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Elias Droughtmaker (real last name Smith), Imperial Deathbringer (real name Ian Smith) and Ram (real name unknown but they needed a drummer and he accepted payment in Taco Bell) were prepared for the boos that'd rain down on them. They had done the unforgivable; selling out. Or at least it was kind of unforgivable. Honestly, everyone had to make a living somehow and their fans sure as fuck weren't buying enough to sustain them. They barely had money for the gas to drive out to the sponsorship meeting and all the terms had been incredible, not that Elias had actually read much of it. He had just seen the zeroes and signed on. Imperial always followed his example and they weren't sure if Ram could read so it was a pretty quick contract and already they were getting to headline Deathfest on the center stage, instead of the usual third stage lineups they'd been relegated to.

"Why'd they give me this shit right before we went on?"

Imperial was holding a Duesenberg Starplayer II which the company had handed over, insisting it was perfectly tuned and leveled.

"Same reason for my mic. Image. Some game thing. You can buy like twenty Sammy Duets if you're annoyed by it. Just play the fucking thing. At least you're not dealing with Ram's setup."

Ram was vaguely drooling, his shaved head gleaming white under the stage lights, not showing much of any reaction to the pink and white drum set he'd be playing. There wasn't much he could do, but at the very least he could play loud and keep a beat. Mostly. They played so loud and sludgy it rarely mattered. They didn't do any of that technical death shit.

Imperial did a few practice strums while it was still unplugged, his grip shifting a bit as he seemed to get more into it, Elias wondering when he had painted his nails, not that it really mattered. He also wondered if those fingerless gloves were from the sponsorship, but he had enough to worry about on his own end, the trio moving onto the main stage to a jeering crowd.

Cans of half-crushed beer and plenty of mocking "sell out" jeers echoed around them, their leadup jokingly calling them the taxidermists since they were selling death to the highest bidder and making it pretty. Elias could usually ignore any insults but it was clear the other two were feeling intimidated, or at least that's what he took the weird groans coming from Imperial as his hair seemed matted down, his cheeks looking extra shaggy. Even Ram seemed to be feeling it, his glassy eyes twitching once he sat down, doing a few awkward thumps on his foot pedal, Elias unable to see the white and pink cushion below Ram squeezing his ass as his shoes dissolved against the pedal, something pulling tight. Well he wasn't going to take this kind of abuse like a bitch, Elias slamming the branded mic down as he aimed it at an amp, letting the feedback ring, completely oblivious to the violent motion shrinking and cutifying his hands in the process.

"Alright you assholes! We're performing on the main stage whether you fucking cheap ingrates want it or not! Just cause we have to eat doesn't mean we've sold our souls. We're no one's biiitches!"

His usual getup already had spiked collars, but his usual blacks were turning pink, Elias smacking his lips a bit as they thickened against the mic. He probably should have done a warm-up or something cause his voice cracked, but he just had to firm up his core to get it back to usual. Gripping the mic stand was doing wonders for his pale complexion, peachy smoothness spreading over his fingers and palms as fingerless gloves formed, his wrists snapping as the healthier cream brought a nice roundness to his skinny arms.

"Chhhk! Anyways we're not fucking paaaaahnsies so- EhHEM We're gonna show you sooome REAL baahhhls~?!"

Fuck his voice kept cracking, or maybe the settings were fucked? Did the previous group add a filter? His voice couldn't get this high even when he was in primary school.

"KFF KFF RRRGGH S-So what I'm saying is-"

He felt dizzy, the lights shining on his face as he kept blinking rapidly, his irises beaming as they widened to sparkly sapphires. Ram was still doing those awkward bass hits like he was having a seizure on the drums, Imperial's unplugged fingering scratching out wildly spastic chords and notes like he was in a jazz fusion band or some shit, his wild groans sounding huskier, almost like a hot chick dry humping something. No, that was a weird thing to think about his brother... or was Ram his sibling? It was getting harder to think, one of his greasy bangs rising upwards to an upthrusted ahoge, gleaming white amidst his black hair.

