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Ash was rubbing nonexistant chin hair, trying to decide what he wanted to do with the surprise Jirachi he had just saved from one of Team Rocket's inept plans. Now obviously he was going to release it into the wild since it wasn't caught fairly and it wouldn't feel right, buuuut the pokedex entry did mention that it could grant wishes, and it definitely owed him for the save. But did he dare ask for his desire? To skip all the hard work, the sweat and tears of the journey, to selfishly steal the role of the best from a person who-

"Eh screw it I'm on my fourth region I don't want this bs to keep happening. Jirachi! I wish to be the strongest Pokemon Champion in the world!"


The world shook, bright light shining from the adorable legendary as it shut its eyes, focusing intently before vanishing. Ash looked around, patting himself down to check if anything had changed. It hadn't which disappointed him.

"Argh I thought that stupid pokemon was meant to grant wishes! I don't get it, do you feel any different Pikachu?"


"Huh?" Ash turned, confused by the Gible standing where Pikachu had been just a moment ago.


They didn't respond to his call, the confused trainer trying to figure out where his buddy had gone and how he could miss a Gible in the wild.

"Just stay there, I need to find Pikachu, then I'll add you to my par-NNGH!"

He paused midstep, clutching his chest as his body seemed to throb. To his horror, the muscle in his body seemed to be moving like a gang of wild Ekans, his skin writhing as a pale glow surrounded his body. Now he was screaming for help, panicking as the glow continued to build, the light eerily familiar to evolution lights. Gible was the same, smiling as it let out a final cry before evolving, his master similarly shifting to reach the next stage.

It should have felt more painful than it was, Ash thankful for that as he felt his bones growing inside slithering hunks of muscle and flesh, his height rocketing up a foot or two as his body buffed out. Despite the blinding light around him, it soon became clear what was happening as Ash eyed his growing body.

"Wait am I getting older? AWESOME!"

His voice was boomier too, deepening to a nice bass from its whiny alto.

"I'm sorry for doubting you Jirachi! I can't wait to show Pikachu this!"

The glow faded, his old clothes tearing on his muscled body, the immature trainer now an adult in his early 30's. He flexed his new muscles, grinning madly as his clothing tore itself into pieces at the movement, only taking his eyes away at the new Pokemon finishing its change. Gible finished evolving at the same moment, now a Gabite though it seemed impatient for something, stamping on the ground repeatedly as it looked around.

"What're you waiting for lil buddy? Well you're not so little any mo-oohhhre?!"

The Gabite was glowing again, evolving into its final form while Ash was suddenly feeling strange. His groin was similarly enlarged, but it was only stretching out to its full length now, the confused man groaning as his body was growing warm and comfy. It was like his entire body was being caressed, his skin tingling as every hair stood up on end, his cock equally erect as the heavenly feeling brushed against every inch of it. His eyes were shut, posture slackening as all his tension faded into bliss. Lost in the building pleasure were the slight pinches as hair across his body was pulled out from the root, the pores they sprouted from shrinking down as sunspots, warts and hair were shed. His complexion was paling with the waxing, every inch of skin left behind softened to porcelain perfection, pleasure sparking across it as it hummed with sensitivity. By the time he opened his eyes, he was smooth from head to toe past his pubes, the skin below tingling fiercely.

Before his eyes the dense crop of hair was receding, each kinked strand straightening out as it tightly cropped to a triangle around his cock, the changes made more evident as the black hair brightened to spun gold, the blonde so pure and bright that it actually illuminated his groin in the forest's nightly atmosphere.

"Huh? But why? Oooh~ g-gotta admit that feels r-really, really goooood~!"

The final word cracked as he moaned, his body alight with new sensations of lust and want. He awkwardly gripped his cock, moaning as the plush skin smoothly slid, making his first attempt at masturbation even better than he could have imagined, and yet, he knew it could be even better than this.

"Mmm I can't wait to show the girls my n-oooh~ body. I bet their hands would feel even, e-even, fuuuuuuck~..."

His stroking hands seemed to respond to the thought, their grip shrinking as the fingers lengthened, fully wrapping along its length easily despite being smaller, their touch divinely delectable as the nails grew out into an impressive manicure, black veined with gold. As he pumped more aggressively, his muscles burned, melting away as easily as they had appeared, the added flexibility to his shifting wrists giving his hands even more options as they pleasured him with a life of their own. His thinning arms didn't lose everything, some fat being spared as it added an appealing plumpness to them, their new delicateness feeling marvelous as they swiped past his sides, one of the hands rubbing his balls as he groaned, cumming out what little sperm had been produced.

That singular orgasm seemed to pop his masculine balloon, Ash confused as the world grew back up around him, his muscles fading some as a few inches sloughed off his height. The orgasm had been draining and yet his cock was still rock hard, his hands continuing to find new ways to make it feel amazing as he gasped with pleasure. It was only ruined when he looked down, shocked at the girly hands now grasping his cock, his abs fading into flatness as another weak spurt coughed from his cock.

