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"Holy shit is it real?!"

"I told you it wasn't a scam!"

Max was excitably holding a large box, the tape and cardboard all branded with Riot Games insignias and logos, the box itself feeling rather hefty. He definitely wanted to rub it a bit in Dave's face, especially given how much shit he had heard from him when he had answered that surprise message from a Riot employee, Dave certain that it was all just a scam to try and steal Max's credit card information despite them not asking for any of that. The two of them ran a mid-sized gaming channel on youtube, big enough to pay the bills for their shitty apartment though nothing superstar levels. League had always been one of their consistent go tos and apparently after a few years of bantering together over it, the company had taken notice, asking them to take part in a special promotional event with KDA.

"Dammit and I was making fun of you the last three episodes too..."

Despite his annoyance, Dave was smiling like a giddy school child, clearly the most excited person in the room given it all. They both certainly left an impression, the two of them tall, well built, handsome. Both were 6 foot 4, though Max had a quarter inch over Dave, Max's short brown hair usually left messy as strands hung over his cadet blue eyes. He was resting the box against his grey jeans, fussing with the tape, leaving some marks on his dark pullover as he opened it. Dave bent over it, his black hair buzzed down to barely enough to cover his scalp, a bland white undershirt over loose, black sweatpants as his eyes poured over the contents.

"Er... what'd they give us?"

He darted his hands in first, pulling out two oddly shaped spikes, square at one end and thin, swelling out oddly in his fingers. Max would have complained, but he was grinning over what his roommate had passed over, a perfect replica of Seraphine's mic, his favorite girl to play in the game.

While Dave was trying to figure out just what the hell the black things were for, Max couldn't resist seeing if it worked, picking it up in his left and speaking into the heart of the pink crystal that was its head, "One two one tw-ooooh~?!"

It worked alright, the whole thing quivering as the pink gem at the bottom began glowing, the sound buzzing through his hand as he stumbled, feeling dizzy. The most odd spasms were running through his fingers, each one shivering as they shrank, his nails growing as they tapped against the metal shaft, turning blue as he accidentally put his lips to the large pink gem up top. It amplified his confused sigh into a moan, the buzz now in his lips as he kept licking them, feeling an odd pleasure as they swelled amongst the buzz, the vibrations spreading into the bones as his chin rounded painlessly. It tickled, the further the buzz traveled the more the microphone trembled as his palm shrank, his nose rounding as it shrank in with a surprisingly erotic crunch, the quivering moans coming from his voice alerting Dave to the strange happenings.

"What the- Max! Y-Your face holy shit!"

In the time it took to say that, he could see his friend's cheeks turn cherubic, cutesy dimples denting over their plump lips, the greyish blue color in their eyes upping in saturation as it looked like someone had spilled a day glo rave stick's contents into them. In his shock, the two black sticks fell from his grasp, tumbling behind him right as he lifted his heels as he wondered what he could even do to help. As if there were magnets in his soles, the rounded ends of the two black sticks whipped around, making him nearly fall as they shunted themselves onto the curve of his heels, two small pricks attaching them to his body as the force of it made his arches exaggerate. Before he could regain his bearings, Dave was moaning, the heels pumping out an oily liquid as they swallowed his socks and his feet, crushing them as he gave a low, confused moan.

"Huh? Wh-What the hell was- ohHH~!"

Dave could feel something pumping inside his body, something that made his body feel spectacular. His eyes trembled upwards as his cock stiffened, his feet now encased in a black liquid that spread up to his calves, its chaotic shape squeezing to order, his feet trembling madly as he felt them crunch inside their prisons, moaning as toes were scraped of lint and callus, the bottoms thickening to soles as the tops sprouted a silver buckle to finish off the heels, the sides of his feet scrunched to submissiveness as his size 13 men's shrank to comfortably rest inside heels made for a petite woman. Not wasting an ounce, Dave felt the shorn off mass of his feet pump upwards, his legs quivering as fat rounded the backs of his calves, the massaging path of it adding more unwanted bliss as the pleasure choked him into inaction.

