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Tigu shifted her hips and twisted, sending the piece of rubble into the wheelbarrow. It landed with a thunk. Absently, her eyes travelled back to where Loud Boy and Rags were working with the rest of her friends. Bi De was helping as well. Master had relieved him from his watch over the mountain, so he was spending his time talking to Xianghua, Loud Boy, and Rags. She could hear him asking them about where they had come from.

Loud Boy, after his initial shock, seemed to be the most animated while speaking to the rooster. He was smiling again, at least.

They all seemed to have it well in hand, so Tigu turned and looked back down the street at the shattered walls and broken homes.

When she was smashing people into buildings and tearing off roof tiles to throw at people last night, she hadn’t exactly been considering just how much damage she had been causing—though somehow Gou Ren had managed to eclipse her. The streets had been outright destroyed by his strikes. Shattered like he had taken a massive hammer to them. Her fellow disciple was enthusiastic at repairing things, but she caught him wincing every so often when he looked at the damage he had done.

The battle had lasted but a couple of hours, and yet this was the result. Destruction, in addition to the harm visited on her friends. She looked up, around the street. There was a lot of it. Too much.

Another act by that bastard. Loud Boy,m Rags, Xiulan, the town… It made her furious.

And what was going to happen to those bastards, even moreso.

“The ringleader is dead. There will be reparations, but other than that…. I do not know. We’ll take care of our own. And pay back everyone who helped us.” Her master had murmured into her hair as he stirred the eggs in the wok this morning.

He had said that… and yet he had spoken nothing of vengeance.

Why would her Master be so lenient on them? They had hurt her. Hurt Xiulan. Nearly killed Rags and Loud Boy. Caused so much destruction—

She snarled, and her shovel came down, smashing a rock.

Why would they still live? The question ate at her. Surely her Master was strong enough to destroy them, wasn’t he? Why were they not being pushed to the harvest extent?!

The questions ate at her.

Tigu sighed, and leaned on her shovel, ill thoughts churning in her mind.


Chaoxiang felt ill. His daughter’s sobs echoed through the streets. Ning clutched the broken sign to her chest. Her stuffed doll had fallen to the side.

All he could do was stare at his destroyed shop.

The thunder last night had been terrifying. His family had all hid under theri table, in their house on the outskirts of town, and waited desperately for the sounds of fighting to stop.

The first thing in the morning, he had gone out to survey the damage to his shop. At first, he had been optimistic that the damage would be minor. It wasn’t even that bad on this street. A few errant stones out of place, every other building in the row was fine.

Except his.

His shop was a pile of rubble. Like something massive had just decided to squash it. He was glad he didn’t live in his shop, like so many others.

Chaoxiang forlornly pulled at a piece of wood. It didn’t budge.

His neighbors shared commiserating looks with him, and a couple had approached him to help out… but… well. It was pretty much a wash. The roof had been half-torn off, the other half had caved in. Most of his stock of iron was buried beneath it all, and it would take weeks to dig it all out and do inventory.

Well. That was the price of doing business with cultivators.

Chaoxiang sighed again. It was such a monumental task he felt his motivation shrivel up and die. He even considered just leaving, and coming back tomorrow.

“Huh? Why are they all watching him?” somebody muttered.

“Bastards. Haven't they done enough?”

Chaoxiang turned from his destroyed shop, and looked in the direction most people were looking. There was a tall, muscular, and freckled man wearing simple clothes walking down the street towards them. He had a symbol on his shirt that Chaoxiang vaguely recognised, and was pulling a cart loaded down with what looked like stone and tile, building materials. He had deeply tanned skin, and looked a lot like a farmhand.

But strangely, he was being followed by cultivators. Cultivators who were following at a respectful distance, save for four who looked a bit worse for wear. It was comical, they followed while trying to seem nonchalant but you could tell they were focused on the farmhand, all eyes warily watching his progress. Chaoxiang idly wondered what that was about—when the farm hand suddenly stopped, directly in front of Chaoxiang.

“Excuse me, sir. Can I lend you a hand?” The freckled farmhand asked. He gestured to the destroyed building.

