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(Reward for Shaocong)

Daru checked over the CERN chatlogs, interested in running his own experiment. Sure Okabe said he was the only one who properly remembered the big ones, but that was probably more of his chuuni crap. Plus he had been too chicken to get the top prize for the lotto and this week had a high payout. If he could strike it rich, he wouldn't have to worry about time travel or CERN or anything ever again besides how many hours he'd spend at MayQueen NyanNyan. He just had to make sure he did everything right the first time by himself since he knew the others would complain or make fun of his selfish desires. Either way, operation goldfall 5th Edition Version 9.87312 was fully up and ready, with a few alterations in the microwave too based off some of the diagrams he had hacked from CERN earlier that day. The only real warning it had was to not do it around family members of a different generation. Something about time streams and an accident with a mother and their assistant son that didn't make much sense. Well it's not like he had to worry about that as he booted up the microwave and prepared to send himself into the lap of luxury.

On a completely unrelated note, Suzuha Amane, part time warrior, salesperson extraordinaire for Braun Tube was doing her usual shift for Mr. Braun and mostly slacking off with her bicycle, ready to leave in a few days back to the present. Well was it the future or was she just in the past? Those types of thought questions always annoyed her, and she was already a bit aggravated from finding out who her father was. It's not like she hated Daru, but it was really, really creepy to find out you were getting hit on by your dad in the past. At least she had helped a few people out and helped progress the main mission a decent amount to prevent CERN's rise to power. For now she'd just relax and enjoy another lazy shif- W-Was everything sparking around her?

The winning lottery numbers were texted, the microwave plate spinning as he hit send. Luckily the plasma screen tv the floor below was on, he knew that because Suzuha liked to keep it on while she worked on her bike. The PhoneWave always made a lot of noise, but today it seemed especially noisy and bright, the inner microwave light like one of those halogen super bulbs and a greater amount of stray electric bolts than usual were arcing out of the machine. One floor below all the tv's were flashing on and off, electronics going haywire while Suzuha found herself stunned, unable to escape as some kind of magnetic field began dragging her in. Daru could feel the pull too, his chair's rollers sending him closer to the lightning storm, his hairs standing on end as he tried to separate, gravity too strong as he rushed head first into the PhoneWave, striking it the same moment as Suzuha was slammed head first into the store's main plasma screen.

The screen shook, bright light jellifying Suzuha as time streams shattered and merged. Her identity was atomized, her timeline submerged within the current world line, an extra decimal added to the timeline as genetics were enmeshed and irradiated into the progenitor, though with plenty of the original mixed in. For Daru it felt like he was just being electrified, watts surging through him down to a cellular level, the sounds he made rather comical as the message finished sending. The force that had sucked him in finally letting him off his chair, his fat jiggling as he groaned. Everything was spinning, and he couldn't help but feel he had messed up somehow, though he had an hour to clean up at least, now if his body could stop tingling that'd be nice. It felt like he still had a live current running through his body, even if it was weak, all of the stood up hairs on his arms sparking as they burnt like birthday candles down to- wait that, that wasn't right!

All across his body, small hairs were burning down to the quick, their collective heat pooling under his skin as he began to sweat. They were like a torrent of tiny fuses, setting off the powder keg that was his overweight fat aflame. The pores that were burnt by the mini fuses puckered and smoothened, the top few layers of his skin peeling away to lose the blackheads and grease, all of those oils burnt away to reveal a much softer, supple dermis. Despite the massive heat, his body wasn't even damp, not a drop of sweat leaving his uniform skin. Instead his fat was starting to visibly burn itself away, some of the burnt away fat chains converting to collagen to tighten up any stretch marks, the rise in sensitivity and activity making the whole process feel incredibly arousing as his panicked pats devolved to slow, sensual rubbing.

It was a good thing so much of his clothing was elastic, it made it easier to slide his hands over his body and feel himself up while still being breathable, his perverted moans enough to scare away any member of the Future Gadget Lab who had accidentally walked in during one of Daru's idol livestreams. The heat was diving deaper, past the fledgling fat, broiling his muscles and slow roasting his bones. The marrow felt like it was bubbling when the structure of his body ruptured. Like the previous changes, what should have been painful was instead pleasant, the timelines always using an almost narcotic like high to get the individuals to coalesce more easily and relinquish any memories not fit for the current world. Sure there were exceptions, but Daru wasn't one of them as his body slumped, collapsing into a heap onto the nearby futon as his spine contorted into an s shape. It only served to emphasize his fatty chest and buttocks, their shapeless forms slowly but surely tightening under his groping fingers, fingers which were more slender than sausage at this point. All he could do was squeal happily as both began to spark intensely.

His mind was racing, trying to figure out what was happening to him and why it felt so good. It's not like any serious bodily harm would feel this good right? Or was it like hypothermia where it got so cold that near the end it felt warm? It took a minute to tear his hands from his body and another to raise himself off the futon, but all that effort was for nought once his nipples hardened, the otaku too lost in pleasure to compose himself as the two nubs pulsated and condensed.

