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Unova was a large region and Kieros was enjoying her trek across the full country, minus the religious crazies that kept pushing their dumb reincarnation nonsense on anyone who’d listen, or whoever was passing by. And by golly, when you’re trekking across an entire region, you hear a lot of crazy. She began passing the time by making fun of them, especially when she found out that their leader N wasn’t even dead! He had left them, their big religious savior noping the hell out of their own cult of personality, which made them what… a failed band? A high school club that never disbanded? Whatever colorful term she’d think of, the truth was they were just losers and hypocrites and since they wouldn’t let up, neither would she.

“If using pokemon is bad why do you battle people with them?”
The scammy monk looking dude in the middle shot her a dirty look, clearly sick of her shit.

“We do not do this out of a want to use them, but nothing in this world will change without some use of forc-”
“You do know you can just use money and junk right? That guy in Galar paid a bunch of people off to get what he wanted and you always seem happy to whip out your balls when a trainer looks at you funn-”

“I meant Pokeballs dude. Though hey, I guess you’re just too corrupt and perverted for little old me to understand.”
“You first, I had to listen to you whine about people using Pokemon and pine after your boy toy who left for some people he could actually stand.”

“A-At least we have the courage to show our faces to the public!” Ah there it was. Kieros always wondered how long it would take for someone to bring up her mask, which for reasons, she never went anywhere without it on, the whole thing in the shape of a cute, snarky cat with pointed ears and painted on black eyes.

“Oh you want to see my face that badly? Are you looking around for a new messiah cause I’d be happy to take over. First order of business, no annoying random passerby in the middle of the day.” The guy actually seemed to be raging, his monocle about to shatter from how tight his eyes were squinting, so while he was at his most explosive, she noped the fuck out.
“Kay nice talking to you bye bye!” Those nerds were of course raging and screaming at her, but it didn’t matter to her, she’d be onto the next town before they could find her and their dumb robes never gave them running speed, though it was pretty funny to see them waddle after anyone who pissed them off. She figured just laying low for the rest of the day would keep these nerds off her back till the next town, besides she had seen all the main sites and even gotten one of those rare street vendor treats that only sell on Tuesday so really, it was long past time to hit the road.

It was dawn when she got up, putting on her green jeans and blue fleece over a similarly lime green turtleneck. She put on some makeup, even if it was all hidden by the mask, just cause she liked to and also helped a bit with any chafing on her face from the mask. Either way she was out and on the next route on her journey through Unova. Carefree as usual and with her taunting from the day before long forgotten, she started en route, though took a few detours through the neighboring forests, unaware of the flashes of green that scampered after her, the usually bulky and ornate cloaks surprisingly well camouflaged amongst the dense summer foliage. They were still rather hot and unsuited for the forest, a few half whispered curses lost under the breeze as their flowing robes caught on low branches and roots, but given Kieros’s natural curiosity with everything around her, that made things rather easy for them as she inspected the leaves, played with passing pokemon, ran from a pissed off Boldore after accidentally kicking a tiny Roggenrola. When she had strayed far enough from the path to be easy prey, they struck.

“Hmm now I wonder if this little living mushroom is poisonous. I know the Parasects back in Kanto weren’t- MMPH!” They wrapped a cloth around her mouth, confused why she wasn’t passing out until they remembered the mask. They slid the cloth under the lip and an overly sweet smelling odor hit Kieros’s nostrils, her resistant “mmphs” growing weaker and weaker until finally stopping all together, her form slumped in their grasp. They quickly made a call, carefully scouting out for any potential witnesses who could ruin the plan.

“We’ve done it Sage Ghetsis, the non-believer has been incapacitated.”

“Perfect, send the sacrifice to the agreed upon spot and we can give her a first hand experience of how REAL our worship is.”

When she awoke, it was all confusion, a grand church like structure bathing her in rainbow light from its colored windows, all of that magnificence focused down onto a pedestal before her containing a rather bland looking black brimmed hat with a white square on the front. Surrounding her on the ground were a pile of old toys and copies of white, black and tan clothes neatly folded and surrounding the messy circle, a ring of impressively garbed sages, seven of them. Well this wasn’t good. Now, she could yell at them or be snarky, but considering how she recognized a few of them from her past insult laden rants at their organization, that probably wouldn’t be the best idea considering they had her tied up and stuck in some bizarre religious ritual.

