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There was something wrong with the lights in Brandon's house, the electric not sparking out, but visibly weak, giving everything a dim, grimy look. If he actually believed in spooky superstitions he might have been worried given the day, but there was little he had to fear. He was one of those insufferable nerds, an open atheist who yelled at any hint of religion he found. While he wasn't going to yell at any actual jocks lest he be beaten, there were plenty of easier targets, his favorite being Vitha, a weirdly popular goth chick at college who he knew had gathered a decent internet following. She was always going on about spirits and rituals and the supernatural like a stupid child, and he was the only one who had the balls to call her out on it even if no one else seemed to appreciate the honesty. They had a number of classes together, giving him all the more time to belittle her, and as the year turned out to be a stressful one academically his berating only grew harsher.

He followed her online when the offline world kept them apart, a number of proxies he had used for other channels in the past now focused on turning her twitch chat and youtube comments into a toxic stew of belittlement. Things had come to a head a few days prior when she had stormed towards him, mascara running down her face, her black nails flexed like she was planning to claw him, not that he was scared. While he couldn't beat a jock, he was muscled enough to defend himself from some dumb, superstitious phony.


There was annoyed murmuring from the other students, all of them sick of Brandon's shit, but he didn't let the peasants bother him much.

"Aww what's the problem? I thought you morbid weirdos loved tricks on Halloween. Besides it was a temporary strike. But hey if you want me to stop, just curse me with your scary magic you keep saying is real you dumb bitch."

He figured that'd be the end of it.

There were only three days till Halloween, and each day he could see her keeping distance, muttering something under her breath, Brandon not caring one bit as he continued to mock her, even doxxing her accidentally while scrolling through google map images as he made fun of her decorations. He figured this Halloween would be like all others, uneventful especially now that he was too old for candy, Brandon ready to sit back and enjoy a night of mocking Vitha from her quote unquote special Halloween stream. Annoyingly though, there seemed to be something wrong in his house, the lights on the fritz, an odd draft biting through him. If he was at all an idiot who believed in ghosts, he might have been nervous about it, but he wasn't a moron and just figured it was the result of something shorting. Well as long as it didn't mess with his stream he didn't mind.

As if reacting to his thoughts, it suddenly went live, though it was strange, none of her usual introductions, Vitha's set filled with skulls and fake candles and other gothic accouterments. Instead the camera on a door that was oddly familiar to him.

"The barrier between spirits and reality is broken for one night only, and the dead hunt for non believers to convert. The true lovers of the night know to leave offerings for them lest they be dragged early to the realm of the dead, yet if offered a proper sacrifice, some heed to the calls of the faithful and bestow upon them a special boon."

Normally he'd be yawning at such an overly wrought speech, but he was squinting at the door in frame, trying to recollect why it seemed so distressingly familiar. As the camera moved closer, a loud scraping sound echoed downstairs, something creaking as the shot went through the door and into a familiar foyer. Suddenly he realized why it all looked familiar, a booming step thundering down the first floor of his house as he gave a nervous whimper. She was at his house!

"This is the night of tricks, and I know you've all been annoyed by the non believer, his false copies interrupting our intimate rituals of the night-"


He was more angry than scared now that he had a moment to gather himself, remembering that he was twice her size, though as he went to confront her, the screen showed something strange, his focus drifting as he tried to understand what he was seeing.

"He has demanded entry into our sanctum, therefore his home shall become ours in return, his body my plaything, his soul to the spirits who have granted us a show. There is no escape, only submission. Join us Brandon."

The furniture on screen was warping, his floors becoming hardwood, carpet tearing into rugs as everything gained an antique look to it as chairs gained stuffing and old style stitching to them, ceiling light bulbs falling down to the ground and sprouting like odd seeds into lamps that looked at home in his grandma's house.

That was a special effect right? But how could she have done that in such a short amount of time? It looked seamless, the stomping downstairs only growing louder as the camera roamed the halls of his house, each room contorting to a flickering shadow of its former self, modern plugs and devices still there but all the furniture and moldings gaining detail, age, atmosphere. It didn't help that there was an unearthly grinding from below, like furniture being scraped against wooden floors, glass shattering and sealing as pans rattled and concrete slabs grinded into one another. The thumping was now on the stairs, the feed showing the view up the stairs that led to his room as paint yellowed and shifted. Brandon quickly ran to his closet, looking for something to use, finding a dusty baseball bat as he wiped it off, ready to give a violent treat to the goth bitch trying to freak him out.

