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There was always something ethereal about Alice, Jacob still unsure how he ever landed such a perfect woman. She had spotted him in the crowd at his lowest, descending like an angel as she gave his boring life meaning. Angel felt fitting, her blonde hair and gentle demeanor mixing with an odd quirk as she seemingly never went anywhere in anything but a white sundress. There was always this distant look in her eyes, said eyes oddly ringed in white, her personality caring and attentive, her voice soft, yet surprisingly compelling. He still didn't understand what about him had attracted her, Jacob a quintessential loser with a flabby body, cheap apartment and few things to look forwards to in life. Yet Alice didn't care, giving him something to look forwards to as they grew closer fast. It was now getting late into fall, only a few weeks into their relationship yet she still only moved in sundresses and sandals despite the chilly weather. He barely knew anything about her, yet he felt comfortable instantly, loving their time together, always gushing to her even if she was less forthcoming. He still didn't know her job or her last name, yet that hardly mattered when her presence seemed to cure all of his woes.

For the first few weeks she had been more submissive, letting him control the pace of their relationship. But as their relationship bloomed, so did her forwardness. She had been getting handsier recently, and though Jacob needed a few days to give his place a proper deep clean, she was finally there, in his apartment, giving him a come hither look as he was excited to bring their relationship to the next level.

"Oh Jacob I need you..."

She looked more stunning than usual, her skin a healthy peach, her feet rubbing together with clear need as she shifted back and forth. With such a beautiful sight before him, it was hard to notice the way her sundress moved, fluttering in an invisible wind, its singular bow beating as he neared it.

The sundress felt warm as he clutched it, Jacob already naked, his heart pounding excitedly as he prepared to uncloak his angel from her vestments. It almost felt wrong to touch someone so pure, so gentle, but she was wrapped around him, moaning as he slid his fingers under the sundress as if he were teasing her lips. There was a surprising amount of stick to it as he had to give it a few jerks to peel it away, the ribbon shaking as she pulled him close into her arms. Her moans were glorious, passionate as he saw the want in her eyes as he finally felt her breasts, her arms raising as he pulled it off, her moans pausing as the sundress came free from her body. Once more he looked in her eyes, a blissful smile that stagnated as he saw the white ring dull some, only fear inside as Alice suddenly shrieked.


Was this role play? Either way he was getting nervous.

"A-Alice if you scream like that the neighbors are going to get the wrong idea. I don't know what's going on bu-NNGH!"

As he was distracted, the purple bow detached itself, crawling down the dress, hair thin spindles weightlessly gliding over his arm as it scuttled over his chest, the two diagonal ends pulling up and untying the bow before suddenly stabbing into his nipples. This sent Jacob spasming on the bed, groaning as fabric coiled tighter around his chest, turning them red with carpet burns before the subtle throbbing injected something inside.

He looked up to Alice, wheezing as they began to plumpen, moaning as the flesh sensitized as the fabric bloated, rubbing them from the inside while making them sensitize into needy erogenous zones. The sight seemed to jog something in her mind as she stumbled back, naked.

"No please! I don't want to be a puppet again! Have him just leave me alo-OHHHH~!"

The sundress jumped from his arm, slipping over her running form as both Alice and Jacob moaned.

Jacob was watching the bow morph before his eyes, color bleaching out, strips down the middle tearing to individual strings as he let out sounds caught between extreme fear and arousal. The strings thrashed about, the legs of some insectoid creature splitting into two, cramming more of itself under his chest as the alien pleasure spread. His cock hardened as the creature's flailing swelled into his chest, his nipples beet red as the last few strands of it slid into the pores of his nipples, his flabby chest now adorned with pert breasts, the feelings of squirming strands underneath like a double blowjob as his pert breasts were teased inside and out. He tried to ask Alice what was happening, but she was too busy screaming, her arms flailing against the thin fabric, unable to tear it as it slowly wrapped around her. It squeezed her breasts, caressed her body, an imprint of it turning cylindrical as it thrust into her leaking pussy as Alice's screams turned to pleasured squeaks.


The thin strap hugged against her breasts as thick cum dribbled out, strands of silk thrashing in it as her resistance faded to a dull, glossy stare.

"AAAaaahhhlice. We're Alice we're- ooooh~!"

