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Deku blushed, stuttering over his words, trying his best not to stare at Hado’s prominent breasts squeezed against his face. It had been an accidental door open while Deku was looking for Jirou’s practice room, the massive school having an equally massive backstage area for school events. So when he heard music after a half hour of stumbling around a veritable maze, he thoughtlessly entered, gasping at the sight of a half dressed Hado with a childishly frustrated look on her face.

“Oh god I’m so sorr-“

Ooh just what I needed! Come in!

Deku was trying to back out, blushing like mad as her long hair tendrils out, wrapping around him as she pulled him into a tight embrace. He felt warm, not just from her spiral energy glowing through the tendrils hugging him, but his own flustered reaction to being squashed against one of the school’s bustiest heroines. His mind was a blur of bad memories and disgusting thoughts to keep his buddy below from reacting even as she rubbed him against her in a tight embrace.

Be honest with me kay?

He nodded very slowly, trying not to grind against her breasts.

Tell me do you think this dress looks good on me?

It was teal and white, clearly very revealing though it hardly mattered given her current state of half undress. He just nodded along, trying to clear his head of dirty thoughts.

Do you think people would want to see me in this… thing?

He was still nodding dumbly, only half listening as he desperately fought his instincts to keep eye contact.

Hmm I’m still a bit shy, but here’s the real reason I was so happy to see you. Could you help me Deku? Mei said you made for an easy test subject and I don’t want to let people down.

Deku continued to nod, only realizing what he was agreeing to two beats too late as Nejire smiled, her twin drills coming to life as she gave a mischievous smirk.

Thanks so much Deku! You’re so kind! Though you’re going to need a maaajor makeover if you want to convincingly help me…

Her twin tails were spinning, fast then slow, expanding and contracting in each eye as they kept shifting tempo, one in each eye.

“Uh I-I should go?”

Spinning spinning spinning. Deku’s feet seemed to spin with him, his attempt to leave just walking in a circle, the spirals tracking his movement. Spinning clockwise, counterclockwise. Pulsing large and small.

“Jirou needs me to help set up…”

Deku was spinning, the room was spinning, the world was-

You should strip.


Nejire said it so casually, Deku’s eyes unable to leave her hair. The idea was preposterous, the hero raising his hands to accent his argument only they seemed to move with the spirals, a forwards point now caught inside his hero suit.

“Th-This isn’t what I was- Huh?”

The spinning worsened, his hands moving in pattern as they tugged his zipper down, the shoulders of his green jumpsuit sagging. Spinning spinning spinning, blue spirals drawing him in, making him stumble. It was strange, that step meant to catch his balance instead had him untying his shoes, his gloves flung off as once more he stumbled. The room swayed as Deku clutched his stomach, or no he was undressing, slipping out of his costume, his underwear. Spinning, Nejire was spinning him, her spirals were-

Thanks Deku! I was told you had to have nothing to interfere with the science stuff, but I felt too embarrassed. Thanks again for volunteering!

He shook his head looking down in shock at his naked body, his cock stiffening in a rush of nerves and horny arousal, the idol of the school eyeing his cock with special interest.

Shame it has to go, but at least it’s gonna feel incredible right?

Deku was trying to turn around and pick up his clothes, the spinning somehow tricking him into posing instead as he nervously begged to know.

“What are you doing to me? What did I volunteer for?!”

Nejire just grinned, the dress floating as her quirk moved it forwards.

Well duh, isn’t that obvious? You’re going to be me! Yaaay!

He had to get out of here, the unending spinning making his tongue feel thick, his words turning slurred as down was up and the tangles of hair continued to enchant him. Somehow his arms were raised to greet the revealing slip of fabric, Deku whining as the teal underbody slid over his head. It paused right on his forehead, the inside surprisingly clingy as a bunch of odd feelers wriggled over his furrowed brow.

"That was close. You'd have probably rebelled if I didn't condition you more right?"

Deku hadn't even thought of that, his struggling still meaningless as the spinning of her hair continued as she moved tantalizingly towards his ears, whispering as she had a stray strand spiral around his cock and begin stroking.

"Alright, feel that pleasure?"

He couldn't stop the moans no matter how hard he tried, feeling it stiffen despite his fear.

"Following my orders feels like that for you. It. Feels. Like. This. Not following them feels icky."

Drool was slowly dripping down his chin, his eyes twitching as he tried to close them.

"Bad Deku. Keep your eyes open for me okay?"

