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Ethan awoke in a daze, pain racing through his body from the hooks stabbed through his hands and feet, his clothes a mess of blackened blood and slivers of mold as he tried to regain his bearings in the candle light. He was looking for his daughter and had snuck into house Dimitrescu's castle when her daughters had caught him before Lady Dimitrescu herself had... What had she done exactly? There were vague memories of her mentioning a way to bring back her daughter, but he couldn't quite remember, his head was throbbing in the back, likely some kind of head wound that had healed but left his memories jumbled. It was still odd to think how quickly he had grown used to the supernatural, his body a mess ever since he had been exposed to the Mold, but that didn't matter. He had to get out of here and continue his search. Thankfully there was an easy way to get himself off the meat hooks, though it wouldn't be pretty...

Only a few months ago he would have screamed at tearing his hands and feet in two, though it was still painful, his regeneration not exactly the most painless thing in the world, which disguised the odd tingles in the muscle as they stitched together. It took about a minute for his limbs to reform, Ethan ignorant of the added length the freeing had done, a large disc of smoother, pale skin on both his palms while the nails of his middle fingers were noticeably longer, the pads of his feet similarly affected as the chill of the stone floors felt noticeable on the taut, shiny skin that marked the new areas. He scratched at the throbbing in the back of his head, trying to remember what had been done to him exactly, but the memories were gone, only a small line that was fading fast showing where something had entered his skull, a few hairs sprouting to wiry length as he began to stalk the castle halls.

It was only ten minutes into his slow creep that he was shocked by the opening of the bricks in the side of the passage he was in, the large, white frame of Lady Dimitrescu stooping out as she stared at him.

"Oh there you are. And here I was worrying it would take ages to find you again."

He immediately tried to run away, only for her hands to grab him with little effort, her great height making it easy for her.

"Now that my daughter's been saturating for a while, I do think it's time to help her open up. How does that sound dear? Would you like to meet her?"

"The only daughter I want to see is my own, bitch!"

Ethan's free hand was slid around a length of wooden bed frame he had broken off the bedroom after freeing himself, ready to strike when the moment was right. Of course he wasn't prepared for the viper-like strike of her mouth as she bit into him, her fangs tearing into his jugular as he screamed.

"Alright screw the timing!"

Of course it came out more waterlogged and choked than that given the blood and trauma hitting his throat, but he stabbed with the splintered wood, missing her heart as it tore through a shoulder, her grip loosening as he stumbled out of her clutches. She hissed at the large piece of wood with annoyance, not nearly enough agony for Ethan to feel happy as she began to pull it out.

"Dammit and this was my favorite dress! You better not run far! You'll have to answer for your impudence!"

Ethan did not care about listening to the crazy murderer chasing him and booked it, squeezing the torn wound on his neck as he waited for his regeneration to staple it together, the world a bit hazy as his blood began boiling. He knew she wasn't a real vampire, so there was no worry about the supernatural there, yet the bite was throbbing, thick blood squeezing out the holes as his ragged breathing turned airier, a lump in his throat vanishing as the width of his neck keened itself to a graceful looking cylinder.

When the holes finally closed his body was covered in blood, small flies buzzing around him as he ran for safety, unsure where the exit was in the labyrinthine innards of the castle. Every now and then one would daringly dart onto his skin, sucking a little at the blood and cloth, his hands swatting at them, unaware of the dots of fabric eaten away, tiny bits of skin drained of color, hair and imperfections. More began pecking at him, feeling like a cloud of horse flies, Ethan grunting as he swatted at them, unable to see they were different from the average house fly as more and more pale skin was revealed, his blood stained clothing in tatters, then threads. Eventually there was nothing left to eat, the cloth gone, his hairs gone, the blood all lapped up as he stumbled about in the nude, his skin a pale, shining beauty, shivering, the candles masking just how pale he had become as he began looking for a blanket or anything to cover up his nudity.

"Alright dear, mommy's coming!"

Shit he didn't have enough time for this, he'd have to just run for it, yet all his spiraling through the halls did was to make him dizzy. The odd feelings were only growing as he ran, the heat in his neck stretching, now in the gums of his mouth, his lip pursing as he tried to ignore it. It centered around the backs of his canines, tiny tingles slowly loosening them, adding to the bits that wiggled out while his tongue continued to run over them, the added sharpness scraping nicely against his chapped, quivering bottom lip. As he was running, a hard joggle eventually made the growing fang stab into the easy flesh, a small trickle of blood leaking back into his throat as something pumped from the fang, inflating his lip, making it round and ruby as his running slowed, a narcotic look in his eyes. He didn't know what it was, but something delicious was filling his mouth, drool pouring down a shrinking chin, his eyes turning emerald as they rolled upwards in delight.

