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You considered yourself quite the catch. Tall, rugged and handsome, there wasn't much more you could ask for, certain you were god's gift to the ladies. You maximized time, subscribing to the Joe Rogan ideal of constantly shooting for self betterment, never wasting even a second. Work, working out, eating healthy, cleanses, the only thing you listened/watched was the aforementioned podcast during your time at the gym or Reuters for any world updates. On a weekend you'd usually have taken a girl home by now and been fucking her brains out, but given everything going on in the world your regular routine had been thrown out of whack, your tally notches having not moved up for two months and you were feeling backed up.

There was an obvious solution to that, but you considered having yourself handle it to be the ultimate beta move. Watching porn was just cucking yourself to a hot girl you're not fucking and masturbation was just admitting you couldn't find someone to do it for you. So there you were, out of things to do, but not tired fully, scrolling through social media waiting for sleep to hit you. Facebook was full of garbage as usual, the ui filled with popups and crap. You'd have to update your ad blocker since this crap always got past it after a few months. Heck you knew it was the case when you went to click on a post, only for an ad to appear right under your mouse, opening up a new tab that you didn't ask for.

Curious as always, though still rather angry, you were relieved that your virus detector found nothing malicious on it, though the website itself was kind of an eyesore. It was a blend of ancient geocities era formatting and walls of text, the whole thing surprisingly well organized despite the various flashing gifs and text walls that flashed repeatedly. Scrolling to the url, it was japan.ify, immediately souring your interest. Oh fantastic, just what you didn't need, weeb shit.

You remembered those nerds from high school and college, all of them way too obsessed with a foreign country, all of them weird and antisocial. The guys constantly were bringing their dakimuras around as if to scream out how different they were while the girls... ugh even if some of them were hot, their shipping shit was way too toxic to deal with. Still, at least he wasn't actually near them and it was kind of funny to see these nerds flail about, wasting their time on 2d girls instead of focusing on the real world. The only issue was half the links were a mix of English and Japanese, so it was a crap shoot on what he was clicking on.

You finally saw the word you were looking for mixed into another link, "今日 Waifu に変わる" certain it'd be full of horny nerds arguing over which high school girl they'd fuck first. Instead it was filled with lewd images, making you thankful you were alone as you saw girls getting railed by tentacles, fat ugly guys and other degenerate shit with comments under each pic. Right as you went to go exit, you saw one pic that really captured your attention, a busty pink haired girl naked past a bow in her hair, gesturing at you invitingly, her room filled with anime paraphernalia. It was a basic gif, yet it completely immersed you, drawing you in as you tried to read the comments underneath.



やめられない。Lol. あなたは私に何をしました?助けて? Cause it's awesome! 気持ち良すぎてください have fun with my newest obsession!

You only knew parts of the last comment which wasn't much. You almost clicked on another link, then realized this was stupid. What were you even doing? This was just a waste of time. Still, even as you closed out of the tab and got ready for bed, the image of her stuck with you, the cute girl even there in your dreams as you moaned, finally cumming to the sound of her moans as you pounded into her, your underwear crusty by the time you woke up.

You felt strange, an indent in the bed larger than you were, or at least larger than you thought you were as you rolled out of bed. Your boxers for some reason felt loose too, occasionally slipping past your crack as you annoyingly fussed with them. Despite this, you felt good, unsure where this burst of happiness came from. The crust explained it though, making you sigh as you peeled them off, putting your shower on as hot as it could go as you scrubbed away the filth. Your body felt surprisingly smooth as you rubbed yourself down, smiling as the full body scrub felt more than cleansing, it felt good. With that clean buzz still resounding, you went to get dressed, only to find that it wasn't just your underwear, but everything seemed to be loose. Sure you could use a belt, but that would be cumbersome all day, besides all your work was online so it's not like you had to impress anyone. Thankfully you still had a few sweats around from the gym, going commando as you got into the thick of work, finishing early for the day.

With nothing left to do, you went to ready up for your workout, planning on loading up the newest podcast, but when you typed "j" the top link was japan.ify, your habits making you click on it without realizing. It took you back to the image page, your cock hard again as you stared at her inviting features, noticing a new comment in English.

Love her. That whole show is full of waifus and husbandos

That was new information to you, not realizing there was more content of her. You were rubbing your erection through your sweats, feeling the bumpy insides rustle against it as you tried to find out more about her, clicking on the person's icon and finding message boards in site for various anime. You tried reposting the pic asking for who she was, but got the post almost instantly deleted for it being in a non nsfw channel, multiple posters calling you perverted as your arousal only grew.

