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"Hey there brat! Remember me?"

Soma Yukihira turned, confused by the busty scumbag in front of him, Yaeko's smug face a large departure from her humiliated defeat the last time she had stopped by. That had been his first real test from his dad, the bitchy loan shark girl more than happy to cheat everyone and anyone in her way after ransacking his kitchen and demanding he sell the Yukihira Diner to her. Needless to say, one taste of his cooking had sent her screaming with delight, her voluptuous form's contortions that day still seared into his mind, especially given how much he had had to mop up after. Sure there were lots of sexy women at Totsuki, but even amongst them, this lady's rack was still one of the largest decks he had ever laid eyes on. She was the haughty, domineering type too, which is why her appearance was even stranger, given how most proud types rarely liked to think on their losses.

"Whatta ya want? Another top class meal? I'll serve anyone, even a loan shark like you."

She smirked at that.

"Oh I'm hungry, but not for your food. This area remains prime real estate and I'm looking to build a luxury apartment complex over this decrepit husk of a building. Wouldn't that sound nice? Updating this place to the modern Japan? And all you have to do is sell it to me."

It was Soma's turn to smirk, surprised that this was her strategy.

"If I didn't sell it to you the first time, what makes you think I'd sell it now?"

"Just think about it, I guarantee you'll see things from my perspective real soon."

She forced a card into his hand, the index paper a flashy rainbow coloring, the lettering weirdly with his name on it, hers below. His thumb swiped past it, smearing the lettering into a near exact replica of his signature, the supernaturally thin card slicing into his thumb. He grimaced at the paper cut, only to be confused as the rainbow coloring slid into the wound, his hand tingling as the card fell.

"Excellent, so you've signed it."


Soma was focused on his hand, the fingers twitching, that drop of blood pooled in the cut of his thumb looking like it was slicked with oil as it defied gravity, turning purple as it rolled up and onto his nail and spread as a layer of glossy polish. From there the finger spasmed, weakening as years of cooking practice was pulled from his fingers, the lengthening digits popping as the subtle muscle vanished, each nail a talon, his palms shrinking while Yaeko giggled picking up her card and producing a document.

"The hardest part was going to be getting you to sign I realized, but then I found a mystic who was behind on his rent and struck a deal. All I had to do was use a little force, though you should be thanking me. Your business acumen is about to rise substantially along with your appeal."

He was only half listening, confused and horrified as the changes slipped under his sleeve, said sleeve puffing as it starched and lengthened to his wrist, a white work shirt cuff slipping out as the constraining fabric bore down on his arm, the muscle giving in fast to feminine flab as he grunted, pressure rising on his shoulder blade. Yaeko delighted in every discomforted grunt, but knew the real show was yet to begin, placing the card with his signature over a slip of paper as it blended in, Soma's signature on the dotted line.

She flinched a little at the meaty crunch of his shoulder snapping, but as he tried to flee she held him to the wall, smiling at the traces of a blush forming on his cheeks.

"You can't run away from a loan shark brat, especially not one you now owe. Can't you feel it? My essence running through you? I can't wait to make you my tender little bitch. Now I've got a schedule so let me help even this out a little."

He screamed in her grip, his other shoulder collapsing under her grasp, his fingers a delicacy as she suckled them, each one leaving polished, slender and delicate as his neckline dipped down and split open.

"Ahh~ no! Let go don't- MMPH Ohhh what's this f-feeling? EHH?!"

Each moan cracked his voice further, her sensual finger licking leaving him ashamedly aroused as her fingers began teasing his exposed chest, the smell of her lip gloss and mouth wash, her perfume mixing into a heady mix that stunned him, a nervous swallow downing his Adam's Apple like a shot as a familiar voice moaned out.

"It's starting to feel good, isn't it? Do you know why that is brat? Don't think I didn't notice you staring earlier. Mmm you don't know how wet I am right now, but that'll be the grand finale. God I sound sexy like this. You should feel lucky, you know how many guys have wanted to feel my tits, and here you are skipping to the front of the line, getting a first class ticket to them. Or should I say balcony seats? Hmm, you still seem confused, so let me just..."

His body jerked at her touch, both fingers pinching his nipples and twisting, his cock pressing into her thighs as she felt him struggle and squirm, his resistance fading as his cheeks turned beet red, their softening expanse fading under a rising horniness. Starched white fabric flopped out of the sides of the diving neckline, scratching his raw nipples as he panted, shifting and moaning as Yaeko watched them harden, indenting the black suit fabric, resisting the urge to touch herself as the pecs below them churned and swelled. His arms flopped ineffectively, first trying to wrench himself free, then desperately clawing at his surging chest, his chin crumbling under the violent jerking of his mouth as fat began to flow.