"Wh-What I'm tryyyyying to mmm~ saaay..."

His balls felt tight, like something firm and soft was sucking on them from inside, his moans cracking once more to an almost sopranic titter as he nervously fidgeted with the microphone stand. His mannerisms were a lot more dainty, the sleeves of his leather jacket shedding as his overall ensemble tightened, the black sloughing off into a pink overjacket under the lights, each word spoken into the microphone resonating and buzzing inside his skull as smooth cheeks puffed up with adorable fat, his hooked nose sinking to a much cuter wriggler as he huffed.

At least the crowd wasn't jeering anymore, though they looked more confused than anything. Then again the random strumming and spasmic bass hits did make it sound more like kids in Guitar Center than the main stage at the biggest death metal festival. But it seemed to be working? People were excitedly pointing at him, Elias feeling a surge of pride swell in his chest, or maybe that was just his nipples perking. Still, he wanted to prove they were legit, deciding they'd start with their usual opener as he readied himself to belt out the lowest note he could.


Even forcing his voice lower didn't approach even two octaves of where it usually came out, but it had to be the nerves. It wasn't possible he could sound like a little boy all of a sudden. Or well... that rising quiver didn't even sound boyish... He shook his head to clear it, flecks of black misting off to reveal more white, Elias raising his hand to signal Ramle and Impero to hit the crowd with all they got.

"Eh hem th-that one was a joke! Now get ready for the sludgiest, brutaaal note to shatter an amp on stage you fuckwads! aaaaaaaaa-"

His voice kept chirping but he just had to support it more, bearing down on his toes as their nails pinkened, both hands pressing on his core as he tightened every muscle to really let them-


Squeezing his core seemed to unknot some pressure behind his balls, the firmness pulling them up and in as they popped inside. The note turned into a pleasured squeal, climbing up the scale as hot cum soaked his boxers, Elpias feeling them slither and curve, something hot rising as his balls ascended as his waist crumpled like one of the tossed cans of beer, his note reaching near glass-shattering levels of highness as the rising heat reached his nipples and surged.


His cutesy orgasmic chirps were amplified, his face the picture of adorable bliss as his hair floofed out into a silky white curtain, Elpias mewling as his nipples squished against the mic. Another orgasm rippled through the singer, the release fully shunting his balls into their new homes as fat pushed his whole body forward, Elphias dangerously close to toppling over as he grabbed the mic stand for support.

"Wh-Whaaa?! Did I just- Ahh~! M-My voice?! M-My body whawhawhaaa~?!"

His tenuous grip on the mic was slipping, the six foot tall rocker finding himself melting under the attention of the crowd quite literally, inches popping off as the collar on his neck slammed into his collarbone, dizzying Elphias as each inch caused his chest to swell and jiggle. A quick feel confirmed they were real, his hands patting frantically all over as he felt how round his jaw was, how pinchable his cheeks felt, his lips plush and kissable as he freaked out on stage.

"Inpero s-s-something’s haaaappening to EHHHH~?!"

Where he had shrunken, it looked like his brother had grown, any distaste for his guitar forgotten under a lustful desire to play as he was openly dry humping the instrument, plucking chords with slim fingers all while sliding a body as curved as the guitar's against the neck of it. It seemed to be carving further muscular lines in his shifting figure, his black hair tickling his chin as Elphias watched his mouth lewdly moan and suck on the headstock. Each suck seemed to sharpen his features as he played, grinding as every note made his ass and chest jiggle as if they were speakers, amplifying his lewd showing as breasts rose to hug the neck of his guitar, the top two tuning pegs slathered in red lipstick.

"His" playing was reaching a feverish rate, fingers starting to blur as he speared his balls on the Starplayer II's top jut, giving the whole crowd a show as they were forcibly ground inside. Each grind was now a violent, sensual squeeze of his cock against the strings, the spikes on his choker separating as they slotted atop his head, each thrust billowing them out to a tall, scarlet witch's hat as cock rock pounded away into riot grrrl. When barely a nub remained exposed under her flowing red skirt, Inpo gave a sultry moan, picking up her fallen guitar pick as she sensually slid it into her tip till it buckled into a clit, her curves gleaming on stage as she winked to the audience.