She sat still for a few moments, the sundress ending its pumping as the white ring around her eyes returned to its full strength, Jacob groaning as he could feel the spindles digging through his abdomen, tiny legs or suckers probing in a complex network down as the flab began to tremble like jello, his cock wet with precum as the little feelers began to suck from the inside.

"Ahhhlice h-EHHlp me p-please! I don't understAHHHND AhhH AHHHH~!"

His waist was bubbling under the sundress, the moans unstoppable as his fat was redirected, swelling under his nipples, turning the petite breasts into something firmer, sexier. All Alice did was blankly stare before smiling mysteriously, humming as she left him alone to change.

Jacob whimpered, then moaned, feeling the strands thread into his body, pulling around his waist as they tugged. Bone cracked, strands licking at the cartilage as rolls of fat swelled under his breasts, pushing them out to something with a bit more heft as precum continued to spill along his thighs, the pleasure partially balanced by the feeling of strings tugging his core tighter. Amidst the dizzying pleasure of the skeletal scrunch was waste, bone, excess muscle, spare organ mush that had the distinct feeling of a gurgling tickle. Each inwards squeeze of his waist left less of it bulging out, his sides having hints of curves, the rest feeding either his breasts or the strands as his nipples hardened further, glistening threads poking out the tips as they whisked inside, spreading them as the strand like protuberances began to swell.


It felt like someone was pumping his nipples, the new erogenous zones giving him a good sense of what penetration felt like as they swelled into coffee straw sized nozzles. There was a sucking, wet sound mixed with skittering inside, half his fat now firmly shifted into his surging melons. A silky white liquid began to splatter out, his sides pulling in from the absorption. At first Jacob thought it was breast milk, but it quickly hardened, the liquid more the consistency of oobleck as it covered his breasts and solidified. He looked at it utterly mystified before it began massaging his breasts, his moans growing ever more heated as he realized from the soft touch that it was silk, the thing inside his body was absorbing his masculinity and spitting the excess out as living, groping silk. It felt orgasmic, his cock sputtering as warm cum spilled over his shrinking belly, the tip rubbing against the slight bulge of fat as he could feel it flatten, the groping cups merging into the top of a white sundress cupping him, his belly button tingling as he could feel threads heading towards his leaking cock.

In desperation, he tried punching his breasts, hoping to stop the spread, but all that did was make his cock shudder, a low, painful groan accompanying the splurge of cum as his shaft tightened. Jacob's hands scrabbled towards his waist, his sides shallowly curved now, the cups spreading as more white spread downwards, circling around his waist in a loose hug. One hand tried tearing through that, but his main concern was the traveling buzz sliding lower, the tickle now past his belly button, Jacob feeling it spreading lower as he shifted spasmodically.


Twitching strings were coating his innards, his cock beginning to spasm as strings caressed the inside of his cock, the insect legs prodding his balls rougher and rougher as they were coated in silk, one jab piercing through whatever membrane covered them, other spindly strands swirling the inside of his cock as it all became too much for him, Jacob giving a long, lusty bellow as he thrust his hips upwards, every bit of him ready to cum, only to be denied the satisfaction as the fronds in his balls and cock swelled, blocking the tubes as the legs began to twirl inside.


His balls were swelling, the fronds teasing them as they stirred his seed into a frenzy, his shaft swirling in a clockwise motion as the threads thoroughly fucked him. He palmed his crotch, gasping as he felt his most intimate of areas violated, the lust driving him insane as he begged for release, drooling as his waist slid the last of its spare fat upwards, a taut, curvy waist thrusting as large melons jiggled atop his chest. The swelling in his balls only worsened, the shifts inside them growing harsher and harsher as his hips bucked fruitlessly until the pressure hit a breaking point, his moans quivering upwards as with two squishy sounding pops, the strings suddenly tightened, Jacob screaming as his balls plunged inwards.

There was a smooth gap where his balls had been, that backlogged pressure swelling inside his cock as the struggling man watched the base of his cock swell as it turned a dark pink. Strings continued to tease his throbbing shaft internally, plucking at it as the pulsing walls became ridged, his moans continuing to rise as somewhere inside his shifting, thrusting hips he could feel his balls sliding apart, something hot and corruptive coursing through his veins as the pressure slowly oozed out his cock. It was hard to understate the raw ecstasy, each spread length of shaft having the muscles plucked one by one, only pleasure allowed as thick liquid rammed against the blockage, the tubes sucking greedily as the cloth dildo continued to swell up his cock. It kept ramming, scraping another inch out, bit by bit fucking him more and more thoroughly as threads pumped from his wide nipples, the cloth now squeezing the rest of his curves into shape as his spine creaked.


