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Best episode yet? I loved the inclusion of the Dalek and the backstory. It’s clear this was an important fixture of classic who and I thought this was a great way to both include the past iteration of the show while continuing to move forward.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/gdWx8Jt20_o 

Syncing Issues Update: I'm now confident the syncing issues are a result of my blu rays being in NTSC which runs 4% slower than the original PAL found on streaming services. I've decided to purchase the show on Amazon so that I can watch the correct version of the show. I'm making the switch next week with episode 7. I hope this will resolve the issue for most of you, but FYI if you're watching on the American DVD or blu-ray it will unfortunately create a similar issue for you.




This is a great episode and gives Christopher Eccleston a chance to show a bit of his emotional acting chops. I, like you, watched this show without knowing anything about Original Who and so knew had no reference for the Dalek. They’re a pretty terrifying creature. Funny story about their name—my kids are used to hearing British television in the house, so until my oldest son was old enough to read the word “Dalek” he thought they were actually called “Darleks” since Brits drop their “r”s. 😆


Ah pronounciation, definitely have mispronounced a few things along this journey. I only got Dalek right because I googled how to pronounce it 🤣 I find this a lot of fun not knowing about classic who. I am considering taking a brief field trip in between season 1 and 2 to visit a few classic episodes. We'll see.


The Daleks were actually inspired by the Nazi's. Not only did thry use this episode as an introduction of the Daleks for those who didn't watch Classic Who; but they also used it to fix some of the old issues the Daleks had in those earlier episodes. It just makes them scarier if they cannot be stopped by stairs or can rotate directions without having to turn around. Everyone has "their" Doctor. It really is a good mix. I will be very interested to see which you connect with the most. My Doctor is Eccleston's Doctor. I found Doctor Who at a time when I was at a low and starting to question my beliefs. I connected the the messages of season 2 and more specifically who the Doctor was. This episode really was a masterclass in acting (especially when you consider that Eccleston was acting opposite a robot essentially.


Fascinating! The Nazi inspiration really makes so much sense. Love that they included the stairs bit now after learning how it stopped them in the past 🤣 I'm excited to see the different takes on the doctor. I am curious of Tennant has an advantage because of familiarity or I'm pretty sure Karen Gillan has a definitive advantage on companions, but we'll see!