Rather than answer your question, they moved onto other shows, barraging you with terms you didn't know, characters you've never heard of and you were too horny to focus on it. You tried another board, asking for the girl and getting some recommendations instead. You tried getting back to the original page, but you must have misclicked something, ending up on a store page for various items, all of which didn't interest you at all, though there was a pop up message that congratulated you on your first free purchase, your confusion immense. Another misclick redirected you to Youtube, where a playlist with one of the recommended shows was in full, the series being relatively short, only 12 episodes, but did you really want to commit that much time to something called... One Punch Man?

You put it on as you worked out, only to stop in annoyance as Japanese voices played out. You knew some of these had English voices behind them, unsure of the terminology to find it. The credits didn't show the girl you were looking for though the music was incredibly catchy so you paused it and tried focusing on your workout, humming the foreign ear worm. For some reason you weren't quite into your workout today, feeling tired faster, your body burning after just the easy stuff. You rarely skipped a day, but sometimes your body needed a proper rest so the muscle could grow back stronger, and its not like a day could matter that much....

You sat back in your couch and paired your laptop to the tv, engrossing yourself in the show, finding plenty of the girls hot. It was so comfy doing nothing but watching, your cock appreciating it as well as you kept rubbing it through the pants, occasionally feeling a bit of wetness down there as you moaned. Your muscles were fading, your limbs softening with each release, one large load blasting out as you squealed at the final episode's climax, gasping as the credits rolled. You were surprised how good it had been, smiling as you brought your laptop back up and scrolling through your history to find the chat and thank them for the recommendation.

The links were noticeably different when you got back on, more anime discussion boards for shows like the one you just watched and other lewd links bordering the discussion. Most websites used cookies so you didn't mind, but it was odd how good it seemed to be at showing you just what you wanted to see next. To your surprise, a dm notification popped up, the commenter from before trying to get your attention with more recs and links to watch. You didn't remember making a profile, but you must have at some point, deciding it wasn't that important as you started talking, finding them really nice.

Before you knew it, the day was gone, multiple series devoured as 12 episode shows became nothing to you. You didn't know why you had avoided them for so long, finding the whole process incredibly enjoyable even if your eyes were red from staring at a screen too long, your cock feeling raw from the pounding you had given it over the course of the night. This was the first time you had stayed up past two on a week day in a long while, drearily marching to bed as you brushed your teeth. Looking into the mirror, your hair seemed shaggier than you remembered, contemplating this as you rubbed your chin. It didn't bother you that your cheeks were bare, your lips swollen as you drifted off to bed, wondering what to watch tomorrow.

The rest of the week was a bit of a mess, but a fun one, your schedule slowly going out of whack. You woke up later, missing out on your usual routine of early morning jogging, sometimes having to go straight to coffee then work as to not be late. Your performance wasn't affected much at work thankfully, in fact it was even getting faster, finishing early meant more time for anime after all. You were becoming glued to the couch, every day making you a bit softer, smaller, starting to live chat with some of your friends from japan.ify as they walked you through the basics of shows you HAD to watch.

You only paused your marathons to cook and answer the door, your wardrobe essentially just sweats and large, comfy sweatshirts, some of those even becoming too large for you. There was a setting malaise as you watched the tv day in and out, cooking becoming too much of a hassle as you began ordering out more, eating on the couch. One day you were surprised by a knock on the door, blearily getting out of bed to answer it only to find a package addressed to you. It had international labels stamped over by the American ones and was rather heavy, shaking it only rustling the contents. You took a pair of scissors to cut through the tape, missing in your effort as it changed into a replica of some anime girl's weapon, her name popping into your head as you finished opening it, memories of watching Kill La Kill in high school not being questioned as you cheered at the contents.

It was clothes! New clothes from japan.ify with tons of tasteful things. It started off male as you dug through the contents, shifting to androgyny, then downright girly shirts and blouses with either simple patterns or weeby designs. You shared a few pics on the chat function, your eyes drifting to the store tab as you typed, wondering why it had been so hard to find before. One of them asked for a selfie in your new clothes, a quick shower and rough bunching of the hair making you presentable at least.

It didn't even bother you how girly your clothes were looking, their design second to their comfort. To your surprise at the very bottom were some weebier things, an ahegao shirt, striped thigh high stockings, some slips of fabric that could barely be called clothing. You shared the memeier stuff with your friend who laughed at it with you. The jovial talk started to turn steamy as you continued, both of you apparently turned on.

Why don't you put it on? Be my sexy little weeb girl.

You resisted at first, feeling it'd be cringy. Sure you were into nerd stuff, but you weren't that kind of... guy? But the more you discussed it with them, the more they started to write out an rp base, the harder your cock became. Eventually you slipped the ahegao shirt on, your body tingling with anticipation, putting on a tight pair of short shorts and the stockings to boot. They were all so tight on you, but it grew more fitting the more you rp'ed, giggling as you wrote like an annoying weeb.