He closed his eyes, a wave of nausea and discomfort rolling through, only a few instances passing before they shot back open. The instant gratification melted further resistance, his skin tingling from the dopamine pouring in, Nejire giggling as she stopped stroking.

"Keep listening to my voice. My voice is so much better than yours. You love my voice. Hearing it over and over and over brings you great joy. Don't you wish you could hear it forever?"

Nodding gave him the same satisfaction as her dick strokes, his cock already wet at the tip, his body tense as the endless swirling of her hair was becoming something of worship, his brain latching onto every detail, the periwinkle spiraling drilling deep into the pleasure centers of his mind. The dress slid down, covering his eyes, breaking the spell as he realized this was his last chance to leave, but then he wouldn't hear her voice…

The thought ended up stunning him as the dress slid lower, Deku giggling as the feelers continued subtly groping up and down his body, teasing him as the dress hit snags on his torso, stuck on his skin.

"Aww the dress isn't fitting. Maybe it's all that boy stuff. If your skin was perfectly smooth like mine it'd slip on I bet. Here Deku say wearer activate. Pretty please?"

Without her spiraling hair it made his lips coherent again, the words slipping out with a burst of pleasure as he moaned out, "Wearer ahhctivate."

The dress gave a power on sound and buzzed, the feelers suddenly stroking vigorously as they gripped onto his skin, Deku moaning as a wave of tiny strands poked and prodded every pore. Sets of two slid under every follicle, plucking him clean, not just stealing hairs, but injecting small bits of something that very slightly burned with each tiny jab. It wasn't a strong burn, but countless number of injections made him twitch and itch, layers of skin peeling off as the dress took them off, the heat adding to the arousing tingles swirling in his mind with his eyes open, hairs eradicated from the waist up, the serum prickling pleasantly as after the burn came an exposed corner of pristinely smooth skin, the frictionless surface letting the dress slide downwards, squeezing his body tighter, more and more tiny injections making him grunt and moan as the dress got most of the way down, the inwards curve of the satin body stuck on his shoulders.

Nejire tutted, her face screwed up in annoyance, happy that at least Deku's eyes were open once more though the lip of the dress was stuck on his nose. To his horror the fizzling injections were doing more than just skin fixing, the warmth diving deeper, his muscle becoming bombarded with the fluid, strands melting under the touch as with every struggled squeeze of the dress, his muscles felt more pliable. But it wasn't enough, and Deku knew it as she resumed her spiraling hypnosis, ready to really get things going.


She loved watching the little involuntary shudder he'd do when she talked, grinning as the smooth skin was spreading beyond just the dress, the hairs on his scarred knuckles fading, said scars shrinking bit by bit as the smooth luster of his skin worked through the damage.

"You love my curves don't you? How sleek my body is, how flexible I am?"

This time he blushed, shaking his head no with great effort as Nejire increased the tempo of her spirals.

"Don't lie to me, I saw where your eyes went. You looooove my body don't you?"

There was a forced groan, Deku quivering, his mind shaking as she watched his no turn to a yes. By this point small bubbles of melted muscle were beginning to dot his tightening skin, his pesky pecs less firm and more wobbly as the dress slid further, his nose popping out from behind the top hem as it now snugly gripped his chin.

"You looooove my curves Deku. You. Love. Them. You. Want. Them.

She repeated it till his eyes half glazed over, his cock’s twitching especially frantic as the smooth skin prickled over, ball hairs falling to the floor as it turned smooth and pale, gleaming in the light.

"But you're so muuuscly. You could never be like me, or help me with those muscles. They're so bulky and obvious. And you said you'd do anything to help me right?"

He nodded faster, his chin slipping out, the dress now bunched over his chest as it wrapped around him like a vicegrip. Her captive hero gave a sudden grunt, thick cum spilling to the floor, Nejire smirking at the sight.

"That felt great didn't it?"

More nodding, his tender skin constantly being played with by the dress, his cock already throbbing back to life as she traced his shuddering abs, his broad neck.

"If you want to feel better, then you should be more like me. Be thinner, be, well not weaker, but slimmer. Cum out all that icky muscle for me kay?"

For a second he looked confused, before the first convulsion happened followed by shrieks of ecstasy.

The heat from before was melting him, the serum the dress was pumping in reaching spots he hadn't known could be touched, Nejire's order echoing in his head as each repetition of the word "cum" made him squirt. He had never felt so much pleasure before, the spirals making him unable to resist, moaning as each gush drained him further. The dress helped by squeezing, his melting muscle all flowing down, his broad shoulders slowly creaking as he felt the bubbly serum melt into his bones, dress straps sawing back and forth as his broadness was slimmed. His mind was frantically trying to make sense of it, his body emptying like his balls after a jerk off session, the pleasure getting more and more burning as the orgasms built.