Chaoxiang recoiled in shock. Yes, he needed all the help he could get, but he didn’t know the man. Had never seen him before.

“Thank you for the offer, lad, but… why mine? We’re pretty far on the outskirts.” He said instead. He had heard the heaviest fighting had been in the square. Surely, they must be worse off than him?

The farmhand bowed at a full ninety degree angle to Chaoxiang, and the watching cultivators took in sharp breaths of shock.

“Because I was the one who destroyed it.” The man said. His neighbors then went dead silent. The farmhand was a cultivator. Chaoxiang felt his face go white, and his bowels clench up in fear. Chaoxiang’s mind raced and it clicked why the other cultivators were following him. .

“My name is Rou Jin. I apologize for my actions. I would like to pay for any damages I have incurred on you, and aid in your rebuilding. If you don’t want me here, I’ll leave, after I pay for the damage.”

The man stayed bowed, as nobody moved, or dared to breathe.

Except one.

“You destroyed our shop?!” Little Ning shouted, with all the indignance a child could muster. She stomped up to the cultivator, tears still in her eyes, and hands on her hips the sign left back where she had been standing.

Panic surged in Chaoxiang’s throat as the cultivator rose out of his bow to crouch down before Ning. His neighbors remained silent, terrified and bewildered, unwilling to get involved.

“Yes. I’ve done a very bad thing.” The cultivator said gently, squatting down before his daughter.

“So I’ve come to beg your forgiveness and make amends.”

Ning’s glare softened at the genuine contrition in the cultivator’s warm voice, and his serious expression. Ning then she puffed up, and nodded her head imperiously.

“I’ll forgive you, but only if you fix it.” His daughter decided.

“Thank you.” The cultivator bowed his head to Ning. He rose, and turned to Chaoxiang. Chaoxiang tried to swallow the lump in his throat, and hastily bowed.

“Ah.. thank you for your benevolence in noticing this lowly one, Master Cultivator. Your generosity knows no bounds.” He stumbled over his words, practically cowering.

The cultivator let out a little sigh, looking at him, then placed a hand on Chaoxian’s shoulder.

“I’ll make it right.” He declared, turning to assess the damage. “Right. Let's see if we can get this done today.”


The cultivator turned back to the men who had followed him, Cahoxiang noticed most of the other cultivators had disappeared, all except the four. “Yingwen. Either sit there and don’t move, or lend a hand,” he said to them.

The cultivators looked at each other, before the “Yingwen”, who was the least injured out of all of them, stood up.

The rest followed.


All around the Dueling Town, as the locals called it, men and women worked with heavy hearts.

Many did not know the cause of the fight last night. Some whispered of a kidnapping, others, a drunken brawl.

None knew for certain. All they had were rumors. The officials were still busy with the closed mountain.

So they did the only thing they could do. They went to work. They repaired the damage done as best they could.

Like they always did. It had been the worst fight outside the arena in centuries…. but they had gotten off lightly, all told. Only two deaths that he knew of. The worst of it seemed to have happened outside the town.

Shu, the owner of a pottery house sighed. His old hands shook with exhaustion, and it wasn’t even noon. His kiln had caved in, a hit from an errant piece of masonry. He was definitely going to be in the red this year, and his apprentices would go hungry—

“You there!”  a haughty voice called.

Shu turned—and recoiled at the sight of a cultivator glaring at him.

“Me, Mistress?” Shu asked, clutching at his shirt, head bowed.

“This one is Yinxia Qiao. Be grateful, for I have decided to assist you. What needs to be done?” She demanded.

Every worker had gone silent. All movement ceased.

“Well? I do not have all day!” she commanded. “I am the equal of any task that could be required!”

Shu, bewildered, and in shock at the cultivator’s fierce eyes, said the first thing that came to mind. He gestured to the mass of stones that had been his kiln.

“This needs to be removed, and broken down by the mason’s guild.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. Surely, the cultivator would be angry? Why was she offering in the first place? He expected her to explode

“Hmph.” The cultivator woman clicked her tongue. She stared at the rubble in disdain.