“H-Hey guys I was mostly just joking earlier repeatedly. I’m actually really curious on how your cul- I mean religion works. I love learning new things and I mean you have great taste in clothes and architecture obviously. I mean it’d be boring to kill some helpless girl and surely such amazing… priests?” They bristled at that.
“We are the seven holy sages of-”

“Of course you were sages how could I mistake you for anything else? But I’m just trying to say that wouldn’t it be more impressive to add me into the fold than ritualistically sacrific- I mean whatever it is your gracious minds have come up with.” Kieros figured it was a moot point considering how annoying she had been to them, but it really stuck the knife in when they all began laughing at her. Dammit why hadn’t she just been her usual likable self and just ignored the crazies? But surprisingly they seemed to be more amused than angry as the leader, the person she had attacked the day before, chuckled out, “Oh then we’re of a similar mind.” For a moment, her tension slacked, but the relief that gave her was quickly snuffed out by the following confusion of their plan.

“We are going to bring you into the fold, yet you made some valid points. Perhaps we had been too… idealistic with our savior, not properly showing him how to savor his power, to believe in his own greatness. And since your mind is so open, why not imprint our leader onto you. We have used our powers and our own selfish desires to condense it into a totem of N. Don’t worry, we will leave you some privacy as the following conversion will be… thorough and intrusive, though you should be thankful that we made it pleasant instead of painful.” Kieros was still wrapping her mind around the first half of that insane gobbledygook when the sages left her alone, a large lock slotting to place as she looked around confused, wondering how this would convince her of anything. Yet now that she was alone she could start to hear a humming, her body shivering as some strange magnetism seemed to be drawing nearer to her, the hat beginning to vibrate and rise from the podium.

“Uh guys? Okay I know you’re probably using Psychic or something but you don’t need to freak me out or anything. Guys? Hello?!!”

The hat flew towards her, landing onto her head between the two ears of her mask, the sides of the hat elongating to stretch out and envelop her scalp. Heat poured out from the brim of it, draining into her body, metaphysical energy running through her brain as some new kind of knowledge pounded into her brain.
“Nggh! Ahh! W-Wait ssstaaahhpp what’s this- Ohhh~ f-feeling?” It was bliss, running down the nooks and crannies of her body, sweat dotting her skin as the ears of her mask were crushed into power, absorbed into the dark underbelly of the hat while her legs fidgeted, rubbing against each other to try and relieve the building tension between her thighs.

The last thing she had expected to feel during her capture was indescribably, overwhelmingly horny, yet that’s where it seemed to be heading, her body stunned even as her bonds were burnt through by green flames, her clothes beginning to singe. The hat was making chewing motions, slurping up her mask like it was cooked spaghetti as it glomped onto her naked head, the full circular contact amplifying it all as she screamed. Kiero was being left bare all around, her face exposed and her body joining as her clothes melted from the energy, the green of her outfit shifting to her hair as wild strands of it poured down her back, the black taking on a more olive color as the spikier sections turned to curved locks that twisted this way and that. Something about the way each strand tickled her exposed, sensitized skin was incredibly arousing, Kier falling to the ground as her body heaved, a hot flush of juices spurting out her engorged lips as the release only made the heat between her legs that much worse.

Something was being driven out of her forcefully, her brain shifting to make her love it as her hips thrust forward, each climax sending her mind reeling. There was definitely pressure building up, the releases almost painful in a way as with one, violently jerky hip thrust into the air, her hip’s curves collapsed, bringing the pressure to a boiling point as her cramped cervix clamped around her clit, making her cum hard as it was squeezed down and out. She shoved her hands down, confusedly, moaning as she felt her vagina press back against her fingers, her clit swelling out into the open air as the sensitive nub was assaulted with new sensations.

“Ohhh~ f-fuck wh-what the NNGH h-hell are yOOOOOH D-HOOOOING AH AH AHHHH~!” It continued to rise, her own attempts to press it back in only adding to the pleasure as her pelvis felt like it was almost hollowing out. A meaty shaft soon poked out from between her fingers, taking mass from her flattening ass to rise higher and higher, her clit now a cream colored dome at the top, a proud balless cock.

The sight of it should have thoroughly freaked her out, a slight tinge of nausea marring the shockingly potent euphoria that was condensed in the unnatural protuberance, but the way it throbbed and hardened between her legs felt powerful, it felt good, it felt right. Kie groaned as she gripped her stomach, something churning inside. A few clear droplets dribbled from her cock as she felt her internals yank her ovaries, her pleased cries staccato as they were dragged out in a protective sack, a prickly puckered noise announcing the closing of any gap as her balls finished forming. Kie could feel them buzzing, testosterone trickling down from it, adding to the growing presence entering her. She was finally free of her bonds, yet the more she tried to think of running, the harder a mental block seemed to press down, her hands soon rubbing against her erect junk, desires overwritten. Kie had to thrust less now, the lack of padding on her ass making it hurt more even if her backside felt sturdier, that solidness radiating outwards as more of her body fell to masculinity.

