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"No no no! It needs something more, something juicier and susceptible to marination, something... meaty." Alice was testing out a special recipe, one that was more theoretical than practical, yet she was sure she almost had it nailed, but not quite. Of course if many other people knew just what she was making there'd be either horrified reactions or extreme interest. So she needed someone with access to high quality meat, who would be able to keep a secret and be motivated to possibly use it themselves, which took her all of five minutes to crunch the factors and realize she had the perfect candidate.

"Hi Mito~! Are you still angry Soma likes my cousin more than you?"

"Hmm?" The tan meat master looked up threateningly from her cutting board, her knives already out as she was scoring meat and chopping large racks of beef into soft cubes, her sharpened cutlery pointed straight at Alice.

"What the hell do you want... Nakiri?!"

"Oh don't be so angry Meat Meat, I have a business proposition for you."

"Only Soma can call me that!" Each word was accented with a chop, her cutting technique still immaculate even in her enraged state. "Yes but what if I could get you Soma to call you that every day? Besides you seem like the kind of person who'd rather lose together than watch Erina and Soma get all lovey dovey in their senior years." She considered it for a minute while Alice poked her, saying "c'mon" till she acquiesced.

"Fine! What do you even need me for I thought the Nakiri family didn't need stock from outsider families." Great, one of the family leaders must have been trying to negotiate prices down again.

"Well you see Mito, I know how much people love their meat in the Americas and what I'm working with requires heavily marbled cow meat, soaked in estrogen from a young age and porous meat for a transformative marinade. Oh and some of your hair, blood, saliva, let me explain."

"Alright I'm definitely interested now, I'll hear you out..."

A few weeks later on separate parts of Totsuki, Soma was testing out some new dishes of disgusting(squid tentacles and rainbow sherbert drenched in gravy) while Ryo was on the other side of the school near a lake with a fishing rod, his bandana off since this required patience than the usual gusto he liked to show while getting ingredients, though he could snap it back on once the line got a tug. A bit aways from each of them, with their own unique dishes safely covered and properly packaged, Mito and Alice grinned, ready to set their plan in motion. It had taken a while because of how specific the chemistry had to be, plus Mito had had to find proper high quality cows and drench them in an estrogen mix of Alice's creation, plus the genetic samples she had needed of Mito's well everything. Honestly Mito still half doubted this'd work despite Alice's assurances over the science of it, but she was already this far in so she might as well give Soma a sampling of her meat.

Where Mito was all nerves and half hearted confidence, Alice was as breezy as a leaf in the wind, her approach relaying nothing of the potential strangeness she was about to unleash on her long time helper and friend. It wasn't out of any kind of malice really, just from a desire to have a proper assistant for once who wouldn't demean her. Well not demean her by beating her at least. She wouldn't have minded taking Ryo on as a lover, but he was just too absorbed in his own cooking and since her main goal was to challenge Erina and her god tongue, what better idea than to have two of her? And really if her brain was good enough to pull off what she believed she had, then taking over the main branch would just be a matter of time, especially with Soma out of the way. But enough of those pesky politics, she had a raw ingredient to ripen and he was just sitting there in shorts with his shirt open, just begging for her to pounce.

"How ya doing Ryo?!"

"...shouldn't you be studying more to beat me or something? Unless you need my help Alice." He kept one eye on her and one on the fishing pole, an attention split she didn't quite appreciate since she had come out in a rather eye catching swimsuit under a light summer jacket. He'd be lusty soon enough.

"Funny that you mention that Ryo~!" Everything she said had a slight hint of mockery to it, not on purpose, she just always talked half flirty, half teasing all the time, so Ryo had gotten used to it and let her continue on, only half paying attention to what she was saying.

"It's actually a mix of both see I think I've made a dish that'll knock you down a peg, but more importantly I need a taster anyways so I can double my productivity. Well I guess I could go into more detail if you'd like starting with the gastronomic genomic cooking which is highly experimental and starts with fundamental texts written by-"

"Just give me the food you're scaring away the fish." Alice huffed a bit, though she guessed it was for the best as she pulled out an expertly crafted cream cake with vanilla frosting and decorative cherries, well that and a red, hard-shelled candy that'd ensure he'd keep eating.

