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Kyon stared deadpan into his backpack, wondering if he had just accidentally triggered the end of the world or a hentaipocalypse. If so it would probably be the very dumbest way for humanity to meet its own end, destroyed by a student's porno hard drive. No wait, why was he blaming himself for this? Haruhi was the one who forgot to do the homework which led to her swiping his project hard drive. He kept his face as emotionless as possible as to not alert Itsuki, knowing there was no way to hide his thoughts from the esper while their history teacher continued rattling off boring facts for the class.

"Historically the Greek philosophers would create alter egos for themselves, leading to the unique difficulty for historians in unraveling if some of them ever existed, or were rhetorical devices for-"

Some days Kyon regretted ever wishing for extraordinary things to happen to him, his life a chaotic, nervous mess since the existence of aliens and psychics, gods and time travelers entered the equation. To summarize, his close friend and unknowing god of the earth Haruhi had overslept, planning the next SOS meeting instead of doing her homework. Since she knew Kyon was responsible and had backups, she had dug into his bag after he said no the first time, taking a hard drive she thought was his homework but was of... other material with fake names so his parents wouldn't know what he was looking at. And he couldn't leave in the middle of his teacher's lecture either.

"Which is why Kff sorry, which is why the Greeks often had strange soldier relationships, due to the philosophy of the time period and their version of divinity being more pedestrian than modern day religion with gods that were as petty as huma-"

Yes, Kyon had just given a girl with omnipotent powers who regularly reshaped things based on her unconscious wants, doujins and hentai. And knowing her, she was probably reading them right now in the library.

Still, it had been a few periods already and he only just noticed which hard drive had been swapped. He seemed to be one of the few things that didn't forget as much as everyone else when things changed. Looking around, nothing seemed to be all that different in the class. Itsuki seemed to be glancing around a bit confused, but unfocused on Kyon. He knew Itsuki swore he couldn't read minds and it was other esper abilities, but he hid a lot of things from everyone and he seemed to always know what was going to be on a test after helping a teacher after class the day before. Though since nothing was happening, Kyon felt relieved. She definitely would have seen their contents by now so she must have gotten embarrassed and shut it off immediately or maybe even forgot she took his hard drive. She was easily distracted and now he just felt silly for worrying. Besides, barring some niche interests, he doubted a few lewd comics could have such a large effect on the world at-

"Their ranks filled," THMP "many Greek soldiers often kept" THMP "Mmm~ m-male lovers, and it was commonplace to see cute b-" THMP "OOOOys fucking in the barracks."

Yeah it seemed nothing would- Wait what the hell?!

Looking up at the teacher, where once was a balding middle aged man now stood a half changed woman, buttons popping off from her growing bosom while she was humping her desk, pushing in whatever remained of her bulge as she moaned rather openly. Her new attire was businesslike, short skirts and plunging necklines showing off her new curves, a pair of glasses appearing over her beautified face as a young raven haired vixen stared back, shamelessly groping herself as she talked about the boy love practices of ancient armies.

Kyon could feel an anxiety attack coming, breathing in and out deeply as he stared around the room, looking for people's reactions to the clearly very wrong sight in front of them. No one seemed to mind much besides him, acting like this was normal. Shit.

"Erm Itsuki, does anything seem off to you?"

Kyon wasn't all that nervous about being overheard from how loudly the teacher was moaning, though he was confused by Itsuki's reaction, the unflappable boy blushing as he twirled his hair nervously.

"Y-Yes Kyon?" This didn't seem right, the esper's mannerisms fidgeting before his eyes, his legs pressing tight as the knot of his tie loosened. Unsure why he was acting so uncharacteristically nervous, Kyon figured he must have noticed what was going on and supportively patted him on the back.

"Well it could be worse. At least it's just the teacher righ- Huh?"He could see Itsuki's hair growing the more it twirled in their fingers, his lips a little fuller, eyes larger and more more as he blushed. At the initiation of contact, the rest of the room seemed to take notice as well, all eyes on the two of them including the teacher as Kyon gulped nervously.

Itsuki's jacket collar detached as he blushed even harder, turning a brighter teal as his tie turned into a ribbon, the more open design of his white dress shirt flipping buttons into a blouse as small lumps began to press against the fabric. Still blushing, "he" regained his usual confidence, clearing his throat as his voice came out in a low alto, sounding a bit ojouish as "he" responded, "I don't know what you're talking about. And you shouldn't act so casual and close to me. The Organization already gossips about the two of us and if the only male student in North High Girls Prep is so flagrantly talking with me, well you can see how that would make things difficult with the o-other... Stop looking at me like that! A-And my name is Itsuna. I thought you'd have remembered it by now..."

