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(Reward for ZeroForever)

The whole town was there, some for the new batch of horny wives that would soon to be up for the taking, though most were attending with their own brainwashed chickies to reinforce it. No one had any reason to believe this'd be different from any of the other concerts the piper usually put on, he had the same collar, was thrust on stage much the same way as usual by the sheriff and had a clown girl, a small cage that only the closest spectators could tell had a rat girl and two more visible cuties who had clearly gotten their heads screwed on by the good piper. The whole town was there, minus the judge who was busy organizing files and the mayor whose leg made it hard to get into the stands. There were bawdy jeers as usual and groping aplenty as they yelled at what they should turn the remaining lot into. Rei for one loved the attention, smiling at the crowd.

"Stop that, you'll give us away!" Misa wasn't exactly nervous since Usa could just swoop in when she felt like it, but she'd prefer to not have Rei's stupidity lead to any more risk than was necessary. Plus she wasn't quite sure of the acoustics in the stadium and considering how much the people in charge liked to skimp out on cost, there was the worry that their plan's effects might be diluted.

"I'm not an idiot Misa! It's not like I'm about to scream out our plan to escape and transform the crowd! I'm just enjoying the attention!" It wasn't like Rei's screams were a danger to alerting the sheriff since his hearing was just a smidge better than nothing and the horny throng was too loud for any of that to be heard. What did silence them though were Rei's animated jerky motions as she very spiritedly moved her arms around for emphasis, causing the cuffs to clatter to the ground where they had loosened them on her and the piper, his collar bouncing a few times as the gummed up latch showed that he was free. Rei looked at the cuffs, then the group.

"Oh... Whoopsy!"

The whole crowd paused, the sheriff folding through a few pieces of paper as he read through a list of trumped up charges and options for different beast girl archetypes to turn them into. The sudden silence wasn't noticeable for him as he glanced down the list since the world was mostly like that for him, but when he glanced up and saw the dumb looks of shock, then glanced towards the free prisoners, he finally caught on, snapping the mic he was using to talk with a harsh feedback ring.

"THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN! N-NOW DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT TAKIN ADVANTAGE OF THIS STROKE OF-" The sheriff was cut off by a blast of the Piper's flute, the first ten rows of brainwashed women shaking their heads and groaning as they looked around confused, many of them starting to chitter. The issue was, the town was a lot larger than ten rows and some of them were starting to realize what was happening.

"Play louder!" Misa yelled from her cage, the Piper meekly saying, "It's basically a flute, without amplification there's only so much I can do!" 

Misa tried to stay calm and look at the situation objectively. The crowd was beginning to riot up front, the debrainwashed girls visibly hissing at their touchy boyfriends and husbands, the others confused as people started for the exits, said exits at the front so at least the first few groups trying to run ended up getting caught in the fighting up front. Still some were eyeing the sides and plenty of men were starting to head for the center stage, fighting through the crowd to put Piper's collar back on. Well at least she could hide if they got here, but Misa found it prudent to take out her two way mirror device and hopefully hurry Usa up.

"Usa! Rei messed up again and we're now up shit's creak without a paddle, could you help us?" A shot of magic blasted from the reflective sheen, turning one of the bars of her cage into a small paddle that fell to the ground. Misa was not amused.

"Come here now! I'm the damn manager and the schedule has to be moved up okay?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The crowd was at the 'drop things from the middle rows to see if they could jump out' stage of things and if any of them left and came back with earplugs, everything would turn real ugly. In comparison to the chaos in front of them, Usa seemed to be casually taking her time, in no great rush from her leisurely pace in the mirror.

"Come on Misa I'm sure you've got th-"

"They're going to overwhelm the stage! The sheriff has taken Rei down!" That was a lie, Rei had very acrobatically beaten the snot from him and he was currently tied up and out for the count, not that Usa needed to know that. Besides she was just being dramatic since she always loved a grand entrance at the last second. Misa even brought out her serious glare towards the magician, clearly showing how fed up she was.