She rolled up her immaculate silk sleeves, and picked up a chunk of kiln bigger than Shu.

One of his men turned to Shu, pure confusion on his face.

Shu shook his head, just as bewildered as his apprentice.The woman plucked up hundreds of pounds of stone like they weighed nothing—when she suddenly paused, and set her burden back down. She rummaged on the ground for a moment, and came back up with broken plate.

“Ah, this one is quite a fine design!” The woman declared. “I shall allow you to have my business when this is over!”

Shu pinched himself. Maybe a piece of the rubble had hit him instead of his kiln.


“Truly? It needs to be destroyed?” Chen Yang of the Framed Sun Sect asked. He stared at the building. It seemed serviceable enough to him, but he knew barely anything of carpentry or the building of houses. Many cultivators had “chosen” to do basic manual labour so as  not to make fools of themselves, rather than admit that they had no idea how to help.

Really, the only useful member of his sect was his junior, Ai, and her father had been a carpenter. Something he hadn’t known, before she volunteered.

“Yes, Master Cultivator.” The mortal foreman said. “That wall is load bearing. We can’t work with it like it is. Too much pressure. The wall will collapse.”

Ai whispered in his ear. “We could just lift it up? That would take the pressure off…”

Chen Yang nodded. He walked under the rubble, and the half collapsed building. The beams were still fairly solid. He placed his hands on them, got a good grip— and lifted the roof off the building.

“Ai. Do what you need to.” Yang commanded.

She nodded, and the Framed Sun Sect got to work.

Yang considered Ai. She worked with speed and grace, while a bunch of the mortal Men stared at her in awe.

….Perhaps he should learn something like that?


“Dumplings, get your dumplings!” A man shouted, pushing along a cart.

Shan pulled out his pockets, and grimaced at the number of coins he had. He could get one. Maybe two…

“Get food and drink to all of them.” Luo Shi, the cultivator who had inserted himself into their work group commanded. “Will eight silver coins suffice?”

The dumpling seller did a double take, as the cultivator strode towards him.

“Eight silver coins.” The man demanded again. Shan knew that for all the dumplings in the cart, it wasn’t anywhere near that.

“Ah.. uh.. You are too kind Master Cultivator, but… that is too much—” The dumpling man tried to get out, but the cultivator ignored him. A coin pouch was thrust into the man’s hand, and the dumplings collected.  “You may praise me for my generosity, mortals.” Luo Shi declared.

The men cheered.


“What ails you, Sister?” Bi De asked, from atop her wheelbarrow. Tigu startled on hearing the rooster’s voice out loud, rather than in his normal Qi Speech. It had always been full of strength, but as it reverberated through the air, it seemed somehow… more. She could even admit in the hidden parts of herself that he was almost regal.

No matter how much a part of her rebelled against ever thinking of Bi De as regal.

She looked at him. The honest concern on his avian face.

The bastard… no, no, he never really had been a bastard to her, had he? She had always been the one instigating things. Tigu remembered the feelings of contempt every time she looked at Bi De. Her mocking laughter as she insulted him over and over again.

And yet… he had never really taken her bait. He had always called her his Sister disciple, and respected her.

The reflexive reaction to tell him to mind his own business faded.

He had gone on his own journey. He had delved into the secrets of this world. Perhaps he had some wisdom for her?

She crushed the feeling of shame, at having to ask for help down again. Instead, she just stared out at the streets.

“Have you ever seen any place like this?” She took a breath and asked finally, deciding to lead into it.

The rooster looked over the broken buildings, his eyes taking in everything. “Yes. I have witnessed many, many destroyed villages. Most were utterly devoid of people.They were… wrong. I did not like finding them. Those cold and dead places were the majority. But I have seen such destruction in the direct aftermath only twice. The first was our own home, after Chow Ji.” Bi De said. Tigu searched her memories. They were a little bit fuzzy. She had been mostly awake then, but still had flashes of darkness. Looking back on it... It had been pretty bad, hadn’t it? She’d had no frame of reference before. The wounds inflicted on Bi De, Chun  Ke and Pi Pa had been marks of shame in her eyes. Failures. Now all those memories elicited were concern. “The other was the Eighth Correct Place.”