Max had seen the whole thing, well when he wasn't sighing, the feeling of a scalp massage rolling upwards as his hair squeezed out the pores, his eyebrows sharpening as the rolling pressure spread down his neck as well, each sigh just a hint higher than the last, more bubbly. The fun ended though when he watched Dave's feet change, the fringes of his sweats brightening in the back as they pulled tight to his ankles, impossibly turning to latex as he moaned. Actually now that he thought about it, if Dave was changing, and he had been trying to warn him about something... Max yelped when he saw his hand, moving the mic to the right, his shocked shriek still buzzing through the mic as his right began to feminize against it.

"Oh god what's happe- my voice?!"

Each word continued to climb, his panicked breathing gaining the syrupy sweetness of a valley girl, his throat suddenly clogged as by instinct he swallowed, feeling something drop as his moans took a familiar pitch, Max screaming in Seraphine's voice as he noticed his other hand changing as the mic dropped to the floor with a muted thump.

Somehow despite being the first to notice the changes, Dave was being completely caught off guard by the sudden pleasure folding into him, his ankles popping into place nicely, an aroused shiver rolling up his legs as he could feel hairs being plucked, the black sweatpants silver and purple with a black stripe on them up to the mid calf as the newly latexed bottoms bore down on the meat of his legs. Something fundamental was being changed in how his body felt pleasure, his skin singing as it was caressed by latex, pleasure where it had never been before surging upwards as his legs were compressed into curvaceous, sexy things.

"Oh fuck oh no oh g-aaawd~!"

The latex was rising, now up to his knees, squeezing them together as his erection was shifted between his thighs. Already the hairlessness had reached there, his groin tingling as his pubes plucked themselves, his cock already ready to burst and he could only imagine what it'd feel like once the latex changed them. He didn't have to wait long, his moans reaching a desperate pitch as he tried tearing off the sweats, shocked to find the material clutching to his legs without budging, more and more of it tearing the sweats from his grasp as tight latex massaged into his thighs.

With his knees fully swallowed, more height was crushed from his calves, adding it to his thighs as he thrashed in place, his changed bits eerily still, locking him in place as torturous bliss encompassed him. They were bloating, making the smooth skin swaddle his cock as pillowy fat swelled around it, occasional bubbles in the latex popping as it slapped them, Dave drowning out Max's aroused moans with his own squeals as he felt the hem corrupt into the rest of the pattern, latex suctioning to his ass cheeks and crack, vacuum sealing his cock as he mumbled out something indecipherable, the rest lost to fevered screams as he began to be fucked from the front and back simultaneously.

Max would normally have tried to help even if it was futile, or at the very least notice his roommate screaming as they got their brains fucked out, but as their hair spread down their back turning all the colors of cotton candy, the changes reached their ears. For most people the most they'd notice is a slight pinch in their ears, but as the changes dived down the canals, Max was suddenly overwhelmed with whispers, the voices of the world pouring in, telling him to be bubbly, to give in, an endless cavalcade of sweet nothings dripped into his consciousness as he tried to ignore it. He almost slipped on the dropped mic, kicking the damn thing away, hoping that would somehow undo or at least lessen the changes. All it managed to do was spread the changes to his shoes, the tips hardening to a point, shrinking his toes together as they naturally slimmed to the nascent heels forming.

It was going slower than Dave's, but it was far more aggressive mentally, his neon eyes glowing as the voices continually rose in volume, Max groaning as he swung his head back and forth, hair whipping wildly about as his collar bone snapped inwards. His arms were slimming, appealing fat rounding them as he raised them to block his ears, moaning as the swivels of his shoulders crunched with two sudden pops, the brief dislocation rendered blissful as his frame rounded down. It felt disgustingly good, the voices telling him what would change next, teasing him, telling him to give in as they firmly rooted themselves in his subconscious mind. Their soft voices had an asmr effect, the tingles of their continued whispering brushing over his skin, rounding over his chest as with a confused moan the brunt of them seemed to gather in his nipples. It didn't take much to realize what was about to happen, Max moaning as he could feel them swell bit by bit. And then two hands slapped over them, a husky voice moaning into his ears, "Still not finished with this nerd? C'mon out Seraphine."


