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Definitely one of those times where I truly regret not watching a movie before now. Amazing film, beautifully told, and fantastically performed. It's easy to see why this became such a phenomenon when it was released and I'm pretty sure this one made me cry more than any single reaction prior to.



Brina Blue

I'm selfishly so happy that you didn't watch this movie earlier because I really enjoyed your reaction. I know that your life was very involved in the church, but since there are kinds that don't sing traditional hymns, I couldn't tell if you recognized "Nearer My God to Thee" being played as the last song. According to many survivor's reports, this actually happened. I know very little about Titanic trivia except that at the time, this movie very accurately portrayed how it was thought that the Titanic went down. I believe that there are new ideas about that now. By the way, You look so much more comfortable in your new setup! Love the Spidey accents.


It probably wasn't this version of Nearer My God To Thee, which had just recently been written and not many were familiar with it yet. A Night To Remember, based directly on survivors' accounts, shows them playing the older version.


Thanks for the tidbits about the song. My church really didn't do many hymns, so I know a handful, but not that one! I enjoy the new setup, it took a few reactions to start feeling comfortable and to figure out how I wanted to do it, but I'm enjoying it!


Charles Lightoller had his career destroyed when word got out that he refused to let any men in the lifeboats, and launched some of them half-full. But he achieved some measure of redemption decades later at the evacuation of Dunkirk, where he successfully rescued over a hundred soldiers in a boat designed for a maximum of two dozen. One of the main characters in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk is loosely based on him, and the movie even uses his actual boat.

Tara M. Wilcoxon

I recently learned about Charles Joughin, the head baker on the Titanic. He managed to order his bakers to bring bread to the lifeboats, help women and children into lifeboats and throw around 50 deck chairs into the water to act as flotation devices. He then rode the topmost part of the ship into the water as it sank. He survived and his only complaint was swollen feet.


And he was drunk off his ass the whole time, which saved him from hypothermia.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

I, like so many other people, had this interaction while waiting in line to get in to see the movie on opening day: Me and my friends: talking about what we knew about the Titanic disaster, including who was on it, how long it took to sink, the theories about how it broke in half and how the discovery of the wreckage proved it did, what they might or might not have put in the movie, etc. People in line with us: YOU JUST RUINED THE MOVIE WHY WOULD YOU TALK ABOUT THE ENDING OF THE MOVIE ON OPENING DAY HOW DID YOU GET TO SEE IT BEFORE TODAY YOU ALL SUCK!!!!!!!!! Me and my friends: ... it actually happened... the Titanic is real... we learned about it in history classes and from documentaries and books... they found the wreckage over 10 years ago... People in line with us: WHAT As for which characters were fictional and which real historical figures, this page will give you photos of the real people and the actors who portrayed them, along with a little bit of history about them: https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/titanic-characters-based-real-people-gallery-1.3056669

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

(oh and apparently this issue has continued right up until today -- when the submersible Titan went missing there was a *huge* influx of social media posts from people going 'I thought it was just a movie LOL?")

g g gooding

Ryan, I have a criterion of A Night to Remember which I watched 15? years ago. Ironically I don't remember it. 😁 Might have to fire it up and dig it again.

g g gooding

Spicer Lovejoy, Billy Zane's british thug, is my favorite actor - David Warner. I mentioned to you a long time ago that he dies on screen (probably) more than *anyone* else. 45+ times. Chris, you've seen him "die" in Tron and Time After Time. Ironically I don't remember if he goes down with the ship here. Anyone know?


It's so crazy how he found himself in the center of two such central historic events. Thankful he was heroic in Dunkirk.


That is so wild that in 1997 people didn't know it was real! I stumbled upon several comments like that in the last week do to Titan and my mind was blown then. 😳 Thanks for the link!

g g gooding

Awesome reaction, Chris! I don't care for Titanic much, but I really enjoyed your reaction. Even got a lil teary eyed with ya. But, as many have pointed out before - theres room for Jack on the plank. Plenty of room, Rose! Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick. Coulda easily snuggled him alive.

g g gooding

He has more than 200 credits, so he only shuffles off the mortal coil 22% of the time. But my nerd friends and I *always* root for him to get clipped. He was SO damned good at it! RIP David Warner. (He finally merged with infinite for realsies last year.)


He falls into the hole when the ship splits apart.


The issue is that their combined weight would sink it. There was actually a bit of dialogue explaining this, but Cameron cut it since he figured the bit where they both try to get on and it tips over would be enough for people to get the idea, which I'm sure he's regretted ever since.


One kind of unfortunate historical note: some survivors reported that an officer killed himself like Murdoch does in the film, but none of them knew who it was, and his descendants were furious that he was put in the role on no evidence. Cameron felt terrible when he learned about their reaction and admitted he'd been "thinking like a screenwriter" without considering the effect on a real person's reputation, and ever since he's done a lot to get Murdoch's true story out.

g g gooding

Watching a reaction from you to a movie I feel Meh about is genuinely enjoyable. Cause you're true blue, Chris! Tried to watch a Demolition Man (flick I LOVE) reaction the other day and shut it off, as the reactor was...I don't wanna be mean or disrespect...but she was as charming and as smart as a bag of hammers. You're super cool, in my book, and that's why I won't go away!

g g gooding

Debatable, Ryan. But silly...its a movie...ALL movies are questionable. I was just being a brat about that for a laugh. I want art to be beautiful, not realistic. Jacks gotta die for the story, buoyancy be damned.


I love that he cared. I feel like a lot of people would have continued thinking like a screen writer never having any regard for the families of the real people.


I'm so amused as I'm working to get this cleared for copyright I have decided to (almost certainly) release this as 2 parts and I am SO thrilled with how I'm ending and starting the two parts. 😆

g g gooding

😂😂🤣 I forgot about that! My girl and I (we were teens then) got yelled at it line for joking about "knowing" the end. Sadly, even adults around us didnt know The Titanic was a real thing that happened. Somewhat Related: one of my favorite songs (NOT work-safe, tbc!) https://youtu.be/GlKL_EpnSp8

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Yeah I was a bit taken aback at fully grown adult people who had never heard of the Titanic. A little bit scared to bring up your song link even though I'm not at work 😂

g g gooding

Its a D-Mite hip hop song. Its very funny, but its got swears and n-words, is why the ⚠️.


Like most 3+ hour movies, the VHS release was split across two tapes. The split was at the line "You may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay."


It would have been cool to split it at the same spot! Unfortunately, that's in my part 2 already.I split it right after I say "it's the end of the world" and it picks up with my "Is the whole second half going to be like this..." comment. They were almost exactly the same length, but part 1 passed copyright last night and part two is still shrinking. They must have all the boat clips on lockdown or something.

Red Dwarf

I didn't see anyone mention it, sorry if they did, but that is James Cameron's hands drawing Rose's sketch. I assume he drew all the other ones in the sketchbook. Also, during filming. The cast and crew ate PCP laced clam chowder and overran the local hospital's ER. They never found who did it.


The stories from this film are among the wildest I've ever seen. The PCP laced clam chowder is absolutely crazy! I wish they'd found the culprit.