Tigu chewed at her lip. “The place with the wolves? The one you talked about in your letter? What happened there?”

The rooster turned to her.

“The town was repaired. The people mourned the fallen… and then life went on.” The rooster said simply.

Tigu paused at the bluntness of the statement. “ Did they hunt the wolves to the end?” She asked. Such destruction the beasts had visited upon the town from Bi De’s tale. Surely, they must have retaliated.

The rooster shook his head. “No, they did not. After that night…. It ended.”

A story of blood, vengeance, and hate… just petering out.

“Why?” Tigu asked.

The rooster pondered the question. “Allow me to ask you a question instead. What would they gain from such a thing?”

“Their enemies would be destroyed.” Tigu stated simply. “They could never again bother them.”

The rooster nodded. “Now… what would they lose?”

Tigu froze at the question. What would they lose?

Bi De nodded at her silence, and the thoughtfulness on her face. She had never really thought about the price…

“Indeed, they could have chased the wolves forever. They could have hunted every last wolf down and exterminated them. But… what would they lose in doing so? Who would guard the sheep? Who would take care of the children? Who would perform the tasks around the village? And finally….what if those actions spawned another wolf with Qi? A wolf with Qi that hated them as much as they hated it? Before they slew the wolf pups. Before they embarked upon the first campaign of extermination… the wolf that was once called the Terror was just a wolf with the spark. He brought his pack prosperity…. He did not engage in wars of extermination.” Bi De brought his wing to his wattles and stroked them. “Now, in some cases such an extermination may be the correct answer: This Bi De lacks the knowledge to know when one’s spurs must be wielded in such a way until the bloody business is done. But first, one must always ask themselves: What am I willing to lose for it?

Tigu turned to Loud Boy and Rags. To Misty Lady and Gou Ren. She thought about  Xiulan in her bed.

How much were her feelings worth really? How much was hurting the Shrouded Mountain Sect worth?

What was she willing to lose? Her Master had destroyed the man who had ordered the assault. What would she gain from striking down every man involved?

That was probably what her Master was thinking of. What he had to lose, if things escalated. If even a fight between disciples could produce this much damage…

Tigu had things she wasn’t willing to lose either.

Tigu pondered the rooster's words, as she scooped up another piece of rubble.

“Bi De?”

“Yes, Sister Tigu?”

“Thank you.”

The rooster seemed taken aback by her honest words for a moment, before his eyes softened.

“If my words have aided you, then it is all worth it.” he said. “The Great Master and the Healing Sage say knowledge unshared is worthless! We give to each other, and are repaid in kind, no?”

We give to the Land, and the Land gives back. Master was quite fond of that saying.

Tigu felt a small smile cross her face.

“So you’re exhorting your Junior Sister for knowledge now?” she asked coyly.

Bi De looked offended. “I merely wished to know of your adventures—”

He cut off at Tigu’s mocking smile, leapt up to her shoulder and cuffed gently on the ear with his wing. Tigu giggled at the fond amusement emanating off of him.

“Very well, I shall regale you with my exploits!” Tigu declared. The rooster shook his head but settled on her shoulder. His beak preened her hair, as she told him all about the tournament. Of the friends she had made.

Bi De listened to her, nodding along to her tale. Eventually  she wandered back over to everybody else, Loud Boy occasionally chiming in to expand on her boastful stories. Gou Ren ruffling her hair. Yun Ren bringing up another image.

Tigu didn’t feel entirely better, as she laughed and joked withher friends. Things were too raw., too fresh still.

But as the street cleared, from devastated ruin to something that could be repaired, and as Handsome man had lunch with them…

Tigu thought perhaps things could get better.


Beneath the earth, a mortal stood between several masters. He stared at the arcane machinery with trepidation.

The old men nodded.

The Maintenance rod moved. The barriers flickered and died.



Phew. That conversation with Tigu took forever. Have I mentioned my haltered for dialogue yet?

Anyway, chapter is up! Thankyou for your patience!



