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1x10: "War Stories"

Next: Angel 5x11 on Wed 8/2

WASH!!!!! MY MAN!!! I LOVE HIM SM!!!!!!

Literally adore this episode bc of Wash <3 we love a man that is so obsessed with his beautiful wife 💗

and them getting kidnapped was honestly hilarious and also so cool to see the gang fight to get them back

hope yall enjoyyyy! :D




This is one of my favorites

Bd Blake

Some where in the DVD commentaries, Adam Baldwin (the man they call Jayne) said in every shot he wanted to hold something. The character seemed like the type of person with lots of insecurities, so he played him like that by grabbing and touching everything. The fear of loss is portrayed through clinging onto physical things. You never know when you are going to lose something. It is subtle but says alot about his character.