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I don’t even have words to describe the type of horror movie this was. Nausea inducing, sensory overload would best describe how I felt watching it. Certainly an experience.



Mark Kelso

Sorry to hear you were put through watching this.


Got around to seeing this reaction/full movie finally. I think I was kind of bored for most of the initial parts of the movie tbh, maybe just seeing too much of what this movie would inspire eventually in other works/forms of horror. I also think its just not my favorite genre of horror movie too, serial killer type horror is just stuff I'd rather see in either the news or a book. But it kicks off when the family shows up and things get actually kind of funny with the juxtaposition of all the horror and the attitudes of everyone. And I do think it's an interesting sensory experience like you mentioned, which reminds me of *another* horror movie from the one I mentioned previously which I found to be a sensory overload in a different way and which I saw in theaters. Not sure whether I would recommend it to you though, but we'll see on that count.


Fair response! I think a lot of people feel that way when they see classic films that were somewhat innovative at the time after seeing the many films that borrowed from their innovation.