"Mmm~ I'm all warmed up and jacked iiiin~..."

Elphiast had been too engrossed by the lewd show to focus on balance, leaning forwards just enough for half a foot of height to ram itself down as his breasts swelled beyond what his flat spine could balance, the changing singer flailing as he tried to right himself, only to flip and fall anyways as his back snapped like a pair of cheap drumsticks whenever Ramle got too into it.

Speaking of Ramle, while Elphiast was groaning from the aftermath of his height being neutered, his splayed, floor-bound position was perfect for watching Ramle's changes. His changes were arguably the most severe, his entire body rippling as he thrashed, his ass thoroughly glued to the brand's stool as everything seemed to suck into his ass and thighs. He was one of those tall Icelandic motherfuckers who burned before they tanned and looked more like a bleached cue ball than a person normally, but now he was a bucking, tanning mess, growling animalistically in heat as cum splattered out his sinking form, teeth sharpening to points as he howled in ecstasy.

Both feet seemed clasped against the bass pedal, toes shriveling and lengthening as their stiff movements turned flexible and expressive, each burst of cum darkening his complexion to bronze as slender feet squeezed like pumps, all their mass moving up into his thickening thighs. His usually dull gaze was now feral, reddish pink fire burning through his feminizing features as his pants tore to shreds, only jagged bands wrapped around his thighs as they squeezed against his cock, white latex gushing out as slender arms desperately flailed, grabbing and squeezing any part of himself they could.

Ramleth gave an especially strained squeal as his hips were wrenched apart, the band separating entirely as the popped buttons turned into a gold buckle, showing no mercy as it squeezed against his bulging core, pudgy remnants of fast food and heavy drinking spreading apart, half of it further thickening his ass or splatting down his spasming, curved legs, the rest swelling up as his top swelled, Ramleth screeching like an animal in a trap.


This was the first time Elphiast could remember "him" saying anything coherent, though more and more he felt familiar with the drummer's form, watching as "his" shirt was stretched to breaking, the whole thing ripping apart till just a band of white latex remained over his heaving, bronzed breasts. There was still some mass traveling up, sucking "his" shoulders into slender curves before his head all at once erupted in a stream of blonde and pink hair, her cock gushing every last bit of seed out as it splattered all over her shrieking body. Splatters in her hair molded into more latex in the shape of a hat, further spurts erupting out as her thighs clamped around her cock, a clear want to be rid of it as she rubbed and pressed at it, not wanting to touch it with her hands.

Finally some idea struck her, Ramletha whimpering as she spread her thighs open, positioning her feet to crush the thing as she pushed it in with her flexible soles. Her balls slurped inside, heels showing no mercy as they stomped and squished, the last of her seed wrapping around her soles as the final latex bands as Elphiast watched her sister's shorts flatten then cave, a wet pop inside the tight, showy outfit letting her get a good look at a damp cameltoe, Ramlethal left gasping and feeling like she had a much better understanding of lust and love, though she wondered why her sister was at her feet with a screwed up expression. Weren't they supposed to be playing right now?

Elphiast really shouldn't have watched all that, seeing his other bandmates thoroughly enjoying their changes making a confusing mix of jealousy and arousal overtake any resistance, his tummy full of butterflies and other fluttery feelings as things were shifting, his cock feeling increasingly odd in its rigid tenseness. And then there was his ass, still stinging from the fall, bearing most of his weight after his spine had arched. It was like all that want was building and building in a spot that was sending pressure against his entire pelvic region, Elpheast really struggling as the urge to just let it aaaaall out made him want to, h-her want to really really-



Elphest was launched back to his feet as both cheeks of his ass exploded with springy fat, his pants shredding apart, unable to handle the sheer girth as fat rippled and spanked its way through each cheek, the remaining half-torn legs of his former bottoms sucking tight into pink thigh highs whose bands gave him just that little bit more stimulation he needed to blow the last of his load on stage.