There was a voice in her head, mixing her thoughts up until their gender identity was a mess, just knowing that whatever was happening felt too good to resist. Their spinal cord looked like it was struggling, the vertebrae crunching as their arch flattened with a few spasms. It looked painful but felt like a divine massage, rubbing out the kinks to stretch Ki’s point of view, making it easier to look down on the peasants who, h-huh? No even in the bit of research she’d done, N was meant to be very serious about his mission, but not conceited or act like he was better than anyone, though wasn’t he? All of this riffraff using Pokemon irresponsibly, forcing him to dirty his own hands just to show them- Shit it was getting harder to think of themself as separate from that mentality. It was twisting their natural curiosity into just another reason why they were better, someone who knew the world better than the rest of this lot. His grip hardened, the fingers thickening as they calloused, the rough texture pleasing as they ran up and down their shaft.

Hard muscle was filling in K’s once defined curves, flattening his sides and giving his core a proper workout. It wasn’t like he was a stacked powerhouse or anything, but on his small frame K felt powerful. The strewn clothing around his naked body was crawling towards him, a pair of boxers easily sliding up, the legs purposefully catching on K’s feet as they made quick work of the daintiness, filling them with energy as they grew large enough to perfectly slip into a Men’s 9, which is what they did as the boxers traveled up her legs, socks following as stray strands of it irritated her skin, the bumps swelling with muscle, dark hairs sprouting from his muscled calves. It was a bit sad to feel the jiggly flesh of his thighs firm up and desensitize, the too thick swell of his thigh fat being crushed down by the boxers. He didn’t mind, he just rubbed his cock harder, a slow buildup at the base oozing from his balls.

His face had only been exposed for a brief period, yet now it was making its own mask, soft rounded femininity sharpening to princely charm. It stung nicely as his tongue ran over slim lips, slight pressure the only sign that his eyes had shrunk to piercing emeralds. The entire process was similarly stinging, but it was a productive pain, eradicating her weakness and shearing away the imperfections. And with the shell being so utterly corrupted, the tender brain meat inside was molded just as well. His childhood was tinkered with, Ghetsis’s unpleasant side shown more as the usually stoic selfless protector of Pokemon gained some forms of entitlement and smugness to his aura. Not enough to show it visibly amongst non sages, but their mind was far less idealistic and pure than the real N’s as their single letter name went up one, now L in their mind, one spot closer to perfection.

Yes Ghetsis had raised him well, respecting Pokemon as compatriots, truly deserving of rights unlike the other rabble who were so closed minded. A black long sleeved undershirt with a loose dressy white top crawled over his head, his arms gladly pausing in their pleasure to allow the fabric to slip on. Annoyingly it grew stuck on his breasts, those useless lumps dulling as the nipples browned and shrunk, his hands pressing down on the modest protuberances until they gave in with appropriately meaty gurgles. All of it went into his frame, broadening it, giving muscle to his shoulders, strength to his arms, ruggedness to his raised collarbone. His chest was like his mental resistance, mercilessly flattened, M moaning as the shirts snapped into place, his hands slipping under the waistband to service his needy cock.

His old childhood was drained away, Kieros no longer having any meaning in his mind past being a mispronunciation of Kalos, that other region a ways from his home. All of Ghetsis’s ideals and teachings were being reinforced with every stroke of his cock. Every unneeded thought just seemed to be flushed down, adding to the pressure at the base of his cock, the strange masculine pleasure building. Yes he was still idealistic, but it was tempered with a few vices, no longer seeing his duty to free pokemon from man’s bondage as some tortured, noble pursuit. One of the stranger toys strewn around his body was rising, revealing itself to be an odd circular necklace, an ancient stone that would summon the legendary pokemon to him when the time was right. There was no doubt, no worries, just an overly confident assurance that he was the chosen one, and his followers were his birthright whom he would never abandon.