"What?! B-But I- Ohhh~ shiiit that's not right g-gotta stop."

It was torture to let go, his cock filling him with lust, begging to be touched as he tried to ignore it and figure out what was happening. Biting his lip in thought, he was distracted by the plump feeling of it, pressing against his teeth as Oran Berry flavored gloss rubbed against his tongue. The changes weren't stopping, making it clear as hair began to trickle down his cheeks, bangs cupping his cheeks as it all gained the same golden glow as his pubes. Obviously this was bad, really really bad, but it also felt unbelievably good, the feeling of plump lips pressing together, the way his hands felt rubbing against his body, he could only hold out so long before working at his cock again.

It was the promise of more that was so hard to resist, that knowledge of how much better he could be still. Even his hair as changed as it was could have more volume, more shine, the thought made visible as the gold locks poured down in an impressive river of hair, tickling the backs of his legs as the image of a perfect woman solidified in his mind.

No he had to stop thinking of her, it was making it worse. The idea of becoming such a suave, demure beauty who was strong and sexy and-

"Mmh w-wait I can't... ahh~."

His fears were calmed by the promise of perfection, the pure eroticism of her features pressing against his hard to describe. It was like her lips were internally kissing his mouth, the changes spreading in a numbly pleasant wave. He could feel it vividly, his nose carving down to her slender bridges, his chin sculpted to a perfectly inviting curve. His eyelashes were tangling together, growing out as black ash weighted them down. There was a turning sensation in the sockets, his eyelids bulging as they widened out. When they opened again, his pupils were hung in a sea of molten gold, a perfect beauty replacing his rugged masculinity.

There was a slight tugging in the back of his throat, the feeling of something caught there growing as he squeezed his shaft, moaning in a rising sigh as more cum splattered onto his thighs.

"N-Nooooo~ it's not fair to make this feel so, s-sooooo marvelous..."

The last word came out in a tender tone, something playful and daring about the way he said it as his voice matured into a sultry alto. His tongue danced around his lips, making his former moans into purrs and swooping sighs, the voice goading him on to imagine the body it could belong to, the perfect female form. He imagined it, tall, slender and voluptuous, every curve a treat atop a domineering height, taller than most men could even-

"AGH shit noooo~... Ohh I can feel her c-coming oooouuut~!"

It was like someone had slapped a crank into his spine, twisting it upwards as he found himself growing once more. It was stuck in the small of his back, coiling the muscle and vertebrae as the entire structure slowly forced itself into a curve. He couldn't help the subtle shifting of his shoulders as it continued, his chest arcing forward as he slowly worked away their broadness with every roll. Every circular pass grinded down the bone, sloping them downwards more and more until they popped back into place, just like the individual vertebrae in his spine as they finished their curve. From there, that caress sensation intensified to pressure, hugging his sides lovingly. Ash tried to resist, tensing the muscle there purposefully, but there was a numbing electric tingle that spread from the pressure, loosening it up into a puckered curve.

It was like a gentle breath out, the pleasure sighing from his mouth as both sides pulled together into twin curves, almost connected to the slopes of his shoulders, but disconnected by the flat chest between. Ash cursed once he realized he had just thought of her chest, imagining hard pecs and muscled bods at first to hopefully undo it, but disturbingly there was something appealing to the male body in his mind, his cock twitching in his hands at the thought.

"No I'm not int-oooh~ I-I like big milky breasts I can dig my face in a-and- Oh fuck what did I just-"

The rest devolved into desperate moans, his nipples inflating, hardening at the touch of pleasure as fat flowed inwards.

For the first time since the changes started, his hands left his cock, his nipples far more tantalizing as he bucked his hips, a stronger release winding him as he teased the tips of them with both hands. Unable to help himself, he pinched them, digging his nails into the nubs and pulling them outwards. Fat veined with milk tendriled under them, increasing the pleasure tenfold as he kept tugging, leaning forward as his chest grew large enough to be hefty. What remained of his shirt was splitting into threads, utterly unable to contain the mountains of flesh piercing through. Ash didn't stop until he had a perfect set of breasts, their round, perky flesh prickling with goosebumps as he traced their roundness, moaning as he dug into them both.

At this point, self control was gone, his waist swaying as he groped himself.

"Ohh~ fuck keep going. H-Harder!"

He didn't know who that request was even for, just basking in the surging ecstasy as his right slid down his belly, tracing the tight lines of his tummy as muscle bunched up behind it. Eventually the lines led back to his cock, his fingers crawling up it like a spider until they were clenched around the tip. Without thinking his index finger slid its nail into the tip, probing in and out instinctively. Ash nearly fell to the ground at that, squealing like a stuck Tepig as his cock pulsed, widening around his finger as the sides of his urethra clenched. His nail was stuck, and as the insides of his cock began to hollow out, it not only kept his nail hostage, but sucked his finger deeper inside.


