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Best episode yet? I loved the inclusion of the Dalek and the backstory. It’s clear this was an important fixture of classic who and I thought this was a great way to both include the past iteration of the show while continuing to move forward.




I waited untiluntil after the 6th season of New Who before I jumped in. I wasn't a huge fan of swasons 1-3 but you still get good bits of info from them. It's all pretty much personal preference. I'm struggling to explain at the moment because you aren't in season 2 yet and I don't want to accidentally spoil things for you. But in general, Doctor who os a show for everyone. Some people l8ke mystery, sone puzzles, some aliens, others comedy. There will always be episodes that don't hit for you, but hit for someone else. Just because you don't luke it doesn't make it bad. It was the same for Classic Who for me. Some of it hit and some didn't, but in every episode I find one little piece that ties in and helps me understand something else I did like. They let to the things I did like. It's all preferences. Back then it was more story based. So episode 1-3 made up one story. I think episode 4 started the first Dalek introduction in Doctor Who. I'd recommend taking a poll on what the channel might like to see and then watching the rest on your own. Just my two cents after watching people do both. It seems to work better for both the reactor and the audience.

Joe Entwistle

The Daleks were the first aliens encountered in Classic Who, back in 1963, and they basically saved the show from falling into obscurity. They quickly became the fan-favourite, and the Doctor's archenemy. So the Doctor already had serious beef with the Daleks spanning centuries, then the 2005 revival introduced the idea of the Time War and the destruction of the Time Lords (happened off-screen, in-between the 1996 movie and the 2005 series) which took their already very personal conflict to a whole new level. You're already seeing bits of how this Doctor struggles with the aftermath of the Time War; survivor's guilt, PTSD etc. This is the first Dalek he's seen since then, and he thought they were all dead, so understandably he's irrational and emotional in this episode. To him, Daleks are the scourge of the cosmos, the worst thing the universe ever spat out - and he's right. His words and actions in this episode are definitely fuelled by post-war trauma, but you'll come to see they're absolutely justified and the fact that Rose tried to stop the him from killing the Dalek is crazy


Great background info, Joe! Thanks. Yea, once this episode reveals the Dalek's were the ones they were fighting in the war it all makes so much sense. Knowing more the history, even more so.