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First off, a HUGE THANK YOU to each of you that support me here on Patreon. You're kindness and love of entertainment mean so much to me and make doing this incredibly rewarding.

It's been a crazy few months with a lot of planning and replanning due to a couple of setbacks, but I'm so excited about where we've landed and what lies ahead. (I'm even taking a vacation next month! 😆)

I can't wait to dive back into BSG after taking last week off and we have some films I'm really excited about as well as some really interesting epic choices coming your way.

There's also one film series I've been meaning to watch for a while and....

It's TIME for The Godfather!

Well, this is probably the most prominent film trilogy I've never seen. I've heard it referenced my entire life, because it's literally everywhere, and somewhere along the way (in addition to not watching R rated films) I got it in my head that I wouldn't enjoy the film. I know, blasphemy!

Parts 1 & 2 are regarded as some of the best films ever made, and as a lover of film it's time to finally watch something I probably should have watched at the launch of my channel.

When I get to Part 3 it will be the Coda version that was edited a few years ago. Why? Well, people seem to agree it is the superior version of a film that has decidedly mixed opinions compared to the first two. Also, it's really the only version available to rent on Digital retails. Although who knows, maybe I'll just buy the blu-ray 😅

So grateful to have you along for the journey!

Much Love,





Andor! So excited for that!


Yes! I've been meaning to edit it for a while and I'm just gonna get it done! I'll be releasing it on YouTube on the same day, I haven't decided if it will be one long video or 3 medium length videos. 😅 Either way, it'll be a different kind of release.

g g gooding

As Chris and I discovered: if you haven't seen Identity DON'T watch the trailer, y'all. That's a jug of milk left behind a radiator for a month, it's so spoiled.

g g gooding

⚠️ Verse 2 of The Spoiler Song (only Chris-ened movies, tbf) Everyone's John Cusack, Kidman's really dead, Bruce was shot in time, in the box is Gweneth's head!