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"Alright Rukako! Once we've sent this test message the world will be irrevocably altered, and you will never be the same again! Er... was it meat or vegetables?"

"V-Vegetables!" The shy Ruka shifted nervously, still blushing furiously from admitting her desire to be born a girl. She felt so stupid even suggesting it, an urban myth on top of her own selfish desires and Okabe's insistence that their time travel really worked. Of course shame and feeling like an idiot were not new ground for her, her body born male despite what her mind clearly screamed out. Even with the support of Okabe and his friends, she still felt like a freak with her feelings, definitely gay for him even if her gender dysphoria was just some disturbed part of her like the rest of Japanese society reinforced.

The nervousness only grew as he began texting to her mom's old pager number, unsure why they were even going through with this. There was no way anything good could happen to someone like her, her deepest desires just wrong even if they made her feel...

"W-Wait don't-" Her insecurity overcame her happiness, her arms wrapping around Okabe, reaching for the phone as the altered microwave turned on, the time travel reaction beginning.

"Hey careful I'm the only one with Reading Steiner and any human on human contact could destroy the resonant fields of the-" His science mumbo jumbo cut off as they accidentally hit send, the world jittering as reality rewrote itself. It always felt like a rendering loading screen to him, though this was the first time with company, a sensation not unlike disintegration overwhelming both of them as he swore their atoms were vaporizing, the world screeching apart into a vast bright field of broken timelines, his last thoughts wishing it looked cooler before everything split apart.

Okabe woke up in a familiar place in unfamiliar clothing. Well alright the clothing wasn't technically unfamiliar since it was the usual outfit Luka wore at her family's shrine, the loose flowing robes tight on his larger frame. Unsure of what had led to this or how things had changed, yet feeling no immediate sense of danger, Okabe did what he always did when he was tense but had room for slackness.

"The Organization has tried to kill me once more. Was Ruka a double agent or merely captured by them in an evil plot to get me to dress like this?! We shall find out what their evil plans are and save our team's shrine maiden for I am Hououin Rukako! The codeword is El Psy KongrNNNGH!" His jaw clenched, then his neck, the muscles and bone stiffening as they all locked in, his whole frame shaking as something utterly bizarre began, his mistake in his name just the precursor.

He was a tall man, but all that height was being slowly crushed down, his whole body compressing as a series of spastic crunches and slurries of muscle softening made it look like he was collapsing into his own body. It certainly felt like it, hard corners rounded, any scruffiness wiped clean. His cheeks felt especially smooth, their usual fringe of hair drifting down as the defined contours of his cheeks scrunched in a tad, making his cheeks smaller, but refined. That was the best word for it as the same elegant refinement began slimming his fingers, leaving them stretched out and thin, his wide palms losing a lot of their width in the process, the tight robes much more fitting, then slightly loose as his shoulders sloped downwards, a confused moan rising from Okabe's throat. All of this should have been extremely painful, that'd make sense given the wide range of internal damage it must have been causing and the horrific sounds his body made with every change, yet it was all shockingly erotic, more moans following the first in quick succession.

What the hell was happening to him? It felt like his skin was prickling to life, reaching levels of sensitivity he never imagined and coinciding with a highly stimulating shearing of every last hair below his eyebrows, each pore puckering pleasurably as the usually greasy skin excised its oils and meager tan, looking smooth and sleek. It certainly felt high class, his own skin rubbing against itself in an originally exploratory matter turning heated quick as it just felt gratifying to run his slender fingers over his body, tracing his slimming contours, arms jittering as they slimmed to feminine elegance, his nipples perking up with a few accidental brushes of his pinkies.

By the time it finished he had dropped over a foot in height, his bare feet dainty and notably glossy looking even without a pedicure. A few locks wiggled into his field of view, the same black color, yet when he went to flip it back, the individual locks were like spun silk, and the luster they carried in the dusky light of the setting sun gave the black an almost ethereal blue glow as the beams refracted. His other hand was busy rubbing at his throat, the usually prominent bulge of his Adam's Apple receding, weird coos exiting from there as he pursed his lips, relishing in how glossy and thick they were getting as they rubbed together. It stopped a few hints before vanishing, a few more shivers running down his spine as he could feel things reshaping in his face, his fingers tracing delicate, doll-like features, but before he could gather his thoughts he was interrupted by a familiar face suddenly bounding the corner, yelling "El Psy Kongroo!" It was himself!

"Hmm, is something bothering our dear Ruka? Has the Organization attacked you?! Quick Ruka, we must escape!" What the hell was going on?! He wasn't Ruka, he was-

"What's taking so long? The organization could be here any minute Ruka!" He saw himself then, reflected in his ow- Okabe's eyes, a wonderful tingling sensation spreading out from his touch, his heart pounding as he studied his reflection. He was so... beautiful now, his face so feminine, petite, sexy if he only wasn't a-

"O-OHHHHHKABE~! I-I called you here for a reason."  The words just slipped out, encouraged by the sudden crunch of his waist as one of Okabe's arms caught his wobbling form, spine arcing against his strong hands.

