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Hey, so I just finished working on the new bonus scene. I don't know if you guys remember, but I ran a poll last month because I wasn't sure if I should make the bonus scene serious or not. After a few hours of that poll being up, I realized that it was a stupid question. The bonus scenes are there to do crazy stuff. So yeah… I doubled down and went a bit crazy with it. I had fun, but because I had a lot on my plate with the V0.9.6 of APBLU and I fell a bit ill as well during that time… well you guys can't criticize me anymore! I have excuses! Hahahaha!

…Seriously though, don't really know what to think of it. The scene is around 7k words, and I could only use one of my artists because the other ones were busy with scenes for V0.9.6. So probably not my best work, maybe my worst? Maybe you'll all hate me, who knows? I did kinda mess it up. The idea was supposed to be 'How Luca got Laura and Aya to take the photo and video of the title screen', but I didn't know how to really make the 'take a photo/video' bit work. So it's a scene that matches the title screen, but they don't actually take a video. Please don't kill me.

One last thing, the bonus scenes 1 through 6 will be seen as the first season of bonus scenes. I don't know if I'm gonna change things up a bit, or just leave it as-is for the next season… but from now on, the 5$ tier will only have access to the latest season. Which means that when the new bonus scene comes out (7), the 5$ tier will only have access to bonus scenes 7 and up (until that season is over as well). The 1$ tier will now only have access to the latest bonus scene. So for those tiers, please keep backups of the scenes since you will lose access to them at some point.

The game should be up on the hub for the 25$ tier. Here's the link.

EDIT: the bug has been resolved. If you downloaded while I was fixing it, please download it again. I'm really sorry.

Download hub (from my website)


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Dart Feld

Nice view 👌


Interested in seeing what "went a bit crazy" will be. Thanks :)


Thanks you for the update. I think the reason you had issues with making the Laura and Aya as grab scene work in "canon" is because you are still trying to work out how Aya's loses to Luca. Maybe I'm totally off base but that just my 2 cents on it. While I would have preferred an "in canon" version of the scene, I think the premise of the scene you came up with was fun. So that was neat. But I think you are correct in that this scene is likely not at the quality of the other scenes. Perhaps giving yourself more time in the future will help you out? Anyways, I'm looking forward to the next updates whenever they will be.


It's kinda hard to assess whether the scene was liked or not since I don't have that many feedback for bonus scenes. I did have positive ones from other people, so I do think it's an enjoyable read... but yeah. Could have been better.


The Mac version is still 5.0, even though the zip is called "APBLUBonusScenes-6.0-mac.zip"