"Hey Meat Meat you're here just in time to try out my newest invention! Sadly Erina isn't here, but I think I outdid the peanut butter and squid tentacle." The only thing that intimidated her more than Erina was whenever Soma wanted to find the bounds of "disgustingness" some of which could set your taste buds back two or three weeks until the awful flavors vanished, but this was fine she had practiced hundreds of different possible prompts and all she had to do was follow her thirty step conversation tree.

"Uhh... s-sure Soma though I was wondering if you wanted to try some-"

"Oh sure! If it came from you I'm sure it's delicious!" Well there went her dating sim training, god why did she always over complicate things!

It turned out to be less than delicious, one of his more violating dishes as it felt like a horde of squid tentacles was ravaging her body, displeased moans of distress a sign of an impressively bad dish.

"Yeah the flavors can be pretty extreme, but I think I finally beat charcoal simmered grapefruit squid from three months ago. Isn't it horrible Meat Meat?" He smiled as she made a series of disgusted hacks, satisfied with his successful failure as he turned to her dish, a large ceramic dish still steaming with large hunks of beef in a stew, the spices mouth watering and tear inducing from the concentration of spices.

"Thanks for lunch Meat Meat! Time to dig in!" He speared an especially juicy chunk of meat, the fat glistening in the light before chowing down, a shocked squeal rising from the delectable spiciness that ran through his body, aromatic arousal hitting him like a truck as Mito looked on in shock.

Two things stuck out to her instantly, well three things to be clear, his cock rock hard and clearly outlined even behind his chef's apron and more encouragingly both nipples, the black fabric of his shirt twisting around the upthrusted nubs. And while Mito definitely found it hard to tear her eyes away from her unrequited love's bulge, it was hard to ignore the changes to his hair. Sweat was already dotting his brow, the usually sharp spikes of his hair sagging down, only a cowlick here or there popping up as the bright red coloring seemed to sweat down the follicles, a few red smears staining his shirt as the sweat moisturized his locks to a blonde, silky short cut.

"Ohh M-Mito this dish is nnngh p-pretty intense a-ahhh~..." He couldn't help the moans, the spice burning so good as he felt drenched in heat, or just drenched in general, the spice slow cooking his pale skin to a hearty tan, Mito holding back her own squeals as his complexion soon matched hers, and judging from the luster of his exposed arms, it was just as soft too.

Back at the pool, Ryo was eyeing the red hard shelled candy, confused at how he was supposed to eat it with the cake. Or was it just a piece of candy? That he doubted since Alice always did her weird stuff with gastronomy, but he figured given a few minutes of silence she'd explain it to-

"Before you eat the cake, I'd like to see how well you can handle that little cutie there. Don't let its looks fool you. While I know you always say you can handle any spicy food, I doubt even your palette can handle the scintillatingly Scoville torture that I've concocted for-" He shoved it into his mouth, ready to act completely indifferent to it. He'd gargled with ghost peppers and used mace as breath spray for a dare from Alice in the past, so the chances of this doing anything past a slight tingle were small in his eyes. And yet, what started as a negligible tingle against his tongue was growing to a sting, then a singe, a burn rising as he began to cough violently.


Alice winked, playfully teasing out, "Trade secret, though the cake ought to soothe the stinging some." 

It wasn't as if it was that much spicier than the past things, but what was different was his palette, his tongue losing its desensitivity to spice, that swollen feeling of heat in his lips not just an illusion, both upper and lower fully puckered out to swollen, juicy borders of a pert mouth. The spice hid a mutagen meant to pierce through his DNA, fuck with all those nucleotides and dissolve the binding sugars to replace them with her genetic code, the effect localized in his head for now, but the seeds of Alice would flourish with the first taste of her frosting. Already he was much improved as the blistering heat melted his Adam's Apple down to scratch, his hard contours dimpling as he scrunched his face in pain. Alice smiled as her own voice moaned from her lips on his face, a lovely start to the process.