Something felt radically different about herself, her mind racing as she tried to figure out what, yet she found it hard to think as she realized she was in his arms like a swooning lover, her cock thumping as it hardened, then slacked a little, shrinking down to a four inch shrimp. That slow, pulsating shrinkage was very tantalizing, a few gasps driving more of her subconscious further as she got past her embarrassment, spurting out, "*I w-want YOU Okabe!" No that wasn't what she wanted was it? It was so hard to think as her thighs and ass began to jiggle, fat tipping the androgyny into something thicker, girlier, the feelings like something out of a dream as her lust drove her to him, kissing Okabe meekly on the mouth and nervously looking up to see how he'd react.

Instead of shock or surprise or any other number of emotions, he smiled, looking down at her as he returned it, her thighs smothering her cock as she tried to keep it from poking his legs, moaning from his lips and her luscious thigh fat tenderly embracing her body.

"Aww but I wanted to rp a bit Rukako, don't tell me we have to stop that just because we're going out. N-Not that I ever made any of that stuff up before..." They were going out in this world? But wasn't she a- wait the text, their merge, this world line! No it couldn't be, she wouldn't dare to bring her own hopes up like this. 

Wait what even were her own hopes? And when did she start thinking of herself as a woman? It was getting hard to separate the old Okabe thoughts from her previous fears and insecurities, the temptation to give in growing as Okabe began leading her down a familiar hallway to her bedroom.

"B-But Okabe!" She was scared now, painfully afraid of the cock between her legs, the flatness of her chest, that small lump in her throat. He'd see her for who she was, who she really was!

"I-I'm a m-man!" She said it, blushing hard, hating even the thought of it as she fought the tears coming to her eyes, refusing to allow herself happiness, yet despite the seriousness of her pained scream, Okabe just looked at her and laughed it away.

"Pfft you, a dude? Well if you want to play that one day it could perhaps be a plot from the Organization, a test of my love, but thoughts of the future aside there's know one I know half as pretty, perfect and girly as you Rukako. Now leave the pretending to me and lets explore some private plans in your quarters." She gasped, his words striking at her core insecurities, blasting them away as her lips trembled into a smile, her composure turning confident with a blissful moan as her nipples began to swell, her cock began to shrink, Rukako suddenly feeling very womanly.

It felt so freeing to be able to tease, to express how she really felt as she tugged at a shoulder of her dress, another hand lightly pulling the knot of her front bow. It was so hard not to scream in blistering ecstasy as her body warmed, her perfect skin sparking as fat slithered behind her breasts. It wasn't much growth, yet the slow buildup of the slivers was one of the greatest sensations she'd ever felt, her transformation almost like some greater spirit's version of foreplay as she felt feminine graces ravage her body intimately, like she was a sacrifice for the gods being prepped for consumption. The last slivers of Adam's Apple faded, the black choker string on her neck tying itself tighter to usher in one of her two unseemly bulges away. With a gratifying jiggle in her chest and ass and something bitter running down her throat, Ruka grinned at her Okabe as they entered her bedroom, the last piece of her old self nearly bursting at the seams.

Her heart beat with the intensity of a festival drum, a strong push sending Okabe back as she took her time with her own clothes, making a show of it, allowing both of them to bask in her body, truly savor the moment as each inch of flesh laid bare stripped a little more from the filthy rod between her legs. Clear fluids trickled from the tip, her testicles seizing up as she moaned happily. Her scrotum was inverting, dragging in both balls with a lewd slurp as her cock was barely even an inch out, all throbbing pleasure nerves and dark red tip, her top falling to her hips, freeing her breasts as she worked at the bow to her red pants. She pulled it tight first, screaming as the knot bunched up over her cock, shoving it in as more fluids streamed down her legs, adding to their glossy shine as she completely disrobed, falling back onto her bed naked. She offered herself to Okabe, looking nervously as she made one last request.

"D-Don't be gentle with me Okabe... please."

Whatever was left of the old timeline was fucked out of her then and there, their bodies curling around each other, Rukako drowning in bliss, the whole afternoon like some beautiful dream. His dick was banishing it all away, the lover she always wanted but could never get, the body she knew she was meant to have but was only in the realm of fantasy. It was all too perfect as they screamed together, both cumming at the same time as they collapsed entwined in each other's body, sleep coming to them soon after. Before her eyes fully shut, Rukako wondered what she had ever done to deserve this, feeling like she must have sacrificed something. Well whatever it was, it was worth it, and with that thought her eyes closed, her only thoughts on the future filled with wedding bells and children.


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