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I checked in on Xiulan while everybody else was getting ready to head out. She was laying in a bed and for all the world just looked like she had slept a bit longer than she should have.

But she was asleep. Asleep and not waking up. She didn’t react as I entered.

At least there weren’t any tubes sticking out of her. The smell of Meimei’s herbs instead of a harsh, antiseptic tang like if she were in a hospital. And her cheeks were still full instead of gaunt and pallid.

Somebody who could still live instead of waiting for the end.

I knelt beside her bed, hesitated, then took her hand. Her grip reflexively tightened on mine for a moment. It was still strong.

I hadn’t even known her for a full year. She had thrown herself at the Shrouded Mountain Sect without hesitation in order to save Tigu’er. She mourned for those that could be considered her lessers. She constantly looked forward and did what she thought was right without hesitation.

I was glad I had met her. I was glad to call her my friend.

I sighed and  put my forehead against the back of her hand.

The argument could be made that if it wasn’t for her, I’d be back at home without any cultivator problems. Nobody would have come to the tournament. Nobody would have been kidnapped.

But it had happened.

As I had learned with Lu Ri, I couldn’t hide forever.

Now, all I could do was my best.

I gently placed her hand back on the bed and patted it twice.

And make it up to the people who believed in me. I had responsibilities. Right now, I had things to do, no matter how much I didn’t want to do them.

I rose from my position and straightened out some of the covers.

“Wake up soon, okay?” I whispered.

And… I don’t care if it's improper, I’m hugging the hell out of her after I get done with this world’s “proper” actions.

Speaking of hugs, while Tigu’er was accounted for, Gou Ren and Yun Ren haven’t received their allotment. It would of course be manly, with lots of back thumping, but they were totally getting it later.

I nodded to Rizzo as she entered the room, nodding to me as she set about taking Xiulan’s pulse.

I checked my map that the Azure Jade Trading Company people had given me as I walked down the stairs.

Everybody else was ready and waiting for me when I came downstairs, lined up by the doors. The members of Xiulan’s sect, my friends and disciples, Rags and Loud Boy, Xianghua, and Handsome Man. He seemed a bit scared of me, but judging by the looks of affection he had been sending Tigu’er. Well, I didn’t know how exactly to deal with that, but I wasn’t the kind of guy to go around giving people the shovel talk.

We’d probably have a sit down to chat later if things like that kept up, but for now it wasn’t anything to worry about.

Obviously he hadn’t tried anything, because Tigu would have told me already if he had...

I guess I walk in front, huh?

I pushed open the doors and exited the sect compound into the streets.

There were two people waiting outside for us.

“Young Master!”


Two voices shouted out. A beaten up, lanky guy wearing armour and a kid who hobbled towards us with a limp.

Xianghua’s eyes lit up as the kid tackle-hugged her, while the young man skidded to a stop to bow respectfully in front of Handsome Man.

The boy started prodding and looking over his sister, his face flushed with worry.

“Haha! As if they could lay a hand on this Young Mistress! I slapped them across their faces until they begged me to stop!” Xianghua let out a laugh as she posed with her hands on her hips.

She began immediately boasting about how she was “the perfect, untouchable Young Mistress”. Her language fit her stereotype perfectly. She spouted off “they met with the wrath of the Heavens” with a completely straight face, while continuing to raise her nose higher and higher until she was looking directly up at the sky.

The woman was nuttier than a box of acorns.

She had a little smirk as her brother started laughing and Gou Ren was shaking his head with amusement. She caught me watching and froze, but I just smiled and nodded at her.

But hell, she was good people.

I smiled at them as they had their reunion and the kid scrambled onto Gou Ren’s back.

Already at that stage, huh? I thought with a smirk…. Though I couldn’t exactly talk.

I was the guy who asked a girl to marry me after only a couple of months of knowing her.

We walked through the streets towards the local branch of the Azure Jade Trading Company… and the amused atmosphere started to fade.

As we got into the town proper and not the sect mansions, the damage started to show.

The streets had rubble strewn about them. Walls had been caved in. Cast aside stones had shattered roof tiles and broken windows.

Gou Ren slowed as he saw the full extent of it. His eyes were wide as he stared around. The buildings destroyed was one thing.