The last few pieces were slipping on, tan slacks and green sneakers completing the outfit, his transition finalized as the pressure finally released, all that built up testosterone shooting out in one large arc. N groaned as he was released from the muddling effects of pleasure, his cock softening as he buttoned up the front of his pants and stood up from the mess he had made. It would be cleaned up by someone at some point he was sure of that, but it still rubbed him the wrong way to be seen as someone with earthly desires like everyone else. He wasn’t THAT conceited that he couldn’t do a bit of cleaning himself if he wanted to, so before he let the other sages in he asked for a mop, though even with while cleaning he had a cockier air to him now, his entire aura smug.

While he cleaned up his mess though, N wondered if this was truly enough. He had his followers, and Ghetsis’s preparation had ensured he wasn’t quite so hamstrung on his beliefs this time, but perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to give a person raised to be the chosen one a superiority complex, especially not one with access to a dna splicer and an ancient power artifact around their neck. And as much as their mind had been cleansed, the other sages were admittedly still rather annoying with how important they held themselves when HE was the one who would bring their dreams to fruition. In fact, did he really need them? They used Pokemon just as much as everyone else and never seemed to mind the less savory parts of their operation. Plus it seemed that Ghetsis sometimes believed that he was the real power behind this organization, but perhaps it was time for some restructuring…

The other sages cheered at their success when a perfect copy of N had popped his head out, none more satisfied than Ghetsis. That bitch had been making a mockery of them for far too long and with a more selfish leader, Team Plasma shouldn’t have to worry about any sudden departures from the new N. Now their team could properly spread once more through Unova, no more jokes or lack of figurehead to mar their progress and soon he would rule over all of Unova once the legendary Pokemon were recaptured. At that point though, their king was ready to see them, commanding them to enter.
“You’re certain that it took hold Ghetsis? This one won’t leave after a few losses will they?” He gave a disgusted scoff.
“Of course I am not simple enough to fail this twice. Now that we have N we can regain the trust of the legendaries and find Kyurem for our final plot. Now enter you fools and let us celebrate the rebirth of our-” He was the last to enter, ushering the other sages in to see their victory, so he was the last to get blasted by the green light, N standing confidently as his necklace fell from its gravity defying position back down to his chest.

“Ah well that’s the last of that. Had to use up everything in there meant for Kyurem, but then again I’m not really a fan of mashing two legendaries together. How do you feel everyone?” Ghetsis’s mouth tasted of copper, his skin was buzzing, the other sages were groaning already, strange, sickening sounds of bone and muscle shifting filling the room.

“Wh-What the hell did you do to us you brat?! Don’t you know all you’ve earned in life-”

“Was from my own talent and you lot were merely zubats content to feed on my success, but why fight it? I’m merely sharing the bounty.” Even Ghetsis was having a hard time disagreeing, N’s tone hypnotizing as years were sloughed off, his own replies rising to N’s tones. Many of the sages were moaning, a smugness and confidence that was unbeatable filling each with pleasure as green hair sprouted or restyled itself, wrinkles flattened, bodies rejuvenated. It didn’t take long for 7 copies of N to be standing there, half in loose robes, the other half naked and testing out their new bodies. Needless to say, the mop saw plenty of usage when all was said and done.

So what did this mean for Plasma? Well first off there was no further need for more N’s. It wasn’t like they could use the dna splicer any more than he had already, but beyond that they had more than enough to spread the word and start convincing the population of Unova without annoying them with moralizing. Instead they just took their great wealth and began lobbying the hell out of towns, the grunts all agreeing that was way easier than fighting or kidnapping entire towns with ice weapons. It certainly helped when three of the N’s publicly caught Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem in the same week. It wasn’t like the other N’s had to settle for less either, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, the Storm trio, all monopolized by N. Victini was gone by then, but it didn’t really matter, with all of the legendaries under their wings and a team of themselves to dazzle the people, soon joining Team Plasma was seen as a fun way to rebel against society.

With all this public support, even with most of Kieros’s personality completely eradicated, that spark of goodness in her, the part that always made friend making easy blossomed. He was still a haughty son of a bitch, but he wasn’t quite as self involved as Ghetsis’s programming had made him at the start. One day after a rally, he was walking through the streets of Castelia City when he happened upon a mask shop, all sorts of coverings on display in the window. One of them was a cute porcelain one, with large teardrop ears and a slightly derpy line for a mouth. Something about it seemed familiar, like a lost memory from his childhood, or a face he couldn’t quite place. He almost bought it to put it on, but in the end didn’t even enter the store. After all, he had work to do, and until Pokemon could live without the rampant exploitation of man, he’d never stop working towards his goal. Though after… well he’d just keep the mask shop in the back of his mind. He’d probably forget about it after a few days anyways, after all, how important could it have been?


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