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What a brilliantly paced episode with ever increasing suspense leading to an ending that made my JAW DROP. Twice.






Can't wait!


Filming reactions wasn't really any kind of thing yet (Youtube had only started that same year) so there's not any hard evidence of it, but most fans stated that Rose's supposed death didn't hold much tension for them, as they very much doubted the show would put this much effort to developing her only to randomly ax her like this, plus the classic series only killed a grand total of one companion over its 26 years (and the fans hated him anyway). But Eccleston's performance still makes the whole sequence absolutely worth it, not needing a single line to sell the absolute loss all over his face. Or his horror at the episode's true big reveal. I'd known him before this entirely from the film 28 Days Later, where he plays kind of a simple villain character, and had no idea he had this kind of talent in him.


I’m certain the Christmas special was announced with her still in it at this point so I don’t think the audience thought she was dead - instead how would the doctor bring her back


Love this episode (and the next) and can’t help but feel it could only be improved with todays budget & effects. The script is flawless imo!


You're so right about the script, I couldn't get over how effortlessly they connected the whole season. Really brilliant stuff.


And the whole Bad Wolf thing was actually a very late decision, which is why its inclusion in some episodes is a bit odd and hard to catch, like being written in German on the bomb in The Doctor Dances.