Soma seemed pretty knocked out from just one morsel of her specially prepared Beef Stew, though it wouldn't do to just have one bite. Mito took out her own pair of chopsticks and scampered next to him, whining, "Surely you can't be done after just one bite. You haven't even seen its full form yet. Here take one of these braised rib pieces. It's been tenderized and spiced for weeks, each morsel of it ready to fall off the bone."

"Actually I feel kinda weird right now so I'm gonn-MMPH!" She shoved it down his throat, the tantalizing taste leading him to chew and swallow, that slow boil sensation around his body upping a few degrees as he squirmed in Mito's arms.

There was a series of squishy, meaty shifts, his skeleton altering to fit a new form, pleasure radiating from his new skin as sweat took out any small hairs from his tanned skin, Mito's touch very distracting all of a sudden. Truthfully he had wanted Mito to leave cause he was uncontrollably horny, unsure of what the hell was going on with his body as his nipples continued to spark every time they rubbed against his shirt. His clothes were getting looser by the second, the usually flush apron slipping down his waist, bringing his pants and boxers with them as cold air hit his bothered cock.

It was a welcome sensation, Soma's eyes shut as the flavor continued to assault him, a few awkward steps bringing his feet out from the left behind clothes, his hips pulsing in time with his heart and stomach. Mito's words on the preparation of the meat reverberating as he felt a kinship with it as the softness spread from his stomach. The muscles contorted across his stomach, making strange spastic shifts as they pushed in towards his core, a feeling of release accompanying each breath out as his core was worked into a trim, yet firm shape, well defined muscle tonage adding to the dips of his waist while his pelvis marinated in Mito's essence, the left popping out with a strained, confused moan and the other following in quick fashion, the pleasure more obvious in him as the wider hips dented his skin with bone, needing some more fat to truly shine, though at least it made it easier for Mito as she brought the bowl to his lips, ready to send Soma down a path to true gourmecstasy.

Ryo was desperate for his own kind of release, though from the pain than any kind of ecstasy related shenanigans. He was sweating profusely as he grabbed at the cake, not even noticing how high and haughty his voice had become, the pure spice sensation masking how his cheekbones refined themselves to elegant beauty, or how his flaring nostrils barely seemed to be letting anything out as they puckered inwards, the bridge crimping down to a cute button shape. The heat even seemed to infect his eyes, both pupils like ignited chunks of charcoal as their dark color melted to a molten crimson, the heat seemingly ironing out the deep bags under his eyes as they subtly shifted to feminine slants. He had to release whatever demonic crap Alice had released upon him, his hands digging into the cake like an animal as he shoved each delicately crafted morsel down his gullet.

The sensation was heavenly, his muscles singing, body exorcised as sweet cream and fresh strawberries replaced the burning. The exorcism metaphor looked literal too, his face swooning as the dark coloring of his hair was banished, each strand flinging up as they turned white from the root, sprouting out a tad before fluttering back down as an angelic halo of white. His hands were bringing in smaller and smaller hunks of cake, his palms softening as they lost years of aggressive cooking wear and tear, a more refined outlook emerging as technical knowledge filled in the gaps. It felt so wrong now to attack the cake so viciously, a good third of it massacred by his rushed devouring. No he should take his time with it, savor the intricacies that were swimming in his brain, laid back ecstasy beginning to shiver in his cells. Alice watched as he calmly licked his fingers clean, each one going in stubby and calloused and leaving slender, dainty, the frosting now a white polish. She knew if he hadn't been overwhelmed with the concoction he'd be likely to kill her then give in, but now she could relax. Time for fun.

Speaking of fun, Mito was having quite a lot of her own as she popped more juicy selections down Soma's throat, letting plenty of broth swirl in. The sounds he made were a major turn on, his slightly burnt lips against the bowl plumping visibly as broth marinated them, her commentary half whispered in his ears as a seductive sample of further pleasures.

