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"Ugh finally I'm fucking home. Great, I'm gonna be late."

Julius was just in a foul mood entering the weekend, work demanding he stay later than he wanted, which led to him getting stuck in weekend rush hour as he made what was supposed to be a short pit stop to grab some booze. Short turned into a half hour stuck in the slowest line of cars ever, Julius just wanting to get home as he ran into the alcohol store in a rush, just looking for cheap and large.

The store owner did give him a pause as he asked for something, a busty girl with fake horns and white hair smirking as she had a special deal for him. He was admittedly stuck trying not to stare at her rack as she kept leaning forwards, offering him a special brand of vodka that they had to clear off, his eyes moving from her bust to the price tag when she said it was two bottles for twenty. Julius didn't know what the fuck Rokita was but if it was that cheap even if it sucked shit it'd be worth the price. Remembering the time he paid and ran back, missing the hearts popping up as the cashier smirked, crossing another name off her list.

The traffic back was even worse, a ten minute drive stretched to almost an hour as he ended up running inside, throwing his work khakis to the side and kicking his loafers off, stripping to just boxers and an undershirt as he pulled off the wrap on the stopper for the Rokita. He had soured on his purchase on the way back, half expecting it to be just tap water as he dipped a pinky in and sucked, shocked to feel a nice burn that made him cough at just that drop. It tasted good though, the kind of addictive burn he thought only existed outside of his price range, giddy as he pulled out an ice tray and a stubby glass while the dipped nail darkened. It clinked against the glass as it slimmed, stretching out slender as the nail blackened not that Julius noticed. He had to let some steam off and what better way than on Steam as he booted up his computer.

But first some booze, the bottle left on the stand next to him as he plopped onto his couch, booting up his console as he poured a shot into his thick, short glass. There was a tickle in the back of his throat, a dryness that wanted more vodka after just a taste as he licked his lips. He took a swig and swashed it around, his whole mouth burning as he swallowed.

"God that's HIC Gooooooooood~!"

It was stronger than he thought it would, already a nice buzz traveling as he hiccuped, his throat slimming with the pleased swallow. It left his voice with a bit of a rasp, rumbling a bit higher as he connected to the online ranked lobby for his usual fighting game, the chance to stunt on some other players and beat on them a good way to decompress. He didn’t feel like having any distractions, putting on noise canceling headphones and waiting for it to load as the lingering aftertaste of the Rokita urged another sip. He cradled the glass spilling a bit as he tilted it back, spreading over more of his fingers as black polish continued to spread, his upper lip subtly sucking in some drops as it sucked at the clear alcohol, his rasp fun to purr with as his cheeks gradually reddened. Somehow in the short wait time he had drained it, a nice swimming giggliness rolling through his head as he tongued one of the cubes, his downing so fast they hadn't even melted.

He crunched on one as his jaw softened, pouring another small glass as a few drops tipped over the lip from his awkward grip, Julius just thinking he was drunk instead of the slimming shape of his hand making the glass tilt. Either way a few drops landed on his white undershirt, the clear liquid doing something odd as somehow they turned the fabric red, the comfy casual fabric starching as it stiffened. His nose crinkled as he sniffed it, feeling dizzier as the jut of his nose gradually shrank from his periphery, Julius focused on the game. He excitedly tapped on his controller, so buzzed he didn't notice how awkwardly it sat in his dainty hand, nails clacking together as polish spread over to his thicker fingers.

"God I HIC Fuuuuhhcking suck today."

For the first few matches he was doing horribly, Julius annoyed at his unusually bad performance. It was like he had never held a controller before, his unchanged hand gradually popping making button presses awkward as each shift of his knuckles messed with him, his uneven nails gradually darkening as his tapping burnt through muscle and bone. Between the constant combos he seemingly was unable to get out of and his loss counter climbing, his already shitty mood needed something to look forwards to as he sipped between rounds, more quick tilts dotting his undershirt red as the damp fabric spread, chafing at his nipples as some of the red invaded unseen, the brown lumps shivering pink as just one of many irritations bothering him.

Even when his fingers did their last slim, his palms smooth and small as his grip evened, there was just something awkward, thicker muscles and bones clicking or throbbing. Speaking of throbbing, two points on the top of his head were starting to hurt like hell, or maybe that was just his anger and frustration, his losing streak continuing hard as even if the last few games had been close, some awkward mispress or slip would screw him over right at the end. Fuck he needed another drink.



