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Ron Stoppable was gearing up, ready to take the world by storm and finally man up for Kim. Though, since it was Ron his version of that was following some dumb internet advice of the No Nut. It was more like a December than a November run of it since he had kind of forgotten to start it before one of the servers reminded him, but apparently it improved everything, making you smarter, hotter and according to NotDrakken4576, "a perfect match to your desired partner" when mixed with this awesome drink called GO Juice which went perfectly with his usual nachos. It was green and kind of thick, but once he started drinking it it was hard to stop. Hopefully now that he was nearing the end of it, he'd become impossible to resist, especially to a certain red headed international spy cheerleader. Er, not that he had anyone in particular in mind.

Something did feel a little off over the last few days as he neared the one month mark, ready to be Kim's gift for the holidays, but also kind of weirded out by the increasing amounts of body hair left on his sheets when he woke up. Maybe she liked hairless guys or something? Either way he didn't think the Rufus look would suit him all that much. At least his regular hair was stronger than ever, his blonde mop actually needing another cut even though he had just gotten it cut like a week ago. Worse he was really feeling the effects of not jerking it down below, his lil buddy clearly fuller than his stomach after an all you can eat fiesta day at Bueno Nacho. Ignoring it for the cause, he quickly scrolled through his server, surprised to learn that a new kind of GO juice had just been released, a deluxe version meant to make everyone feel even more super for the holidays with a free sample for long standing customers. Obviously Ron had kept himself a preferred customer for the service much like his JP Bearymore status and when he opened his front door, sure enough a large glowing bottle of GO juice was waiting.

The server's residents were in the same boat, all of them excited to give it a taste, their attempts at the NNN challenge extended in competition as the server did a countdown to guzzling the new drink. Ron didn't even check the label, missing the parentheses with a tiny(SHE) preceding the GO ULTRA on it. It smelled amazing and went down smooth, but Ron's horniness weirdly amplified at the taste, his body feeling weird as bizarre messages began to crop up on the server, but none were more bizarre than what NotDrakken4576 posted in video format. It autoplayed, Ron shocked to see that NotDrakken was in fact... Drakken!

"BEHOLD! You foolish scum of the internet, the TRUE manufacturer of your tasty GO Juice. That's right, all this time it stood for SHE-GO Juice Muhaha-"

"That's not how English works and it's not all that clever eith-"

"Quiet She-Go! I'm talking to your future clones here! Can I not have one moment of gloating over this plan you called 'utterly moronic' working?"

"I still think it's dumb, but hey it's not like my pay's getting cut."

"Ignore your soon-to-be sister. Now where was I? Lets see, did the laugh, did the entrance, did the She-Go pun-"

"Still not funny."

"Ah here we are! What you thought was a tasty drink has actually been a blend of nanobots, She-Go DNA and corn syrup, and with that latest drink all of it has activated! Of course it takes a lot of hormones to get the ball rolling on this type of overhaul so thank you for boosting your testosterone count and causing your bodies to already start balancing it out with estrogen. Now bask in the glory of becoming my servants, my slaves, my-"

"Whoa whoa what the hell were those first two? I am not your slave you stupid little perverted-"

"Wait She-Go I meant them not you!"


The rest of the video was filled with them fighting as it cut off from a green blast hitting the camera, not that Ron really minded since his body started spasming halfway in.

Considering the number of times Drakken either mind controlled or transformed the populace in some of his past evil schemes, Ron wasn't all that hopeful that this'd be a joke, not helped by the green glow now visibly radiating from his hands as he clutched his stomach.

"Oh crap. Uh Rufus h-help! Get Kim..."

Each word sounded more choked, the Shego energy changing the middle of his usual ensemble into latex, green and black overtaking the red as it pressed against his skin. His trusty pal quickly scampered off, Ron just hoping there'd be a way to undo this before anything spicy happened.

The glow on his hands was growing, turning the skin milk white with a subtle green pallor, every nail painting black as they extended to sharp talons. Flailing about the place, Ron tried walking in a t pose, hoping to prevent any more Shegofication as the bones in his hands popped, his eyes flinching at the really gross sounds of his palms shrinking while his fingers wriggled wildly. Said wriggling actually posed a problem as he reached his room, both hands suddenly flexing, bolts of green energy blasting out and destroying his desk, another barrage blasting out into his closet as the sliding doors buckled, his clothes alight with green flame. Rather than burning, they just changed, most becoming Shego's usual outfit, a few variants appearing though everything was black and green.

"Alright Ron you're turning into the hottest villain you know, don't panic just-"

At that point his hands swung wildly, grasping onto either side of his head as the glowing energy surged, no longer under his control.

"Nevermind, PAAAAAAAANIC!!!"

