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It wasn't supposed to be anything major, a dare from some friends while you were half drunk at night, walking past that old derelict building you all had heard was haunted for years that used to scare you as kids. Now you were more scared of a random hobo knifing you when you lost the rock paper scissors match to go in, but a dare was a dare and you couldn't chicken out. You just had to go to the third floor and wave from the master bedroom.

It was one of those really old gothic mansions that no one wanted to buy, leaving it cavernous and run down, enough holes in the ceiling to keep the interior from being pitch black, the wind sounding like whispers as you slowly made your way upstairs. Truthfully the stairs were the scariest thing about the whole place, the half rotten wood feeling like it might give out, every step nerve wracking as you climbed up the first flight, then found the second, cursing out your friends as you reached the top landing with your heart racing erratically. Going down would be a bitch but you had made it. You were safe.

With the adrenaline fading, a bit of boozy glee calmed you down as you felt like getting cheeky with them, deciding you'd take a nice big piss off the top landing. It took half the walk to the room to undo your zipper, and the other half to get it out as you entered a rotting, but eerily grand bedroom, all the windows to the balcony shattered from decades of adolescent rock throwing bathing it all in an eerie light, the only piece of non broken glass left gleaming grandly near the bed.

"What the hell?"

You couldn't help but be entranced, the pristine mirror looking not just undamaged but polished, the moonlight glinting off of it as you walked to it, the wind's whispery gusts getting louder as you wanted to see yourself, only to gasp at the view of a nude woman humming, unearthly hands wrapped around her satisfied form. Your gasp alerted her, her eyes opening darkly as she looked shocked, then angry, then... eerily excited.

"You looked."

You screamed, toppling back, the voice coming not near your ear but inside it, every hair standing on end as the hands around her reached out, the mirror shattering as you tried to run only to see the shadows swell like a mass of bugs, dark fingers squirming over rising palms as the door to the room groaned. It was waterlogged and half stuck from the elements, yet the swarm of hands multiplied all over, the floor screaming as it scraped shut, your eyes darting to the balcony as you scrambled to your feet, only to trip as you fell in a daze onto a moth-eaten mattress. Except you didn't trip, you were grabbed, screaming at the feel of something cold wrapped around your ankles, more crawling up your body, too much chaos to make what was going on as you heard something rip, the world going black.


You were blindfolded, hands holding your ankles and wrists down as the feeling of countless fingers poking and prodding came from every angle, even your cries interrupted by the feeling of fingers slipping into your open mouth as you gagged at their incessant touch. You tried biting through them but it had no effect, your teeth blindingly cold along with your gums as you screamed in pain, the fingers phasing through as they prodded at your tongue and the inside of your mouth.





You whimpered as the constant assault died down to just a few prods, the voices whispering as their words overlapped, the strip of bedding thick enough to block any light as all your other senses heightened at the stress. Their whispering was all around, your clothes dimpling as fingers fussed with the folds, pokes turning to rubs as they circled, a most unmanly noise leaving your lips when you remembered your cock was still out when you suddenly felt a squeeze around it, your shock turning to moans as the grip subtly shifted.

It didn't quite feel like skin rubbing you, too much give even if they had enough substance to grip. The hands felt like living pantyhose with a thin but solid mesh behind it, the fingers dimpling as your cock throbbed against the awkward, but eager shifts as the frictionless feel of the cold skin danced over your shaft. The frantic jabbing was becoming more sensual, pokes turning to slow circular rubbing, not even the slight chill of the otherworldly hands enough to stop the throbbing pulse of your cock as you could feel it harden. It was weird, the chilly touch making your skin tingle slightly the more they rubbed, like some kind of local anesthetic except rather than numb it heightened the sensations.



"Make better."

The whispers were all around you, leaving you disoriented as even the silk touch of the sheets wriggled with ghostly fingers, some massaging, others pinching, your cock fully erect as you could feel either a hand or multiple fingers tracing spirals along your tip, the heat of your engorged member making their excited teasing only strengthen as you gasped, a sharp prod between your balls becoming a slow up and down line as others rubbed your throbbing scrotum.

The chill was diving deeper, small muscle spasms you couldn't control, noises you never knew you could make, the fingers constantly taking random turns at what they'd tease as your lips awkwardly moaned around them. Something felt strange. That numbing chill made your lips feel awkward, thicker almost, unable to stop from rubbing against the probing digits as you began to suck, your tongue dancing against them.