Something felt like it had popped, Julias rubbing the left side of his head, feeling around his head before getting distracted by how soft his hair felt. Thicker too. Was it always so-

"Player Julius. Will you continue?"

It took him a moment to realize his queue had lagged into the lobby, a black nail tapping on an odd lump that felt like a hardened scab, though rubbing in circles around it sent a really nice pulse into his brain, sort of like scratching a mosquito bite. It sent similar signals as the booze, a feeling of "this is good, this is right. More." repeating as he half gurgled out a "yeah" that sounded like it cracked. He felt dumb for responding to the game like that, but screw it he was drunk. He’d do a few more matches and hopefully end his losing streak, continuing as the sharp point surged into a cone.

The mood was much lighter now, though he was still annoyed, nursing his drink with one hand while continuing to fondle the sharp point surging out. The room was starting to tilt but it righted itself when he tried so he couldn't be that drunk, the stretching, ripping pain in his head only ever fading when he sipped, each sip further pushing out the growths that oddly didn't seem too alarming to Julias. After all it felt good and he really wanted to feel good so he should just keep-



He was able to muffle it at least though his top lip felt awkward, his cheeks burning as his head shook. Flecks of color mixed with sweat flecked onto his lap, leaky splotches of white appearing as if his natural hair had always been cheap dye, his ears feeling itchy as hair snagged and tangled into his headset. There was a nice throb now in his arms as he poured his fourth glass, barely any ice left to dilute the full glass of vodka as he sucked eagerly at it, his arms deflating with each suck as the buzz gradually shivered away the hairs from paling, sinfully smooth skin.

"Gaaaaawd~ I F-HICCking ruuuuuuuuuule today!"

The last cube in the glass had landed half melted between his teeth, a few gnashes crushing it to shavings much like his smoother jaw, his forehead's own crunching only making the boozy swirl that much stronger as he leaned forwards. Was he always this good a player? His fingers were dancing along the controller, his vision a bit blurred as he sometimes pressed on his own nails thinking they were buttons, but besides that he was on a ranked beatdown spree, mowing through randos as soon he was rewarding his victory screens with a sip, the black horns throbbing eagerly before their growth hit a wall.


"UGH F-fuuuck!"

Mulias lurched, leaning back on his seat while his friends complained about his streak. He could barely focus, multiple throbs sending him grunting as the horns slowly corkscrewed, Mulinas downing the rest of his glass as the world spun.

The throbs had doubled, not quite pain but pressure behind his eyes as they burned slightly, mixed tears of rising alcohol content dribbling down smooth cheeks as his irises spread. It looked painful, like blood vessels were bursting but it was just pigment as clouds of read filled his angling eyes, adding to the back and forth sway of the room as his ears shrank, hidden under growing white fringes that made his red cheeks hotter as he gripped his forehead.

That last swig had really done it, half the glass downed like it had been nothing, his throat not even having time to  gulp as it slid down, the fire in his stomach as he shivered. Fuck it felt like someone was knocking inside his skull, raps raging as he watched his character get comboed hard as he just wriggled helplessly, his hair long enough that it was pushing the headphones half off, the hard juts slowly shifting it as they tensed. Julias groaned as he tried to scream at his opponent to stop even though they couldn’t hear him, but as his rage was about to erupt, the growths corkscrewed, the wrenching pain making him shriek till his throat was dry again.

He could hear the game blasting out. Not from his ears but from his speakers. But, h-he had headphones... Mulinas shifted, feeling something clatter against his thigh. It was a third of the headphones he had been using, broken and dangling, the jack pulled out of his controller as drool slid down his collarbone, burning oh so nice as his shivering frame melted under an intoxicating warmth.

He had horns... right? It was hard to really accept that, his top lip crinkling weirdly against his bottom lip like an ill fitting puzzle piece. Rubbing them felt good, more of that happy feeling of rightness following, his throat parched. Well it made sense why his headphones broke then, though why was he wearing them in such a stupid spot as if he never had-

"Shih shiii shiiii..."