That was the last thing he'd be able to speak for a bit as his face shifted, the bones of his jaw maturing while softening as the sharp nails of his fingers carved out a sexier face from the resistant dweeb. Eyebrows were plucked, mascara formed and his lips were squeezed between his thumbs, rolling the flesh as it plumpened out to a sexy glower, the top lip darkening to black while the bottom faded to grey. The same unhealthy pale coloring spread over his face, reaching down to the nape of his neck as the skin tightened like his suit, squeezing the lump in his throat until it was juiced to nothingness, his resistant groans sounding more like aroused purrs as her voice replaced his.

Despite the horror of the situation, the very real threat of losing himself, Ron's erection was only growing, hearing the villainess's voice moaning and gasping adding fire to his backed up system, his legs shifting about awkwardly trying not to rub against it too hard. One hand was massaging his scalp, causing his shaggy blonde mane to grow out of control, blonde fading to black at the roots as if he had poorly bleached it. Without warning, one of the sharpened nails suddenly stabbed into the scalp, his eyes rocketing open as energy surged straight into his brain, lighting up his pupils as they beamed with green, corruptive power.

There we go, now we're in business.

Shego's voice bounced around Ron's head, taking on a disgusted tone as it rooted around his memories.

Wow I figured this'd be mostly empty, but instead it's filled with trash. The fact I've lost to a loser like you more than once pisses me off, but I'd rather not stay in dorkland too long. Ah there's your dopamine centers. Get ready for some fun.

Suddenly all of the horror was replaced with a current of heat, his erection throbbing while sweat soaked his skin, the changes not just spreading Shego to him, but making it feel amazing as the villainess continued to taunt her horny host.

Here, lets give you some real muscle.

His noodly arms suddenly surged with power, condensed pockets of muscle spreading out as the skin shed imperfection, turning soft to the touch as even subtler layers of fat bolstered the growing femininity in them. A hand let go of his finished nose to feel them up, the touch electrifying as Ron couldn't help the moan that followed. It looked like he was hugging himself as his hands gripped each shoulder of his shirt, thickening the fabric as the right turned green, the left one black, each one spreading down before tearing off into green fingerless gloves that covered the rest of his hands. The yanks it took to spread them out had popped his shoulders out of socket, each one rounding as a hot spasm celebrated their reconnection into a slimmer, girlier frame.

"Nngh s-staaahhp~!"

The Shego voice laughed at his pathetic request

Aw shucks, well when you ask me like that...

Suddenly, his right hand teased his erection, palming the bulge as the jean hem began merging with his shirt, all of it tightening to latex.

Aww you're asking me to stop, but you're enjoying this aren't you? Otherwise why would you be like this down here?

Now she was stroking it, feeling through the skintight outfit to cup his left ball.

"I-I don't-"

At his denial, Shego squeezed, sending Ron squealing as he came. There was a lot to let out, his thighs getting drenched as each spurt shrank his left testicle, his body twisting as he could feel her fingers pushing, his groin giving in to the pressure as it was slowly forced inside. With a final scream and gush from his cock, Shego's fingers slipped inside, a moist pop greeting them both as his testicle fully inverted.

Let me explain how this'll go. You're no longer in control, in fact you're not even getting to be a passenger when this shit is done. You only have a cock as long as I allow you to, and if you don't want me to fuck you with it, you're going to give in and not make this difficult.

She accented her threats with a jab into the forming hole, Ron left a moaning mess as each jab sent him cumming. By the time she was done talking, his remaining ball was half deflated, his collarbone slipping downwards in the alien ecstasy of being entered. Drool trailed down from his mouth, wetting the top of his black turtleneck which instantly began merging with the latex bodysuit, turning green. Shego waited for him to say something, but all that came out were pleased gurgles.

Damn, out of commission already? Then again I can't blame you. My body is pretty damn perfect.

He gave some resistant gasps, but she was moving on, feeling up his flat, boyish sides and sighing with disappointment.

Guess we need to figure this out. Oh god Drakken's stupid puns are rubbing off on me.

It was hard to be all that upset though, a satisfying crunch accompanying her sensual rubbing. The latex was a big help, constricting around his waist as she shaped it, the flatness soon giving in to pressure and sloping into lovely curves. Both of them moaned as their suit turned comfortable, her hands surging out energy as muscle ate away at any male flab left on his core. Their midriff was quickly tightened to a sleek, athletic center, her abs slightly outlined by the ridges of the suit as they shifted, her hands flexing behind them as she aimed her fingers right at the small of his back.

Brace yourself buttercup.

Before he could ask what she was about to do, energy blasted into the supporting bone, sending him flying a solid foot, landing onto his bed with a weak thump. While Ron had a mouthful of pillow to spit out, his spine was being blasted, each impact forcing him to grind his erection into the mattress as his back gained a prominent S curve. Shego shot a few more blasts to make sure it was where she wanted it to be, his lips twitching into a smirk as she felt up her usual slopes, but it slipped back into annoyance when her hands landed on his bony bum.

Okay this'll either be the most painful thing you've ever felt or it's going to make the rest of your sack implode. Either way you're fucked, but that was a given.