What was that?! Your jaw felt weird though it was already so sore from the constant teasing, your cheeks almost grinding when you moaned, a light but noticeable click sounding when you worked your mouth. Fuck why were you so turned on? Even the cheek pinches and chin rubbing adding to the heat in your cock, feeling so good as you relaxed into-


Your head was jerked back, fingers running through your hair as they pulled in various directions, a dizzying concussiveness joining your blind teasing as you felt hair pulled and teased, fingers twirling, fondling, massaging and scratching your scalp as you groaned, even this becoming arousing. You couldn't explain it, something giving as they pulled, your forehead forced into a wrinkle as the chills rolled over your entire head. Even if you tried to stay on guard the fingers below would continue to tease your member, the shifting grip turning to an awkward jerking though weirdly the thing making you squirm the most was that constant pressure between your balls, the up down move going from painful, to awkward to scratching some kind of itch you didn't even know needed attention.


The stroking and pulling of your hair was off somehow, a minute of it gradually making it clear as your ears tensed to try and make sense of anything past the whispers as the endless voices giggled at your moans, your hands and feet straining against the icy grips holding you down as the angles of the sudden jerks were shifting. At the start it had been simple tearing at your scalp, but now there was some give, your hair tensing as the pull came from distant angles, the noise of the fingers stroking lengthening, brushing sounds strengthening by your ears as they slowly lowered. But that didn't make sense your hair was short it couldn't possibly-


Spidery webs tickled your clavicle, more dancing as you struggled fruitlessly imagining a spider egg bursting in the soiled mattress you had been thrown on, yet the strands weren't moving like something alive, just thickening as more fronds slowly spilled over your chest and back. A few rolled against your forehead as the hands pulled and rolled, embarrassed by your own moans as more odd pops rolled over your features, your lips feeling plush, your nose tight, some ache resolving...



Whatever had happened sounded painful yet all you felt was pleasure, groaning as your cock throbbed, that odd itchy need between your balls starting to throb as you felt precum dribble down your shaft. Your moans sounded just ever so off, almost softer as you gasped, breathing heavily. Maybe it was the blindfold but your nostrils were flaring harder like less air was getting in and out, your swollen lips sucking needily as the fingers left your mouth with a wet pop. What you knew had to be hair fluttered over your brow, the brushing noises unfolding lower as they were lost under the whispers surrounding you.





Your head was weighed down yet lighter in some fashion, your moans gaining this high little quiver. There was an almost scraping noise as the fingers really began rubbing you all over, constant sensual overload as you whimpered with need. The tingling chill was spreading, your entire body feeling like it was buzzing as something was starting to connect. You realized you could feel your cock throbbing all over, hot throbs rolling over as goosebumps raised, every hair standing on end as something was trembling. Fuck what was this feeling? It was like there was a thin spot behind your groin trembling, some kind of impossible friction leaving you on edge as the constant scratch on your balls almost... W-Was something widening down-




The endless fingers tore at your clothes, nails pinching all across your body as they dug into your tender skin, feeling them clack around every bit of body hair as they slowly pulled. Thousands of pinpricks tensed, pores struggling as you squirmed with every inevitable pluck as your hips bucked. God without your clothes on you could really feel it as your skin rubbed together, the waves of pricks making it feel so smooth and soft. W-Was this really yours? What were they doing to-


You tried thrusting up, most of your body plucked clean but two areas were giving the most resistance, your pubes and your chest, your body desperately trying to stop the painful tears and the intense puckering pleasure that followed as your cock grew ever closer to busting. Eventually they all gave, your hips collapsing as smooth, slippery thighs that barely felt like yours squeezed around your shaft, but any surprise bliss was overshadowed by the tearing at your chest, your nipples still tugged as the wiry hairs struggled to unroot themselves.


It was unbearable, your chest noticeably puckering as the chills turned to a burning pulse, an alien elasticity rolling over as you swore your nipples felt larger, the air rolling over them as they hardened noticeably. The hands were merciless no matter how much you begged, your areolas tugged, torn, something splitting apart as you screamed feeling every hair pull out and yet your chest didn't go down.

"WHAT THE FUUUUCK! Nngh ahh~ wait don't ruhhhb oooh OOOH WHAAA?!"

Fingers pinched your nipples, the slight give in them letting you feel each dimple as tears dampened your blindfold. They were sore yet there was something else as they were pinched, their sensitivity so heightened you could feel intimately how they swelled between the fingers as more rubbed your areolas in circles that seemed too wide to make sense.


You were breathing so heavily, even your grunts of pain swallowed up a sound that was weirdly familiar. Were you acting... needy? The line rumbling below your sack was noticeably squirming now, widening to a crack as a weak release suddenly dribbled out, your balls almost giving a little you swore as small pops rumbled under your chest like something was trying to paste together your skin, a cooling balm as the pain crossed the line into pleasure, then ecstasy as you really began to squeal.

