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A stellar guest cast in yet another impressively imaginative episode of Doctor Who! This time our travelers are joined by Adam and as usual everything goes perfectly according to plan. Or not.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/LkVp0BkZoZg 

*I purchased this on Amazon. This should stay in sync with the streaming version of the show.



monguru (Rose Tyler fan)

Hello! The solution to synchronization problems is simple, if you watch on a PC under Windows. VLC video player must be used, as it is possible to set a speed change of 0.96-1.04 This isn't perfect either, because every few minutes you have to take a split-second pause on the faster side, but it's definitely a more comfortable solution, for other solutions. Unfortunately, with DW it even happens (really rarely) that GB and the content of the US episodes is also different, for various reasons, it's really terrible.


Thanks for the suggestion! VLC is a great option for anyone using a downloaded version. It feels like the Amazon version, the hbo max verison, and the disc version are all different which is baffling to me.


Not my favorite. Adam gets on my nerves (as does how quickly Rose and the Doctor just...let him off on his own with zero cares given what he's up to) and the open brain thingy...*shudder*...I do think it is an essential episode (for reasons that become clear later) but Ima skip the long analysis on this one. Except, I do have to say, Simon Pegg understood the assignment and played a Who villain with the over-the-top gusto a Who villain should be played. LOL


It was surprising to see him running off on his own immediately. I want to say Rose never does that, but I can think of moments where she was doing her own thing, but she's always helping the main story, not becoming the main story.