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It's Christmas and I think there might be another spaceship over London. Thank you Doctor Who show runners for this romp of an episode to help me process our rece t loss with laughter, adrenaline, and a touch of literal nightmare fuel.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/DH_DTW81pYI




I don't want to set up too many expectations for you because I'm not sure if that's considered spoilery round these parts, but the absolute HYPE I have for you going into the rest of Tennant's era is unreal!! The Doctor and Rose were a fantastic TARDIS duo with great chemistry, but from here on out the overall episode quality and consistency significantly improves imo. Every season has its flaws as that's just how television is (human, imperfect!) but I suspect you'll find a fair few things to love these next few seasons :))


This is perfect. I don't mind hyping an era, just avoid specific episodes or stories :) I'm really excited to watch the next episode and start the next series.


I’m so excited for this next season. As others have said, it’s regarded by many as the best DT season and IMO contains several of the best storylines/episodes of the entire NuWho. I have so many great memories associated with watching this season for the first time, and I’m happy to be revisiting it with you. :)


I'm way behind and now playing catch up. In my defense I'm only behind because I was at a Doctor Who convention (the largest). Incidentally, and somewhat randomly, the actress who plays Donna's mum was there, and she was the most delightful person I think I've ever met. Also in attendance were the actors who play Rose, Jackie, and Pete Tyler. Got a photo op with the entire Tyler family which I never thought would happen lol. https://photos.app.goo.gl/5Zt6WCi4vKDzy1hM9 Nice reaction, I'm looking forward to the next series.


That's amazing!! Why does Pete look like he's part of the backdrop and why have none of them aged? Really great experience!


I skipped Season 2 to chase you down through season 3 and then go back and do the start of season 1 and all of season 2. I love your pout so much! When Lance is revealed as a villain you pouted so hard!!! And then your looks as he explains himself. Your expressions in general bring me joy. You're so expressive. I absolutely love the Runaway Bride! It was such a good transition and the chemistry between David Tenant and Catherine Tate was brilliant.