What the hell was he doing? She was almost on him and given her height, it wouldn't take long to catch up now that he had paused like an idiot. Sure enough, he soon was caught by her again, the lady dangling him like a newborn child, pulling something out of her sleeves.

"I told you not to run too far from me. This ought to help slow you down some."

He couldn't see what she was doing, only feel the slide of cloth as she forced something onto his legs, his feet fluttering fruitlessly as his hands scrabbled against the wall for purchase. Instead of finding anything to grab, a brick pushed inwards, the scrape of stone echoing as suddenly the wall fell out, the surprise lack of a barrier letting him swing further as he tumbled out of her grip, falling down a lubricated slide as the stony entrance closed as quick as it had opened.

There was no way to slow himself, his caught hands sliding aimlessly against grease, the friction only tearing skin away as more fingers lengthened in the scrabble. The things on his legs however took advantage of the slide, Ethan squinting through the dim lighting to see white stockings quickly sliding up his legs, the fabric rolled by the fast moving surface as they popped over his thighs, the tight fitting material bunching tighter and tighter as his feet collided with the end of the slide, pain and some gruesome sounding crunches sending him off as his head collided into another stone wall, his broken feet slumping him to the ground.

In his groaning, long, clawed nails felt around his forehead, their contours slimmer than he remembered, though his memories were a mess after what was at best a light concussion, his broken nose reforming without some of the bone, shrinking to a thinner, cuter shape. Long bangs spilled over his sight, his legs twitching as his feet were squeezed in their healing by the stockings, blood turning them pink as his toes shrank to tiny things, his first few steps adorably dainty as he tiptoed forwards.

After a lot of groping in the near dark, he found the brick switch, the basement shaking as rock once again opened. Dried blood rushed over his senses, the smell of it thick and cloying, his tongue drooling as he tried to ignore it. Though he was focused on escaping, the blood was doing strange things to his subconscious, Ethan not finding it odd the strut he was feeling comfortable walking in, his strides slowing as his hips began to widen bit by bit, the pinkened stockings shaping the rest of his legs as his calves gained a noticeable back curve to them, his thighs angling inwards as his shoulders rounded, meaning every step had his body move in exaggerated elegance, his fingers poised down as each hip swing had the opposing shoulder pushing forwards. If the intended purpose was to slow him down, it was certainly working, though not in any way Ethan would have expected. It was still shocking though when the lady responsible slammed open the door to the dungeons, though given it was her castle, it made sense that she'd immediately head to the exit, especially since it only had one obvious doorway to go through.

"Ah I see you're already getting prepared for daughterhood. I know you kept telling me how excited you were. Though all that unnecessary bulk is slowing you down isn't it?"

There wasn't much of a place to run and he hadn't found any weapons, yet he still attempted to run, his absurd posture making it only take a minute for her to snatch him up, her fangs biting into his neck once more as he trembled, groaning as flushes of excitement accompanied the draining. Any blood he lost would be regenerated, but it wasn't just blood she was sucking out it was... something. Ethan couldn't tell what, but it felt weirdly good, a few of the grunts pleased as the rest of his fingers shrank, his waist pulling inwards as his thoughts grew tangled.

It was only a minute, yet it felt like hours of being stuck under some compelling sort of... torture? No it felt too good to be called that, his body singing as a pleasing numbness spread over him, gently massaging the weakening muscles. The relaxation that followed divine pleasure coursed through him, Ethan groaning as everything slackened, inches liquified as his waist continued to be sucked inwards, hands needing to jerk more to even brush his sides as sumptuous curves were formed, his body now a curvy, if cartoonishly lanky, the overall shape feminine but the overall outline clearly needed some filling in as the lady finished her meal. She chewed on something, not minding the taste, but spitting out the remnants with an annoyed look on her face as Ethan needed a moment to realize she had let him down.

With two last chews, Lady Dimitrescu spat out the fat and muscle drained of blood, picking out the remnants with a claw as she remarked towards the agent in the process of running away, "A bit stringy, and there's only so much of that masculine filth I can take before it makes my body grow nauseous, but it was at least a fun meal to chew on. You do look ever so thin dear, why not stop for a mea-"

The rest of her words faded as he ran from her. Well, not a particularly fast run, his legs were still strutting, but it was a fast saunter. Ethan's mind was a wreck, some memories sucked out in the long drink, his mind racing over the word daughter over and over again, his arousal overtaking his horror as his cock was slowly rising under the effects of her venom. While most of his skin was chilly now, there were a few spots of burgeoning warmth, namely in his loins, two spots over his nipples and weirdly enough his ears, the top tips looking bruised as blood thumped against the cartilage, the edges growing pointed while a subtle scent in the air drove him unwittingly towards the dining quarters, Ethan not realizing how hungry he was till he saw the ruby goblets.