Thanks for the chapter! Edit: harvest extent >>harshest extent


Thanks alot chief

on the upside

Thanks for the great chap

Sean Ulrich

Eel to feel, though tigu may like eels


Couple errors at the end. But good chapter. Thank you


Stod >>stood


thloough t about the price -> thought Although honestly that's a pretty great typo. Thloo!


Thank you!


I to have a "haltered" for dialog


That has to be one f the fastest ways to clear a heart demon I've seen yet though she still has her form phobia o being a cat


not being pushed to the harvest extent?! Should probably be: “not being punished to the harshest extent?!”

Nicholas Roberts

Thank you for the chapter! A solid bridge of perspectives. Excited to see what the elders have to say about all the hubbub!


"Beneath the earth, a mortal stod between several masters. He stared at the arcane machinery with trepidation." I think you mean stood? Nice chapter, good reflections from Tigu.

Jacob Armstrong

“Now… what would they lose?” That line was honestly something I'd never thought of. I've read many xianxia, wuxia, and progression fantasy in general but that simple question is so alien to me when presented in such a straight forward manner. What a line. What a concept to be a frame of reference for the entire genre. I love that this story always seems to be so much more than its roots. Excellent chapter. Thank you.

jetblackvalias .

Amazing writing! Definitely worth the wait.

Undead Writer

Thanks for the chapter!! Can’t wait to see the interactions with the elders and Jin!!


This is great, I love seeing the ripples from Jin being a powerhouse cultivator AND a great man.

Alexander Dupree

This was awesome love it thank you


that was a beautiful chapter

Empty Shelf

These Cultivators are courting death! Where are their hard-hats? Their high-visibility jackets? Master Osha is most displeased by their lack of wisdom in this regard!

Aaron Martinez

My only criticism is that it could imply genocide is OK if you have overwhelming power (I'm thinking Long Ai in Arrogant Young Master Template A Variation 4). Even with overwhelming power you would lose things, but they're less tangible and thus less obvious, as well as less obviously valuable.


I like how the different cultivators seem to be trying to make things better in their own way, even if it's awkward and they boast about it in a typically cultivator manner. Nice to see the Framed Sun Sect kid is thinking about picking up some non violent skills.


I mean, she could be thinking that having the Shrouded Mountain Sect deal with all the rice harvest would be a good punishment.

Dwayne Parker

Good job getting across the lesson from the chapter that never was using Tigu rather than Jin. Feels more like character development this way, rather than feeling like a retread of a previous lesson.


Broke : fight scenes Bespoke : repair scenes <3



Carl Mason

High-vis jackets? Are brightly colored silks not enough? Hard hats? Did you not see that time these cultivators had houses collapse on top of them and shrug it off? No thing is harder than the head of a cultivator!


typos Another act by that bastard. Loud Boy,[m Rags], Xiulan, the town… It made her furious. Why would they still live? The question ate at her. Surely her Master was strong enough to destroy them, wasn’t he? Why were they not being pushed to the[ harvest extent?!]


I think the cat that lives with the Grandmother will help her with the form phobia


I love how the Cultivators are enjoying the work, enjoying connecting with people. They have been so focused on reaching the Heavens that they never looked at the riches that they already had at their feet. So worth the wait.


Take your time. You rushed this and although it is a good chapter, it is riddled with atypical mistakes.


A longer list, now that I'm not phoneposting. Loud Boy,m Rags, Xiulan → Loud Boy, Rags, Xiulan pushed to the harvest extent → punished to the harshest extent theri table → their table hand?” The freckled → hand?” the freckled destroyed it.” The man → destroyed it,” the man were following him. . → This should have either one period or three, depending on the authorial intent. bad thing.” The → bad thing,” the fix it.” His → fix it,” his right.” He declared → right,” he declared done?” She demanded → done?” she demanded her to explode → Needs a period at the end. design!” The → design!” the Cultivator.” The mortal → Cultivator,” the mortal his ear. “We → his ear, “We need to.” Yang → need to,” Yang dumplings!” A man → dumplings!” a man them.” Luo Shi → them,” Luo Shi coins.” The man → coins,” the man too much—” The → too much—” the mortals.” Luo Shi → mortals,” Luo Shi this?” She took → this?” she took devoid of people.They were → space between "people." and "They" Chow Ji.” Bi De → Chow Ji,” Bi De Chun Ke and Pi Pa → one fewer space between "Chun" and "Ke" went on.” The → went on,” the end?” She asked → end?” she asked destroyed.” Tigu stated → destroyed,” Tigu stated worth it.” he said → worth it,” he said too raw., too fresh → too raw, too fresh