He ran towards the stairwell, pushing his glasses up, only pausing when his softened footfalls suddenly clopped against wood, the carpet torn up near the top of the stairwell. There was still the sound of something rising up the steps, the steps too pooled in darkness for him to see anything as he threw a light switch on, ready to fight.


There was no one there, the stairwell empty, yet that was hardly the most shocking thing. His house was no longer his, the gothic looking furniture below, his head spinning as wallpaper twisted and shifted like he was in the midst of an lsd high, his eyes darting around for Vitha, for anyone. There was another loud creak, fifteen steps away, Brandon's eyes bulging as he noticed the middle of the wooden step sag, the sides primping slightly upwards, another creak following as invisible weight pressed down on the next step.

Brandon gave a queasy sounding groan as his body suddenly alighted with tingles. Every sense in his body was screaming danger, his skin prickling with the feeling of being watched, the prickles diving into his skin as he shielded himself from something invisible, grunting as the bat slid from his fingers and bounced down the stairs, pausing in mid air as something caught it before it burst into splinters.

"Hnngh f-fuck!"

He teetered backwards, the hard floor making every step pound into his soles, black ichor spreading along his socks as the prickling dug into his bones, Brandon retreating to his room and barring it with a computer chair, all the while whimpering as he gripped his cheeks, eyes spasming in the sockets as he heard Vitha's voice mock him.

"Aww what's wrong? I thought you wanted me to curse you? Besides it's Halloween, you should be enjoying our tricks. Don't you want to see what you're becoming?"

A window popped up, his computer camera turning on as Brandon could see what was happening, moaning as the flesh on his face bubbled like overcooked porridge, the bone scuttling around like rats under carpeting. It looked a lot worse than it felt, a numb sort of pleasure mixed with nausea as his panicked gasps rose bit by bit, pain erupting from his ears as the shifting flesh began to settle. Metal sprouted in rounded bits, cutting through his ear's cartilage, spearing its lobes as said ears shrank, his eyes watering as their green coloring faded to a paler shade. He gripped his desk for support, the prickles giving him vertigo as his ears shrank and pierced, his fingers digging into the wood as he felt his nails stab further than he expected, each one darkening as if bruised underneath.

"Ahh ahh th-this can't be real this cahhhn't be- mmph!"

His fingers were shrinking, each nail now tipped black, each joint pulling into itself as they refined to something elegant, the digits turning cute. Speaking of cute, there was an undeniable appealing softness emerging from his features, his cheeks rounding with ample blush, his nervously puckered lips swelling as his chin rounded to a fine little curve. His nose was shrinking, thinning, receding into his face as his glasses loosened, clattering to the desk as the world turned blurry, Brandon left only able to feel as he saw his facial blur continue to shrink, brown locks darkening from the roots out as soft hair spread down to tickle his cheeks. His fingers relocked, pitiful groans following as his hands throbbed and squeezed with some new pressure, morbid little crunches tickling his brain as the disgusting sounds felt oddly appealing, his heart racing as dark thoughts began to cloud his thoughts. There was a tear as his collar detached, thickening to a black collar as his shrunken hands struggled with it, his gasps rising to weak, girlish groans as his eye jelly melted into wider shapes as he whimpered into the camera.

Brandon fumbled for his glasses, slapping them on and screaming at the girlish face atop his body, his eyes the color of fetid rainwater, equally grey, yellow or green depending on the light, the feed behind his changing features now that of the outer hallway, or what was left of it. He remembered how the camera had merely phased through his front door, the changing boy scrambling to his feet as he quickly slipped on some blue jeans, one hand glued to his face to keep his glasses from slipping, the thumping growing closer. Already posters in his room were turning into bands he didn't recognize, goth and heavy metal plastering itself over every inch of open space. His door handle shook once, twice, then he could see the viewfinder phasing through his door, his chair pushed down, unlodged, the door swinging open as the prickling from before returned with a vengeance.

It was everywhere, his skin paling, the numbing pleasure diving into his muscles as he stumbled out the door, brushing past something intangible that grabbed at him, the collar tugging as the last of his Adam's Apple faded into his neck. There was an ever growing weakness to his body as he reached the stairs, Brandon unmistakably moaning as all his skin turned pale and smooth, his frame shivering in a draft as each shiver shrunk him down more and more. All the while he hadn't noticed the black sole sprouting from his socks, leather wrapping over his feet, beginning to encapsulate them as by the sixth step his weakening muscles and shifting supports sent him tumbling down the steps, his shoulders bouncing against wood as they broke down into rounded, smaller borders before leaving him a heap at the bottom of the stairs. He groaned, a weird rush surging into Brandon's body as he realized with a dull ache now all over that he was getting hard over the pain, his head throbbing as he, of all things, giggled at the desperate state of things.

