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You guys must be sick of hearing this by now, but the chapter is going to be delayed until tomorrow.

HOWEVER! While I don't have a new chapter at this moment, I do have something I'm happy to report. I finished all the big edits for Volume One. It took me a while and it was quite the grind, but this weekend I managed to do it. Most of it was cleaning the book up, fixing the early installment weirdness, and adding and fleshing out scenes. 

And lots and lots and lots of editing. 

Yellow highlighted text now triggers a fight or flight response deep in my soul.

Of course, this isn't an announcement of a book going on sale just quite yet. But every day I'm inching closer to that goal of actually getting something published. Seems like a lifetime ago that I started, and its only been a year. Man how time flies.

So thank you, everybody, for reading so far.

Here is the revamped, book version, first chapter as a bit of a sneak peek.


(patreon screws up the formatting, thats why its in docs)

Some stuff may need some minor tweaks, but I hope it still captures your attention! Its kind of weird looking back at chapter one Jin again, and hes certainly changed!

But thats what I've been working on. Editing one book, and writing another.



I know you just had a break, but if you have this much on your plate, maybe you should take another one? Or at least go only two chapters this week? I've seen people get stressed over falling further and further behind and then just ... stopping. And that would be way worse for us than another week off.

on the upside

Yeah, thanks for the sneak peek at the next chapter

Joel Magnuson

Honestly I'm just waiting with bated breath for the book to come out, everything else is just extra joy.


Congrats man. Looking forward to buying it on all platforms. If you ever get a chance to work with Travis Baldree, he’s a great audio book narrator!

Undead Writer

Congrats man!! So happy for you! Your book will do great.


Looking forward to the revamped Volume One. I'll probably read through it a few times when I get bored or want a refresher.


It's beautiful and far more informative than the first edition.


So here’s the thing, I don’t mind delayed chapters as long as the actual finished chapter is good (which has been the case so far) but if you’re struggling to hit the deadline repeatedly then please do take a week or two or month off. I’ve seen multiple stories where the author has destroyed the story by repeatedly pushing out chapters due to necessity rather than following the overarching storyline they had planned. Please, even if it feels bad just talk to us about what you’re struggling with and why it doesn’t fit to how


You want your story to progress (I hit reply and can’t seem to scroll on edit on mobile. Anyway this was all I wanted to say)

Matt DiMeo

Nice additions to the original.


Congratulations Man, and I will buy it when it's ready 😁 yet if you need time to relax and decompress, take it easy I, and the other, would still be here...


Looks great! Though near the end of the chapter Jin gets into bed and then gets into bed a couple of paragraphs later too.

Isaac Martinez

It must be difficult to fix all those retcons that happen in the process of creating a high quality story. Even if you create a stack to give yourself a rest, when the patreons give our editorial or emotional response, the consecuence is usually a change of perspective or opinion, that creates this issue of continuos revamping, but this is not a bad thing. Maybe you are using the schedule as a form to pressure yourself, and to "not drop the pen", and we are thankful for that. But, if you ever feel that you are "behind the schedule", remember. We are after the final perfect product, not just a frequent but so-so story. Take your time, or lessen the march. Either way, thanks for the hars work.

John Pratt

I love the little snippets of Jins journey that are going to be re-contextualized when Senior Disciple goes to look for him. Jin just casually failing to mention, even in his own thoughts, that he was saving a bunch of lives.


Read the draft it really makes it better to have some kind of idea just how dangerous the world is with that Noodle shop incident in the first chapter and that fck huge snake he ran from not sure how I feel about him leaving the other traveller's to be eaten but honestly that was a clear sign from the plot to be a heroic cultivator.

John Pratt

You learn when Senior Disciple goes to track him down that Jin was carrying a wagon with a family in it when he ran away, that's the burden he mentioned.



John Pratt

Also, the way Jin describes descending the mountain makes me think the Qi of the Cloudy Sword sect was antagonistic to his cultivation. I'm thinking he hit Profound just walking away from the place.


That’s an interesting take. I would agree, since he seems to thrive with the earth and harvest. And the cloudy sword sect is high above and such.


Suggestion: Hire an editor. You're more than successful enough to warrant it, and it would both make your life easier and improve the end result by having the edits come from another perspective rather than doing it all yourself.

Carl Smith

I can't wait for the book. Even just reading the first chapter again as a finished product was much better. On the other hand, if your splitting your attention between the book and the new chapters it might be best to get the book done first and then continue with the rest of the story. We don't want you burning out from overwork.


Hire a professional editor.


I know a few editors professionally.. Also rereading that chapter makes it feel like a new chapter so it's all good


Don't sweat it. Take your time. You already pump out more quality chapters per month than most patreons anyways.