She gripped both cheeks, slowly wrenching them apart as his hipbones were forced to widen, each muscly pop simultaneously horrifically painful, and unimaginably hot as fat flowed in to fill up the gaps. His hips were rounding, the meat of his ass loose in the latex, but quickly making up the slack as it thickened with every inadvertent grope.

It was just limited to his ass either, fat flowing down into his thighs and hips, adding to the curves already there as the sound of latex being filled to their limit further pressurized his groin. The combination of his swelling thighs wrapping around his cock, the latex pushing down and Shego's ass gropes drove him past what he could handle, both of them moaning as his remaining testicle shot inside, a clear gush of fluids pouring from his softening cock as the hole below it tore wider, the channel deepening as it all began to throb. His mind was in shambles, pleasure driving Shego green over the folds of his brain, new sadistic desires burgeoning as the whims of a villainess became the default. His moans were taking on a more sinister tone as he moved his fingers to where his leaking cock was, relishing in the corruption as he jabbed a finger into his forming slit until the suit tore open.

Nngh gaaawwwd!

"Nngh gaaawwwd!"

Even their moaning was in tandem as they began fingering themselves, feeling each thrust make their cock compress as the soft noodle was slurped on by the throbbing lips of their pussy. A part of Ron was panicking as he felt his cock shrinking, the tip becoming unbearably sensitive as ridged muscles squirmed over his shaft, but he couldn't stop himself once he started, the growing Shego in him finding his panic and horror arousing as his pathetic little cock brushed against their fingers, the head slipping inside until one timely thrust finished inverting it fully.

She screamed in bliss, following her cock's destruction with an energy blast that thrusted inside and exploded around her prostate. Their new pussy twitched, hips thrusting into their fingers as they felt their insides being ravaged, their ovens stirring restlessly until orgasmic relief finally flowed. All of that excess cum dribbled down, hardening into boots that molded their calves and feet, the changes almost done as Shego felt the remnants of Ron fading with every wave of pleasure that washed over their body.

"Mmm~ time to finish this up. Thanks for the body nerd. Any last requests?"

There wasn't a response, but she pretended there was.

"Ohh you're right I am looking a bit flat up top. I know you've imagined feeling them in a non combat situation, and you have so many dumb fantasies..."

Shego giggled as the last of them were rooted out, her hands glowing as she began to knead the loose sections of uniform over her chest.

Rather than a blast, she was feeding energy into her body, moaning as her nipples thickened to pale green discs, fully erect as larger surges were forced under. It took a few minutes to get her breasts up to size, her fingers teasing and groping at every opportunity, giddily digging into the growing flesh as she fully doused the bed with cum.

"Yesss YESSSS~! Oh FUCK this feels good."

A small shiver passed through her when she remembered Drakken initially planning on making the transformation painful, but when she had pointed out that she'd be feeling it for most of the turn and a test monkey had died from shock at the pain, this was a much better alternative. The final slackness in her suit filled, two massive mammaries perkily held up by her latex, her suit drenched and dirty from her pussy.

Fully satisfied and changed, Shego stood gloating over the room of one of the biggest thorns in her side, laughing at their submission as her hair whipped about in chaotic, inky tendrils. It felt great to be bad and it only got her more worked up to imagine all the horny losers who had just turned into her.

After the high of it faded, she did take issue with how filthy her clothes were, especially inside. Liquids inside a skintight suit were already an awful combo, but knowing what most of them were... Needless to say, she quickly showered, tossing the soiled suit haphazardly as she enjoyed her body in the hot water. Toweling off, she quickly threw on a pair of boxer shorts and an undershirt, waiting for the nanobots to cool down as the last of their energy turned both into tight fitting athletic wear, the shirt bunching up into a showy sports bra as she dried and styled her hair. Given she had just thrown out every useless memory from her former host's head, she forgot he had called Kim, turning with a smile as she saw the confused, then curious look on her face as she looked around for Ron.

Well, it appeared not everything had been erased, Shego feeling pretty aroused at the sight of her redheaded nemesis. Perhaps she'd get some exercise in before she returned to Drakken, besides he had like a hundred of her at this point.

"Okay, where the hell is Ron? I swear if you make me late to first period again-"

"Oh trust me you're going to miss more than that girlie."


Kim was confused when Shego busted out the sexy voice, every movement and vocal tic making it obvious she was hitting on her.

"Don't tell me you're not at least curious. We've gotten physical plenty of times in the past..."

"Yeah this is weird. I don't know if this is a new plan of yours or if you're having a moment, but I'm not into-"

Shego suddenly vaulted over, kissing her before she could finish that sentence.

"You sure about that?"

It was funny to think that she'd made more progress in Ron's body in just a minute than he had his whole life. And from the look on Kim's face, things were about to go a lot further than just a kiss.



Great work! But I not sure if I understood right. Is Ron dead or did he just fuse completely with Shego? I hope the last