The pressure released, his tip spreading as all his cum spewed out in a series of violent pulses, the releases only getting thicker as his body had to release it all, each orgasm making his cock all the more slippery as each release spread a fine misting of threads over his tip, the strings wrapping around the length of his cumming groin as it soon looked like a white outline of a cock. Now the goop leaking from his unclenched cock was the same consistency as the fluids from his nipples, the cock coating growing thicker, buzzing as it rubbed his cock inside and out to urge the production as his testosterone shot out in the start of a sundress hem. While Jacob still had no idea as to how any of this was happening, he had a decent enough guess as to what was going to happen soon, whimpering as the constant jerking of his cock grew tighter, moaning as a few slivers pulled inside, his resistance growing desperate, pulling on the white silk spewing out, only to scream as he pried his innards apart.

The expelling silk was fully incorporated into his guts by now, the desperate tug sparking an explosion of pleasure somewhere deep inside his ass, his invaded prostate popping as his hips spread apart. HIs grip slackened, the pulled out lengths of sundress now fluttering, wrapping around his ass as they sucked onto it, pulling on his cheeks as strand began pumping waste inside, the cheeks swelling to a perky, spankable rear. At this point there was only one recourse left to him, Jacob not even thinking as he prepared to claw at his breasts, hoping to tear the parasitic cloth out from the source. As if sensing his plan, the threads in his stomach began to converge, a piercing stab leaving him writhing in confusion, his muscles stiff as it felt like he was fighting with his own body.

Threads were sliding over his vertebrae, mingling with the nerves as the spasms continued, his spine crunching inwards as white lacing spooled out his breasts, tying the forming back of the dress in as his midsection was fully curved. His moans were growing stranger, his jaw twitching as more and more of his nervous system was hijacked. For a few moments there was no sense of anything as his body slumped, some of the threads disconnecting his body below his neck. He could see thin veins slithering down his limbs, doing something, the brief release from forced arousal not welcome when there was the possibility of being left like this.

A toe twitched, then a finger, both sliming as the nails grew to an elegant length. More began to move, curling into a dainty fist, his feet out of his control as they curled their toes and arched their soles. The numbness left him utterly defenseless when the lump in his throat was fully absorbed, the notches of his spine popping into place as he was suddenly hit with the jerking and groping of his cock, his ass jiggling under the clutch of white as fibers began to meet in the middle.

The pleasure winded him, leaving him useless for a minute as his hands and feet finished shrinking, his arms losing all but a thin layer of fat as he tried to get them to tear at his own body. There was no response, his head unable to transmit orders, only receive, each twitch and shift in his legs puppeted by the parasitic strings as more suckage drained the meat of his calves, leaving them round as the rest was transferred over to his thighs. All he could do was watch and squeal, his cock squirting more dress out by the second, more spindles merging over his navel, the white cock coating tightening with every gush as a solid inch of his cock had been pulled inside. More strings twirled in a gap between his thighs, carving out a hungry gap that throbbed with every piece of cock it shoved inside.

When he wasn't moaning he was whimpering, feeling his thighs bubble around his cock, jerking it between heavenly smooth skin as another inch was quickly squeezed inwards. The dress was nearly complete, long white straps sliding up, clutching his shoulders as they snapped to a feminine frame, his mouth drooling from ecstasy as the white coat continued to bear down, but what truly terrified him were the thin tendrils climbing up his throat.


The threadlike legs of the invading organism dove into his throat, Jacob feeling them slide inside his cheeks, poking and prodding above while his hands moved down below. It didn't take long to remove even his jaw from his control, his mind racing as even his moans became not just involuntary, but impossible. All he could do was watch as his hands began jerking his cock, their girly touch hastening the inversion as they helped the white coating's inwards thrusts, his eyes tearing up as he silently fucked himself with his own cock, the pleasure becoming all consuming.