This wasn't normal, or was he just like super drunk? Feeling up his face felt surreal, so soft without a hint of stubble, the drool leaking from his lips slowly eroding the front of his undershirt as the top fringe bunched and bunched before a collar stand formed, the whole thing opening from the break into a proper collar as it unfolded. Mulinas was mesmerized by the slowly sinking line, his downwards sight finally noticing all the red splotches, and the red bumps clearly swaddled in the starchy cloth. He couldn't even talk properly, just a few wheezes leaving his parched throat, stretching out a shaky finger as his top lip wriggled once more. It took a few tries as he stabbed a bit awkwardly in the area, unsure why his nips looked so puffy and kinda... Wait was he wearing polish or-


A loud gasp erupted, his legs squeezing as he noticed two things. One, his cock was rock hard and a bit damp the more he wriggled it between them. Two that felt good. Like REALLY good. There was the general buzz but this had acted as a second buzz, his already shrinking pores all coughing out hairs below his eyes as his eyebrows furrowed thicker. His body was a confusing mess of needs, his throat dry, horns throbbing and all that booze was burning in his stomach. He poked his other nipple, groaning as the churning hastened, really feeling the buzz, the scrape of the red fabric doing something that he hadn't realized till he focused on it, one need overtaking even the warm throb as they thickened under his fingers; all of this way too much to handle.

God I need a fucking drink.

The glass wouldn't cut it, his hands reaching for the bottle as touching it sent even faster throbs of rightness down from the tips of his horns into his brain. For a second he wavered, wondering if this was really what he- The smell hit his nose, the spreading arms of his almost converted undershirt tightening as his hand jerked forwards, the neck of the bottle sliding against his chin as his lower lip awkwardly sucked at the bottle. It felt so right there, a divot forming as it thickened, urging it further in, his hand slowly tipping it back as almost 3/4ths of a bottle angled from one mouth to the other. It was at the precipice, everything needing it, his throat so parched, his stomach groaning feeling oh so hollow. Hell with his ears finished the room's spinning had lessened greatly and somehow amidst the horns and his stiffening shirt, the worst thing he could imagine was taking this sober.


It burned, some running down his chin as his throat spasmed, the heat quickly feeling natural as the lump in his throat melted for good, fizzing as he swallowed, ready to feel that nice plop inside his-


It was like the swallow had gone down the wrong pipe, burning some new fucked way into his body as his stomach rumbled, his free finger still poking a nipple as a watery squirt of burning rapture sent him spasming, the bottle twisting up as his head slammed back, a torrent of vodka glugging into his eager throat.

Cum surged out his cock at an equally rapid pace, the burn addicting as dribbles spilled out his curlicue mouth, his hand awkwardly darting between two throbbing centers of need as each nipple swelled, his pecs feeling jiggly and waterlogged as his stomach kept begging for its own share. He could barely think, just gurgle and cum as every swallow burnt its way to an explosive gush, his chest like some kind of frat water balloon as the bottle neared empty.

Eventually the hand pulled away but there was barely a tenth, the whole room spinning, his thighs slick as his cock's cum had thinned to watery spurts, more fluids leaving, letting the full weight of the vodka hit like a truck. Mulina slumped, hips thrusting as she slammed the bottle down to feel up his other tit, a tired husky groan only upping his arousal as he could feel the bottle's contents flooding under his chest. Fondling them felt almost as good as the vodka, each swell upping the sensitivity, Mulina mesmerized as creases of unironed fabric strained to contain two tits that felt a LOT heavier than whatever he had drank.

Mulina tried to stand but toppled back, the weight too uneven, his cock spilling more as his tits scraped their rock hard nipples against his stiff shirt. Fuck why was he wearing his work shirt? It always felt so-


All the microshivers of the buzz had made his form nice and soft, the tight tailoring of the dress shirt squeezing his shoulders, scrunching his spine, the pops lost under his drunk slurring and moans as all his shrinking frame did was further add to his burgeoning breasts. His hands only left them because the rumbling in his stomach turned to audible gurgling, his slight belly from years of office work groaning.


He punched at it, missing as he knocked one of his sides, the whole thing collapsing as his right tit surged out lopsided, his strained cock barely able to keep up as another hand pummeled his stomach. Rather than bounce back the whole mix of vodka, fat and muscle compressed, Mulina groaning as the pleasure was hardly satisfied by the weak spurts exiting his cock, a new pressure pounding just above his ass. It felt almost orgasmic, but also like a pair of blue balls, all his anger coming to a head as he pounded into his own stomach, each thwack pushing his chest further, the pressure mounting, his slurred anger erupting into a sudden, sharp squeak.


The pressure erupted, Mulina's core hammered into a tight, soft hourglass, the skin over his ass tearing open as what felt like another cock pulled out his spine as it whipped in a panic. The other rip came as he looked down, a button forming just in time to break off his top, pinging into his forehead as pain, pleasure and a complete feeling of being shitfaced swam in various intensities inside his swaying, busty form.