It was too hard to hold back the more he squealed, his apron damp near her knees, the neck tie for it breaking off into a gold chain while the floured, dusty cloth fell down and folded into the pleats of a business miniskirt. Yaeko grinded against him, pinning him while pleasuring herself, making sure her own tits pressed against his training bra level chest.

"Those are just beestings brat. I bet you felt so satisfied making me squirm like that, giggling at the mess I left behind. How does it feel now you shitty... sexy..."

She kissed him then, biting his lip teasingly as it swelled under her touch, his eyes blinking fast into hers as she pulled him tight enough to share her mascara and eyeliner, her resistant partner unable to stop from dry humping her legs as his chest continued to swell out, a button forming then popping almost instantly as the heft of his growing breasts sagged and jiggled. By the time their makeout session ended, Soma's face was a dead ringer for hers, his chest throbbing as it surged past pint size, the shrinking length of his pants revealing streams of cum dribbling down his legs.

"My my, I think this is a better dish than what you served last time. It's so much fuller and... MEATY!"

She squeezed his breasts, feeling them squelch and grow under her touch as Soma's head slammed back into the wall, obscenities and moans gushing out his mouth as his cock blasted out another load.

"Ooh, that felt good now did it? You know, I'm not one of those passive fuckers, I love tearing someone apart and it's the same in the bedroom. In fact, I like it rough and wild, so I wonder..."

Grabbing a handful of hair, Yaeko pulled at it, threatening to tear it from his scalp. The red darkened to purple, the pained look on his face turning ecstatic as messy locks fell down, his chest heaving to its full size as he collapsed sideways, Yaeko letting him fall to a chair as the chef began begging for more.

"Ahhh~ sh-shit it's too good n-EEEEd m-OHHHre! Noo wait please I c-AHHHN'T~"

Giving in hastened everything, his balls tensing, the ridges of his waist slimming to soft curves, fat flowing down to swell into the seat of his ass as an equally plump rear sent him rising, his boxers shredding to silk panties that further compressed his meat down. Cum dribbled into his socks, changing the material to pantyhose as the thinner, sheer material pulled upwards, wrapping around his twitching legs, shearing away all hair before encasing his erect cock and pert ass. His shoes pressed against his feet, forcing them to arch as heels formed, black, polished elegance overriding the sneakers there, his toes squashed together as his hips jerked forwards, feeling the pressure mount in his groin. Yaeko prowled towards him, sliding a hand up into his skirt, grinning as she began stroking it, her doppelganger squealing at the faintest of touches, his thighs rubbing together in mounting thickness.

"Get ready kid, I'm about to rock your world.

Soma screamed, thrashing in his seat as whatever cum was left was ruthlessly forced out, Yaeko's expert touch fondling his balls inwards, squeezing where necessary as first one, then both slipped inside, clear fluids dribbling from the tight hole they vanished into. Soma could still feel both of them wriggling inside, his eyes squeezed shut as he writhed back and forth in distress, moaning as each pulsation of the forming chasm dragged them deeper into his body. Soma wasn't ready for Yaeko to slide a finger into the tight opening, making the almost girl scream in mind shattering ecstasy as she chased his balls, making them slip in with juicy smacking noises while she wriggled her finger back and forth, widening the hole and driving him mad as more and more fingers slipped inside.

Her thumb rested on his cock, rubbing the leaking tip as she pressed, every wet dream and erotic sensation paling to the simple press and rub happening to his cock, Soma's wild bucking only hastening its demise as she worked it down into him. Eventually the rubbery shaft grew flush to his privates, Yaeko giving him a smile before shoving it the rest of the way inside, her fingers invading HER new slit as Soma felt her first female orgasm.

Yaeko was relentless, pleasuring her new twin into submission, Soma's please and begging mixing together as she was overwhelmed by all these new sensations, his mind swimming in lustful decadence. After an hour of this relentless ecstasy Yaeko paused, holding up a contract unsigned next to the one she had forged.

"My my what a lovely squealer you turned out to be, I can't wait to renovate this shitty diner like I've renovated you."

Soma gasped out what sounded like a plea, but was so horse and half moaned that it could really mean anything.

"Oh did you want me to not do that? Did you want to keep this place?"

Soma nodded, Yaeko pulling out a pen as she held out the unsigned paper.

"Perfect! If you sign right here on the dotted line the previous contract will be voided. Aaaand I'll give you a brand new employment opportunity! How does that sound?"