"Fine, but you better leave me something fun to do when I get there! Point the mirror at uh... whatsis name?"


"...that's it? Doesn’t he have like a last name or so-" Misa didn't have the time to let Usa go on a tangent.

"Look you can ask him yourself when you get here, I'm pointing you at him now!" He was tooting his little heart out, able to hit an additional 3 rows as more angry women lost their stepfordization, but not nearly enough. For a second, Misa wondered if she should warn him first, but the magic was already flying out striking him as his aura glowed pink, his pipes finding themselves greatly amplified suddenly along with his body.

"Uh M-Misa what did you just- O-Ohhhhh myyy~!" Misa figured the changes would be drastic as the piper moaned, a full amplification sprouting from his instrument while fat sprouted on all the usual areas. He seemed to enjoy it at least, his moans rising as his excellent breath control let them last all throughout a noticeable rise from baritone to soprano, that drab, old fashioned attire sparkling and tightening, cloth shifting to spandex and decorated patterns. The magic felt like a sugar rush to hi- POP POP SCHLURP her as her screams rebounded across the stadium, singing a siren song that blew through the edges of her pipe, pausing the chaos as everyone stared, eyes glued as her outfit split into a short cut top and skirt, revealing a tight midriff and accenting her modest chest, though with a push up design to the material around it, it certainly did its job. Her legs were the last to be blasted, sheer stockings and high danceable heels making sure every inch of her sculpted legs could be ogled by the crowd as she strutted confidently back in control.

"Oooh you turned out cute Piper! Though are you okay? I remember feeling a teensy bit weird when Usa changed me." Rei had her head cocked curiously, a bit jealous of her sparkly, colorful outfit that seemed fun to perform in. For her part Piper beamed, a stunning smile gracing the audience as her voice filled the amphitheater.

"Never felt better! I always did enjoy having a nice supportive crowd, and I'm so lucky to have such an intense fan club in Spamelin! I know you've all been waiting for me to really play your worries away! Though hmm, what should I call this genre. It's not all gloomy and forceful like that stuff I was playing before... Oh! I know! It's bright and fun so I'll call it Day Pop! Anyways-" Suddenly the crowd could move again, the men trying to run away, not that they could as her pipes rang out, some of Usa's added audio equipment adding more modern sounds to the mix.

The girls for the most part were spared the mass transformation, their minds clearing up as all of that confusion and anger was swept by how infectiously catchy the song was, their free will returned in style as they danced along to the rhythm. For the men though, Piper wasn't beyond dragging it out torturously as all of their shoes constricted around their feet, a veritable array of female footwear bearing down on the men's captive toes, Piper's dance moves transferring over to a collective jig, the feminine transformations inching up their bodies as each measure of song, each forced choreographic tap led to a chorus of groans as toes snapped, arches crunched, calluses magicked away and ankles broken down to size. 

Young or old, the rising tide of magic washed away the years, pants, trousers, bare legs from shorts all burning away to reveal supple calves, youthful skin, hairless temptation and thicker thighs. Skirts, shorts, tight jeans, leggings, palazzos, the start of jumpsuits, long socks and ankle length, all of these and more were forming from the old fabric in a wide spectrum of colors and shapes, their pained grunts turning to a cheer of pleasure as Piper did a split, the crowd's boxers and what lay between them the next to fall sway to the music.

What came next was... messy to say the least. The whole town was very perverted and after months of satiating every base lust that came their way, none were quite prepared to do any self control once their family jewels began to recede, Misa turning the other way in disgust and plugging her ears while Rei just stared on in interest. It was like a self contained orgy as Piper played an especially high note followed by a chorus of meaty THWACKS from the audience. Some played with themselves, others were stunned, all kept dancing, their squeals turning to drawn out cheers as voices raised, bulges shrank and an ecstatic singalong accompanied the uncorked pops of thousands of fresh womanhoods minted into existence.