"Ahhr thoshe brsshtsh?"

The pain at least sobered him up a bit, but it just confused him, his body barely recognizable, the tits he was playing with somehow an abstract thing just a moment ago till he saw them blocking his legs.

"Th'fuhhh wsh iiiiiiii doin?"

He had to stick a finger around his sodden boxers to make sure he hadn't soiled himself, groaning louder after giving the short tail a rub as he realized it was definitely connected to his body. There were other voices talking but he could barely connect them coherently, sounding distant as he craned forwards, happy to see his dick was there and erect as ever, grabbing the bottle for another swig before glancing at it distrustfully.


The gears were turning, his eyes traveling from the bottle to his breasts to his cock. It'd felt like booze when his titties were burning before or something. And this only started when uh... The booze was... A thought kept half forming as his eyes circled around till he was dizzy, something getting mixed up as he looked at the throbbing tip with the tilted bottle.

"Tesss shhhumthn. Uhh, boosh. Boosh is... dick? Removing uhhhm... Lesshee..."

And with that Mulina angled the bottle down, a stream of what was left splashing over his cock, the boxers turning black as silky holes opened up, Mulina nodding as if this all finally made sense till a burning pleasure pounded into her lap as he screamed bloody murder.

His legs clapped together, the Rokita spilling down his thighs as they squeezed, his cock completely hairless as he felt driblets slide into his throbbing tip. There were no words, Mulina already barely able to think as he struggled to keep his eyes open, something impossibly thorough sliding into his dick as the blurry outline of his dick's tip suddenly flattened.


Just like above, the burn was addicting, booze drenched toes curled in pleasure as their nails darkened, hot shocks of ecstasy pouring in as he pawed at the now perfectly cylindrical outline of his cock, though the booze was making it look half like a fan the way it swayed in his drunken haze. The tip was inside the rest, his cock bulging a bit at the top now, that feeling of having something in him making his horns throb as his nips hardened, another inch of tail pulling out as he thrashed wildly.


His own pleasure magnified the experience, his tip crushed by his cock's needy throbs into a clit, his feet tensed so tightly they snapped into daintiness as without thinking he pulled the bottle off the couch where he had dropped it, upending it over a shaft that was slowly being squeezed by a pair of black lace panties. He waited for the burn again, groaning with disappointment when only a single drop plopped down, a sliver slowly worming its way deeper as clear spurts of cum curdled inside. With the instant gratification fading, Mulina grumbled as he looked at the bottle and down at his shrunken but still there cock as he rubbed the sore spot on his forehead, unsure what was bothering him the most.

"Fuuuuuuhckin ehhhhmpty... Wai wha'th'fuh appened to my diiiih?!"

Mulina rubbed his temples, struggling to recall just why the fuck he was so eager to get rid of his cock just a second ago, his thoughts a scattered mess of panic and want. It took a few tries to stand, his spine's rearrangement making it much easier to handle his new center of gravity, but not enough to walk straight as everything blurred to triples and quadruples. God his legs felt scrawny as he tottered around, wondering if he had any more to at least make those-


So hard to think. Like his thoughts were sludge packed in mud. Lobby screen kept repeating with a name flashing over and over. Who the fuck was Julius? Wasn't her name... Uh... Fuck no wasn't that her name? H-His name. He was a guy... with tits? Mmm~ tits now he could just squeeze and forget-

He shook his head, the fog not clearing up much but he was panicking over something. He was changing and fast, and god knows how long he had till he fully turned into someone else. He quickly scrambled to his kitchen counter, stumbling as he kicked into his tossed away socks from earlier, booze droplets making them stick as they turned black and thin. He had left his phone somewhere on the counter he knew it he just had to find the-



There it was, a whole unopened bottle, his lips drooling, a gap behind his cock feeling like his throat earlier. So dry, so god damn desperately. No he was looking for something like an opener? No it was just a twist off so really... Just grabbing it sent a pulse through his body, his tail erupting out to its full length as the spade tip sliced open the packaging, Mulina moaning as her tail wrapped around and twisted it open. It felt like a cock was rubbing against the smooth, cold glass, her cock so hungry as the dry patch burned. She... he couldn't even if he wanted to, s-so much wrong with this and he was gonna... But his dick…


He was done with thinking, done with worrying, done with being a man as Malina pulling the bottle back and taking four messy gulps. It all plummeted down, bursting into her ass as she wriggled back and forth, squealing shapeless mishmashes of words. It was like something was spanking her as her tits were teased, the warm buzz of drunkenness mixed with new pleasures that were starting to feel common as she gave her ass a nice squeeze with one hand while she drank, swaying as each glug filled her hand with plush, full fat.

