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I don’t even have words to describe the type of horror movie this was. Nausea inducing, sensory overload would best describe how I felt watching it. Certainly an experience.

*I rented this on Amazon.




This is one of those movies where the low budget adds a great deal to it, giving everything a grungy atmosphere that makes the whole area feel more oppressive and dangerous even when nothing's happening. And while filming was fairly smooth for the majority of it, the whole third act was apparently making up for that. The least crazy part was that Sally's actress Marilyn Burns was a terrible runner and was completely unable to stay ahead of Leatherface's actor Gunnar Hansen for long even with him deliberately not going nearly as fast as he could. In one shot you can even see Leatherface pause in the background and chop off tree branches because it was the only way they could think to widen the gap between them as long as the shot needed. There was also one bit where Hansen slipped on the wet grass and lost his grip on the still-running chainsaw, which landed blade-first just inches from his head. Then there was the dinner scene, where for starters the device that was supposed to create the effect of Sally's finger being sliced open wouldn't work, so they just did it for real, and you might notice a seemingly pointless edit right afterwards, which was so the guy playing the grandfather wouldn't have to suck on Burns' real bleeding finger. And then came the worst part of all with the dinner itself. The hot filming lights quickly caused the food to go bad, and the room had no ventilation, resulting in air quality that legit could have killed everyone if they stayed there too long. After a while their minds were affected so much that they actually starting thinking they really were their characters, which of course is especially bad given what kinds of characters these are, and on the DVD commentary Hansen gives a quite eerie description of how he genuinely wanted to kill Burns for a few seconds after being ordered to before remembering it was just a movie. The actors were understandably all furious with Tobe Hooper afterwards, and most of them refused to talk to him again for decades, until the film started getting its reputation as a horror classic and they started making appearances together which led them to finally making up.