"O-OHHH~ w-wait those ahhhHHren't s-supposed to d-HOOO that!" He had to unzip his jacket to get a proper view, the cold air sending his eyes reeling as he vividly felt each drop in temperature crawl over his burning abdomen. The shortening of his spine had bunched up large amounts of his fat, but the constant burning of it meant that even with it all condensing out front, it was deflating from a bulge to a belly to barely even a gut. After it started looking only worryingly overweight instead of obese, the fat instead seemed to displace instead of burn away. His nipples were thick and sensitive, like two pink suction cups as his chest jiggled. He could feel them sucking away his spare fat, his cock shockingly hard as he heaved with every breath, his stomach flattening while his chest surged with firm, buoyant fat.

Moobs had never been much fun to play with, even if he had tried to do a roleplay of it once, imagining what it'd be like to have a pair of knockers, but this, THIS was on a whoooole other level. The feelings were so intense it almost burned how good it felt, one shrinking hand desperately trying to fondle his forming breasts while the other reached initially for his cock, but grew distracted by his ass. Fire was racing through each cheek, restructuring a flabby ass into a toned tush,  his cock throbbing as the once massive store of fat in his stomach was fully siphoned.

What came next was almost as good as the plush, fatty flesh he was having a field day playing with. First it flattened, a smooth plateau without texture, but the real fun came as defined ridges appeared, muscle growing to form an athletic build, his groping energized as long unused muscle, the stuff of normies and people who actually needed a world outside the net, began to burn through whatever spare fat was left on his body.

This reminded him of some rp logs and fanon story ideas from a few of the boards about what they'd do to themselves if they woke up a girl. He'd always add his own perverted commentary, but he could have never properly prepared for the magnitude of just how encompassing the overall ecstasy would be. There was too much spunk clogging his dick, his balls brimming and threatening to burst, his mouth open like a bitch in heat, the metaphor more and more apt as this dog became more of a bitch with every passing second.

His chest and ass were perky now, two dainty hands digging into beautifully bouncy meat, his groans bubbling as his Adam's Apple was melted down to molten tissue. The hot juices curdled his vocal cords from their nasally, oafish tone to a more energetic alto, though it still sounded rather nasal. Luckily with a cute sneeze the blockage in his nose was gone, along with half of the cartilage, the bridge crimped up to make it a cute little indent. It took a few seconds for his voice to stabilize, his throat buzzing as it stretched up, the molten runoff splashing along his collarbone to melt it down a bit, but when his moaning resumed from its break, Suzuha's excited mewls left his mouth.

Hearing her voice only accelerated things, the sounds of a cute girl trying to cum turning him on like nothing else. Worse, her voice's frequency was messing with his brain, buzzing through the folds of his brain and making it hard to think as conditioned locks of hair started sprouting from the sides. It tickled his face, eyes shining in fevered ecstasy as the jelly wobbled and widened, leaving his eyes voluminous and topped with fluttery lashes. An especially heated moan left his mouth after a harsh nipple tweak, his muscled core getting a good workout as he jerked forward, his face scrunched in. That face scrunch tucked in all the unappealing bits of him left to fall to Suzuha's cuteness, his cheekbones pushed up, fat jowls tightened, lips especially pouty as his left hand finally leaving his ass to fondle his cock.

"Ohhh~ It feels like I'm working the controls to my time machine again for the first- H-Huh?! She's a time t-traaaaAAAAHHH FUCK!" It was getting harder for them to tell where Daru began and Suzuha ended, his stubby feet slipping out of their shoes as they jerked about. It looked like his legs were pumps, sucking away lumps of masculinity as his calves and feet curved and slimmed, each toe a dainty delight, the bulging unneeded mass transported further up, past his thighs though a decent amount stayed in those as well, their twiiggy look from the fat burning amply swollen by the same kind of sporty, athletic fat that filled his body with strength enough to ferociously fuck himself into oblivion.

Facts about the future and his later escapades were flashing between the pinked out limits of his pleasure capacity. His cock was one massive dam, ready to burst, to let torrents of Suzuha drown out every last ounce of his mind he could muster. It was horrifying to be so on edge, yet the blue balls were calling, now both hands riding up and down his erect cock as the spare mass continued to writhe up his legs, pressurizing his hips until they separated with a meaty crunch. That sudden release of pressure was heavenly, his now amply thick thighs giving his junk's internals the room it needed to breathe, the displace mass turning to cum as a sensation of draining rushed from his hips to his balls, a torrent quickly rising up his cock. In one last attempt to hold back the flood, to stay himself, Daru tried to keep his dick clamped shut, but with the spreading of his hips, his knees were forced together, the smooth skin of his thighs a shock as they squeezed around his cock, his hands trembling as he let it happen. Daru stopped clenching, his nipples sore from how hard they were and his cock not too far gone as he flung his hips up in the air once, twice, like a farmer priming a pump, then came the explosion.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK~" It was all she could scream, no witty banter or shame able to make it into her mind as the nearly burst testicles finally shrank, load after load of cum spurting out from her final testament of masculinity, the releases amazingly potent as she thrust with every messy shot. She was being drained, drained of Daru, of the past, her dystopian future not enough to hamper her ecstasy as her cock emptied her balls of semen. There was a flurry of weak sputters near the end as her vas deferens squeezed to jettison the last stray droplets, her spandex shorts hugging her exposed cock's balls tightly as even with their load blown, they weren't done receding just yet. They felt slippery, partly from cum and partly from the coils of nerves wrapped around them, suction making her cum once more as she shifted her hips to the left and right, eagerly moaning as her testicles were slurped up to opposite sides of her hips like divergent timelines.