His finger was now drawn in up to the first joint, his hand circling as his balls quivered, their contents melting to estrogen as Ash thrust his finger deeper. There was a small gap forming behind the base of his cock, tingling with need as he wiggled his pointer deeper. It needed something to scratch it, his finger only stretching up to a quarter of the way as he shoved in up to the joint. That's when he had the destructive thought, the feeling that his cock was too big.


There was a moist crinkling at the base, his balls pressing tightly as his cock began to press inside. As the inches pounded their way between his hips, the cock itself was getting stubbier, hollowing out from the inside as his finger popped out, only to dive back in, a second wriggling at the edge trying to squirm its way in. He didn't want to lose his cock like this, to fuck away, but it was far too pleasurable to stop, his hips thrusting into his hand as he further crushed his cock, slamming the inches into himself as cum poured from the widened tip.

Now he could fit two fingers in, then three, fingering his cock faster and faster as it slid deep into the pit of his stomach. The tip became little more than a hollow shell, dragging his fingers deeper as the meat of it separated and condensed, forming a hard button that triggered as his nails jabbed into the freshly minted clit. It was the hardest he had ever cum, his balls flattening in the extreme release, slotting inside as his scrotum split into throbbing pussy lips, the rest of his cock imploding in a messy explosion of cum and semen as Ash reeled in the strength of her first female orgasm.

Looking down at her dripping slit solidified things, the process too far gone to fight, and her mind was melting under the continuous string of orgasms her new pussy was delivering. The rest of her had to be perfect, sweat flinging off her writhing body as she stirred up her own insides, moaning as she imagined every inch of her body perfectly sculpted into the peak of femininity. Her hips split apart, her ass wobbling as it bloated with fat. She rubbed her legs together like she was trying to start a fire, not just waiting for them to change, but commanding it as her thighs grew round and thick. The only pieces of her old shirt were her sleeves, the fabric bunching together at his wrists into bracelets. They tickled the meat of her inner thighs while she thrust her fingers inside, cum dribbling down her legs as her knees pressed together, her calves curving down to shrinking feet, her toes stretching out as they gained an identically polished pedicure.

The harder she fucked herself, the more the region opened up to her mind. Strategy, rare routes, raising methods, all of it was filling up her head giving her a dangerous strength as her personality shifted. Her moans grew more confident and bossy, not just interested in pleasuring herself, but in dominating, showing her body who was in charge. A cold wind blew against her naked form, causing her mind to drift, the torn patches of sock below her feet clamping onto her, thinning as they spread upwards as black pantyhose. Her bag was off to the side, turning into a large gothic purse, her paltry team of pokemon tripling as rare catches abounded, her Gabite finishing its evolution into Garchomp as clothes formed around her.

A short black dress made of shiny gossamer slid atop her form, the scampy outfit showing plenty of her body while covering up what it needed to, a few slits on the sides allowing more of her hips to show. Right as her strategy was coalescing into experience, two bows appeared in her hair, peeking out from under her shining hairdo, a new name forming in her mind. That's right, she hadn't been a regular trainer for years, her position that of Sinnoh's champion. People feared her as much as they lusted after her, half her suitors made up of trainers she had crushed over the years, an assortment of lovers open to her every whim if she so chose to demand it. But they wouldn't be needed tonight, that was for sure, Cynthia sighing as she came one last time for the night, her nails glistening with cum as she flicked it away.

It was annoying to be such a celebrity, considering she had to go out into the forest just to get some alone time and enjoy herself, but its not like she regretted becoming the champion. It was fun to crush dreams and smash the conceited, the look of despair on a trainer's face when her Garchomp appeared and destroyed them, oh god just thinking about... Well maybe she could call one of her fans for the night. It seems she wasn't done just yet. Though who? They all seemed so pathetic compared to her, and she just wished she had someone of equal stature to-


The sound came from her summer cabin, the confused Cynthia ready to destroy whatever thief had decided to try and raid her home, only to stop when she saw a clone of herself standing on guard in her favorite bathing suit. The two Cynthias stared at each other, pausing as they inspected the other carefully.

"You're not a Zoroark are you?"

"You're not a Zoroark are you?"

The fact that they came to the same conclusion at the same time calmed some of the tension, though the champions both were curious.

"Hmm perhaps you're me from the future sent by Dialga."

"Or Palkia's space manipulation sent us a doppelganger.”

"Or a wish gone wrong on Jirachi."

"...do you really care about the how right now?"

Cynthia had a response to that, but ended up placing her Pokemon to the side while untying the knot to her bikini top. They moved the same, moaned the same and fucked the same with the limitless stamina and energy afforded by their constant training. Both smiled as they fucked, taking turns on top as they fought for dominance, laughing at how fun it was as they devolved into a lustful fucking. It was a strange turn of events for sure, but they were too happy to finally have a worthy partner to care as the very best that ever existed.


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