Were you having a heart attack? Your chest felt so tight but also soft? The hands had to be pressing really hard cause you could feel them pushing deep, fondling your nipples as your hips wriggled, the pleasure unimagineable as sparks flashed over your squirming, bound form.

How could it feel this good? The rumbling wouldn't stop, more hands joining in as they began massaging your pecs, though they felt so flabby, your shoulders struggling as a noticeable weight pressed down. The rough handling turned gentle, which somehow made it even worse as you moaned, heat pooling as the bubbling push hastened as silky palms rolled your stiff nipples, groping as your entire chest gurgled before a springy, squishy pop sent you screaming as cum erupted out your cock.


Hot liquids sloshed up, ramming under your nipples as more pumped out your cock, the lubed up rubbing of the hands making their rubbing all the more potent as you realized with every strained thrust of your shoulders, something was jiggling.

"Good girl."




You mewled pathetically, unable to resist as hands gripped the thick centers of your chest, jostling them up and down as it felt like they were pumping you dry. All the while they kept stroking your hair, rubbing your shoulders, squeezing your waist as they whispered mockingly into your ears, "good girl" over and over. You couldn't resist, the heat too strong, the tenderness too much as they squeezed your arms and core. Something was shifting, something pumping, slithering, your release coming to an end as a series of crunches were drowned out by your blissful screeches.


You barely even cared what that was, so utterly spent as your cock began to wilt, only for the fingers to thrust between your thighs, an utterly alien throb reviving it as something folded slightly, driving you mad as your chest was heaved upwards.

Everything felt so different, your mind racing to make sense of anything as the mental map of your body was made out of date, your cock hardening  as fingers thrusted against your balls, rubbing them against the buzzing crack as your sack sucked into the fold.


You could barely get out a coherent word, desperate to see what was happening, lost in your own shape as hands squeezed yours, rubbing and rolling and popping. Fingers rolled down your spine as more tears of fabric echoed in the empty room, cloth squeezing and gluing to you as your arms were swallowed by something, nails digging into your palms as the hells of ghostly palms slowly pressed against your balls in hastening circles. They had to stop, you couldn't possibly cum any-


Hot spurts spilled, the sheets under you lifting you up as your cock erupted, your balls throbbing as it seemed fluids weren't enough as you could feel the sacs and membranes puckering as fingers pushed, sticking to things that shouldn't be possible to touch, that crack widening as it sucked harder and harder. It didn't feel satisfying, only building the need but that had to be impossible. No more. Oh fuck something was s-scraping-


You felt the cold shudder of penetration from the ghostly things, the chill unable to put a dent in how hard your cock was as you could feel them poking from inside your sack, a double assault as they scraped away at them as they stuck fingers inside the crack till it split.


It huuuuurt, your ass sore as your skin stretched, violent gasps of ecstasy choking you as you felt bone dig into muscle, fitful spurts irregularly wetting your thighs as the hands grew rougher. It was like a drain being unclogged, more and more give as the fingers pushed, your thighs squeezed tight against the array of hands as you could feel your scrotum slip and shrink.


You didn't even know what you were begging for, the squish as your balls slapped together maddening, rubbing against what felt like a knuckle of the hand inside, your releases feeling thin and slippery as another finger was forced into your aching gap.


You weren't even making words, just sounds, desperate pleading whines as the gap widened, unable to focus amidst such a torrent of overwhelming sensations. Skin that felt like it would tear, skin that was being rubbed, sweat lubricating every inch of the teasing, your balls squeezed against a gap, thighs nearly pressed together without obstruction just a throbbing lump, cock ready to burst. You held it back, instinctively realizing there was some sort of barrier you were about to cross, so completely lost but desperate not to cum.

"Bad girl."


"Give in."


The hands refused to be denied, fingers rubbing everywhere, squeezing, massaging, tickling. One pressed against your throat as you gurgled, something bitter filling your mouth as you strained every bit of willpower.

It hurt, fingers scrabbling against your asshole, smacking against muscle and rubbing jutted out things from inside you, fingers harshly jabbing at your back as you were pulled up and thrown about as their plaything. Up and down had no meaning only pressure and teasing and fuuuuuuck~

It burned, hands spanking your ass hard enough to make it jiggle, fingers digging into your thighs as each pinch loosened something, others rubbing sensually against your feet as they squeezed, each tense feeling weaker, smaller. Your body was boiling over with need as your cock felt swollen, the fingers tracing your tip pinching, prodding, each swipe its own attempted orgasm as the melting soup of your internals became unable to support it, your pitiful screeches rising as it angled down, your thighs clasped as you felt how alien it felt, no bumps or veins just a smooth rod and oh oh god-

It felt goooood~! Hands smacking and rubbing your ass, sliding up and down your thighs as they bound you in more and more cloth, a loose feeling melting into pleasure inside your ass and thighs, their fingers knowing just where to rub as they rubbed your feet, teased your navel, ass and upper thighs. You only realized now that your cock was between them how massive your thighs felt, the plush fat doing little to block the fingers stroking faster and faster, everything so soft and jiggly as you were groped and fondled. You couldn't take any more, the pleasure building as your thighs squeezed, your tip dimpling as the constant spiralings dug it deeper into your shaft, your smooth head popping inside your burning cock as a third finger slid inside the hungry cleft.