His hunger almost overtook reason, the pounding in his body growing stronger as his feet moved without thought, the points in his ears growing as he only stopped at the realization of what was inside; blood. Thick, aromatic, warmed to near body temperature as the steam of it- No these urges weren't his own. He knew they were doing experiments with the Mold, she must have done something to his spores, something that gave him this thirst, but if he kept fighting it he'd never be her daughter at this rate... No, her daughter? He didn't care about her daughters, only about, dammit why was the stench of blood making it so hard to think? He had to focus before-

"Oh? Waiting for me before partaking in the feast? What a good daughter I've raised."

Again that word felt like daggers in his mind, paring away troublesome thoughts as his hair continued to spread down his back.

"G-Get away from m-GLLP GLLP GLLP!"

For a moment he shut his mouth to the goblet she forced into his face, but the blood pooled against his lips, saturating them thick and red as trickles moistened a throat that suddenly felt bone dry without it, his eyes fluttering as the urges became needs he couldn't fight.

There was a ringing noise as his fangs grew, rattling against the glass as the hot blood warmed his body, a sexual thrill rising at the depravity of it as the heat sloshed about his stomach, bloating it out somewhat as Lady Dimitrescu dropped the goblet, watching her captive squirm as her stomach gurgled and twisted inside before falling flat with a long, horny moan. He could feel it filling out his bottom, swelling thighs that could barely fill the stockings before, his moans gaining a feminine rasp as the tops dug into the thick flesh, his hips gyrating as blood thickened his rump until his lower half was like two blood sausages. Dimitrescu wasted no time in giving him more, the agent's squeals continuing to rise as she corrupted him into the perfect replacement.

If his voice wasn't being drowned in blood his screams would have echoed all across the castle, his thighs bearing down on the cock between his legs, squeezing it as it began to grow limp, all the blood freshly sourced from virginal women as the estrogen inside made anything male on him wilt and wither. While the Lady would never stoop to something so degrading herself, she made no move to stop as her changing captive began playing with himself, letting him deal with the reshaping as claws dug into rising tits, his thighs squeezing his limp cock like dough between rolling pins as she sweetly whispered into his ears.

"You are my daughter, Eva. You love your mother. You love the village. You love the livestock called humans and their consumption. You are elegant, controlling. You take great pleasure in your fun. You are my daughter..."

This went on for minutes until Ethan gave a long, satisfied moan, blood dribbling from his lips as his bruise colored tits slowly faded to a pale cream, a watery spurt of something vaguely resembling cum dripping out his sagging cock, his mind shattering as a great, hungry emptiness thrusted inside his body, the ecstatic moans sounding tortured and thrilled in the same breath, her hips wriggling as Dimitrescu left her for the final bits.

"I'll be back soon Eva. Take care of that dreadful thing between your legs and I'll be back with proper garments. I'll only allow a mess this once."

What was left of Ethan howled inside her head, their body spasming as she knocked over more blood, their tongue rasping against the table to lick up the spill, their tits smushed against the table as more watery spurts of masculinity dribbled from the limp organ.

"Daughter daughter I need to find the missing daughter, I need to find my sisters I need to obey my mother I am her daughter I am-"

The regeneration no longer saw him as male as her mind turned to Eva's, her screams mixed with her tongue's thirsty licks as she reached completion.

The flesh of her former cock sagged, the limp shaft and balls mostly shrunk by the blood in her body, the crude, hairy flesh of it increasingly ill fit against her perfect, pale flesh as it continued to droop, sagging past her stockings as her thighs spread wide.




The useless flesh detached, tearing off to reveal her leaking pussy, Eva moaning as fresh air greeted her quivering womanhood as her cum drenched the discarded flesh below. The need was fading, and with it her feral drinking, Dimitrescu returning to see a daughter as perfect as could be, sipping blood from a wine glass.

"Alright dearie, it's time to put your outfit on, we have to look our best for Mother Miranda when she comes over now don't we?"

Her new daughter gave a refreshed smile, pulling on the red corset and outer jacket, clipping the straps at the sides of her stockings to the garter as a tight, black thong hugged her needy pussy.

"Mmm of course mother. But after that can I find a village boy to drain? I want something fresh!"

Lady Dimitrescu was fine with her being a bit spoiled, certain that Mother Miranda would be ecstatic to have a proper host for Eva, her theory that a more gradual process had merit proven as she looked towards the former agent.

"Don't worry my dear daughter, we'll have more lively game than the villagers soon. I understand that you used to be part of an organization before becoming my daughter. Why don't you use those odd devices I took from you to send them in. And then we can have a truly fun hunt."

Her daughter smiled, purposefully spilling the cup empty over her thighs, moaning at the thought of coworkers she no longer had any care for becoming her feast, one or two of the plucky ones perhaps even being converted too. They could use another daughter and she wondered if her bite could spread the mold.

"With pleasure mother!"


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