He was cumming with his entire body, his tender skin giving him the feeling of a full body stroke as it squeezed to fill any gaps left in his weakening body, Deku screaming as the dress forced its way down, his body either cooperating with it or giving into its touch. It truly felt like his body was one massive cock as it squeezed and slid down, jerking his abdomen, injecting more serum as his hard earned muscle gooed up, a very different structure being forced through his body as anything excess drained out piece by piece, all resulting in larger and larger gushes from his endlessly replenishing cock.

All Nejire had to do was reinforce through the blinding pleasure, battering his unguarded conscience with her voice, whispering to "Embrace the changes. This is helping me. Being me is helping me. You exist to help me. You love me, the name Nejire fills you with ecstasy. Nejire Nejire Nejire. You have no shame in helping me..."

It looped, the spinning drills continuing to dig it in deeper as Deku's name began to rattle uncomfortably in his brain, each orgasm making Nejire's name feel more and more right, her body better than his, her perfection filling every cell as the dress finally slid down to his hips.

Nejire paused her stream of conditioning as the dress wrapped around Deku like an anaconda, rolls of fat and  felt a stream spill out, his arms weak, soft, fingers twitching as they thinned to almost the bones. He hadn't felt this weak since, well okay not all of his muscle had been eradicated, but he was drained, feeling weak, smaller, his shoulders crunching as the sawing straps made them round with the serum, his slimmer figure so, s-so much sexier and cute!


The dress really squeezed at that thought, his pecs flattening as the skin hung loosely over his drained top, as loose as the cups of the dress as a growing puddle spilled to the floor, that feeling of cuteness growing as his insides began to fizzle and shift.


Nejire was taken aback, only realizing that as she was caught up in watching the dress forcefully shape him, she had stopped spinning her twintails, rolling her eyes as she got them back to work.

"Well since you asked..."

She figured she might as well humor him, besides knowing what was happening at this stage could actually speed things up!

"See I know people wanted me in the dress, but it's soooo embarrassing. So I asked if the Support Department could make the dress, er, make it less embarrassing. To keep me level. Somehow it got mixed up and they made something that could perfectly replicate me instead as a healing item. Now sure I could just put it on and will myself to not be embarrassed, but I was still just blushing at even putting it on. And then you came in! And you're enjoying it so much too! I've never seen someone so happy before. But anyways my genetic code is being inserted into you Deku, apparently my quirk makes it really easy to takeover since DNA's just a bunch of spirals of energy and so that warm feeling of perfection filling you? That's me! Soon all your gross bits will be replaced and you'll be cute and perky and unembarrassed as my twin. Doesn't that sound just great Nejire?"

There was mounting horror in Deku as she told him what was happening, yet the more she continued to the reveal, the more there was a tinge of excitement to it, his head swimming at the feeling of the countless strands inside the dress petting and playing with him, gripping rolls of fat, juts of bone, filling him with that perky fizzy serum stuff that was making him feel so good. It was when she called him Nejire that he really reacted, moaning as the dress didn't so much clench as much as his waist stopped resisting, feeling load after load spill out his cock, his waist hugged perfectly by the dress as his final squirming abs were flattened and shot out, Deku stumbling as the orgasm finally ended anticlimactically. It just stopped, his waist tiny and thin, his legs feeling like jelly from the bits of muscle they had lost, still lagging behind though Nejire was quick to help.

"There you go, almost all that obstructing stuff is gone. Don't you feel so much lighter? I bet all that icky boy stuff was weighing you down, and you must be loving how cute this dress is making you feel riiiight Nejire? Here let me give you a lil pep in your step."

The spirals lifted Deku up, his empty cock twitching, hungry for more to expel, leaving him defenseless as Nejire gripped a foot, a teal heel in hand. Her touch sent the knowledge of his fate running through him, the thought of being her so exciting despite his horror. He could feel how cute she was, his hands twitching in their bony states, knuckles creaking as his nails extended to match the perfection touching him, his scarless hands a perfect match as she slipped the heels on his struggling feet.


