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For those who don't know, I ran a poll a bit less than two weeks ago, wondering what people would prioritize between art consistency and speed. 

To my huge surprise, consistency was more popular than speed. I'm kinda still in shock by the result actually. So, just to make sure that it wasn't a fluke, I'll clear up a few things.

1. The current pace is not that hard for me to keep up. The reason I'm asking you this is to create a better overall product. It has nothing to do with my workload. I'm fine. I swear.

2. Releasing updates every two months will only improve the art. The updates won't be bigger. My artist/animator just need enough time to deal with all of the illustrations for an update (usually between 4 and 6).

3. It means doubling the time that I work on a project. Of course, I would probably write other things on the side, but it's something to really keep in mind.

So with all of that being said, what do you guys prefer? I really don't mind either way. I'm used to releasing updates every month… sometimes, some of the artworks are not to my liking, but that doesn't necessarily bother me all that much. On the other hand, releasing every two months gives me more time to create other stuff. Also, if we were to release an update every two months, I could probably release normal-sized updates for NTR'd By Clumsiness… and hopefully, start another project after that (the two projects that release in alternation strategy)…

Though, if we were to do that, the bonus scenes would have to be exclusively handled by the one artist that I won't be using anymore.

I'm gonna be honest, though, I'm a bit scared that one artist wouldn’t be able to deliver, but I guess it needs to be tried either way… It just… if he's sick one month, or something, it would really pain me to not have anything to give you guys during that time. In the end, the last thing I desire is to look like I want to work less because that isn't the case.

In any case, the result of this poll doesn't mean I'll change the way I do things per se. It will depend on the popularity of the option more than anything else. If the results are tight, I'll have to decide myself. But if most of you guys think a change is the better option, then obviously I'll listen.



I kind of like there being different artists.


TBH, I really like some of the artists, while I cannot really enjoy some of the artists. So personally I am fine with multiple different but good artists.