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A lot to love as we follow Gwen on her catastrophic first day at Torchwood! This is a great example of a bad plot line done in an interesting way.



Isac (Welsh_ML)

I got spare time, let’s give torchward another go


Yeah... this a weird one. It's an objectively terrible idea but the episode isn't awful?? it's still pretty bad though. I promise you the show gets much much better going forward.


This show is all about keeping you disoriented. Yes, you will get answers to all your questions - but not right away. Don't hold your breath.


Oddly with both episodes, I enjoyed them more after I finished editing my reaction. I bet I say that at the start of the next episode lol, but it's like the good elements really start to jump out and you get the feeling this show will find it's sweet spot at some point.

Carys Barnes

Bit late to the party but this ep falls flat by trying too hard to be ‘adult’. I will say Owen is my favourite character in the show. The bit with him in episode one was a big mistake. It think it was meant to be a joke and not taken too seriously but I think stops lots of people giving Owen a chance for a while. Should be considered that in the context of what tastes where in 2006.


Agreed! Can't wait for the show to settle in and stop trying to separate itself from Doctor Who. Just tell us a good story and include the level of content needed to tell it. It's fine to not be limited, but definitely not excited about forcing it into the story. I'm sure I'll like owen well enough before too long, as we have more stories allowing is to get to know him. Right now I just don't quite know how to take him.


Joining in late to comment on what you said about Owen at the start: Owen's hands down my favorite Doctor Who character and the more I've sat with his introduction the more I've come to appreciate it as a very fitting way to introduce him to the show no matter how uncomfortable it is.