Kyon was trying to process the large info dump Itsuk- Itsuna had just dropped, waiting for "him" to say "just kidding" even though he could see "his" pants rising to a skirt, their blush intensifying as "he" began to moan.

Kyon did some leg squeezing himself, hoping the drafty pants of their uniform would hide his obvious if panic laden arousal. Actually, now that he reflected on what Itsuna had said, didn't she say he was the only male student? There was a lot of sudden shifting about, girls and "boys" alike looking uncomfortable, ignorant of anyone else's moaning as their bodies were shifting. It's not like his class was full of ugly girls before, but there was a certain averageness that was common to reality, an average look that was being overwritten by perfection. Zits vanished, gangly legs proportioned themselves, some girls gaining absurd curves while others became standard lolis in appearance. He was fairly certain the school skirts were a good inch or two shorter and he definitely didn't remember a side slit being allowed for some of the bustier girls' skirts.

He could see the personality exaggerations happening before his very eyes, the one girl who was usually late and often a bit snappy gaining heavy makeup and punk dye in their hair as they flashed him a hungry look, another girl who read light novels in her spare time gaining a thick pair of glasses and a copy of Gravity's Rainbow to replace her usual popcorn fluff. And then there were the boys.

There was more to change so their changes took a little longer, but they were moaning the loudest for reasons he could easily guess as many desks scraped against the floor, their occupants grinding what remained of their male bits away. Taniguchi seemed to be moaning the loudest, their shameless personality resulting in an equally shameless girl whose irises were somehow turning heart shaped as he was clearly rubbing his exposed shaft down while staring at Kyon. It wasn't every day you saw a close friend turn into a horny beauty, and it was an experience that honestly felt much sexier imagined than actually happening. And again there was a hunger he didn't like in everyone's eyes as they stared at him.

He grabbed Itsuna's arm and ran out to the hallway as Taniguchi squeaked out his name, their hands now fingering under the cover of lace panties while the athletic looking sports girl that had replaced his friend rested near an adorable shortstack who he assumed was Kunikida.

"Wh-What are you doing Kyon?! E-Even if you have feelings for me and would like me to dominate you for hours in the bedroom, you know the fate of the world rests on you regularly fucking Haruhi!"

"Look, I made a terrible mistake and I need help in fixing this before- Wait did you say fucking?!"

They were in the hallway, the disconcerting sound of moans echoing across the classrooms, Kyon hearing his name in more than a few of them as he shook his head, trying to ignore the hentai logic.

"Th-That doesn't matter. I need the brigade's help with-"

"S-So it's not just me you wanted?"

She seemed disappointed, then angry.

"W-Wait Haruhi has done one of those closed space thingies you usually take care of. I-It's a really serious break in reali-"

"THAT'S JUST AN EXCUSE ISN'T IT?! You keep toying with my heart, knowing how much it hurts to let Haruhi have you instead of myself!"

Kyon assumed this was a byproduct of having so much harem material on the hard drive, though he felt scummy having such a cute girl cry at him. He had to assume the worst, trying to remember the other common tags in his content to prepare himself for what was to come, freezing as he remembered one tag he had in a number of stories, and the fact this was an all girl's school was raising a number of flags.

"Y-You don't deserve that stupid dick you get to swing around!"

Oh god this was going to go that direction wasn't it? Why did he have to have such deviant tastes? From now on he'd only read wholesome porn, of people in missionary positions after marriage if he got through this day unscathed.

All the flags were tripped for one of his forced feminization tsf doujins, yet he was still caught off guard when Itsuna pulled out a wand and struck a pose.

"Calling on the power of cuteness in all things! Transform!"

Apparently espers were now like magical girls, a slutty outfit forming over his angry friend as Kyon moved back into the classroom, hoping being in a public space would dissuade them from using their powers since the Organization still apparently existed.

"Hey! Did you just fuck Itsuna you playboy asshole?! Don't get cocky just cause I rate you an A-!"

Kyon was at first annoyed that he wasn't even top rated while being the only boy here, then made nervous by the unabashed horniness infusing the room, teacher and students all looking at him like a piece of meat, frustration more than evident on all their faces.

"Yeah! Just cause you got in on a technicality slash clerical error doesn't mean you get to lord your massive cock around!"

"I've been unable to focus with your masculine wiles tempting me all year! I'd rather no one gets fucked than that bitch Haruhi hoarding it all the time!"

"I bet this horny cocksucker thinks he has it all so easy just cause he has a dick! We should force him to fit in like the rest of us!"