From then on, the festival proceeded smoothly, eyes rolling and squinted in a rapturous release, pot bellies mercilessly flattened, spines popped, frames shrunk to picture perfect femininity as the crowds' cheers all became the rapturous cheers of fangirls. There was a decent amount of fear left in the eyes of the men who hadn't let the pleasure fully break them, scared of their fading identities as they got their just desserts. Five past midday shades cleared away with wizened beards and every last trace of masculinity was paved over by girlish delight, the audience now all cute girls to the last of them. With that the song was over, though Piper wasn't quite done with their changes as their musical cores popped back in.

She paused then, like a performer who knew the audience was stunned and just waiting for the applause to start. At first the sounds weren't thrilled but conflicted, her audience of changed perverts and chauvinists fighting the new personalities, some starting to hum the song she had just played as their hair exploded out in tangles of silky locks, panties thoroughly dampened. It was a communal cum, the finished girls popping like popcorn above and below as resistance gave way to ravenous approval, the whole theater erupting in cheers of joy from the freshly brainwashed to those who were relieved to finally be themselves after all this time.

"Well this wasn't exactly how I envisioned freedom to go, but thanks girls!" Piper smiled and posed, like the star she was.

"Yaaay~! See that was easy Misa! You didn't even have to worry!"

"All things considered it could have gone a lot worse, though I feel like we're forgetting something."

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS Y'HEAR ME?! THE OTHER TOWNSPEOPLE'LL GET YOU FOR ME AND THEN YOU'LL ALL BE BRAINDEAD BIMBOS!" The three girls turned to the sheriff, shocked to see him mostly unchanged.

Rei and Piper promptly gagged him, wondering just how deaf he had to be to not be affected when they heard a disappointed "Awwww is it over?" Usa had arrived, wading through the sea of... well it certainly wasn't fresh spring water on the ground, dragging the mayor and followed by the judge.

"Aha! I knew we had forgotten someone! Well feel free to turn these three fools with your magic. That can be the closer." Usa peered at Misa, still annoyed.

"Yeah but I wanted to be the main act! Y'know the showstopper! Couldn't you have kept them stunned for a while? Also who's that by you?"

Piper roughly grabbed the tied up sheriff, showboating to the adoring crowd.

"Is everyone here ready for the main event?! These three dirty men here didn't want to pay me for the concert and almost forced me to cancel the show!" A roar of boos and hisses greeted the men, Usa cheering up once she realized she had the ringleaders to herself along with an agreeable audience.

"Thanks girl! You really know how to work a stage, perhaps when this is over you can discuss contracts with Misa." Knowing where this was going, the rat girl had scrambled out from her cage and hopped on Rei, searching around for her contract drafting supplies.

"Wait who have I been following all this time?" The judge looked about confused, sure that his sexy assistant had grabbed him from the courthouse for some fun, not sure where he was going as he was dragged about the town. Usa jumped on the intrusion immediately to begin the show.

"Lookie here folks! The blind judge is our first volunteer! Now did you say all three hated non human races Piper?"


"Perfect! Lets help this speciesist see the light!" The audience was silent at her joke, Usa waiting for a response.

"Oh c'mon! That was a good one! Aww screw it and Ka-Girl!"

With a wave of her wand, the judge began to jerk and groan, his glasses flying off, judge robes bleaching and separating to something skimpier while his hair stayed silver, even as it grew down to his hips.

"Oh ah AH AH! M-My eyes!" The cloudy sclera were clearing up, dull pupils lighting up with scarlet shine. They were also merging, his hands gripping his head as he sputtered and moaned, the merging of his eyes going from uncomfortable, to numb, to oddly arousing, his eyebrow and lashes merging to form a heavily lidded eye as his ears stretched and pointed downwards to fine points. Compared to his eye, his mouth was miniscule, a cute little swell in his face, his voice rising to a dopey alto as his jerking became less spastic and more sensual.

