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This is how Doctor Who does finale's? I've rarely had a better time watching television. Everything about this was just about perfectly done. Brilliant finale. I couldn't have asked for more.

*You do not need your own copy of the minisode "Born Again" if you are watching on Patreon. You will if you're watching on YouTube. (for copyright reasons). The version I watched is linked below.

YouTube Full Reaction Link: https://youtu.be/0beZnyodCB0 

The Minisode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chAwYd_Sm1A




Yay!!! I didn't have to wait long! I always watch these two finale episodes as one! (OH! Just in case nobody has said...there is a little short you really should watch prior to the next episode: Doctor Who: Children in Need. It sets up the new story and gives little snippets you don't get otherwise. It's not NEEDED, really...but it's short, only 7 minutes, and I think sets the mood better than without it.)


One big question when it was first announced the show was coming back was how much it would adapt to how the entire TV industry had shifted toward taking advantage of the medium's ability to tell complex, long-term stories in ways that a movie never could, rather than just the standalone stories that were typical when the original series was running (though it did always have a bit more continuity than usual for its era). And Davies actually only came up with the whole "bad wolf" thing after production had already started, which is why its entries in the first two stories that were filmed, The End of the World and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, are so brief and easily miss-able; he had to really rush to slip something in there. Luckily, it ended up being very popular with most fans, and the show was off to a roaring start.

Cei Stockport

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"


The kiss was controversial for a couple of reasons. Firstly, in classic who there was absolutely no kissing or romance between the doctor and his companions. They have, in retrospect, alluded to some notion of romance but it was never included in the show. For that reason I think it was clever of RTD to make the kiss functional, rather than romantic. The first kiss between the Doctor and companion was in the 1996 TV movie, and it received a lot of backlash for it. The second reason for the controversy is because Chris is 18 years older than Billie. But what people forget is that her then husband was just two years younger than Ecclestone so to Billie the age gap didn't phase her at all. And to answer your question, yes! THIS is how Doctor Who does finales. I like how you made all the connections to each previous episode. People often comment on how they always seem to end up in trouble on every adventure, but the reality is they have adventures off screen, we just get to see the exciting ones, or the ones that connect to the overall story arc. In the minisode you heard them talking about the time they had to hop for their lives, but we didn't see that as viewers. Moving forward, not every episode will tie into the story arc, but that's a good thing, because it would become too predictable otherwise.


That movie also had the Doctor say he was half-human to the predictable fury of the fans, which is slyly referenced here when the Daleks’ response to that is “Those words are blasphemy!”


Great info all around! I like that they can have "normal" adventures and we only get to see the exciting one. Does anyone really want to watch a show where everything always goes according to plan? Maybe occasionally? But that's not what we signed up for!

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Just a note on one of the things you said in the episode - they didn't leave Jack behind in the way you think - remember, the Doctor thinks he's dead. He was the last line of defense and then he was gone. Neither he nor Rose could have known that she brought Jack back to life.

Peta McGrath

My dad was a little 8 year old when the first doctor regenerated, apparently it was crazy, no one knew what was happening. Imagine what you are currently feeling times by the fact you didn't know it was coming. Everyone thought he was just dead and the show would be over and then NOPE William Hartnell turns into Patrick Troughton.


I can only imagine! So glad they came up with that mechanic so that they could continue the show. It's a brilliant idea that has given it a unique longevity. Assuming, you can adjust to the new iteration of the doctor, of course. :)


So, the life cycle of Doctor Who fans is said to be: 1.) I don't know if I like this Doctor. 2.) I love this Doctor, no one could ever be the Doctor like him. 3.) No, we can't lose him as the Doctor. 4.) Repeat 1-3 in an endless cycle for as many Doctor's as their are. As an American with no understanding of Doctor Who, I was really unsure for the Tennant era. But the way you are approaching this show, I have a feeling you will like most if not all of the the future Doctors. I can't wait to find out if I'm right.

Cei Stockport

The words written on the bomb in 'The Doctor Dances' technically say 'Bad Wolf' in German 'shlecter wolfe' means 'sick/unhealthy wolf'. As well that wasn't technically Rose, it was a combination of Roses personality and the Bad Wolf which is a separate entity.

Herbert Joseph

I forgot that they smooched