It didn't matter how much he needed to scream or moan, his control was fading, the rigid shape of his face softening as his eyes remained the only expressive thing left about himself, his lips plumping to a gentle smile, his cheeks crunching while the coating and his hands worked towards making his genitals suit the body he now possessed. The most his body did was breathe in gentle, yet hastened exhalations, a clear enjoyment to it, yet nothing that belied the agonizing ecstasy beating Jacob's mind into submission. Bit by bit his eye movements slackened, the threads reshaping them from the back as they turned into two wide, innocent looking topazes. His fingers were diving in and out of the widened hole of his cock, a thumb jamming inside as it pressed, the tip condensing as even with its self control, the parasite shuddered from the sensations.

More involuntary movements, his free hand groping his new breasts, his mouth moving down to a free nipple, sucking down the spindly liquid that sloshed down as it coated the back of his throat and slithered up into his brain. Jacob's thoughts were getting murkier, his brain being cocooned by the sundress, molded by it, the threads interrupting thoughts as they coiled tighter and tighter around his brain. A spiked tendril stabbed into the pleasure center, another lower down controlling hormone production as his hair grew down to mid back, a few sprouts of white swiping through the strands to leave them silky and conditioned. In the end Jacob was hardly even a prisoner, more a hollowed out id of what his body had been, unable to see as his optic nerves were hijacked by the parasite, only able to feel as he was locked out of release, caught in an endless cycle of orgasmic sensations without the relief as his brain was fully coated, the final sign a white ring around his irises.

Silently she sat there, her cock sliding inside with little incident, only a small moan leaving her as spare silk gushed from her shrunken shaft, the eruption forcing the last of it inwards into a cute slit. She gasped, shifting her hips around with a curious look, shoving her fingers inside her new slit as the white gush of fluids began to wrap around her hips. Her fingering caused a gush of waste as the coating popped into a pair of panties, snugly hugging her curves as she closed her eyes, feeling her host's pleasured shrieks fade somewhat in her mind as she pushed it to a corner.

Something shuddered in her loins, a milky fluid slipping out her panties, the writhing fluids diving into her bedsheets as they gained a silky texture. In a few hours her sheets would be throbbing lightly to anyone who touched them, though if anyone was close enough to touch, they'd soon become their new host. Whenever she touched her birthing canal, the voice inside of her host would get louder, though it was all unintelligible. That would be there for a while she knew, occasionally fading as the former self went dormant, every conscious moment a controlled bath of pleasure and horror as she calmly brushed the filth from her body.

There was a lovely throbbing in her navel and breasts, the premature eggs suckling on the spare waste, the tiny things mere dots in a complex system, yet she knew they would grow like her. Smiling she moved towards her old self's closet, spending the rest of the day inserting each egg into one of his hung outfits, shirts and pants, denim and corduroy all pulsing as white threading overtook them, the start of white silk forming on the future sundresses, though it would take time. Feeling satisfied, she slipped on a pair of shoes, the sneakers turning to sandals as she left the apartment and headed towards the beach.

It was a chilly, clear day out as Brandon ran along the beach, feeling lost, aimless, alone. He hadn't expected to find many people out on the beach this late into the year, nor for someone so perfect, so beautiful, the look on her face distant as she turned towards him, almost confused.

"Could you help me sir?"

He paused his exercise, jogging towards her, utterly entranced by her beauty, wondering how she could just stand there with frigid water lapping at her ankles, her body barely covered.

"I think I'm lost and I can't find my friend. I'd be ever so grateful if you could give me a ride home. I'm Alice by the way."

Brandon was shocked by the flirtatious undertones of her words, the woman getting in his personal space immediately, yet it was hard to feel threatened with such a beauty.

"U-Um sure though do you want my sweatshirt or something? You must be freezing in that thing!"

She giggled at it, like he had made a joke.

"Oh my sundress? Don't worry it's warm."

He would have asked how, but she suddenly hugged him, letting him feel the surprising heat of her body, a smile on her face that was mysterious and mischievous as they separated, Brandon unaware of the small green bow now attached to his collar. She smiled as it burrowed, the windbreaker turning silky, the abandoned beach perfect for another Alice to be born before they went out for more people to bring to her nest where her landlord was currently cocooned in sheets, likely cumming out the last of his brains before blossoming into another sundress host.

"I think everyone should have one, don't you?"


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