The girls and former boys were grouping up around him, tearing at his uniform, some of them taking out makeup as they began painting his restrained hands with polish, a tingly feeling spreading as he grew scared to look at what was happening to them. Dammit did everyone have tg magic here?! Well it was like that in his usual hentai but dammit usually there was more of an explanation than-


Itsuna burst in wearing an outfit that revealed more than it covered, a succubus tattoo painted on her stomach, not caring about the students' gazes.

"Wait the Organization's goal is-"


Of course it was that now. Great.

She waved her wand, a large blast of psychic energy with cheesy sparkle sound effects blasting out. The good news was that it inadvertently blew everyone off Kyon, Itsuna herself flinging back as if hit by a shotgun. The bad was that Kyon could feel his pant legs receding, his shoes turning into a women's Mary Janes as a pleasurable warmth spread up his legs. He started running before any more harm could be done, moaning and stumbling as his feet shrank, his pace hastening as his calves and thighs grew longer.

There was no time to look back, his fear rising that it was already too late as plump thigh fat squished against his stiffy, the sleeves of his jacket unraveling upwards like his pants legs as the fabric partially conformed to a girl's uniform. Thankfully it stopped at his arms and legs, his manhood very obviously still there as he looked for a place to hide. The bathrooms seemed like the best location since the other classes seemed affected, though there was no Men's room, only two girl's ones side by side. He picked the one that used to be the Men's room and sighed, happy he could relax only to hear the sound of someone squeak when they saw him.

Turning around, he saw Mikuru, her face beet red, looking ashamed though for once Kyon wasn't looking at her large breasts. There was something much larger lifting her skirt up, bigger than his own as he found himself dumbly stating, "You... you have a cock. ...please explain."

"HYAAA~! I-I told you this already!"

Ah apparently alternate universe him had gone down this path before. Itsuki had his esper stuff corrupted into magical girl powers. Though why would being from the future have-

"I-In the future due to our population crisis, everyone is both male and female so that we can a-always be producing children."

Oh right. Hentai logic.

"Wait what population cris-"

"That's classified."

Well at least that hadn't changed.

It wasn't a matter of whether he could stay here or not, Kyon knew from enough hentai that a bathroom rendezvous meant it was only a matter of time until things got-

"I-I'm sorry Kyon, but my future instincts to breed are acting up and with part of you girly I f-feel a need to- t-to!"

She didn't need to finish the sentence, leaping onto him with a wild look in her eyes as he pushed her away. Right, non-con and futa were both on the listing. Well at least he had a good idea on what Yuki would be and he would have to avoid her at all costs. Thankfully Mikuru was generally a pushover in a lot of ways so this shouldn't be too-


She tackled him with surprising strength, her hands pressing against his waist as she squeezed his trembling body, moaning as she rubbed her cock between his legs.

"S-Sorry! I swear you won't get pregnant due to paradox protection so please let me do this!"

"I-I can't get pregnant and that's not what's scaring me about this right- Gyaaaa~!"

She grabbed his ass cheeks, her newfound strength feeling weirdly erotic as she prepared his body for her cock, his ass cheeks growing as his half torn pants bloomed into a proper skirt, his waist squeezed into a tight hourglass as her cock pressed against his balls. Her mouth found his chest, teasing both his nipples into hardening as he moaned, his jacket melting into a girl's uniform as Mikuru prepared to enter him.

"I heard him moaning from the girl's room! Get him! No the other one not the- Just follow me!"

It turned into a scramble for his virginity, the other girls shocked when they saw Mikuru's equipment, but focusing more on Kyon and turning him themselves as their efforts canceled out, his body being pushed and shoved around like he was in the middle of a mosh pit before he somehow ended up outside the restroom, his body battered and feminized with tiny beesting breasts, but his lil Kyon still hard as he booked it through the crowd.

Whether it be from fate or his actions were guided, Kyon eventually found himself at the doors of the Literary Club room, quickly locking himself in as the horde of students banged angrily at the doors, all of them demanding to let them fuck the guy out of him. He really didn't want to go in, but there wasn't much choice when it was between the horde and safety. Hopefully he could open a window and escape quickly before-


For some reason he hadn't expected a catgirl, her ears twitching as she crawled towards him, one white, one orange-brown. Which student was this? The computer research society president didn't have any features resembling this girl, and the black beauty mark over her right eye seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite place-


"Gaah! Get off me you're licking my face too h-hard? Ahh~ s-stop!"

The catgirl pounced, tackling him to the floor and peppering his face with rough kisses as he could feel his features shifting, some of her kisses causing his throat to give into femininity while she grinded herself against his still standing cock. Shit he was really going to lose it here wasn't he? Unless divine intervention came in or something.


