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5x11: "Damage"

Next: Firefly 1x11 on Sat 8/5

YOOOOO, we finally get more info on the end of Buffy s7?? AAAAAND WE GET ANDREW OF ALL PEOPLE??? BE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW

This was so crazy, and I loved every second of it <3

hope yall enjoyyyy



Sheriff Uchiha

I think she only had access to the Slayer memories because of her mental state. In the past, Slayers had to mediate or dream to tap into the Slayer line, but with her, she is connected to it all the time.

Austin Silv

Missing the Buffy reactions watching this one. 🥲

Cameron Lapp

Yeah, that's my general impression. Buffy and Faith are very grounded in the material/ World and are more cut off from the visions than most Slayers. We also see this with Nikki's "emergency kit" in the show, and a lot of side content plays to this more.