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Hello everyone, 

at last, here's the new chapter for Path of the King. It's a single chapter but it's twice as long since I couldn't find a good place to split it evenly.

This one focuses mostly on Rider and at the same time, it introduces the next narrative arc.

Let me know what you think in the comments.


Jacob Isabell

Great stuff. Your take on Rider is great, and the interactions with Shirou's schoolmates was hilarious.


What the actual fuck is that trunk xD kinda disappointed mitsuzuri gave up on shriou but I totally get it lol. Great work!


This chapter was worth the wait!


The trunk showed up in Fate/Hollow Ataraxia. It was meant as a comedy device but it's still something that works under the principle of "Operation of Parallel Worlds" and it can only be opened from the outside. In Hollow Ataraxia, Rin and Shirou got trapped inside of it for a while. Inside of that trunk, there are several interesting objects such as the blueprints for the Jeweled Sword and the mischievous Kaleidostick Ruby. Now, as you can imagine [SPOILER] Saber and Rin are trapped inside of it and unable to get out. Therefore, they are temporarily removed from the Grail War and the rest of the cast will have to do without them.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wasn't really happy with the way I portrayed them. For side characters, they have very interesting personalities and it's hard to make them shine without moving the focus upon them.


How the hell did they get trapped inside of the trunk? I mean, if someone could put the two of them in that position, then why not... do any number of other things (killing them being one of many options) instead? Unless... did they somehow do that to themselves?


Ah, that's so cool!


In the previous chapters, Rin said that the reason why the trunk isn't inside the workshop it's because it can defend itself well enough on its own. In classic Tohsaka style, she screwed up at a crucial moment and they ran afoul of its protections. Now, this being Zelretch's creation the protections are more humiliating and annoying than harmful, but leaving once inside it's impossible unless certain conditions are met.


Eh, I liked it up until the end. But that's mostly because I've never liked the trope of the random occurrence of something that prevented an important and helpful action from taking place, just before it could happen.


So Rider will continue to be romanced with rin and saber out of the way.


Seems like Ayako has given up on Shirou. A shame, but given the level of disaster that Shirou and everyone connected with him will be dealing with in the very-near future, it's the smart thing to do. I just hope that, for her own sake, she isn't already in too deep from her brief encounters with elements of the moonlit world, or that Shirou can protect her if she is.

Jacob Isabell

While I'm sure the story just ready isn't ready to start on that plot yet, I find it a little weird that, now Rider properly trusts Shirou, she hasn't brought up Sakura's situation yet. It was obviously weighing on her, and she finally has somebody who might hell her do something about it.


It's more complicated than that. At its core, the problem is that Sakura doesn't want anybody to know about her plight. Just as Rider hid herself away, so does Sakura and Rider respects that decision. Furthermore, she knows that Sakura won't be safe as long as Zouken is alive, but even Caster can't find where he's hiding. If they help her now, and then they die in the Grail War, Zouken will swoop back in possibly even more pissed than before. Therefore, the order of business in her mind is to wrap up the Grail War first. If they survive it, even if Zouken is still alive he won't be able to harm Sakura.


Glad to see another chapter of this story, its been a long time I was waiting for this.