"Ooooh~ wow my voice got so high and squeaky and I think I just hit a high D! Ack b-but my own D's expoooosed~!"

He had been too busy appreciating the wider vocal range and feeling how his thighs rubbed together to notice the pink and white skirt that had sprouted, not made to cover up a hard-on even as the crowd's gaze seemed to push down on his tip.

"Ahhh~ I can feel all you staring at it oooh~ b-but I guess it's grabbing your attent- KYAAAA~!"

He hit an even higher note as an inch was pressed in, his black briefs threaded between his cheeks, morphing into a thong that rubbed his new labia, Elphest shuddering as she could feel the crowd's wants pressing harder, tighter, her body wanting it as she began gushing from both lips.

"Oh GAAAAAAAAWD~ I never realized how BIIIIIIIIG I was but now it's going IIIIIIIN~! And WOOOOW~ the way my voice keeps squeaking makes it sound like I'm d-HYYYYYYING~!"

Each thrust made her squeal a half-step higher, going off the piano as it gained an almost car alarm type rhythmic blaring, Elphest smirking when she wasn't drooling as it sank to half length.

"And here all you p-HEEERVS~ were trying to say we couldn't put AHHHHHHN a g-good show! That we wereNNGHT~ r-real nngh c-can't talk with this st-HOOOOpid thing- Ahhhh mmmm~ fuuuuuuuck..."

She didn't care how good it felt going in, it was interrupting her trash talk, Elphest wanting to make things clear now that she had their full attention as she straddled the mic stand, grinding away at the final sign of her masculinity.

"NNGH y-you all sUHHHHHHck~ ya hear me?! Even if we got a spAHHHHnsorship deal doesn't mean we aren't who we always hAHHHHVE~ been!"

She was grinding faster, feeling her tip widening into a slit, the bottom half of her submerged cock melting into the muscles of her forming womanhood as clear juices lubed up the rest.

"P-Piiiiink is juhhhhst as metal as BLAHHH AHH AHHHHCK~!"

There was a wet sound as her cock angled low, Elphest really having to straddle and position it as she grinded her breasts against the receiver.

"Ahhhnd even if my voice is cutesy and I feel all girly and I wanna tackle lUHHHHHHV~!"

A seam had opened under her tip, melding to the rest of her slit, Elphelt roughly thrusting against the beefy stand as she forced it the final step in.

"I still got plenty of hate for you worthless dickless f-UUUUUUUHHHHCKERRG ERRG GYAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!"

It slotted inside, Elphelt feeling a blissful wave of ecstasy as the contractual changes finished running through her, the remade singer barely missing a beat as she screeched out, "NOW ARE YOU ASSHOLES READY TO BE ROCKED BY THREE GIRLS WHO KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES?!"

Despite everything, Elphelt was still a heavy metal vocalist and if anything all the changes had given her much more control over her voice as the rest of the band backed her up, Elphelt never feeling more in beat with her bandies as she was, finally getting to be on the big stage. She hated it when people looked down on her when she could put up as good a show as any of these other bands just cause she used pink and had cutesy font instead of cracked leather seat lining like the rest.




Elphelt looked down, her skirt hem having caught on one of the jagged bits of her stand, the whole thing torn off and taking her panties off in the process.


She realized as she was frozen in place that her balance was still off as she flailed, giving the whole crowd a show of her special garden, which she had trimmed into the shape of a white pastel heart.


Ramlethal and I-no sighed as they watched their lead singer flail and fall to the immense enjoyment of the crowd. Well, they'd definitely be trending. Their sponsor and the crowd were getting their money's worth as a backup outfit was hastily brought over, Elphelt still belting out the lyrics with a plum red face as she really put it all out there for the crowd, proving even the cutest, clumsiest girl could still be metal as fuck.



Sol badguy tf when???