Mmm discipline me senpai, I've been a naughty boy.

Hontou? I'll have to help you catch up then. Your parents would be angry if you fell behind.

UwU you're so cool Sebastian.

(Isn't he a butler?)

(In my AU he's a teacher duh)

Multiple google docs suddenly appeared on your account filled with slash fic, AU's and porn, your "character" merging the more you played into it, making you hornier the further you went.

For some reason stroking your cock wasn't doing enough, your fingers moving lower as you squeezed your thighs together, feeling their plump flesh bulging out from the tops of the stockings, feeling a throb between your balls. Out of curiosity, you took two fingers and rubbed it, moaning as the skin pulled tight, a really hot sensation spreading the harder you rubbed it. Your rp was shifting rapidly, going from senpai and kouhai to onii-san and otou- imouto. You thrusted into your balls for the first time as you told him you were a josei now, hungry for onii-san's cock as you squealed, cumming as the skin under your cock split open.

It felt like you were cumming your brains out, hair growing with a bad dye job, your chest heaving outwards to distort the cumming anime girl faces as you did your best job to mirror them. You couldn't stop thrusting into the new slit, juices running down your thighs as your cock shrank, your balls pushed inside by the frantic fingering as an explosion of clear juices sent you reeling into exhaustion, apologizing as you had to cut things short.

(Ugh, sumimasen. Sorry to Madhouse you but I have to stop halfway through the story, your writing was too oishii.)

(Nani? Yatta! I knew I'd make you mine desu~. And we can always continue tomorrow. Here let me link you to Hetalia, I just know you'll love it)

From there it was a rabbit hole down shipping debates, your tastes growing increasingly more niche. Two boys on a screen? Going to ship it. Yes yes the girls on Food Wars were hot, but the Aldini brothers were totally your OTP, well them in a polyamorous thing with Soma and the other boys of Polar Star Dormitory. Or maybe Soma should get with Erina's dad, the fics were writing themselves constantly in your mind. And honestly, weren't the guys just way sexier? Not like you were into them, you just found gay shippings interesting. It's not like they'd be into you since you were a-

You paused while writing part twenty two of your Lelouch/Suzaku slash fic which mysteriously gained a part every time you finished a paragraph. Lelouch was your first crush when you found him in middle school, the thought of him ordering you to do things you couldn't disobey bringing up all sorts of old feelings, your hips writhing about your chair as the last of your cock was swallowed into the folds of your dripping pussy. You'd been ordering more and more accessories from japan.ify, waiting for your new batch of dye to arrive, hoping to turn yours pink like your favorite character Chika Fujiwara even if you found Ishigami and Prez way hotter from that show.

People said you were acting differently recently, but you didn't notice anything weird. God, why couldn't these fucking workaboos just relax and let you enjoy things?! Their taste was trash anyways and you made sure to let them know. Eventually you quit your job, annoyed with how toxic the workplace was. Someone mentioned that you were working from home, so you blocked them before leaving, after all streaming was your passion as you skirted the lines of what Twitch allowed, streaming anime and games and writing boy love slash fics live constantly for your adoring Fujos. You embraced the tag, even making your username Jolyne Fujo since fuck anyone who used that as a slur and also haha Jojo reference!

Your japan.ify package came the next day, filled with hair dye, Neko Wear brand clothing and a few posters. Finally you could replace that eyesore of a Joe Rogan poster. That guy was sooo problematic and your fans were right, there were much better things to have. That's why you were replacing it with a traditional Japanese ship painting thing, there was a word for it but you couldn't remember and even better, the DVD poster for Shonen Maid: Kuro-kun your favorite boy on boy hentai. God you loved those cute boys, so kawaii~!

You were practicing on raising your voice on stream, wanting to sound like an anime protagonist from one of your light novels you streamed, reacting to all the cute boys you could romance as your following grew, only hampered by how ban happy you were if someone did something bad like not share your husbando or criticize you even slightly. You didn't need those dumb male otakus, and besides you were just so kawaii desu~! You just finished banning someone for saying you weren't using desu right when something far more concerning happened. Someone was saying Kagami was a better husbando than Kuroko!

"Ugh, I can't believe you'd say something so dumb desu! Like, Naaaani?! Your taste is so bad it hurts! Itai! Besides even though Taiga's a beast, we all know who really wears the pants if the two of them started fucking..."

All that talk of shipping left you horny, ending the stream with a sponsor message to japan.ify before running to your Hello Kitty bedecked bed, moaning as you took out a large novelty Ippo dildo and started ramming it in. You had just reached your donation goal too, and now it was official. You were moving to Japan desu~! You couldn't wait to experience it all just like a protagonist! Just the thought made you cum, moaning out one more cringy word as whoever you used to be vanished, not that there ever was a different you, you were always such a weeb lol.



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