The prickling was dull but present in his brain now, the morbidity of the situation, the hopeless feeling of it, it was all kind of hot to him, his cheeks flushed as he shook the stray thoughts out, trying to ignore them as the thumps reminded him of what he was meant to be running from. It was kind of a bummer how buff and big he was, it'd be so much hotter if he couldn't fight back at a- The sightline was on him now, the back of his head throbbing, his jeans tight as he crawled away. It was all weirdly erotic, his skin sensitized in its paleness, the blue of his jeans turning to black as the shivers continued to pull his body smaller.

It was in some ways more horrifying how good it felt, his arms slimming softly, the changes coercing him to want them to happen, that stupid voice in his head that wanted this popping up more and more as he dragged himself across the floor. For a second he squeaked, feeling two things clench around his feet, certain the force changing him had caught him in its grasp, but when he turned it was only the forming boots, laces squeezing them tighter over his feet till his feet popped, toes flexing as he somehow just knew they were now girly, black polish on them.

"Nngh g-gotta get ooouut! B-Before it's too laAAAAGH!"

Something flat slapped against the back of his legs, the thumping right behind, his eyes rolling upwards as his legs squirmed inside jeans that were quickly turning black. Somehow he could hear Vitha's voice in his mind, her mocking tone giggling at him as his legs shrank to curved, slender things, his thighs bristling in the jeans as a pleasant, tight press of growth made him moan.

"Ooh I think he's actually enjoying it! Then again, we always knew you were jealous of us, mocking us just because you could never believe in something bigger than yourself. Though pretty soon most things will be bigger than you..."

He wanted to tell her to shut up, to run, feeling his sleeves tear off as they condensed to spiked bracelets as he grappled with the invisible thing changing him. He pushed it back as his thighs rubbed against his stiffy, his blush darkening as the tight black skinny jeans rubbed against his erection, tears forming along the tops of them as his thighs continued to grow. Oh god it was getting too hot to think about, the hopelessness getting him worked up, knowing there was an audience watching him struggle. He couldn't help the little giggles that slipped out as his belt came undone, black spokes and silver metal banding the holes, his hips shifting left and right as he moaned out, "Hehe mmm~ this is sooo fucked up you pervs! I bet you're loooving watching me- MMM~ be ravaged by- by- Oh god what the fuck am I doing?!"

He shoved the thing aside, clutching his stomach as his whole body seemed to buzz, his moans rising as sides were starting to curve, his shirt sprouting insignias of an almost unreadable font as he shuffled and crawled forwards, accidentally landing in the bathroom as he slammed the door shut, groaning as the prolonged exposure to it took its toll. The bathroom mirror showed how much he was shrinking, his fingers fumbling in his pockets as more strips of jeans tore off, his knees angling together as they were exposed, his hands pulling his phone out as with a loud snap and a long moan, his hips shattered outwards. Shit he didn't want to go like this, she'd much rather be surrounded in a graveyard, the dead rising as they played with her body, biting into her most sensitive spots as she was mindlessly ravaged by-


There was a wet stain on his shorts, Brandon gasping for breath as he struggled with his phone, dialing 911 with shaky fingers as his free hand fiddled with his belt, feeling up the shrinking sides of his stomach as abs flattened, curves growing more obvious as the phone rang.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"S-Someone's broken into my h-OOOOWSE th-they're d-HOOing something t-to me y-OOH FUCKING PIGS!"

The last bit had slipped out with a gleeful abandon, Brandon horrified, that horror further amping his arousal as his cock rolled between his thicker thighs. Shit no he needed help and he had fucked it up, there was no way-

"Understood ma'am, we're sending someone right over."

He could barely believe it, his face relieved as he choked out a meek, "Really?"

The operator chuckled, their voice gaining static, lowering as the sounds distorted like waiting line music from hell, the door to the bathroom shuddering as it was pounded on from the outside.


He squeaked in terror, the phone falling from his grip as it broke on the floor, spiderwebbed cracks running up the bulk of it as his hips widened further, his cock squeezed by his own thighs as he fell to the floor.


