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Heya guys,

normally this is that time of the month where I put out the poll for whatever story you'd like to see updated next. 

Unfortunately, this month I  really need to write Path of the King. Not only because it's been a long time since I update it last, but because my creative juices demand that step back for a bit from On Wings of Steel and Promises of Wandering Hero.

I understand this will be disappointing to many, especially all those who pay more for additional points. However, I'm presently stuck in a rut and I need to break out of it. 

I hope you understand.



I know I must sound like a prick pushing you for this, but I just really enjoy your Path of the King series so could you update the Mundane tier to have chapter 62 now? The last update was august and we're still missing that chapter.


Don’t worry too much about it. You’re the writer, just do whatever you feel like you need to do. If taking a step back away from two of your stories for a while, step back for as long as you need to.


Yes! Yes! Yes! Path of the king.


I see this a nothing but an absolute win! It's always good to see Path of the King get some love.


sure, as long as you give us medusa time.

Austin Hanson

When was the last time you posted chapters of Path of the king on FF.net? That kind of also includes your other stories as well Because for path of king I think you have at least three or so chapters that have only been posted here in Patreon I think from Last I recollect from chapter 57 I think?


So there hasn't been any new chapters of anything since Oct 31st. Is this normal?

Yannik Wagner

No not really. I’m really contemplating canceling my account here, the uploads became really inconsistent. I really understand having personal problems and he is doing this in his free time, but some sort of update on his progress should be expected...