But the other thing was the people.

The non-cultivators were huddled together. They were hesitant and scared even as they started the arduous process of cleaning up. Their movements were slow from lack of sleep and from sadness. A little boy was sobbing over a destroyed street stand. His father stood despondent away from it. A woman chucked splinters of wood out of the hole in her wall.

They were walking through a warzone.

“Gou, could you guys go and assess the damage while I pick everything up?” I asked. “We’ll meet back up in the square in a bit.

There were several nods as they dispersed. I continued on my way until I got to the local Azure Jade Trading Company. There was a bit of superficial damage, but when I knocked on the door it was promptly opened.


“Forgive us, Master Jin, but the esteemed Master of our company evacuated the majority of our staff to the mountain when the fighting broke out. We only have myself and one other. We volunteered to stay.” The frazzled man said. Which was honestly smart. I don't know why I assumed this place would still be open. “I’m afraid all of our treasures are gone and all that's left is the mortal goods.. And with the mountain closed…”

I frowned. Would I have to pull open a door or something? If it lasted any longer I might have to.

“That's perfectly fine. It's actually what I wanted anyway. I need tools. Tools and wood.”

The man seemed bewildered, but complied with my order.

Soon enough, I had my building materials and emerged into the streets, heading towards the square.

A square full of cultivators who were sitting around or milling around uncertainly.

The guy with blue tattoos from yesterday was there, idly flipping his rope knife around.

There was nobody cleaning up here.

He stood, and the rest of the square went silent.

The normal people swiftly left.

“Guo Daxian pays his respects to Master Rou.” the tattoo guy said.

The rest of the assembled cultivators did the same, all bowing.

“Master Rou. Forgive this Daxian’s impertinence… but with our Elders still lost to us, trapped in the mountain, I would humbly beg your advice and wisdom.”

I stared at the assembled, uncertain cultivators.

I looked around at the street.

I picked up one of the hammers I had and tossed it to Guo Daxian.

He caught and stared at it.

“If you break something, fix it.” I stated simply.


Xianghua rose up from where she put the rock in the wheelbarrow and stared at the path leading from the pond and clearing. Three walls entirely destroyed. They would have to rebuild them completely.

It was an odd thing, to be rebuilding mortal houses. But Gou Ren, at first in a foul mood, seemed to be getting better as he worked. He was even explaining things, his voice full of enthusiasm as he talked about the design of the walls. She committed every word to memory, naturally, just as she did when her brother spoke about the steam furnaces.

It was just as odd to see the cultivators of the Azure Hills laboring like mortals, tools in hand. None had disregarded Master Jin’s calm statement. The powerful expert commanded the town to be healed, and so it would be.

They had with them Rags’ mortal friends, Tigu, Yun Ren and Loud Boy. The rabbit Yin was with them as well. Tie Delun, on the other hand, had gone off to hew the raw stone into something that could actually be used.

The mortals seemed bewildered and flabbergasted.

So they worked. The sun hot as they toiled.

“Hey Tigu. You said you escaped…. But how did you escape, exactly?” Loud Boy asked, as he tried to lift a large rock… only to have it not budge. He jerked backwards with the motion of attempting to lift it, and turned to stare incredulously at the stone before he realised that he could no longer do so.

Tigu glanced at him and sighed. She grimaced, her face twisted.

“I transformed.” She said, picking up another bit of broken masonry.

“Transformed?” Rags asked, jerking his head at one of his mortal friends, who nodded.

“Hey, Loud Boy, can you help me with this?” the woman asked. Loud Boy jerked again, but nodded, determined. He marched over and together they heaved the piece up.

“Transformed.” Tigu stated again.

“Is it some kind of  technique that turns you into a powerful monster?” Loud Boy asked as he puffed.

The young woman sighed. She looked around the street, flinched, and screwed up her face.

With a pop of displacing air, there was a cat sitting where Tigu once stood.

Or rather… A small tiger.

Everybody paused to look at her.

“Hey, you managed that.” Gou Ren said, sounding impressed.

There was another pop and Tigu reappeared, looking dizzy.

“Don’t like that.” she muttered, shaking her head.