Darune Albane

So many comments and no ❤ for the chapter

Marc Banks

I joined just to let you know how much I delight in this work.


Thanks for the chapter


I am always a lurker and never a commenter, but I have say, despite your hatred for dialogue, it is that part of your story that is often the highlight for me. It is obvious the thought put into each point of view in a conversation, and it just makes the story for me.

Benjamin Lawton

I have this image in my head, where the Elders all look upon the destruction being repaired, and one of them goes, "Alright, who threw a REAL party and forgot to invite us?!"


That starting line about Tigu shifting her hips is showing she shovels the same way as Rou/Jin and his Gramps.


"Tigu startled" should be either "Tigu started" (in the "...with surprise" sense) or "Tigu was startled". "Startle" is transitive and needs an object; "start" is the intransitive equivalent. As much as I adore your writing, the way that you consistently use the wrong verb in these kinds of sentences is really grating.


My friend, your strength lies in feel good chapters. This was a very good chapter.

Chad Hagner

Great chapter, really liked Bi De and tigu having a moment. Well done!


I'm calling it now. Shen Yu will show up in his Gramps disguise at some point when Tigu is doing work and notice her shoveling in that manner.


Lots of typos in this one, may want to do a re-read of it.


Thanks for the chapter. The fighting chapters and seeing Jin being epic is great reading. But these chapters of using their power to help others is what sets this story as something special.


Damn you! I love reading each chapter as it comes out but each chapter leaves me wanting more 😂😭👍


Really nice. An Introspective Tigu was fascinating. Minor Edits: Tigu didn’t eel entirely better, as she laughed and joked withher friends. Things were too raw., too fresh still. Tigu didn’t feel entirely better, as she laughed and joked with her friends. Things were too raw, too fresh still.


Bi De best cock

John Pratt

You may hate writing dialogue, but you're pretty good at it, the conversation is great. There's one thing I would change. The block of Bi Di's response is too big, it's easy for the eye to get lost in it. You should break that block in to three paragraphs. You already have one natural break in the text, where Bi Di pauses to stroke his wattles, add another break where Bi Di pivots to talking about a new Spirit Wolf rising. Maybe add a few short responses of understanding from Tigu to preserve the back-and-forth volley a reader often expects from paragraph breaks in dialogue. Otherwise you can add more descriptions of physicality on the breaks, like the gesture Bi Di does to preserve the understanding that he's still talking.


You might hate the dialogue you write, and yet I find it to be one of the best parts of this tale.


A fun chapter.


Dialogue can be the easiest or the most difficult part to write. Judging by the effort made to ensure each character comes off as themselves, it makes sense that it is the hardest part to write in this story. Loved the chapter.


Thank you for the chapter


were they not being pushed to the harvest extent? <- I don't follow; is this some sort of idiom or reference?

Prinny Knight

Interesting idea, but at what point did Tigger ever actually do any work on the farm let alone shoveling?


Thank you 🙏🏽

Jan Alexander

Well done, Big D! The best rooster!


Thank you for the new chapter!!!


So, the question is whether the elders come out before the fixing is done or after. Before would be amusing because they would probably be confused by their students doing manual labor. And if they come out after the fixing, there’s gonna be some weird rumors for them

Carl Mason

This was my struggle a couple chapters ago. Do I want to see the elders come out and see the damage and hear about the battle and be confused about why their disciples are working (actually working), or do I want to see the elders come out after repairs are complete and hear the people talking about the battle and the damage and the magnanimity and humility of the cultivators in their midst? It is quite the conundrum. And both would be equally amusing.