"Of course I didn't skim off much of the fat for the broth, I prefer to let it simmer and only remove the scum that floats, but even better is how the rib eye chunks absorb it. These are the fattiest chunks of meat already, dripping with umami. Too many of these and they'll go straight to your thighs, not that I think you'll mind, you could use some rounding."

She had forced most of it down by then, setting the bowl down gingerly and creeping her hands to his shirt, disrobing him at 'thighs' and roughly twisting his nipples on 'rounding' for accent, Soma screaming in ecstasy as he felt like he was drowning in Mito now.

The fatty chunks slid down his throat, bubbling in his stomach as their extra heft was distributed to wherever it was needed. His bony hips sprung to life, inflaming his sensitive skin as he felt bouncy, bounteous mass swell below, his ass cheeks jostling in their athletically toned fitness. It was hard to stay standing through the sensations, Mito's supportive grip keeping him aloft as more heated cries jolted out, his thighs swelling around his bare cock as they lost any sort of gap, the A-1 prime meat turning to A-1 prime thick thighs. The more mobile fat of the broth suffused to where it was needed, his arms filling out with feminine fat and his calves shivering through the unbearable pleasure, their backs bulging outwards to give his legs an unbeatable set of curves, threatening to collapse into debauchery at any second, a nipple squeeze sending him over the edge. Mito glanced at her exhausted captive as he moaned, loads of spunk staining his thighs and the ground below.

"Oh, we're not done yet."

An unprecedented sugar rush ran its way through Ryo's mind, not painful, just gentle pressure throbbing through the whole thing, his serotonin centers bumrushed by Alice's chemicals as they started pumping out waves of ecstasy encoded messages, adding to the soupy state of his thoughts. The only thing that cut through the murk was Alice, her voice, her body, the thought of being her unable to be ignored as it made his cock hard, his skin tingle, a few curious sparks popping in his nipples, the material of his shirt scratching them in a way that both annoyed and aroused.

Alice took his pleased coos and clear arousal as a sign of good progress, deciding to test the waters a little.

"It seems you really enjoyed my newest dish, though of course you might be biased. Who are you again? Oh and here." She handed him a spoon and plate, a slice of cake neatly centered as her cooking partner seemed to take a moment to think that one over.

"Well I'm Ryo aren't I? Then again I can't help but wonder if that can't be impr-oooOOOHVED!" He had taken a large bite from her cake, moaning as swallowing sent a rush of fat under his nipples, swelling them to beestings, yet the small packaging carried a dense amount of pleasure, his fingers jerking as their silky smooth tone crawled upwards, softening his arms wherever they were touched, shrinking a bit as his shoulders rounded to a lovely compact size, feeling nice to just rub under his shirt, though some of the pleased jerks had caused the cake plate to fall from his grasp, splattering his shirt and shorts with shades of cream and pink.

"Whoops, perhaps that was a bit too much- oh?!" Their faces made the same cutely surprised puckers as the colors of the cake bled into his outfit, burning away most of the abdominal section of his shirt and greatly reducing the cut of his shorts, the slivers of pink becoming accents as he gave cute little shrieks, his top becoming a loose bikini top, the bottoms pressing down as they softened to high quality nylon, hugging his erect cock tightly. The excess frosting was smeared across her stomach by her own hands, rubbing it in like sunscreen as the methodical massaging softened his muscular six pack, creating a tight tummy with seductive curves forced in with a few hard shoves, Ryo fingering his navel with a pleased sigh as he worked it to a tall, cute indent. Alice jumped slightly as he violently gasped, crying out blissfully as one of the clearly outlined testicles in his bottoms crumpled inside, a sharp slurping noise accompanied by a noticeable trickle of creamy fluids down his still muscular thighs.

"Mmm Alice, I think I'm ready for more cake sister."