Davse had a latex dildo pounding up his ass, his cock encased as it was jerked and squeezed, his balls swelling as he wasn't just masterbated, he was milked. His cheeks were swelling, the spandex bubbles repeatedly slapping his rising ass as the newfound sensitivity sent spasms of ecstasy through his cock, his cum gushing out in continuous spurts as each thrust made his eyes flash violet. The spandex was shaking his g spot equally as hard, upping the force, each insertion shaping the organs inside as Daysa tried to hold back the masculinity spilling forth, but it was like trying to hold back an ocean, the squeeze on his balls and prostate making it a necessity to cum as he felt his balls shrink and soften. And as his ass swelled, the pressure was amping up on his tip, reaching a tipping point as he felt his cock begin its slow dive inwards, fucking him as it shrank.


His cries were rising, his balls strained as his releases were clearing, the last of his seed spilling out as Daisa could barely think, the pleasure continuing to stir his brains as hard as his cock stirred his insides, his thoughts gaining unpleasant memories of isolation as the pleasure turned into a relief from the darkness in his head. It became urgent for him to squeeze his thighs, his cries sharper as he could feel his balls struggling against their springiness, the violet grow strengthening as their clenching grew more forceful. For a brief second he panicked, wondering why he was doing this until there was a wet sounding gulping noise, his eyes rolling upwards as their shape angled to an alluring slant, his cries turning sultry as the left one slipped inside in one fluid motion.


Having gone that far it wasn't long before he was shoving it inside with his hands, panting and smiling as his fingers feminized, sharp nails forcing the rest of his cock inside as she gave into the changes.

The rest came quickly, her short cropped hair surging out, growing in tandem with her desires, a shock of it jerking upwards before drooping into a frontwards bang as her lips swelled to ruby suckers. They weren't half as lusty as the lips below though, outlined against the latex, her fingers thrusting inside to chase the nub as it shrank inside, her screams rising as it thrust into her prostate, merging with it to form her new nethers as her clit glistened under her tight pants. The pleasure was too much for her old body, excess ecstasy swelling upwards along with her unneeded fat, the small bits of Dave left drowning in Kai'sa's desires as her free hand began feeling up his toned core, teasing his erect nipples as his undershirt shrank to a tight black top with blue accents, the tightness showing more than it hid as her breasts made sure to stretch the fabric thin, her back arching as the last of her features finished as a final spasm in her loins announced the end to her changes.

Of course, just cause she was finished changing didn't mean she was no longer horny. Kai'sa was filled with frustrations, all of her ugly past fresh in her mind from the changes, her slit still aching as she needed a distraction. Thankfully she could see her former friend halfway into turning into her current one. But god dammit she was taking her time. Kai'sa knew Seraphine wasn't cut out for this kind of thing, the girl far too kind to do what was needed to make a man submit to her will and crush out any hint of resistance. Lucky for her though, Kai'sa was here to be the kick in the balls needed to turn her host, the resistant guy oblivious to her as she looked around for Seraphine's microphone, smiling at all the possibilities it opened up. The satisfaction she felt when her hands finally wrapped over his chest could not be understated, Kai'sa loving the way he thrashed as she teased him, pinching his nipples as her pinkies circled his areolas, Kai'sa ready to make him her bitch.

"Just cum already. I know you had a thing for her, so you know just how big these're about to get. Why deny the inevitable SE-RA-PHINE..."

Each syllable was pronounced, shaking Maxine's sense of self, Kai'sa's dry humps shaking his ass as it inflated against her touch. He kept his cock clenched, trying to ignore her, the voices, everything, but it was impossible to ignore her fingers as they yanked at his nipples like pull chains, her nails infecting his pullover with silver as fat rushed to fill the gaps being forced behind them. The sensations made him drool, his hips thrusting forwards aimlessly, his cock having a need to find release that he struggled against, tiny flecks of cum spilling as each ounce of flesh added to his breasts only gave Kai'sa more things to toy with.

"Mmm~ so much fight. This isn't like you Se-ra-phine, though I don't mind it. You know I like to play with my food. After all you do always like to please your audience don't you?"