Ah there it was, divine intervention. The catgirl stopped, immediately following Haruhi's orders as Kyon brushed himself off, blushing as he accidentally swiped his own nipples, their sensitivity something he hoped he'd lose once he got Haruhi's mind out of the gutter. Now that he had a moment to himself, he noticed all the literature in the room was replaced with his trashy doujins, his digital library made physical. There were hentai posters plastering the walls and there was a wet SHLSH SHLSH SHLSH sound that was rhythmically growing faster as he turned to face the classmate causing this all. Haruhi was smiling at him, fingering herself while holding two leashes, one connected to the catgirl, and one connected to a naked, emotionless Yuki.

Alright, he just had to get her mind off fucking in the midst of a moaning mob of girls with his dick exposed in a room filled with lewd images. Huh, this felt a lot more possible when he wasn't giving it much thought.

"Hey Haruhi there's this new game craze sweeping the nation that um... Did you know that there's a really big American star coming to school in... um..."

After dealing with Haruhi's messes for years, he knew when that sparkle in her eyes meant it was working, and she didn't even show a flicker of interest in anything except him.

"You know Kyon I've been getting a little bored recently with your lovemaking."

Dammit, he was getting all the shit parts of being in a relationship with none of the fun. Wait, did he still count as a virgin if he had no memories of fucking? Well if she was getting bored of this then it'd end soon enough.

"But now you've come up with such a fun idea! I never knew you could turn into a girl, but there was a legend of that if a boy ever came to this school they'd turn into one."

Kyon sighed, deciding to just go with it. He already gave her his first kiss to fix the last big clusterfuck. He'd have to have similar resolve this time. Please let him forget this all like everyone else afterwards.

"Yes Haruhi, this is all for you, now let the other two leave us alone and lets-"

"Yuki stays. You know why."

He really didn't want to know why Yuki of all people had to stay, but given this was hentai, and she was an alien…

"Nagato... let me guess, as an alien she needs to learn about human breeding and also has tentacles somehow. Is it her fingers?"

The two girls looked at him with confusion.

"Huh? No she's just really into NTR and likes watching."

Yuki moved towards him and whispered, "Please don't talk about my real identity or I'll use my hair tentacles to probe every hole in your body."

Kyon gulped. Haruhi was definitely bustier, but she was normal otherwise... right? Time to find out.

It only took a few seconds to see where his dommy tastes in girls had ended up, Haruhi immediately taking the top position as she tackled him to the ground.

"D-Don't you want some foreplay firs AHHHH~! AHH!"

She was relentless, tearing open his uniform and molesting his feminized body, not holding anything back as she yanked on his nipples like pull chains, forcing the flesh to swell as cum streamed down his legs. Haruhi waited till it turned clear before slamming his cock inside her, the force making Kyon squeal as his shaft crumpled a tad, her vigorous humping forcing it inside bit by bit. Apparently Haruhi had watched all of his hentai, doing absurd positions while riding him, dripping wax and chocolate onto him while licking the latter off his finished breasts as her clit continued pounding away at his fading masculinity.

A script took over, familiar to the genre as his cock was crushed by Haruhi's grinding pussy, her lips giving his balls a farewell kiss as they plunged into the depths of his body.


It wasn't a lie, Kyon's first time a mix of mind blowing orgasms from his cock, his breasts and the shifting cavern inside of which his Haruhi was using his cock to fuck. It blew normal masturbation out of the water and he trembled with anticipation as his cock shrunk out of her lips, flopping as it pressed close to his body, barely a nub.

"You're not a woman yet Kyon. I promise I'll fuck the man out of you."

She whipped out a large double sided dildo with an impish grin, Kyon's squeals echoing through the classroom as Haruhi penetrated his shrinking cock, forcing it inside as Kyon became a woman fully, the world fading to a bright, white sheen of ecstasy.

One month later and Kyon had grown used to his new role at North High Girls Prep, all gender changes undoing themselves once he left the school grounds, leaving him open to the whims of all the horny students of the school. He had hoped that things would return after they fucked, but the world of porn was endlessly creative and shifting, Haruhi's tendency towards fanservice keeping her interested in lewding him as every schoolday would end with some new congruence of students and teachers fucking him into a woman.

He hoped she'd lose interest soon, each time making him start to look forward to it more, and knowing how his doujins went, there was still that moment where he'd lose all will and fully become a woman with a mind break. His hair was getting a bit longer now and his chest was starting to feel weirdly sensitive in the shower. Well, it's not like he had a choice. Yeah he totally didn't want this. Now where was Haruhi, it was almost the end of the day and she said Yuki would be joining in with Mikuru....


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