“Oh, the path of the Tiger? A legendary cultivation technique that lets you draw on the power of the Tiger of the West?” Loud Boy enthused.

Tigu shrugged, amused at Loud Boy’s enthusiasm, but Rags seemed more contemplative.

Xianghua glanced at the spirit beasts with them. She considered the cheek rubbing and general lack of interest shown in her erstwhile suitors.

She made eye contact with Rags. The man’s face was pensive… before he shrugged.

Well, she supposed it was Tigu’s secret to tell. If she even originally had been a cat. The distaste for the form of the tiger, how quickly she turned back, and her resemblance to Master Jin meant it could just be a transformation technique.

“So… how many spirit beasts does Master Jin have, anyway?” Rags asked instead, looking on as Yin shoved another piece of rubble to the side.

“Hmmm, there’s my junior sister Yin, Miantiao, Ri Zu, that blue Monkey, and Bi De here.” Tigu counted off. “Then back home there's two pigs, Chun Ke and Pi Pa, an Ox, Bei Be, and a…” Tigu’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “A dragon, Wa Shi.”

“A dragon?! Master Jin tamed a dragon?” Loud Boy asked incredulously. Xianghua too had paused at the mention of the powerful creature. “What does he do? Guard your master’s treasure? Command the Heavens for him?”

Tigu looked at him, confused.

“He washes the dishes.”

Loud Boy’s face fell. “What?”

“He washes the dishes, and waters the crops sometimes.”

“Come off it Tigu, you’re having us on—” Rags started.

There was a crystal chime. An image formed. A flood dragon appeared, holding a wok, a washcloth, and grinning at a massive boar who had a stack of bowls balanced on his nose.

Rags gave up, raising his arms into the air in confusion.

Xianghua chuckled.

“Indeed. Brother Wa Shi is a valued pupil of the Great Master. Though he may be gluttonous, his role is unique and appreciated.”

A deep, booming voice echoed out. The power of a Profound level cultivator, more powerful than Xiulan, more powerful than Xianghua’s father, filled the alleyway.

Xianghua looked up at the proud, resplendent cock perched above them on a nearby wall.

“Fa Bi De, First Disciple of Fa Ram greets you all, and thanks you for taking care of his juniors.”

The rabbit she could take. The dragon she could take.

A chicken more powerful than most Sect Elders in the Azure Hills?

Xianghua raised both hands in the air in a gesture of defeated confusion.

Gou Ren looked at her, and patted her on the back consolingly.

“You get used to it.” he said.



Its still friday somewhere :P



Thank you!


Thanks for the chapter, just barely made it on Friday here


I love Jin's wisdom, lol


I love it.

Elias A Rosado

It saddens me that there will be no shovel talk. You'd think if anyone had the right to actually use the shovel talk, it'd be a farmer. As a city goer, I sure as shit don't even have a shovel, nor does anyone I know have one, lmao.

Lictor Magnus

Still Friday here on the US west coast! 😁

on the upside

made it to Friday by a wide margin for me, thank you for the chapter it was amasing

Jan Alexander

Thanks for the chapter. Hahaha. What a surprise!


Jin Rou shows up. Destroyes half the town. Rebuilds It. Refuses to elaborate. Leaves. Elders arrive confused as to the remodeled city.


Friday just started here lol


Short, but very, very sweet.

Max Thomas

Still Friday where I live haha

Alexander Dupree

I was still Friday night before I finished this.


Personally I think 3 chapters a week is awesome, I wouldn’t get hung up on the days they come out.


Couldn't go to sleep without this, nice chapter, also, good callback to how everything about Fa Ram is kinda nuts to normal cultivators thanks


That last line... *chef's kiss*


Casual Farmer has said in a post on either SB or QQ about how Jin is the type of Dad that gets along with his daughters Boyfriends, He's the guy that goes fishing and hunting with the BFs. It's MeiMei thats gonna give the shovel talk. She is honestly the scarier of the two. especially wigh her poisons.


Xianghua has given up on understanding Jin


"You get used to it." XD I think it's great that the Elders are out of the way for now. It gives Jin time to do his thing and get to know everyone without being embroiled in small politics.


Lol, this was great.


