four's as his tip was pulled flush to his slit.

He didn't think it was possible to be degraded further for the viewers, but with his tip stuck the cock inside began to shift about, moving like someone trying to scrape some shit off their shoe, Raph's cock the unwanted hanger on as he could feel the inner muscles sucking on the cock, as if his masculinity was giving up, trying to fuck itself deeper. It pulled back once, twice, Raph seeing stars as he screamed, his tail glistening out to a foot long as his height fell to four foot nine. There was a great pull, Raph unable to take it as she was shaken loose, screaming as the vacuum from the released cock plugged her new slit with her former cock, mashing it into a clit as one final inch popped her back into shape. Out the end of her tail popped torn and ragged fins, Raph making inhuman shrieks as she came for the first time as a girl and loved it.

"I don't think our resident perv here heard any of my insightful commentary. I had to lower the volume for chat cause even they thought you were too loud. God dangit I kept thinking you were finally mute for good only to hear you scream even louder. I'm not trying to jumpscare my chumbuds! Well here's an offer. I'll undo it and return all of chat's money so far if you can resist from being horny over my body understand? But if you cum, uh what's next on the docket? Oh right breasts. Well might as well take care of everything below the neck."

Raph could hear the words technically, but it was all still new, her male brain being pumped with female hormones, the walls of her pussy twitching as her tail slapped against the floor. She moaned, her tail brushing against anything making her clit swell, her skin's raised sensitivity making every movement its own tease. She didn't know what to do, her own moans teasing her, her thighs rubbing anxiously, her unchanged arms meaning her fingers were constantly near her pussy as the need grew hotter. Somehow her hands were gripping her thighs, squeezing them, playing with them, slowly sliding upwards as her pinkies began rimming her slit.

Raph was tearing up, disgusted at her inability to stop, her pussy screaming for pleasure, for anything, each second making her brain devolve more till it was unbearable. She didn't just feel the need in her pussy, it was everywhere, in her skin, in her nipples, in her legs, every inch screaming for what she needed as she shoved a finger in, moaning as she came just from that. The flood of donations added to her shame, Raph gasping as a tingle ran over her body, her nipples suddenly tripling in sensitivity, cum glistening out her pussy as her already flattened waist pulled tighter. She was wriggling sensually, feeling her waist shrink, her fingering quickening as she could feel each one slender inside, digging deeper with less girth, her shame coming to a head as her chest grew.

"GYAAA~! AHH FUUUUCK NYOOO OHH OH- Oh... that's it?"

It was such a blissful feeling, her estrogenated brain beginning to welcome the multiple orgasms, her fingering making her nipples harden. Again new sensations battered her brain, Raph loving it, feeling blissful surges push into new erogenous zones. It didn't matter that her arms were turning into stunted twigs or her broad manly shoulders were shrinking to match the rest of her, the feeling of her boobs growing was addictive as she began kneading them needily, a little sad when they stopped at only tiny mounds. That just mean she had to play with them harder, rougher, really digging into those tiny hydrodynamic breasts since she couldn't just stop it there-

"Oh wow he didn't just lose, I think she forgot we were even on. She's truly a vtuber now. Doing embarrassing stuff while thinking her mic's muted. Also hey! Why do you look so disappointed?! If you wanted BOING BOING then why'd you perv on me?!"

This was bad, Raph was feeling so ashamed, but her fingering and self groping were so good, a few more dings now almost turning him on at the thought of how much money was being sent to dom her, her own horniness laid bare as a plaything for chat. It wasn't fair how instant the gratification was, her brain already hooked on the feeling. But he didn't want to admit that.

"I-It's y-OOOH~ d-hoooing this to mEEEEE~! AHH AH! Y-You messed with my mIIIIIInd!"

There was a pause, Raph hoping they buyed it, hoping it'd make Gura look like a dumb slut for being this horny.

"Oh nyooo he's right! We already changed his mind a bit ago. Darn I guess I am kind of Yabai! Oh nyooo not my secret!"

The sarcasm was lost on her as Raph, now having an excuse. began really fingering herself earnestly. It was Gura's fault for making this feel so good, now she'd get a chance to embarrass HER for once and cum the whole time too!

"Oooh yeah I'm so hOOORny and d-HUUUMB AHH AGHK~!"

It was weird, Uraph only feeling hornier as she spoke, her own words making her pussy wetter by the second as she felt a squeeze from her pussy pull from her head. It felt so weird, like all of a sudden her head just shrank or something and she was so dizzy and horny. There was this, like weird slimy feeling as her brain shrank, spilling down her throat and making her feel really horny when she came it all out. Yeah this was great, she was definitely embarrassing Gura by making a horny mess of herself. The dumb shark girl. Guraph kept giggling as her dark brown hair spilled down, all white from the roots with stripes of blue and teal dyeing her bangs. That slimy feeling was making her mouth open and close dumbly, her brain trying to remember just what she was craving as she was having trouble cumming. That's when she remembered.

"O-Ohh~ and Guraaa's such a sluuhtty shAAAAAArk G-HIIIiirl! I need a bunch of co- I mean she needs a bunch of cocks, a bunch of juicy fat- HYAAAAIAIIIIEEK~!"

She barely got her hand out in time, the cock from before slamming into her pussy, Gurap squealing only to be muffled as another roughly shoved into her mouth. It slammed in, her lips plumping around it, jaw rounding to just the right size to swallow its girth, her nose grinded down by the shaft as it slid past. The taste was what she was missing, Gurap mumbling out in bliss as her teeth sharpened, her mouth opening wider to not hurt the precious dick choking her as her eyes' dark brown pupils were veined in light blue. Fuck she loved this, she needed this, she couldn't get enough of-

"Oh by the way NEW-Ra these last few donations were from your wallet. I just had the system read your thoughts and be honest with what you wanted. Apparently you already think you're me. Well I've got a seiso stream with Fauna after this so I think it's time to wrap this up. Get ready to cum your brains out for the rest of your life!"

It took a second for that to register, Gurap's eyes already glassy with blue and pleasure, trying to deny it.

"N-Nuh u-UNGGH-UHH! Juhhhst cause I wahhnted it doesn mean I wan-MMPH!"

The cock shut her up, her brain feeling really weird, that clenching feeling in her pussy getting really strong, her memories of being a man starting to spark and mesh with her new desires, the need to be her audience's virtual fucktoy bringing her closer, her pussy drawing the cock inside deeper as she was ready to bust. Fuck all these people knew she was just a dumb slut now didn't they, a dumb silly shark girl slut even when she was a ma- a- a-, um an indie vtuber or someth- No she was slipping and it was all her fault! It was all her... did that mean like the fucking was her fault too cause she didn't mind-


There was a flicker of anxiety as the cock popped out, the last of her former thoughts all throbbing desperately, not wanting to be cummed out like the rest, but her eyes were fixed, one last big donation plastered over with more zeros than she could count on her left hand.


Gura bucked upwards, grabbing the spat out cock as she jerked it, watching the cocks turn pixelated as her pussy clenched, all that she had been dripping around the fat cock plowing her, her libido insatiable as she looked out at the thousands of members only watchers, desperate to please her fans as she wanted more.

"a! D-Don't just watch me ya pervs! Fuck me! I don't care if you're cute just HYAAAAA FUCK ME!"

And so Raph's Gura's illustrious career as a streamer began, and never ended as she celebrated her new birthday the only way she knew how. By showing her extra special shrimps and chumbuds how special they really were.


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