Suzuha was so lost int the pleasure of her changes that she didn't even notice the mental rewrite, not even sure if her strokes were doing anything from how lubricated her cock had become. Frustrated with a slight dulling of response, she shifted her tactic, poising her fingers over her tip before ever so slowly pressing it down, her ecstatic shrieks quavering like a siren as the meaty shaft gave into her inwards push. It made a thick, churning type of sound though it was mostly lost under Suzuha's voice, loving every inch of the fatty cock as it swelled inside, the base inverting with a puckered squelch while she forced the tip past flush, letting go as the mushroom tip fell behind her line of sight. In one speedy movement, the last of her cock inverted, her eyes widening before she came like she had never cum before, hot, translucent juices shooting out her vagina as her whole body gained the dull, pleasureable ache of a long bike ride or a good fight. Picking herself up and slipping on some shoes, she smiled.

"Mmm that wasn't part of the plan, but that felt wonderful~! I bet we must have crossed 1% divergence with that. We sure as heck don't have anything like that in the future... Wait the future! Oh no no no what the hell did I just do what the hell just happened?!" Her post orgasmic bliss was short lived as a bevy of important questions suddenly hit her, those much hated thought experiments now all she could think of as she tried to figure out what this meant and if there was any way to fix it. Also, she really had to clean up her mess, her dad's, well she guessed it was hers now, spunk a disgusting puddle on the apartment's futon and a decent smattering on the carpet too. Or should she leave it there as evidence? Wait what the hell would that even prove? She had to clean clean clean and hope that the great Hououin Kyouma would know the answer like in her timeline, or else she might soon vanish for good.

Okabe was used to random visitors in his lab by now, though he was pretty annoyed at the damage to his television and computer when he entered. Oh and the lab too, that was also incredibly important. Also there was a very unpleasant smell despite the windows being opened, but a braless Suzuha hugging him desperately and crying  was the last thing he expected to accompany that rank odor. After she explained what had happened and he had changed pants(he had sat down on the futon) he was utterly stumped on how the hell he could help her, or even how to process that his best friend was now... her. He couldn't even muster up a fake proclamation about The Organization.

"I know there's plenty of other things to worry about, but uh... shouldn't you be nonexistent? I mean cause you're Daru's daughter and well Daru is... Well according to the great time travel bible of Back to the future, you should be-" She had a blank look on her face, one of resignation as she cut him off. Kyouma could tell whatever she had to say wouldn't be good.

"If I was going to disappear from the timeline I would have done so already. You actually made the theories for how- That doesn't matter now. What matters is that I'm still here which means I MUST be born in a few years despite my... situation. Now I've got plenty of his sperm collected and if I could find my mom you and me coul-"

"NO! I'd rather deal with The Organization's top agents than go wherever that was going." Suzuha nodded her head even if it limited her options, which meant option two would be necessary.

"W-Well..." She fidgeted, blushing as she looked down ashamed.

"My sister had a brother and my Uncle looked almost exactly like my mom from what I could remember, just as a guy. S-So if I want to not fade away, I think I have to, I-I have to..." She paused, not wanting to say it, but only emphasizing the silence as she admitted what she had to do.

"I have to fuck my uncle." Kyouma considered that, nodding and stretching his legs as he began walking towards the doors.

"Yes, well, have fun with that I have enough on my plate to not- H-Hey!" She had him in a locked chokehold within seconds.

"You're coming with me! You're going to help!"

"B-But I'm not into any of that! Not even out of curiosity!" Suzuha ended up dragging him out with her, keeping a tight grip on his doctor outfit's collar.

"Too bad! We have a world to save and this is crucial! Now if you don't want me to knock you out first, you better help me! Now uhm... what's the best way to make a guy fall for you?" Seeing he had no choice he gave in, taking out a portable game player and five separate Otomo games he had played and Daru had... well he did Daru things. He'd have to pray in the power of video games to make this work. And now the fate of the world relied on a Part Time Warrior and her video games. If this was a thread on @chan, he'd have mocked it happily, but now it was just the beginning of a nightmare. But she was cuter than Daru, so ya win some ya lose some.


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