It's Friday night where I am, you're good :P

Cinnamon Toast

You made it with six minutes to spare for me

The Lost Pages

Still Friday here. Thanks for the chapter. The end just had me laughing out loud.


Love that ending

Paul Millsted

So what's the what with broken cultivation? I can't imagine that will be allowed to stand by Jin and his crew after Loud Boys heroics but what can actually be done? Does it need EarthChan intervention or is there something Jin can do?


You mad lad, you actually did it. It's a chapter of them just rebuilding, lol, I love it so much. And I always love the reactions when people find out some of the crazy shit that happens around Jin.


It that is the reason you have them trapped or just want to claim it I admire the authorial strategy


It really REALLY depends on the specifics of the cultivation system


I loved this. A balm for my soul after a hard and trying week. Thank you. ❤️


“If you break something, fix it.” is an excellent koan and one that more cultivators could do with.


Still Friday in Vegas! Thanks for the chapter!


The characters and the world of this story are just so vibrant, even simple interactions like these are entertaining to read. It's clear why you have so many patrons, excellent work!

Chad Hagner

Thanks for the chapter! I really enjoyed it!!!


Simply Amazing new chapter!!! Outstanding job My Friends!!!


It'll hit the smart ones later when they realize the rooster, the First Disciple, is probably stronger than the dragon.


All the normal people (Jin doesn’t call them mortals in his pov) being so terrified about what the cultivators would do next was sad. And the cultivators just sitting around not having even started to clean up was kind of sad too. Hopefully Jin can bring some more cooperation into things before he leaves.


Awesome chapter! Thanks for writing it

Gunnar Crider

It's 5 o'clock somewhere


Absolutely fantastic convo at the end. Lol


Very good time was about to head to bed


Dragon dishwasher will always be funny to me


So, Tigu is unaware of Queen Vajra. Are any of the spirit beasts aware of Vajra beyond her being a queen bee?

Carl Mason

This is beautiful, I love seeing it. Thank you.


Chunke and Bi De. Chunke because it is Chunke while his Intelligence has suffered from his injuries his perception and wisdom are off the charts. Bi De she dances for him and he has noticed the small but growing power she has.


Thanks for the chapter


It was still Friday for me! Thanks!


"You get used to it." /dead I laughed so hard

John Brady Anderson

I think it is mentioned that either Jin or Bi De had some thoughts about her. That she would be the smallest thing to have the spark-Bi De?


v2c40: “When the fire finishes, and the ash coats the ground… it comes back stronger than ever“


Thanks for the chapter

Sebastian Rubin

Your writing isn't quite powerful enough to cure my flue, but it raised my spirits when I well and truly needed it. This junior brother thanks the Master of Fa Ram for his wise words!

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.

Ali Sivas

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? More like Crouching Cat, Hidden Chicken


you forget how much washy likes to hide at the edge of the river until someone comes to close with some food. unless he feels he can get more or better by demanding it through slapping his fins on the floor.

Dion Crump

I imagine after Big D’s powerful and heartfelt thank you Jin shouted “you tell ‘em Big D”

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter!!


I want a confused Xianghua image to use for memeing. With hands raised to the sky like 'what the fuck, heavens?'


“ I smiled at them as they had their reunion and the kid scrambled onto Gou Ren’s back. Already at that stage, huh? I thought with a smirk…. Though I couldn’t exactly talk.” Oh, that’s fucking adorable, Casual.


That's exactly what I am waiting for. I hope Xiulan comes back in second or third level and that's why it is taking so long for her to wake up.

James Squibb

I look forward to every chapter. It is quite literally the highlight of my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week.

Leaf Bug

You tell 'em, Big D


This was exactly what I was expecting it fits perfectly.


C.F. gained a TON in January, about 1500-2000 people, most of those joined last week when he posted the fight cliffhanger(chapter he posted here right before the break)when Jin showed up in the last sentence...worth it.


If I could only "like" each chapter 10 times :(


I love these humorous chapters. The world building is important, and necessary, but at its core. in the beginning. this was a cultivation parody. It makes me howl with laughter to be reminded of that now and again.

John Brady Anderson

This is the “Princess Bride” of Xianxia tales. A parody of a genre that swiftly became the best piece of that genre.

