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"...where are you Nathan?"

"Big meeting! Very important client!"

Nathan Drake was dodging a series of arrow traps set up by some of the local tribes, thankful none of the locals had caught on to his presence in the heart of the Amazon.

"Uh huh... Why are you so out of breath then?"

"J-Jogging! For uh... work!"

"Ah so work has you running with the sounds of birds indigenous to South America cawing?"

"Shit you could hear that?"

"No but I knew you'd believe I could."

Shit. Well there was no need to hide it from her at this point.

"Okay now look you can't be mad-"

"Of course I can! I thought we were trying to get out of treasure trips! I mean if you were bored I could try a few things in the bedroom-"

While he was interested, he had to stay focused, the locals apparently having a surplus of string given all the traps he was barely dodging.

"No this is cleaning up my mess. I accidentally let a few sacred treasure sites in a locker and of course, they ended up being sold after someone picked the lock."

There was a disappointed silence on the other end, erupting into a shout that nearly sent him toppling into a spike pit.

"Why the hell did you leave something that important there?!"

"...look I have a lot of relic maps. I think I used one as a napkin last week. I fucked up and might have thought it was one of Cassie's doodles. You know she likes maps."

"sigh... Well next time take me with you at least. How's it going?"

There was a series of blowguns prepped and firing, just barely missing his neck by a few centimeters and digging into the bark next to his head.

"Eh, same old same old. You've been to one trapped relic site, you've been to them all really."

"I can hear the traps going off."

"No you can't."

"Won't work twice huh? Well pick me up some Moqueca and smuggle a big thing of Cachaça when you come back. Oh and don't die please. It'd be awkward."

"Love you Elena."

"Love ya honey."

Somehow he had cleared the forest without a hitch. Well his pants were ruined, but besides that he was relatively unscathed. It was rare for there to be as many traps as this, but that probably meant he was late, having missed his chance to stop the other raiders. He wasn't opposed to stealing treasure, but since he was finally out of the business, he didn't want further thievery on his conscious. Plus those assholes would definitely push the blame onto him when they were caught. Well he might as well see if his suspicions were right. Besides there might be clues like candy bar wrappers or a name tag or their driver's license and registration papers. Wouldn't be the first time surprisingly.

It was an impressively ominous cave, top ten at least in his career and it had a weird chill throughout it despite the scorching heat outside. Going through his notes, it was the temple of some Aztec fertility goddess, one which weirdly didn't ask for human sacrifices, but masculine ones whatever that meant. It was likely a translation error but it didn't sound like fun. As he entered the tunnel, there were sure signs of amateur raiders. Cigarettes put out on walls, scratches from dragged equipment, crumbs from snacks. Sure enough, when he reached the central chamber, it was stripped of almost everything, statues ransacked and looted of gold, altars empty, the place bare.

"At least they left the women behind."

He smiled at an admittedly marvelous sculpture, the craftsmanship so detailed it almost looked like she would start breathing, though her tits were a bit triangular. Giving them a cheeky rub he gasped, partly from the splinter stabbing into his finger, partly from the sudden sensation of his own chest being groped and rubbed and mostly from the loud, booming voice that suddenly echoed in his head.


Nathan swiveled on his heels, cringing while looking for the source of whoever had just yelled in his ears. Plus his chest was still tingling, his nipples oddly sensitive as an air current must have been brushing over his chest or whatever, his stuck hand stinging with a weird numbing tingle to it. He was up to date on his vaccines and shots so he wasn't the most concerned with a splinter, but that voice had scared the shit out of him and he couldn't find a source. Did they install an intercom system in their temple or someth-


"Agh fuck you're loud!"

There was no way this was real, he had to be missing something obvious. Besides if there was really a goddess why the hell would she let the others take her stu-


Oh great, it could read minds. Well at least he was off the hook for this, which was good cause he really messed up with- Shit why did he think about-


"Hey I did everything I could to try and stop them from-"


When the voice boomed, his mouth shut against his will, silencing him. Now he was scared, though really why did she not do anything to the actual thieves if she could do this? There was a bit of awkward silence at that thought before the voice responded, "Worship's been a bit dry. I need a medium between a person to do this."

"Oh so you don't have to yell constantly."

"Well you have two options. Divine punishment for causing this by boiling alive or returning the stolen offerings from the other thieves. You have three seconds to-"

"Option two! I'm your humble servant."

"Alright, then be reborn as a loyal servant of fertility."