Breasts shot out from his chest, surging past the limits his frame could carry as he toppled over, moaning as they slammed against the stage, his cock hard from the surge of pleasure that followed. It did not stay hard for long, his hips thrusting against the stage as he spread his legs wide, moaning as his thighs swelled, that supple thickness reaching his ass as well. Between his spread legs, his gavel was shrinking, the crowd of girls cheering as she cried out, blissfully cumming as she rubbed against the wood, incredibly horny.

"Give a hand to our wonderful girl Cy! Ready to sentence any man who breaks the laws of Spamelin to some 'rough' justice!"

"And now the mayor! The one who cheated our poor performer here out of her dough! That wasn't very smart, but I guess you're just not a smart person. But hey at least your legs will be nice once your pretty little head takes it. Have any last words?" Usa waved her wand as she asked, his dress shoes scrunching to heels, socks turning sheer as they crawled up his legs.

"W-Wait! Cause I've been skimping out on a few things I have plenty of- OHHHH m-money and surely a performer as good as, g-good as y-OOOH~!" His cane had fallen, the rising pantyhose fixing up the muscle in his lame legs and massaging it into tight curves, the rejuvenation mouth watering as Usa's magic drained his Intelligence stat to continue his transformation.

"All I did for the town was for their amelia- ame, um to make them, OH! F-Feel gooood~." He couldn't stop rubbing his thighs together, moaning as their flesh thickened, the tops of his pantyhose frilling up as the thickness of his thighs split his hips apart. He was finding it harder and harder to keep track of what he was even saying as the tingle reached his ass and groin, his moans heating up.

"Like this does n-UHH-thing for you right? C-Cause you need me to like pay you a-AHHHHND stuff and I- Ooooh wait! P-Please I need those to- MMMMM~ YESSS!" By that point his pants were little more than a ruffled skirt, the waist band separating and looping into a studded white belt as black panties crushed his cock, the "man" unable to hide the pleasure as globs dribbled from the shrinking shaft, his hands reaching for it at first to try and stop its retraction before the pleasure really hit. Her nails were bejeweled by that point, golden bangles popping on her left while a leather bracelet adorned the right, those slender hands pressing down on what was left as first one ball, then the other, then the tip of her cock were forced inside, a great wet sploosh staining her stockings.

"MMM Oh gaaawd~ that's like soooo~ good even if it makes my head all like, fuzzy and stuff." Poor girl, all that blood she desperately needed to flow in her head was circulating elsewhere, nipples thrumming, as he hands hovered over them. They were using magic against her to make her feel bad right? So like, if she played with them which felt really freaking good then that was fighting the magic... right? She stopped caring once the tweaking began, her voice rising like the town's esteem as her own formidable chest filled up in her hands, two great melons that forced her posture to change, her face squeezing tight as she came. The end happened then, her lips pouting, ears lengthening to points as they turned elfin. Mana filled her body, expanding her chest to great lengths as the pleasure she felt from just her way too tight business top gave her a permanent blush, a sexy ditz where the town's top official used to be.

"And finally we have-" Piper cut Usa off, taking center stage as she asked, "Actually could I deal with this one? I just need you to..." Usa smiled at whatever was whispered into her ear. The bound up sheriff struggled to escape, not able to hear much, but seeing everyone else hit by the same spells they'd abused for years narrowed the possibilities a great deal. Not like he could actually escape hog tied the way he was. Usa booped his ears, the droopy lobes rising up the sides of his head, his protests turning noticeably animalistic, sprouting grey fur with large, pink inner ears. For the first time in decades, he could hear clearly, and that's when the slave collar clamped down on his throat.

"Do you like your collar?" He shook his head vigorously, trying to shake it loose.

"Let me rephrase that, you LOVE this collar, in fact it turns you on to wear it. Every time you have a dirty thought, your body will feminize until you're a cute, horny rat mascot for my group. Let's do this year right! Usa take care of his clothes!"

