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1x11: "Trash"

Next: Angel 5x12 on Wed 8/9


and Mal has learned NOTHING?? pls, he is too empathetic for his own good sometimes 😪

but our girl INARA.. you can NEVER catch her slacking <3

also im an idiot, i do have the file for the movie! so im all set for once its time for that :)

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D



Brian Harrington

Alley I finally caught up and am so excited to join the conversation in a closer-to-live way! Okay so as previous people have mentioned, yes, the 2005 movie Serenity is very much a series finale for the show. Buffy started on the VERY FLEDGLING network The WB and became its flagship show, eventually along with Dawson's Creek, Felicity, and Charmed. That's why you can see such a huge jump in budget/quality between the first few seasons. When Angel started in '99, Buffy was already the golden child of the network so Joss pretty much got what he wanted. I know you've said you're aware Buffy was canceled by The WB in Season 5 which is why it felt like such a conclusion to the full series, but in a move that was much less common than it is now with all the streamers, UPN picked it up (ironically The CW is literally just the merging of The WB and UPN into one network). When Joss wanted to do something outside of the Buffyverse, they decided to go with Fox, and unfortunately Fox treated it like shit. They changed the episode order, didn't even air a few of the episodes, and had the AUDACITY to put it on Friday nights. Firefly (along with, like it or not, Family Guy) was one of the first examples of studios paying attention to unprecedented DVD sales for a canceled show. Because of the DVD sales, both were resurrected in different forms. Family Guy, obviously, came back on the air. Firefly got a movie. GOD HOW I WISH IT WAS THE REVERSE. Don't get me wrong, Serenity is AMAZING and when viewed as a series finale it is extremely satisfying, but so many things set up in the short time we had with the crew on TV could have obviously been expanded upon for seasons to come. I always had hope there might still be a revival until... ya know, couple years ago. (NOT A SPOILER - BUT TECHNICALLY ABOUT THE NEXT EPISODE) The next episode you're going to watch is the episode they were shooting when they found out they were canceled. They were devastated because they all genuinely loved each other so much, and I think that real-life emotion comes across during certain scenes.

The Mad Titan

Alley, is there going to be a replacement show when Firefly is complete?