I like it, lots of good changes. kinda surprised by how much Jin has changed where we are at currently in the novel verses the first chapter. I also forgot how much he swore originally. Jin's tone is a lot more mellow and peacefully now at v2c89 than at chapter 1, which I like.

Sabrina Fite

Can’t wait to reread.


I can't wait to get it on audio book and listen to it at work.


I started this series Saturday. SATURDAY. I'm already caught up and I hate myself for not savoring. So its nice to know a re-read is incoming. Also, I will be recommending this to all of my book friends. Cheers!


Quality takes time, you do what you need to do. I have a ton of respect for the folks who take the time to edit their work. Too much stuff being sold on Amazon that is barely intelligible.

John Pratt

He has editors, he still needs to do a lot of work for the edit. An editor can fix typos without involving the writer, but that isn't the whole edit. An editor probably looked at the first chapter and said something like "You've built out the world a lot since you wrote this, and skipping Jin's journey is missing an organic opportunity for significant world building. Also you should lay some groundwork here for "Rou" being a distinct character later" But then Casualfarmer has to be the guy who actually does that.


I get the feeling he's close to the end of book two. That's be a good point for a break or schedule change, I think.


God speed and good luck can’t wait to read the finished product.


I enjoyed rereading the first chapter and seeing some foreshadowing to make everything more cohesive. Looking forward to the book.

Doctor Xerox

I hadn’t thought I would buy the book when it was released, but seeing how much you’re updating it changed my mind.

Demian Buckle

Congratulations and thank you for the hard work and chapter.


You are such a wonderful writer. I always have the feeling that I have just started reading this story, but we are 90ish chapters in! It feels like such a blast from the past to read chapter 1 again.


It's always hard to balance quantity against quality in writing (nobody can be fast AND perfect). Most of the time writers make more money by just written A LOT. Beware of Chicken falls more under "Quality over Quantity". But if the patreon numbers are anything to go by: quality can pay bills too. :)


I liked those extra details when Lu Ri was doing the investigation


Can I get a signed First Edition?


Looking forward to your published book, I'll definitely be buying it.


Really a grounding perspective, seeing where it all started, and it reminded me of a question that i have had for a while: WHAT IS THE ROOT?!?

on the upside

If it’s anything like this chapter we have seen here it’s basically an entire new book with a same-similar overarching plot


Yep seem much nicer, I'm looking forward to it ;)

Alec Baldwin

Man, I forgot how awesome that first chapter is, only made grimmer and better with the rewrite!

Carl Mason

Why as I read back through this chapter is the part about his hoe working the earth making me picture Jin, hoe in hand just Naruto running through his field turning over furrows... Dragging his hoe like an anime sword as he runs.


" No sleeping dragons or ancient curses, as far as anyone knew." *sigh*


I like the details added to Jin’s journey, as it gives more context to him being unbothered by that dire wolf that nearly obliterates Meiling’s village. To her, that’s epic shit. To him, it’s quaint given the stuff outside the Azure Hills.


My headcannon: In Book 3, we’ll find out it is actually the Root of Ten Elixirs and it will turn out to be the extremely rare ingredient needed to finish up whatever preparation is going to fix Loud Boy’s cultivation.


You mentioned him going to bed twice right after one another near the end of the chapter you may want to double check

Lynne B.

Quick question: would you like a proofreader? Last time I worked as a copyeditor was in 1990, but I can still flag typos. And the occasional grammar problem. Note: I'm not asking for money. Typos just make my brain glitch. And I want the book.


Casual farmer posts expectations and delays in the discord. Check there next time,


i had completely forgotten about "until I noticed something. A strange root poked out and had a vague sense of Qi about it. Interested, I picked up the lumpy and nondescript tuber." i don't remember if he ever looked at it after he put it in the pot/planter

Lynne B.

He did at one point, simply to note that it had a very *strong* Qi at that point, but one that was only perceptible when it wasn't buried. When he put it back in the pot and reburied it, it was "hidden."

Quentin Long

While a <i>signed first edition</i> would certainly be cool, I, for one, would be satisfied to have just <i>any</i> printed edition…


maybe he will knock over the pot in book 10 and remember it then plant it again lol

Lord Felidae

I’d say it’s less that it’s ‘strong’ and more that it’s ‘intense.’ It is still just a root. An incredibly potent root, but a root nonetheless.


He checked on it after the rats, and pulled it out again to show Xialan. It pops up once in a while. Meimei complained that it was like stuffing peppercorns up her nose when he showed it to Xiulan, but it was undetectable when it was buried.


Due to when it was introduced and it's slow growth, I feel like it might be the fire flower thing from the scroll Jin Rou had read where one contemplated it and the other turned it into a pill for fire resist, but time will tell