I see that Gramps is going to see himself in Tigu as well if he ever see her with a barrow.


Thanks for the chapter

Ibn Nuh

I'm looking forward to when Xiulan's dad meets Jin.

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for this great chapter Casualfarmer!

Firefly Fanatic

Good chapter. I like this one a whole lot.


>haltred good word! halt + hate

Purple Floof

Another act by that bastard. Loud Boy,m Rags, Xiulan, the town… It made her furious." - "Boy,m Rags" to "Boy, Rags" "And what was going to happen to those bastards, even moreso." "moreso" to "more so" "The thunder last night had been terrifying. His family had all hid under theri table" "theri" to "their" "He had a symbol on his shirt that Chaoxiang vaguely recognised," "recognised" to "recognized" "The farmhand bowed at a full ninety degree angle" "ninety degree" to "ninety-degree" "Ah.. thank you for your benevolence" "Ah.." to "Ah..." "Shu shook his head, just as bewildered as his apprentice.The" "apprentice.The" to "apprentice. The" "Many cultivators had “chosen” to do basic manual labour" "labour" to "labor" "and the half collapsed building" "half collapsed" to "half-collapsed" “Ah.. uh.." to "Ah... uh..." "as she laughed and joked withher friends." "withher" to "with her" "Thankyou" to "Thank you"


Nice to see even minor characters are not forgotten and developed in some way. Yinxia Qiao helping at pottery house is lady with hairpin who got into conflict with Tigu in noodle shop before tournament and after that Tigu declared they are friends :-)

Umut Numanoglu

In the aftermath chapters I miss two things, first of all they are missing a motto like "Being a cultivator doesn't prevent you from being a decent person" maybe something Jin says offhand and used by anyone. And as we see the organisation is not here, it would be awesome if the sects make something like a council for training and organising people, making field kitchens having foremans, imagine having a group of cultivators who can rebuild an entire city in a matter of days. (maybe Gou Ren would be interested in something like that)


This feels good. It made me smile despite being sleep deprived and stressed from my college classes.


Awesome! Will there be a chapter tomorrow, or will it be pushed back?


really good chapter!


I think you meant your "hatred" for dialogue, not your "haltered", since a halter is a top for women, to the best of my knowledge. Despite your hatred for dialogue, you seem to do well with it. I enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoy exploring in games that are new to me. That is to say, quite a bit. (I just wish I could explore more in PSO2:NGS, without barriers. I intellectually know why they're there, but I resent that they're there nonetheless.)


“My haltered for dialogue” - AUTOCORRUPT~!


Excellent chapter. It was great seeing others perspectives on the cultivators. I especially liked the bluntness of the child talking to Jin, and his response that shocked the “mortals”.


Damn, "Now what would they lose?". Absolutely fantastic.

Froyo Baggins

"to the harvest extent?!"???


Maybe she is leaning into the "you reap what you sow" idea a little too much lol. A simple typo is much to bland an excuse.

Froyo Baggins

also you haltered for dialogue.


Just imagine what this four prisoners will do when they get back home and see the difference in behavior of the Shrouded Mountains and the Sage from the Sword Mountain sect. This could bring the renew of heir sect.


Great chapter and I love Tigu’s growth as a character she’s like a child slowly learning the world

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


don't down grade her with simile. She is a child learning about the world. She is maybe 14-16 physically but she is more mentally around 8-10 with some more wiggle room for her stubbornness.

Carl Mason

A halter is also a piece of tack for horses (or other animals) that you put on their heads so you have something to drag them around by. Which made for an interesting mental image until I realized what was trying to be said.

Richter Stormstrike

For someone who hates dialogue, you sure do it well. But yeah, I understand. It's...hard to make text dialogue feel natural...or even *good* Great chapter though. It left me smiling.


Huh, I had a very similar conversation with my daughter. Not about this obviously, it was about guitar lessons and getting ice cream if you were wondering. But it is a good lesson. Solid chapter.


Good chapter, but are we getting the chapter you usually put wednesday/thrusday


Every chapter puts this stupid grin on my face, this book is my serotonin


“theri table”

Undead Writer

Are we getting a chapter tonight or are we getting one Friday?

