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I suppose I should count myself very lucky, I got away with no permanent damage. Word of warning, don't take this lightly. I had no comorbidity but it was hell anyway. I'm fortunate that I didn't get to see the inside of an ICU.

Finally, I'm back from the hospital but I still feel like a truck ran over me.

Sorry for not getting in touch with all of you sooner but this thing sneaks on you faster than you think and by the time you realize how bad it is, well... you are in no state of mind to think about anything else.

Bright side, I had a near-full update done before my hospitalization and now I'm finally well enough to go back and finish it.

In other news, I'm probably going to be laid off from my day job in the coming months. My employer is " downsizing" because of Corona, so guess who is going to have a lot more free time to write on his hands soon?

Looks like 2021 is promising to be another fun year.

Stay safe y'all.




I wish you the best, be well. :)


It’s good to hear that you’re okay, you had some of us pretty worried, though it’s too bad about your job. Hopefully this is the last of any major bad luck for you, and I hope that 2021 goes better for you.


Man that sucks, taking a double whammy like that...Take your time honestly, you don't have to spend time writing stories if you also need that time to find another job. Please take care of yourself first.


Feel better. Take your time and let yourself recover. We'll still be here.

Jacob Isabell

Good to hear you're still well.


Firstly, I am glad that you are gradually returning to normal life, and secondly, the fact that you are fired from work is perhaps a little regrettable, but still now you will have more time, so there is something good in this)


I would like to apologize for some harsh comments I’ve made in the past. I would like to say that I know what your going through and I wish you good health and a great recovery.