The feeling of the heels broke something inside him, the soft fabric of the tops clinging to his oversized feet. It wasn't just the microneedles dosing them with Nejire serum, it was how ill fit his feet felt, that disgust turning to ecstasy as Nejire barely had to force them on, his feet willingly collapsing to slimmer forms to fit, his body erupting at every shift as his cock fruitlessly shot blanks. His tiny toes felt so nice to wriggle and slid cutely into the cupped holds of the heels, the support so comfy his arches gladly slanted to slip right in, any awkward overgrowth of his heels firming into her petite backs as first one foot was fully sculpted, then the next.

His horny wriggling now had the delightful clacks of his heels to give a repeating audio trigger to the hypnotizing swirls of Nejire's spirals, that shape becoming more and more of an obsession. The heels and hem of his dress were syncing up, rubbing his body, the strands and needles pumping more than just serum as his drooling brain focused on his reflection briefly, spirals still the focus of his mind. He was so lanky, only his waist really proper as he tried to understand why. It was vacuum sealed in the dress, no longer six packed but the clear tonage and line of feminine muscle were there, but that wasn't why it fit. It fit because it was curved, his sides slanted nicely but it wasn't complimented by anything. Just square juts at his hips, flat mehness at his deflated nips, his slumped shoulders needing a bit more of that appealing fat to have the proper curves to them.

Ah curves there was a lovely word, the spirals making him realize why he loved it so much, why the thought of spirals was making him so unbearably horny. What was a spiral but unending curves? The perfect shape, the perfect symbol. Oh god he needed to be perfect he needed to feel her perky curves all around he needed to be-


It was a new kind of release, Dekire used to cumming stuff out, but with this burst of pleasure and wanting he had to deal with something gushing inside. Just like the spirals boring into his every waking thought, the serum was diving endlessly into him, not just melting muscle but converting it, Deku actively moaning in glee as he could feel jiggly shifts of muscle in his calves, the bottoms tapering to cute curves, the rest swelling up as the backs bounced with glee. It felt so curvy and cute, his calves jello like as he clapped them together, the feeling of fat penetrating his deepest recesses doing something to his now inadequate feeling cock, something spasming deep behind the muscles there as the slithery dress gripped his ass and began to rub.


There were voices echoing in his head, the hypnotizing spirals digging into the deepest recesses of his body, his DNA quivering and twisting into new shapes as his quirk was shifting, generations of heroes all shouting at him to fight back, then grunting, an repeating pattern of voices begging, moaning and finally cumming as they joined Nejire's desires, the pure ecstasy in their submissions getting Dekire hornier by the second as his hips burst outwards. He stumbled, falling back onto his ass, moaning as it swelled before impact, softening the blow as he bounced on it, the jiggling fat only spreading as his cock grew squashed between his thighs, a thin dribble of transparent liquid runoff wetting them as the serum pumped them thick and pillowy. His legs flailed as he came, again and again, screaming in bliss as his perfect legs modeled for his hungry eyes, such thick, succulent curves dancing for his own amusement, the roots of his hair prickling as they turned periwinkle, the conditioning nearly complete. Nejire helped her burgeoning twin up, ready to complete the final touches as she sat him down in her makeup chair.

Dekire whined, not out of resistance, no those thoughts were melting under an echoing chorus of desires to be cute, to be curvy, to let Nejire become him. He was whining because Nejire had stopped spinning her twintails, needing the conditioning, squirming as the floaty outer bit of the dress firmly cupped his still saggy pecs, lightly pricking them as his nipples perked.

"Aww don't look so sour Nejire. You're about to get my, I mean our best attribute! C'mon what do you think that is?"

Nekire bucked, his pricked chest beginning to bloat, that loose skin filling bit by bit, the bloat making his nipples swell to pink discs as his Adam's Apple finally melted under the shifting of his collarbone, his cock leaking clear fluids as Nejire's voice poured out his mouth while the real one just shook her head.

"I was talking about our cute face! Our lovely hair! Then again, I guess you're still a boy Nejire. Don't you want to fix that?"

She began roughly brushing his hair, forcing him to nod even as he tried to do it voluntarily. Each pull back tugged on his scalp, bliss exploding with every added inch of hair, Nekire's thoughts pulled out to grow his hair longer, that urge to help still being repeated ad nauseam as she turned his spiky fro into a periwinkle expanse of flowing water, his main fringes curling delightfully as if permanently cupping his cheeks, his moans giggling out as more fat swelled his chest up to a petite a cup.