Wait what did that mean cause it didn't sound-


The most bizarre feeling filled his body, like something was pouring in from the splinter, filling him near bursting with warmth as his whole hand twitched before his eyes. Something was changing, the nails growing, his fingers softer, tanner, thinner. His palm looked like it was deflating, shrinking down into a svelte, dainty thing, the fertility goddess's words giving him a bad feeling despite how admittedly nice the feeling was. He guessed it could have been worse, considering revenge was one of her attributes and it felt like something was hugging the individual muscles in his arms as he sighed, feeling the strength compress. His fears were being confirmed before his eyes as his arms lost all their texture and muscle, slimming into something slender, something feminine.

"Hmm... what is this strange garment underneath? Your current garb is ill suited for a follower of mine. ...ah right you are still gagged. I release the punishment."

Given that he could speak again, he planned on screaming at the goddess to stop, instead gasping as his right shoulder wrenched itself downwards, sloping beautifully into the start of a demure figure, pressure ratcheting up as the asymmetricality of his body was trying to correct itself, that flowing warmth moving from one shoulder to the next, his deltoids and trapeius throbbing pleasantly as the goddess's will molded them to shape, leaving his outer clothes to droop as the bones crackled like thin ice, shattering and reforming rounder and closer as his outline gained a curvy sinuousness to it. One final pop left the room feeling larger as his shrunken shoulders heaved, his other arm tingling as femininity flowed down. He really had to get her to stop this, to talk his way out of whatever voodoo bullshit was going on. And if he could he would, but given the spread's trajectory his nipples were soon swallowed by sleek, smooth skin and with it came an entire new world of ecstasy.

There were no words to the feelings emanating from them, the goddess gifting his useless nipples with purpose, that flowing warmth now fiery ecstasy as the inert brown flesh hardened, turning pinker as blood and sensory neurons bolstered their meager forms into pert pleasure centers. His jaw worked numbly, his five o clock shadow clearing up hair by hair while he moaned, the formerly pointless groping sensation making his cock harden, the goddess's blessing filling his nipples to near bursting before pushing back into the flat pecs of his chest, his moans rising to happy shrieks as the flesh fattened up into small breasts.

It was like he was being internally groped, the surging fat pressing against itself, strands of it tweaking the underside of his nipples as he writhed in position, moaning in higher and higher tones as the skin of his neck was overrun. He was starting to sweat like crazy, any initial chill in the cave long since forgotten as he gripped the bulge of his cock, turned on by his own aroused voice as his Adam's Apple flattened and fell.

Through the drooping v of his shirt's neckline, the skintight swimsuit underneath was getting its form fitting abilities put to the test as the zipper at his clavicle began to lower, the latex swimwear squeezing tightly as divine influence reshaped it to aid his emerging figure, the goddess resolving to reading his mind for information given his inability to talk. His surging breasts were peeking out from the parting zipper, the metal teeth digging slightly into his growing breasts as he tried to hold back the flood of ecstasy pounding on his junk, surging through every inch of his body. What did him in was the alterations to his under sea diving suit, the legs vanishing into a tight v shape, the suit hugging his crotch, then squeezing it before downright juicing him as the pressure and pleasure made him burst down below.


Where there had been a feeling of being filled before, now was one of hollowness, his hips bucking as his seed spilled onto the hidden temple's floors, all of it fading as his erupting masculinity fed the goddess. It hastened things, his sweating, heaving bosom nearly breaking the zipper as they surged to proper melons, another orgasm tearing through his groin as his testicles pressed hard to his body, made worse by how his breast's heft was causing the suit to dig even tighter against his waning manhood. What was already skintight crimped even closer, outlining every inch of his core as his outer layer of clothing turned to dust, leaving his suited body writhing as he fell to his knees, grunting as the tight musculature he worked hard to maintain pursed inwards, sumptuous curves forming while the spare mass flooded into his ass.

Nathan was in heaven, his eyes rolling around their sockets as his clenched jaw softened, the tension in his face squeezed shut by ecstasy loosening up the muscles as his face pulled into itself. It was all building, his screams rattling the bones of his cheeks as they popped, slipping upwards while pulling his cheeks into a high, sexy pout, his pursed lips swelling into thick, sultry lips that added to the feeling of forbidden pleasure as his hair shook back and forth, growing down to his back into a ponytail while bangs slid down his cheeks. The goddesses's reformations had already gone past a point of no return, so given his position, and how bothersome it was to pretend he wasn't enjoying it, Nathan made an executive decision to just say fuck it and enjoy what little masculinity he had left, his face fully feminizing in acceptance as everything sloped into a stunning formation, the shrunken jut of his nose, the long lashed fluttery shapes of his almond angled eyes, the ways his body was gyrating as if teasing an unseen onlooker, god damn did it feel fucking amazing.