The thinned bunches of socks around her feet gradually climbed, her balls throbbing as their fluids became mixed with vodka, their proof climbing as each release aided the climb of pantyhose as her ankles snapped, Malina tumbling to the floor after having downed a quarter of the bottle in one go. It gave her ass a nice opportunity to show her just how plush it had gotten as it jiggled, legs wheeling as an arc of alcohol sprayed over her tumbling form as her former work clothes began writhing into black goo.


She slurred, reaching for her cock with the bottle, ready to finish it only for the shifting mass of cloth to pull her back down. It was frustrating, her cock so dry, so desperate for a drink, everything in her body tensed and wanting as pantyhose slid up her calves, loosely bunched around her thighs as she struggled with a vest.


The vest proved handsy as it buttoned up, thicker wads of cum dredged up as her balls burned, tightening as they pickled inside her sack, pantyhose sliding up in time for a skirt to roughly knead her ass as each release burned with the alcohol content of a hard seltzer, then strong wine. She didn't care how good the skirt felt as it rubbed her hips, groaning as it squeezed around her ass and pulled. It was interrupting her game! Or um drink? Or- Oh fuck the pantyhose was squeezing her-

She tore open her skirt, desperate to let it all out as the stubby thing she called a cock was squeezed by two layers of fabric, pulled by god knows what was happening between her thighs and feeling drier than hell's endless fucking deserts as she tried to say "bottom's up" but sounding more like she was choking on cotton balls as she slammed the bottle's open neck onto her cock.

The vodka swirled as it drained, Malina feeling as the dry gap behind her cock gulped down a swallow, the devil girl seeing stars as her hips spread even wider. Burning blissful booze pulled into her slit, all her past memories drowning as her mouth slurred into a drooping set of vowels and sh's in no sensible order, the cock being swallowed like a beer snack as the widening lips eagerly gulped. Her balls tensed, ramming into a gap they couldn't quite fit, fluids sputtering out as alcohol runoff burned a slit between them, gulp after gulp boiling inside as her thighs thickened with each glug.

They squeezed around the bottle, plugging it deeper, fucking her cock inside, the dryness opening up as a truly dizzying burn filled her as the neck of the bottle pressed against her balls. She could feel it, her limits about to be reached, her thighs so thick and tender she could feel the letters etched into the glass as it rubbed against her thighs, driving her to the brink as the lip pressed her swollen balls inside as the whole bottle dived into her pussy up to the end of the neck.


Her orgasm could have made an alcoholic pass out, as pure as everclear as it geysered out her pantyhose, the neck shooting out with a wet SCHLICK as Malina humped the divot. God she hated her life sometimes, everything such a disappointment but at least her booze would never... Why was she thinking so clearly? God dammit wasn't she supposed to be drunk? And what the hell were those annoying noises going CONTINUE over and over and- Oh.

There was a slightly dented controller not far from her and the constant prompts from the fighting game was not helping her fucking hangover as she realized her temples were absolutely throbbing like she had just slammed into the mortal realm head first. Knowing her luck that probably is what happened and she only had half a bottle of booze left to cure any of her frustrations out.

"What kind of game is- Oh blegh. Fucking really? I don't do this PVP crap."

It took her a moment to find the log out option and force quit the program, scrolling through a bunch of lame shit till she found a random turn based strategy game. It looked like garbage and seemed to have just been sitting in the library for years. But she wouldn't have to deal with anyone else. Why was she in the mortal realm anyway? She vaguely remembered Modeus wanting others or something, but the details were kind of vague. Eh who gave a shit, at least Zdrada was up in hell. Oh great, was she gonna come here too?

"Fuuuuck I need a drink."

Malina curled around her vodka as she went through the half baked RPG, finding the booze was the perfect handicap for the pisspoor puzzles and leveling as she worked her way through the bottle. Thankfully it seemed being human not too long ago still had her tolerance low for her standards as she fell back into shitfacery, slowly stripping as she got hotter and hotter till eventually the controller slipped from her hands.

She cradled the bottle as she finished the last of it, gradually starting to black out as she swore she was forgetting something. But she didn't really give a shit if she was or not and half the purpose of booze was to forget, so she washed down the last of her memories with a final swig, just happy that for one night... she was feeling pretty good…


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