He was so excited, feeling Nejire's hair spill down his back, his lips thickening to her perfect smile as she added lip balm, eyelashes curled and tweaked to perfection. The longer he admired his reflection the more there was to enjoy, the pleasure building with his inflating chest, the loose skin now taut as it passed b's, growing larger, jiggling with every forced surge of growth. He couldn't wait to show off the new him, cheering his sis on as she threaded his eyebrows, his forehead crunching as she gave it a small tap.


That crunch crushed the last bit of individuality left in Nejire's mind, her moaning chin rounding at the sound of her own voice in blissful lust, relishing each scrunch of bone and rounding of edges, the endless curves truly fitting her as her breasts continued to surge, now rubbing her nipples rigidly against the silk. That panic from before seemed so silly now, Nejire giggling as she posed in the mirror, cupping her cheeks as they turned cherubic, blowing herself a kiss as her ugly nose was pinched by her twin, making her sound even sillier as it scrunched to its right shape. How could she have ever felt threatened by this, so much pleasure and cuteness blessing her.

Deep inside, every last ounce of her was nearly finished, the hero shivering as the last of her quirk was converted, her nipples twisting by accident as the dress shook with newfound spiral energy. It was an uncontrolled awakening, Nejire gasping as her power continued to ravage her breasts, making them swell in increasingly violent quivers as they threatened to pop out of her new dress entirely. That thought would normally embarrass her, but the new Nejire only grew more turned on, imagining the crowd smiling at her, gawking at her body, her curves, all the while feeling more pleasure knowing that she was saving her sister from their lecherous gazes, saving them for herself.

"Oooh~ I think you did my makeup perfectly sis!"

The original looked down, happy to see her conditioning was done, both mentally and with the shiny luster of her twin's hair gleaming down past her hips.

"Oh not gonna whine? Did you finally get rid of all that male muck in your system?"

The twin held a finger up, cutely pondering if she did or didn't.

"Actually nope!"

She blushed lightly brushing a nipple with her dress.

"But I think I know what to do. Just let me... Oh? OHH! AHH AHHH YES YES NEHHHHHJIREEEE~!"

It was her first time using her spiral energy, yet it came to her naturally, her nipples rock hard as she focused it, imagining the repetitive drilling centered on her cock, her tip the tip of a spiral diving deeper, over and over and-


Her cock was beginning to twist, not just rotating, but screwing in bit by bit, each turn diving into her, spreading her innards as she continued flicking her finger in a circle. She was almost there, her perfect curves marred by this weird lump, this weird, sensitive, delectable lump that felt better with every self enforced twist of it.

She made it spin, faster and faster, drilling into her harder with each rotation making her drool as she fucked herself more and more. Nejire cheered Nejire on, whispering of all the fun they'd have when she was done, the beauty pageant, all those eyes centered on their beauty, their body, how she'd be the center of their endless spiral. The speed of the rotations was deforming it, her tip melting like clay being shaped on a spinner. Clear juices were flinging everywhere, any stains added to her dress quickly lapped up by the strands, the front of the dress jerking her cock as it spun, now adding a strong, inwards push to speed it along as her squeals rose to a melodic giggling climax.

As the edge of her tip scraped against her spreading lips, something snagged, her tubes fully reeled in, her balls giving two rubbery looking bounces before suddenly popping inside. That was the end of her masculinity, her scrotum cratering into the carved hole, Nejire bucking as she felt her balls swirl down a dark drain, twisting inside into ovaries, the final spill of estrogen enough to make the spiral finally reach the last twist as with a slobbering slurp, the last piece of Deku was pulled inside, the new girl cumming as she felt glorious release after glorious release, panting as her sister patted her on the back.

"There we go, let it aaaall~ out. Feeling better Nejire?"

She nodded, her face blushing as she felt at the tender spot between her thighs, lightly teasing it as she imagined her fans.

"Soooo much better sis. Oh god I feel so cute! S-So sexy! Ahh I just wanna go out there now and wow the crowd!"

She didn't know why she had this need, but it was true, her body aching for their turn, the new Nejire twirling in the air as she let her spiral quirk work. She really did have to thank the support team when the pageant was over, thank them again and again and again for letting her understand the beauty in her spirals, in her quirk's utter perfection.

But then again was she really satisfied? All those perverts gawking at her when they could truly be understanding the glory of the spiral as well. The new Nejire giggled as she got ready for her time to shine. Yes with all those cameras on her, she could definitely use her twintails like her sister. And then the crowd would understand, and their love of the spiral would grow, more and more. That's the thing about a spiral, they looped, they repeated, and new Nejire couldn't wait to get her own shot at changing everyone else soon enough…


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