Kai'sa's elbows dug into his sides, her humping grinding at his sides, curving them inwards as her heels played footsies with his, black pantyhose stretching up shrunken feet, Maxrine's legs quivering as they feminized, Kai'sa's knees thumping in the backs of his, the tenderness quickly becoming a weak spot for him. It was hell, the most ecstatic hell imaginable as she finished forming his breasts, giving them a final squeeze before sliding down to his ass, spanking his firmed rump as her hands slid lower to squeeze his thighs. Pleased shrieks sputtered from his lips, the voices making the tingles only grow as his cock felt on the verge of a meltdown, a desire to please rising as he tried to silence the giggly voice rising over the throng of voices in his mind, giggling at his resistance. He gave a loud squeal as his cock was fully surrounded, his eyes opening to see his mic there amplifying it, the voice giggling as Kai'sa lowered the buzzing device to his cock.

"This oughta get you to sing for me. Come on Seraphine, don't you want to entertain your audience?"

The pink crystal sheared into his grey jeans, instantly spreading them out as the torn off legs merged with the rising stockings, the top fluttering into a skirt as the crystal edge slotted perfectly into the tip of his cock. Maxaphine's scream at insertion was loud enough to pick up on it, the pleasure only getting worse as it buzzed like a vibrator, shaking his shaft roughly as he couldn't even clench with the microphone inserted so deeply. It was a tuneless, lusty thing, drool and cum spilling onto the carpet as his body shook, his cock speared inwards as Kai'sa pushed down on the makeshift vibrator.

"I know you're not tone deaf Seraphine. Now SING!"

Mexaphine squealed, his moans slotting into a high belt as Kai'sa joggled it in, the clear note rattling the microphone harder as more of his cock was shaken into mush, sliding easily inwards as his notes of ecstasy fucked it inside. He could feel it rattling about everywhere, his eyes quivering with delight, the voices urging him to harmonize with their own singing as the giggly voice joined in the melody. It was like each note was rewarding him with greater bliss, the voices becoming less of a curse as Kai'sa forced him to embrace their power. Max's thoughts tried to shout through the clamor, through the ecstasy, but the peer pressure grew like Kai'sa thrusts, his resistance bit by bit turning to part of the backing vocals as he thrust into the sharp microphone, feeling his balls pop inside as his cock was little more than a nub. She was squealing in virtuoso runs as Kai'sa shoved the last of Meraphine's cock inside, all that passion dowsing the mic as the last of her male thoughts faded under the oncoming stardom, the voices cheering in unison as she finished her first concert in this new world, gasping as Kai'sa fucked her to completion.

Elsewhere in a cold corporate room, a few techies watched passionlessly as Kai'sa and Seraphine stripped and fucked, yawning as they moved on to other monitors, unknowing volunteers on screens as they checked their schedules. They had to get a concert ready by next week, and they still needed a few more mid range nobodies to fill out the roster, not caring much about who was turned as shadowy figures in suits nodded at the show, happy to see their live action plans were going according to schedule.

Back in the bedroom, Seraphine giggled as they came down from their fucking, Kai'sa whispering something steamy and interesting as they pretended not to know they were being watched. They hoped the volume was on wherever their benefactors were, Kai'sa whispering the plan as both girls decided they didn't want to be at the whims of some shadowy corporation. The watchers and owners in the monitor room were confused at first when Seraphine began to sing one of K/DA's hits, the gems on her microphone glowing pink as her voice echoed strangely, compelling them to listen. When they realized that she was performing to their hidden cameras though, it was too late to do anything, the stunned figures panicking as their shoes turned to heels, scared whining melting to blissful echoes of the chorus as cocks inverted, breasts expanded, the staff behind it all replaced with a full band's worth of members with duplicates in alt costumes, all of them moaning along with Seraphine as they fingered themselves to the beat.

When the song was over, there was nothing left of the shadowy figures behind it, none of them wanting to be out of the spotlight as they discussed what their next steps would be. Of course, given how much fun that was it seemed like an awful waste to not make the planned concert extra special for their fans. They were made to be the biggest girl group ever, and what was bigger than the entire world?


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