While she cut it, her scientific mind couldn't help but inquire, her cheeks blushing brightly as she watched a clearly aroused half copy of herself circle his nipples and tease their shaft as they waited for the next parcel of Alice to be delivered.

"Sister? Is that how your brain is acquiescing to my desires? Also I didn't realize this substance could manifest clothing, though you do look stunning if I do say so myself." He was moaning halfway through her questions, already scarfing down another piece as his breasts swelled further, feeling so right as he massaged one of them, squealing as his spine popped inwards with a pleasing crunch.

"Mmm yes we must study the limits of this compound later, though why shouldn't I call you sister? We're going to be more than familiar by the time we're done here." They both tittered at that, another slice cut and ready as Ryo's cock hardened once more, ready to blow.

"Ohhh wh-what are y-ooou d-HOOOOoooing to... AHHHHHHH S-STAAAHHHP!" There was no stopping Mito now, her hands firmly wrapped around Soma's chest, cupping and playing with his nipples as the rest of her fatty solution flowed in, his cock pumping out more of his seed as he was a slave to her touch, her gifts, more and more of his body matching Mito's as she turned him around to face her. She had slipped off her shorts, eyeing his erect cock as he grunted, a half translucent wad of cum spraying out as his balls looked tortured, straining against the base of his shaft. Mito hugged him close, feeling the plump push of her own lips back against hers as she kissed him, both moaning now as their breasts bounced against each other, Soma's swelling quickly as two firm, massive mounds of meat thrust out.

She needed a bit of extra height to get to the one shot she had before he fully gave in, stepping on his feet as they crushed down to matching elegance, their pedicured daintiness wriggling under her own.

"Of course Soma, all of this tender, delicious meat came from cows across America. We don't use bulls because female meat is oh so much more... succulent." She bit an exposed nipple, making him writhe in her arms as she went back to his face, his own resistance fading as he couldn't hold back the desire, reciprocating more as his eyes widened, their blue, icy glare mingling with Mito's as lips and eyelashes crossed paths before they both paused, gasping as Mito enjoyed the identical face looking back at her.

"Tell me Soma, don't you want to have a juicier life, brimming with meat, with pleasure, with me?" It wasn't like he had an option, her hips thrusting as she drove his cock deep into her own aching snatch, his body unable to stop cumming as Mito engulfed every last piece of him.

Her first thrust had slammed her pussy lips all the way to his shrunken testicles, the withered lumps shuddering before pounding into his body, his cock sputtering as hot, clear fluids filled Mito's pussy, her twin desperately thrusting in and out to be released from the rest of his old self, the ecstasy of Mito far too much for his mind to comprehend as his cock plunged less and less deep.  That was fine for Mito, the jet like shots of his forming pussy's juices hitting her deep enough to make her cum, relishing the one and only time their love would be consummated before he was her, some truly heated and harsh moans leaving Soma as his cock folded up inside, the whole thing worming its way deep inside his vaginal cavern before erupting as she came, her everything shooting out her pussy as another Mito collapsed against the work station, moaning as the aftershocks of her transformation ran through her.

"Ohh that was wonderful Ikumi, though which one of us is going to clean up this mess?" Her copy was putting on her discarded clothes, flung off during the fucking as she finished off the rest of the stew, blushing and groaning as its warmth filled her with desire. The original just laughed.

"Who said we were done making it yet? You are such a tasty morsel..."

While the two Mito's fucked with a frenzied fervor, Ryolice was far more interested in his own self pleasure as he spooned cake in with one hand, the other rubbing at his cock like it was trying to start a fire. The cake definitely helped, it's cream filling causing spurts of his own to rocket out, his mind racing to catalogue every stage of its slow, euphoric inversion to memory. The last of his cum dribbled out fitfully, followed by the muscles tensing behind, a tube shooting out to stab and wrap around the lump like some kind of bullfrog capturing prey before dragging it back inwards. That had been the best part, its tortured throbbing as cum poured from his cock, pounding it into submission and to the other side of his hips as he could feel both ovaries now pumping all the estrogen he'd need for the rest of the changes.