She was reluctant at first, but Yaeko fingered her every time she tried to say no until she gave in, signing on the dotted line without reading.

"P-Please tell me it's ove- it's ohhh~?"

The edges of her lips curled into a forced smile, Soma's panties swelling as an egg shaped lump slipped upwards. Soon she was panting, uncomfortably grasping at her panties to get rid of whatever was there, only to screech as the lump buzzed between her lips, Yaeko waving a remote in front of her eyes as her smile tightened against their will, their pussy orgasming as the original gloated in victory.

"Do you know what you signed just now sis? And yes I do mean sis now, after all, we're the same person legally, physically, and soon... well let's not rush things. Unlike you. You just signed that without reading it idiot. Do you know what this means? You're my little bitch slave Saeko. I picked the name. Like it? Well you don't have a choice. Now let me explain all the extra clauses you missed, and keep a happy face sis! I'll puuuuunish you if you don't listen."

The rest of the night was a mix of pleasure and embarrassment, the details of Yaeko's contract binding and persuasive, any time she acted masculine or didn't follow the original's personality, the egg in her pussy would vibrate, immediately sending her into rapturous pleasure, her brain open to suggestion. After a few hours of this her sway had gone from awkward to exaggerated, her mind hazy as Yaeko took her out to various bars, alcohol and orgasms adding to the confusion as she began to enjoy herself. It felt wrong to say any part of this forced training was pleasurable, but it was being forced on her, the egg going off even if she acted modest or overly polite.

If she didn't swagger about like the biggest bitch who ever bitched, she wouldn't be able to follow and Yaeko made it clear that any large attempts at escape would end with her left in a public space cumming her brains out until she begged for it. Mmm what a fun idea, to make that brat give in in such a demeaning manner. God she needed a dumb guy with a big cock to-

Urgh, her head was really starting to throb as she waited for their meat to cook. There were some faults in the guy's technique doing the cooking, but every time she even tried to open her mouth a squeak left, her pussy buzzing as Yaeko shook her head, cooking now off limits for her protege. Yes take away his passion and- Soma shook her head, downing a shot that her sis had passed when the chef suddenly clutched his hand in pain, his poor knife technique nicking his fingers severely. Something fluttered in her throat, her lips curling cruelly, a drunken flush on her face as the sight of the failed chef was comedy to her, Soka giggling, then laughing hard with her sister. They looked identical, both the same bitch in that moment with condescending stares, and by the time Saoka got home, she still giggled in her sleep, moaning as thoughts of domination and conversion filled her head.

A day later and Saoka was being forced to work in Yaeko's job. She was angry and mortified to essentially be scamming people out of their places if they were naive enough to listen, but any attempt to tell them not to take it meant public humiliation, Yaeko watching him with a pair of binoculars and an ear piece, ready to press the button at any mistakes. The first place she hit up was a local grocery.

"H-Hello I'm here to try and talk about Garden Residences. You might be interested in submitting your residence to-"



"Stop this ‘maybe, might, try’ bullshit. If you're not aggressive you'll never sell anyone on this. Next place."

"I-I'm sorry si- Yaeko I didn't- Ohhh~ faaaaaaawk~!"

The egg was going off on its highest setting.

"We don't apologize, understand that sis? Apologize again and I'll destroy your dinky little diner. You do want to save it and turn back don't you?"

"Ahhh~ y- yes please just s-staaaahp~!"

The rest of the day turned into the start of training week, every failed attempt ending with a blitz of pleasure, the townspeople quickly passing along rumors and adding to her embarrassment as they gawked at her. All of the embarrassment and pleasure took its toll on her mind, the string of failures making her angrier as the week progressed, her sister taunting her before every press, telling her what she did wrong as she writhed in forced ecstasy. She was starting to blame the business owners more than Yaeko, her bitterness rising at their ignorance, at their small change mom and pop stores standing in the way of progress. Her attempts were slowly turning more forceful, her already exaggerated gait turning more flaunty before she even knew it. When she noticed this, Saoka tried to go back to her modest approach, but a few quick buzzes sent her reeling, the overdone sexiness becoming ingrained in her muscle memory by the time the week was up.

On the last day she was on her last pair of dry panties, entering some lonely old man's shop, disgusted by his perverted gaze, but seeing potential in it as she stepped over dusty knick knacks. It didn't take much to entrance him with her breasts, his rotten breath making it hard to keep the sexy act up as she slowly teased him, preparing him with as much care as her food dishes beforehand. There was a growing heat in her loins as she did this, Saoka surprised to not hear any of her sister's teasing, realizing she was starting to enjoy the hunt, the suckering. When she got him to sign away the rights to his store, her last pair was already damp, but that moment of realization, when the despair hit on his face, something finally snapped in her brain, her body shivering with fulfilling lust, a thrill incomparable with anything filling every last inch of her.