You felt it more than you heard it, screaming as the fingers thrust harder, a membrane tearing as more poured in to chase after, your insides giving what felt like a big gulp as your felt thick wetness splash against your thighs, your voice finishing its upward climb as pressure and cold thrust inside your squirming innards. You felt each swollen lump squeeze into your gap, feeling them slide deeper as they plunged hotly into depths you hadn't known could be felt much less penetrated, your stomach gurgling as you could feel the muscles form, each throb spreading you wider as you came.

You couldn't stop it, new muscles twitching, organs leaking, all of your tension oozing out as your squeals turned to desperate groans as chill plunged above your cock, their meaning only becoming apparent as you felt something poke and twirl, your long awaited orgasm cut short as your tubes tied.


There was pressure, intense, building pressure located in your core as the hands let go, your body flopping to the bed, your sudden freedom hardly a concern as you clutched above your cock, noticing your slimmer fingers as you groaned in need.

"Fuuuuck h-have to NNGH~! OHH OHHHH FUCK!"

It was more than blue balls, no outlet left as you just thrust wildly against the air, your cock unable to get hard as you felt it flop against your thighs, twitching weakly as you had to do something as you pulled down the blind-


Staring at it sent years of memories flowing in, your brain feeling crammed as pain threatened to swallow everything you were. You pulled it back up but it was too late, the writhing shape above you pulsing as the whispers grew to a frenzy.

"You saw."

"You looked."


"You let us in."

The hands returned as you begged them to stop, not caring as they pulled your blindfold up, numbing the muscles above your eye as you were forced to stare eyes open at the source of it all. The shadowy eons hung above you as you writhed, the hands gripping your thighs as they spread them, the dark black shape writhing as it thrust into your cock.


Memories plugged into you, fucking you raw as your cock widened, more and more shoving in till your hips felt like they would shatter, only a piece of it enough to nearly break you as it flooded inside. Even with your eyesight returned you couldn't see what it was doing, only feel as something thick and wet thrust into your cock, the whole thing twitching as pressure sucked at it, the knot in your gut rumbling as it felt like dozens of worms were thrusting along, the thick miasma fucking deeper and deeper as the pressure coiled around something bloated inside till it popped.

You bucked, screaming as orgasms built and built, your cock lost between your thighs, the sucking black hole fucking deeper tearing it into you as all you felt was pleasure and pressure as it surged up and up. You couldn't see, a lack of visuals replaced with too many as countless months, years, decades poured inside, your own time but a speck on this immense memory as it climbed and climbed, filling your core, your breasts, your fingers and toes, plugging you as it choked you with knowledge, teared out your eyes, vessels popping as your eyes turned red. All at once you felt something wet pulse up your throat, the world dyed crimson under endless visions as a wet chasm threatened to swallow everything you were, your head forced to jostle as pressure pounded at your consciousness as who you were was being shrunken, only pleasure allowed as the caverns twitched and roared as you tumbled and moaned and drowned in an endless-



Jingliu bucked as an intense gush of fluids poured out her freshly carved slit, that pesky stain on her identity flushed out as her hands caressed and pleasured her, making up for lost time after being stuck in an incorporeal form for ages, but it wasn't nearly enough.

Immortals like her sometimes went mad as the years piled on, though she had figured out one way out. It seemed if all that time living was to blame there was a simple solution. Spread the experience. Sure it wouldn't solve it, but it would give her more eons to live as her memory overload was divided into hosts. She had sent out multiple fragments of herself across space but it seemed this was the first to find someone. Sadly their bodies weren't much good for storage, large chunks of herself still struggling as the whispers were all fragments of herself.

Jingliu wondered how many it would take to fit all of her years, walking out to the balcony as she stared down at a group of three drunken buffoons all confused and scratching their heads like apes. It didn't take long for her hands to sprout, holding the screaming idiots in place as more of her poured in, dragging them to the ground as flesh bubbled and rounded, their measly obstructions popped into open entrances as soon familiar moans poured from the converted throng, her hands groping and fingering away any resistance as their clothes changed to fit the era's new style.

She was an abyss that stared back, the only question left being how many bodies it'd take before she'd be filled…


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