He thrashed on the ground like he was mid seizure, moaning as his ass swelled inside his pants, his hands clutching his waist as he could feel his innards twisting, his waist shrinking into a petite, curvy state while pleasure ransacked his body. All throughout he could hear the giggles of the other girl in his mind, knowing that whatever was on the other side of the door was only toying with them, the hinges popping off as it tore open.

Brandon swooned as the tingles drove into him, his cock spilling some as the fear made him cum, his thighs and wrists burning some as tattoos dug into the soft flesh. He was defenseless, caught, moaning desperately, the maddening arousal refusing to lessen as invisible arms grabbed his wrists and dragged him out of the bathroom, Brandon alternating between squeals of terror and needy moans as they prepared to be finished.

"Ooh la la! The spirits have made you quite the looker Bra- No we need another name for you. Which feels better, Blair or Belia?"

He was thrashing against the invisible force, grunting with effort, with need, the wet spot growing off the front of his shorts as he was thrown onto a couch with little effort, the feeling of eyes overwhelming as he twitched on the couch, feeling his cock grow strangled under the gaze of an audience that was out for blood. Mmm~ maybe some of them would find her place and put it up to chat just how they'd torture her for being such a baaad girl~! The tingles were centered on his chest and groin now, his hips thrusting into the invisible force, his shorts shrinking back to reveal more thighs, his former white ankle lengths snaking up his legs as black and red striped socks long enough to almost be stockings.

"Ohh~ oooh fuuuuuck B-Belia please c-call me- AHHHH~!"

There was a morbid fascination as he spread his thighs to the unseen audience, the pleasure ramping up as it surged up and down his shaft, his nipples puckering to erectness as he felt them swell. He didn't know why Belia felt so right all of a sudden, the resistance being thoroughly fucked out as his cock was slowly pulled inside, the shivers from before making it twitch as each one brought a sliver of it sliding into him. He realized he couldn't remember his name anymore, only Belia, moaning as the pressure mounted, his disgusting cock shrinking more and more as his panties grew damp with releases, his tip spreading as if a large invisible finger had jammed itself inside and had started to wriggle. She loved it, she feared it, squealing, moaning, tossing about as her balls split open like rotten pumpkins, her cock barely an inch out and stubby, leaking as she felt herself slipping into morbid wanting, the creepiness of it, the inescapable nature of the changes giving enough fuel to burn the last remnants of who she was.



Belia was screaming, her hips thrusting as she felt herself cumming, not quite sure why she was so horny, but deciding it didn't matter as something felt like it popped inside her pussy, a warm relaxing glow of satisfaction pooling down her panties as the ironic statement of "Killing Me" on her shirt was lost to the freshly orgasmed goth girl. Then again why wouldn't she be horny? It waaas her favorite time of the year, plus her fav fav fav streamer had asked to work with her! Actually shit what time was it, wasn't she supposed to be strea-

"Oh shit."

She stared at the camera, her blush returned as she realized her fans had been watching, the embarrassed girl shirking away from the viewfinder.

"J-Just give me a minute to get ready! S-Sorry!"

Rushing upstairs, it didn't take more than a few minutes to peel off the soaked clothing, Belia fingering one out for good measure to erase any lingering want in her as she put on an easy enough outfit, a retailored nun's outfit that looked complicated as all hell but was really just a glorified slip on. She opened up a box of jewelry, picking her favorite cross necklace, running downstairs to kick off her collab as she looked for her phone, confused when she heard buzzing from the bathroom, her cracked screen sliding against the floor.

She was getting all sorts of weird twitch notifications, people saying how much they liked the new her, donations galore rolling in with messages that sounded like she had done something amazing. Maybe she had been possessed by some kind of demon, making her get all pervy in front of the camera, corrupting her soul into- Shit no she had to stop those thoughts she was getting horny again.

"Alright guys, we only have a few more hours of Halloween and I don't intend to keep your treats waiting. Don't be scared, Belia's here to exorcise all your demons, after all, they're mine to keep. Now say hello to Mistress Vi and get ready for a spooky night. Happy Halloween!"



Hate to get semantic-y, but atheism is only the non-belief in a god or gods, any thing outside of that is fair game… That aside. Nice work!


Oh I was meaning the atheists who get really into other people's faces with it. Most atheists are cool people and I have no issue with them. It's just the ones who like yell at people sending prayers over a dead person with "that does nothing dumbasses." But yeah no issue with atheists here.