"Mmm don't look so sad, maybe you can live in the basement when it's done, sucker."

Saeko was finished.

Yaeko made sure, thrilled to see her former enemy become just as ruthless as her, taking her to towns where she hadn't been embarrassed by the training, the dead dreams of small businesses being far more delectable than anything cooking could offer. Every night she'd quiz her, checking to see how far gone she'd become, the pleasure now mutual as more and more of their pasts merged into a conglomerate of bitchiness, Soma becoming a thing of the past.

It was a surprise when Saeko looked over their holdings and asked why they hadn't demolished that brat's diner, months of the life fully corrupting the former chef as she giggled over the idea, forgetting it used to be hers. Yaeko welcomed it fully, the twins laughing over his stupidity of crossing them as they left to take their final revenge. To their shock, it was in business when they got there, the lights on, stuffed with customers and full of life. The two women tutted, Yaeko calling their contractors to wait while Saeko called in some muscle, the two ready to tear apart whoever was in there.

There was a feeling of dejavu as they entered, only instead of that smug brat was some tanned American cow cooking with a worried look on her face despite all the business she had.

"Hello there girlie, don't you know you're trespassing on OUR property?!"

That confused her, the scantily clad chef scoffing at that.

"The Mito corporation bought this place last week since the license lapsed. Any claims you have should go to the board of housing in this district. Have fun trying that."

Great, she was even smugger than the last chef, well they were in the mood for some revenge and they couldn't wait to beat this delusional girlie into the ground. There was no way a corporation of that size would ever buy this plot of land, they had multinational chains of restaurants for god's sake! This was likely just some poser trying to stop the eventual takeover. Thankfully, since she clearly seemed overly proud of her skills, they were able to strike the same deal they had with Soma, agreeing to come tomorrow and settle it over food, the bitch not realizing she had dug her own grave.

They did every dirty trick in the book, sneaking in at night and ransacking the fridge, putting out the pilot lights, making sure the freezer had no power so even if she bought new ingredients, there would be no way to store them by the time they came. Even the chairs were reduced to splinters, a few stink bombs ensuring that when they came tomorrow there would be no chance of her winning. They returned home confident in their victory, rescheduling with the construction crews for the day after they showed that foreign, delusional twerp how ruthless the business world was.

Except when they got there, everything was fine. Large expensive trucks were parked outside, moving people hoisting away the damaged goods and replacing them with top of the line equipment, the Mito logo stamped on them. One was a walk in portable freezer, high quality meat like jeweled wonders hanging while a smell like heaven came from within. Just a whiff sent their knees shaking, the Yaeko and Saeko both wondering if they made a mistake as the chef walked out, all smiles as she gave them a knowing smirk.

"Oh good you're on time. Thankfully someone gave me an excuse to replace all the outdated equipment with top of the line stuff. And we just got a shipment of some grass fed Wagyu along with everything else I'd need. Well, are you ready to beg for seconds?"

The twins grew irate, certain that her cooking couldn't be all that good. Besides they weren't going to lose twice to cooking were they? Of course not!

That's why they looked confident walking in, even if their mouths were watering, wiping away the drool to flash her ugly looks as they cut off a tiny portion from whatever the day's signature dish was before them.

"Look however smug you want girlie, once I spit this bite out this place will be- HYAAAAAA~!"


Mito had the movers take the two writhing women out after they finished their fourths, her staff taking out a mop to clean up the impact her dish had on them both. She didn't know why two small fries like them would try to pick a fight with the Mito corp, but she had had her bullying years so it wasn't completely alien to her. It was definitely a blast to watch their smug faces devolve into unbearable bliss, her cooking far more advanced from when she used to bully people into submission on her name alone. But they were just a minor annoyance, her private investigators still unable to find a trace of Soma no matter where they looked. He was the one who asked her to buy the place if anything bad happened or he forgot to update the licenses and while that was like pocket change to her, she was still worried over his sudden disappearance.

"Where the hell are you Soma?! At least I'm getting practical business practice but seriously, I don't want to stay out in the boonies! Though hmm, I bet when he sees how good I was he'll finally pick me over Erina. Oh Soma hurry up I'm waiting!"

And so she got to cooking, unaware just how close she had been.


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