"Gladly! Look everyone, it's a rat!" She snapped her fingers and his clothes tore off, leaving behind an undershirt, boxers, socks and shoes. The ropes binding him also got an upgrade, a complicated system of knots ensuring he wouldn't break out of any time soon. THe sheriff was wriggling and squeaking, his skin paling while he rubbed his groin against the stage, his desperate squeaks soon rising to a cute register as his eyes turned red and beady. Everything felt great on his youthening skin, the socks spreading up to leggings, boxers digging into his crack as a white thong, undershirt separating into a bra and long sleeved gloves as the crowd urged the changes on, encouraging every depraved act he gave into. The ropes tightened from his struggles, bringing his frame down to a small rectangle, his arms slamming into his back as it arched, pressure forming at the base of his spine as it erupted out.

He certainly seemed to enjoy it, energetic chittering and a growing wet spot on his panties showing themselves to the audience as he lost over a foot in height, those lost inches popping out the base of his spine as a hot pink tail that swung wildly. The gag buried in his mouth was too big for him now, the fabric condensing into a leather gag that perfectly slotted into his cute mouth, his body youthful and svelte all around. Rei and Usa both took out markers grinning at the expanding exposed rear before them.

"Thinking what I'm thinkin' Boss?"

"Of course Rei, I've got the right cheek."

The sheriff screamed, cumming as they both wrote the number twenty on a singular booty, the writing hard at first, but much easier once the canvas they  had to work on had bloated spectacularly. He cried as he came, feeling himself losing to his lust, his cock no longer standing quite so tall, quite so hard.

"Shhh Shhh it's okay cutie," Piper quieted with one hand while playing with an erect nipple, groping the bee sting it topped to encourage growth.

He was incredibly horny and keeping his thighs spread, able to feel the swell but at least saving his cock from their touch when Piper put her hands on it.

"I order you to give in to me... Poppy." That was all it took, her little breasts swelling while the remains of her manhood were forced in, the jeers of the crowd embarrassing and arousing her as she stood wrapped up like a present for the town to see, another member for Usa's entourage.

Nothing made Usa happier than the cheers of the crowd."Well I'd say this show was a success Misa, and you doubted me when I asked you to come here."

"WE ALMOST GOT TURNED INTO BIMBOS! AND MURDERED!" Rei tried to calm her travel partner down.

"Aww don't look on the downsides, we got to enjoy the scenery and see a bunch of cool stuff. And I made friends with Chicho and Squeakers!"

"That's not... wait who are they?" Rei beamed. 

"The two rat girls Piper turned in the dungeon! We made up, isn't that neat?!" Misa didn't want to get into an argument so she just left the conversation, going up to Piper to start negotiating rates for joining Usa's show.

The magician bunny girl herself was looking over the crowd of teenagers streaming out and nodding along.

"This just goes to show that I'm always right and the moral of the story is-" Misa interrupted as she was writing up subclauses for proper buff songs that Piper could use.

"Did you get the money?" It was a simple question that froze Usa where she stood.


"Did you get the money? You know, a big vault hidden underground only the mayor knew the location of, has the Piper's pay and ours as well. You kidnapped him." Usa was in a cold sweat as she turned to the elf girl who was admiring her own reflection in one of the nearby puddles.

"Hey you don't by any chance remember where you put all that money do you?" She swiveled around, thinking about it before giggling at the thought.

"Like no way! I'm all about nature and my awesome bod. Who needs money when you have the glory of the world around you?" She paused for a second and looked out, musing, "Though like, a big cock would be nice." 

"So..." Misa tapped her foot, annoyed.

"What was that moral you were saying." Usa shot her a dirty look.

"Ah forget it. At least the crowd liked it. Don't worry Piper, if Barbie could pay for bridezillas she can make us even. To the castle!" And so their party set back, two stronger and a world of trouble awaiting them in Femilin Valley.


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