The suit was creaking, stretching to its limits as his ass cheeks bloated, a tightness in the small of his back resolving itself in a series of pops that accented his growing booty while more cum gushed from his bound cock, his hands openly stroking what they could through the suit. Shit he could really feel every sliver of growth, his flat ass finding the cave floor suddenly plush, his moans careening into wild squeals as the underside of the suit pressed harder and harder against his groin, his eyes shooting open with a hard bucking movement as his balls could no longer resist, plunging into his body with two explosively moist pops.


They weren't just sinking into his body, they were punching upwards into his gut, making the "man" roll about the ground as his fingers scrabbled at his thighs, pulling at them as his pelvis began to creak.

"You're almost there. Your channel of birth will soon begin carving itself into you, though I must make room for your fertile passageway."

At the goddess's words, Nathan could feel his balls like one large finger, piercing their way through his body, carving out a channel before smacking together and bouncing apart, his hips quivering before snapping into pieces. He felt it all, cumming through each change as his hips rounded, complimenting the firm swell of his ass as he grew a wide, child-birthing add on to his already stellar figure, the cum now a steady flow from his outlined junk, his frenzied squeals hastening as the flow began to sputter, before burning his cock as the fluids diluted to clear, sticky streams.

"There, now the rebirth can be consecrated. Usually there would be a mate who would take your sex and consummate the will of the goddess, but it seems you'll have to be both pleasure giver and receiver. Are you prepared for the gift of servitude, of womanhood?"

It became more pressing by the second how unsatisfying his cock felt, whether it was from the goddess's will, the way his hollowed out insides were quivering for something to fill them or the way his cock wasn't really cumming as much as flowing out masculine urges, the desire raging inside. He still had some pride as a man left in him, but that was spilling out by the second, his thighs pressing together as they swelled to perfection, the pleasure flowing downwards as his calves were sculpted, curved, his feet twitching as they shrank and arched into the penultimate piece of perfection to his divinely granted feminine beauty. Whatever he was thinking, whatever justifications he might have had, his entire body was screaming out what it wanted, and as he grinded his cock's outline into his hand he happily squealed out, "YEESSSS! P-PLEASE I NEED YOU TO- HWAAAAA~!"

The suit shifted, an invisible finger moving through it as the goddess herself gripped his cock. It gave a whole new meaning to divine, her hand squeezing his cock from the tip downwards, jerking, pushing and compressing in one move as part of it slipped inwards, his screams keening to a deafening wail as the hand job continued. It was melting his shaft, squeezing his tip shut as the whole thing condensed into a sensitive clit, his cock softening under the repeated squeezing as he was slowly fucking himself into finality. There was a pause, his cock quivering, ready to collapse any second, the goddess's voice ringing out one last time to the "man" as he was.

"Then be reborn and serve me."

All at once the divine force squashed his cock, every inch of it shoving inside as she heaved against the stone floor, crying out in rapt ecstasy as the swimsuit pressed flat, her cum gushing out as she felt her clit rocket into place, drenching her thighs in release as she came as a woman.

The newly christened woman needed a few minutes to gather herself, an quick feel of her new parts quickly turning into a finger fucking as she felt unbearably horny.

"Er, goddess why d-oooh I f-eeeel soooh~ h-horny?"

"I am a fertility goddess. All of my followers should be in a constant state of arousal to have as many children as possible, though I will lighten it some as it would make it harder to recollect my artifacts."

With a final orgasm she was left panting, still horny, but it was manageable, her body moving provocatively without thinking. Taking stock of what the goddess hadn't destroyed, most of her gear was thankfully scattered but unharmed, her eyes landing on a GoPro that had been recording her trek in case something happened, a quick review of the footage showing her transformation anew. Well at least she'd be able to convince Elena. Going through her list of false names and identities since no one would see her as a Nathan, her eyes immediately landed on one in particular, smiling as she read it aloud.

"Lara Croft."

It felt right, though as good as this felt, she didn't want to stay like this forever. Since the goddess could listen in, she immediately responded, "Do not worry, if you recover all my offerings and return them, I will be able to undo this... if you still want your old form back by then that is."

Lara grabbed a breast, enjoying the feeling, basking in the pure femininity her form exuded. Suddenly she was a lot more interested in what her wife had in mind to spice up the bedroom, but that could come later. Though Elena would probably kill her before the hot stuff would happen. This'd be a weird part in their daughter's memory.

"Well before I get addicted to this, I better start looking. Hmm, Lara Croft, treasure hunter? No, undersea explorer? Ah! Tomb Raider! That sounds good to me. Well I'll be back before you know it goddess, and I'll be sure to use your gift well."



That absolutely perfect 😍 it was amazing. It’s so good good I want a sequel with Elena involved and we see how they spice up the bedroom is there a chance for that?