John Berry

While I like your idea cause it's great. if we don't get one its fine just cause we like the story doesn't mean we own the author

Noah Andrulis

What’s funny is Tigu seems to have inhereted the specific method of twisting her hips like Jin does when lifting dirt with a shovel. I.E: what caught Jin’s Grandfather’s attention in the first place. She is her father’s daughter.


Either that or everyone that has worked on the Fa Ram shovels like that because Jin taught them how their previous technique was lacking.


Noooo where is my chappy! My inconsiderate self serving butt feels chapped! I paid money for content! Where is my satisfaction of projected obligation!!!! MOAR IS RIGHT! (Hater Note: this post is to be viewed as if being spoken in a sarcastic/teasing tone. Any offense taken, if any, is a reflection of insecurities of said reader, and not an intended consequence by the author of this post).


In all honesty, as someone who's written in the past, comments like this can be extremely frustrating. Especially if we're stuck on something and having trouble making a scene or chapter work. I'm not offended on CF's behalf or anything, just saying what feels like a joke to you may really annoy the author.


I’m not really upset about not having a chapter but I would like it if he posted about the delay so I don’t have my hopes up all day


I think he was referring to my post, in which was actually self satirical (I was making light of the people who would say/think/feel similar things in earnest.) Heck, I even spelled it out for those who (inevitably) take offense to it. To each their own I suppose.

Doctor Xerox

I think *expecting* the author to finish a chapter in one day instead of two despite how the schedule is set up is unreasonable. Personally, I’m expecting the whole week to be pushed back a day, while still checking for a pleasant surprise of a Wednesday or Friday night chapter.


Hey, CasualFarmer, Thanks for writing this fantastic book and letting us read it in advance. Take all the time you need to catch up. As a fellow writer I know how it can get with projects. Hope you are okay.


I get the feeling that pretty soon it will be customary for Azure Hills cultivators to pick up a mortal hobby in the trades. It would also speed up the revival of Azure Hills cultivators civilization as no advanced civilization was built with only warriors. But if the cultivators start picking up different arts like carving crystals or architecture, they can advance those disciplines with their cultivator bullsh- I mean cheats. I mean look at what Jin did to farming, lol.



Nicholas Grey

There's even established precedent for using cultivator bullshi- "cheats" to advance stuff: the discovery of microbes by someone messing around with a distance-viewing technique.


>Why would they still live? The question ate at her. Surely her Master was strong enough to destroy them, wasn’t he? Why were they not being pushed to the harvest extent?! hardest extent


What i always thought was funny about this is none of these guys seen Jin go all out. Only one that has was a fire bear and that one shat bricks just from jin buffing himself. So its like oh yeah a couple of shrouded mountain elders can totally handle this guy.


I was thinking punished to the harshest extent.


I have a feeling that the confusion with the Jin's power level is the fact that Azure hills are part of his domain through his relationship with the earth spirit.


Yeah, we know jin individual power level shouldn't be that high but the fact the main power house is the earth spirit backing him. Jin is more of a conductor now. Hes just harnessing and bringing it out. Which is also why people can't sense him. Because his energy is basically the earth. Its like looking for a tree in the forest. Its everywhere. Theyre looking for a core of energy in Jin but Jin energy core is the land itself now. You won't see it unless Jin brings it out or you get to see the bigger picture like xiulan.


Let's not forget Jin was feeding the earth with his qi for over a year bottoming it out. Crawled at times to bed rest. I'm sure his qi reservoir is not small.


A bemused heavens looking on. Wait what!?? You're not going to defy me,but make your own heaven?? Lol


I think this was one of your best chapters yet. It’s hard to describe why, but this chapter fulfills for me what I’m missing from a lot of Xianxia. This victory feels emotionally like a victory is the best I can put it.


Love the callback to Tigu shoveling the same way OG Jin and his grandpa did. A an unbroken line of efficient shoveling, passed from master to disciple

Lord Felidae

I was literally just about to mention that. It’s a great through-line.