Matt DiMeo

I’m not clear if it was tigu or big d who said washy was a glutton, but valuable. Could go either way…


Rags is a bro. Helping distract Loud Boy from his broken cultivation by having his subordinates ask him for help, possibly realizing Tigu's nature and keeping her privacy. This guy's depths are as deep as the ocean.

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter!!


"He seemed a bit scared of me, but judging by the looks of affection he had been sending Tigu’er." - This seems an incomplete sentence? Like there's a missing "Tigu'er he probably is worried about being accepted by me" or something. The paragraph sort of fills in an expectation but the sentence looks like it missed something.


A delightful chapter. Thanks for your sharing :)


Thank you!


God damn this story is great 😆


V2 C40: Xiulan looked confused. “You live out in the grasslands, right? It’s just like them. It's supposed to burn. When the fire finishes, and the ash coats the ground… it comes back stronger than ever.” Xiulan nodded her head, frowning at the fire. A bit like her Qi now.


Ngl, I had kind of hoped Ri Zu would use Jins Qi to help Lanlans Qi recover. I mean, the last time she had demonic Qi in her system Meimei used Jins Qi as well. And honestly with all the grass metaphors it would make sense for Jins earth/plant qi to help Lanlan the best. Sorry if I don’t make sense lol. Sometimes it be like that.


An opportunity if any, hopefully the parts of her foundation that were burned away was the traces of the old parts from before she started "cultivating" at the Fa Ram, removing the last vestiges of her old ways in pill popping like everyone else, and can now fill them in with Jin's methods


While the elders might be riled later in learning that their disciples toiled like mortals to fix the damages they created, it's actually quite the PR move really. The people are terrified, injured, their homes and businesses crushed, it would feel typical that the cultivators wouldn't help them, but then here comes a mysterious master and his spirit beasts that led the many sects to move and restore the city. Who is this master? Why it happens to be the master of second place contestant Rou Tigu, the "lovable daughter" everyone came to know as advertised by the tournament organizers. If everyone could warm up to that friendly spitfire, then her master must surely be as kind to raise her as such. Cultivators look good and the Fa Ram gets early rep points with the people, a win-win


When all these new cultivator friends go visit Fa Ram, imagine The Magistrate’s reaction…


Ugh why must it be so short!

Daniel Gesualdi

He would have look calm and composed for the majority of the meeting then the blood will just a dribble from his lips. Door closes and he has a full blown break from reality for a bit, the wife would need to ease him back. It would be hilarious!!!!

Gabriel F

I would like that. Casualfarmer could you make it canon, please?

Sere Maddox

I have to wonder if the spirit of the land is reinvigorating various pathways through the dueling peaks. Closing what has been an open circuit in the various points that Bi De found earlier. Perhaps this is why the Azure Hills are so Qi deprived, flame bears notwithstanding.

Sere Maddox

Was Jin destined to do this from the very first? Is this how he was able to transition from our world to this one?


I remember reading that Tianlan (or the earth spirit since I'm sure I misspelled that), is rebuilding the pathways of power out to the world


I thought that was pretty obvious? I mean we know that the Azure hills were much stronger in ancient times. And the thing that brought them low was the pillar thing exploding and tearing up Earth chan.


Jin is not necessarily destined to repair the earth spirit. Instead it is his ability to look at cultivation from outside the traditional perspective allows him to heal the earth spirit instead of exploiting her.

Jeffrey Boser

This feels like a better explanation. Only Jin would farm by giving Qi to the land as a form of cultivation, like a gentle nourishing cycle.

Undead Writer

Can’t wait for next chapter!


I feel sorry for the residents now living in "repairs" by a group of cultivators (fighters) who know nothing about construction.


Great, so there are 3 people with know how and a bunch of helpers. Helpers can do simple things, cut that, fetch that, hold this, dig that rubble. Not, remove the punched siding, fix the structural issues, then reapply the siding in a structurally sound, watertight and appealing manner.


Outsourcing the management to local builders might technically work, but I doubt any of them would feel comfortable telling cultivators what to do.


Thank you. I don't know how you do it but the characters and their relationships really come alive in your stories.


Well color me surprised the next chapter did deal with this issue.