He still ate more cake, it was delicious after all and was cooked with a few substances to make sure all the pleasure was enhanced past normal limits. His male mind had shuttered minutes ago, so this was all just the figurative icing on the cake, his hands leaving the plate to press down on his cock while he went about thoroughly groping and pleasuring his breasts. They were getting large now, lovely, meaty thwacks accompanying their spurts as his hands knew just where to go, a few clear shots dribbling from between his panties as the base of his cock felt hot, that same muscular parting that had dragged his testicles down reemerging.

No this couldn't be the end could it? Dammit she should have just added a paralytic so she could fully enjoy the sensations of his body... oh she was referring to Ryu in the third person now wasn't she? Well it only made sense, her genius far too much to share space in his primitive pirate mind. Well even if it was the end, she'd be sure to give this body a proper sendoff. Alice's moans reached a new level of intensity and fervor as her breasts finished swelling, the perfect size as she shifted to her ass. It was so satisfying to mold her body like it was one of her ingredients, the muscled glutes standing no chance as fat raised her booty to a sweet strawberry, her hips splintering apart as fat drained into her thighs.

"How does it feel sis? I tried to make the genital changes be too wonderful to fight, did I do a good job?"

By this point her orgasms were less like individual releases than they were a building crescendo, her hips thrusting up as the tight nylon was assisted by her swollen thigh meat as her cock began to slowly press inwards.

"*OHHH FUUUUUCK OHHH YESSSS YOU MMPH AHHH WE'RE TOOO GOOOOOOOD~!" She loved it more than words could describe, her cock shooting out dizzying loads as her cum dribbled down her impeccable curves, rounding down her calves, covering her ankles, dripping down to land in the water off of heels that were compressing down to their perfect form. Alice raised her legs, squealing as the added gravitational heft helped drive her cock in deeper, her body fucking itself as she was graced with the sight of Ryo's soles arching further, their wiggling toes shedding their filthy hair and toe jam to shine like crystals adorning her cute feet. Unable to take it anymore she slammed her hands down, rubbing the slick tip of her leaking cock as she pressed it down into her folds, fondling the tip as it compressed, unable to feel the shaft as it slurped up, driving deeper into her until there was a sharp, leathery split.

She came.

"AHHHHH~ OHH YESSS OH YES Oh yes ohhh~ yes ohh hfff hfff." The smug look of satisfaction on her face was more than evident as she dipped into the water, bringing an inflatable pool chair along after she'd cleaned herself off and resting back on it like a queen on her throne. Though hmm, would this red chair be the throne, or would that be Ryo's body? Eh who cared about metaphorical things like that when she had far more pressing concerns like all the ideas running through her head and the uneaten slice of cake.

"Well that was certainly stimulating, though sister if you need someone to 'relieve' your tension don't be a stranger, it's no good for our work if one of us is too horny to think straight. Also could I have that last slice of cake?"

The original smirked, her genius fully displayed in a perfect clone of herself, the only thing left to do being a full diagnostic which both knew would be far more interactive and intrusive than was necessary, but that was always the fun part of their cooking experiments. Though one thing did bother her slightly as she handed off the cake.

"Don't worry, I have plenty in store for tonight, but now that we're past the initial fun and your mind is clear, is the cake actually good?" The new Alice dipped a finger in the frosting and sucked on it, intentionally making it as teasing as she could as she considered it for a second.

"It's actually a bit too whipped I think and some of the strawberries are a tad tart for the flavor profile and the structure of the cake is completely... Pfffft oh my god you believed me! The look on your face right now is perfect, just like this cake because we made it. It's delicious sis."

"Bitch..." Alice smiled as she mumbled it from the sidelines, dropping her notes and disrobing as she skinny dipped towards her twin.

"But of course I am! I am you after all..." She was also undoing the bows of her bikini, leaving the rest of the cake to float as she felt the cold brush of water harden her nipples. The dessert could wait for later, for now it was time to partake in the main course.


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