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season 7 wrap up!!!! 🤩

Still absolutely crazy that I finally finished this amazing show, but I am so glad to continue on with Angel and the new show of Firefly!!

Hope you all like this one talking about season 7!

and definitely let me know about other Buffy content like that comics and stuff. should I just read em on my own? or would you guys like little videos here and there where I talk about em?

thank you guys for being here!!! <3 


Buffy the Vampire Slayer || Season 7 Q&A

get full reactions & edited versions early on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alleybox program: premiere pro check me out ↷ ▫ instagram: @alley.box ▫ tik tok: @alley.box ↪ if you would like to send me something it is: PO Box # 2052, Jupiter, FL, 33468 see my unboxings in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2TokvW16QBS9TyOscy_Pu0MAPWgtIeYb hope you enjoy :) ▲ Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.


Timotey Kuhn

Oh absolutely talk about the comics!! And you should really( after reaching out to him to make sure it's okay) should do reactions to the videos of Passion of the Nerd's Buffy and Angel reviews and in depth examinations.... 😁😁😁😁


I always saw spike getting his soul back differently. It felt to me that he went through the trials with the intention to loose any feelings he had, deactivate the chip and return to being pure evil. The “guy” misunderstood him and gave his soul back, or even being a kind of intentional trickster knowing what he wanted but did the opposite anyway. The things spike said before the trials, I don’t believe he chose to have his soul back…


Please talk about the Buffy comics! :) Also, there's a *canon* new ongoing sequel book trilogy about Buffy by Kendare Blake! The first two books 'In Every Generation' and 'One Girl In All The World' have come out already (the final book comes out next year) so I also recommend checking them out after the comics, if you still want to continue the story.


All of the writers involved have stated that Spike intended to get his soul. Joss Whedon has said Spike intended to get his soul and that they were deliberately misdirecting the audience to believe that he wanted something different. Spike says it onscreen multiple times. They did the misdirect poorly, agreed, with bad dialogue choices, but this interpretation is not supported by the rest of canon or by what the writers have said elsewhere about it.


I don't see the link to watch the video... Am I the only one? EDIT : Okay, I refreshed the page and now, I see it :D


It's an embedded video so you have to click on the image and it should change and show you the video


I'm currently reading the comics right now in "order" and I would personally like to see Buffy comic videos. Like read a certain amount of them and do a Comic 1-25 review/ wrap up or whatever. The one thing I would love for you to do is to maybe make a video on the fandom of Buffy. I know you've made fanvids and you talked about Fanfic but I would love to know which fic, videos that were recommended to you that your really liked and your general thoughts on the Buffy fandom on Twitter vs Tumblr. That might be a better video after you finish Angel s5 so you don't get spoiled on anything.

Ron Fehr

In one conversation with Buffy, in the episode where Spike reveals the bodies in the basement, he even states that as his intention.


Ahhh I see I didn’t realize that Joss talked about this. I know spike mentioned it in the show but I thought it was just him making himself look and feel better about it, sometimes when you make a bad move that works out unexpectedly right it is a coping mechanism to just say it was your intention all along. I’ll look in to what the writers say about this, thanks for your reply! I

Ashtara Levin

Regarding Giles and the Gang not really supporting Buffy.. (your point around minute 19:00) - I have to say it wasn't so out of character for me for them to do so. Obviously I was annoyed because, I love Buffy and I want her to be surrounded by loving and supporting people, but that hasn't been the case throughout the show - When she got back from her dad's in season 2 -after dying at the finale of season 1, neither Xander, Giles or Willow got that she was hurting - Only Angel. Again at the beginning of season 3, when she got back from Los Angeles, Xander and Willow made it about themselves and how she abandoned them, when it came out she was depressed after OMWF - the very next episode Giles said he is still planning on leaving and both Willow and Xander were preoccupied with their relationship dramas that again - she had no one to comfort her and help her that she turned to Spike. When Spike showed up again this season and Buffy decided to help him instead of condemn him for his actions sans soul, Xender took issues with it, choosing to be mad at her for not treating Anya with the same moderation, and then later for losing his eye, while Willow was for the majority of the season hurting and dealing with her addiction or simply avoiding doing magic - meaning that as a player on the field - she's out. I get why she was saying "there's only one person I can count on". I love the gang, and one of the reasons I love them so much is because they are seriously flawed characters..


As I recall, the canonical comics start after Angel season 5, so I'd recommend to wait until you're done with Angel before diving into the comics. With the exception of Fray, that one's great and makes sense to read at this point.


Yeah, the "canon" order I'm following starts with the Fray comics, there's a Tales of the Slayers book 1 and then onto the Angel comics.

Chas Summers

Season 7 isn't good. Interns were working on the scripts while the usual staff was sending out resumes trying to get their next jobs. Most of the potentials episodes prior to Dirty Girls are snoozers.


Okay, Beljoxa's Eye didn't say anything about the Slayer lineage. Its exact words were, "The mystical forces surrounding the chosen line have become irrevocably altered, become unstable, vulnerable." This can be interpreted in many different ways, and the show itself doesn't actually make it any clearer what has changed or what the First is taking advantage of. But this is also the problem I have with people who freely throw around the idea about Slayer lineage and "the line runs through Faith" - because it is not a thing that is said at any point in the series. But what I think is worse is how commenters are quick to bring this up as early as the start of season 6 at least, dispelling the idea that Buffy might have called another Slayer. It is arguably a massive spoiler, essentially telling reactors not to expect a new Slayer to appear; when the entire point is not to unduly influence a first time reaction. And here, Alley's arguably persuaded to interpret that scene with Beljoxa's Eye, not based on what was actually said in the scene or any other scenes, but by what people's interpretations of that scene are - the whole, "because Buffy was brought back, she was "reinserted" into the Slayer line" argument. Which, again, is also not a thing state or even hinted at in this season. What could the disruption have been? Again, it's not made clear, which is actually one of the things that frustrates me about season 7, because they don't end up offering a very clear motive or plan for the first; let alone how what the Scoobies do is meant to be a resolution. I would *conjecture* that at the very least, the opportunity Buffy's return presents to the First is its ability to assume the form of a living Slayer. The First doesn't just take on the appearance of people who died, it embodies them, so to speak; it has access to memories and an inherent essence of being that, as it sas while appearing as the Mayor, that it's sort of like them being a combination of the First and that person. So while it could have previous become any deceased Slayer from the past, this is ostensibly the first time it could take the form of a Slayer who was alive, with full access and connection to her powers and the Slayer line. That's just speculation based on what we were given, but far from confirmed.


You should get the old darkhorse never declared canon or non canon buffy omnibusses and react to one volume at a time.


Also, it could be more paradoxical than that - that because Buffy was brough back, she would be fated to call all of the Potentials; radically altering the Slayer line and "the mystical forces" surrounding it; like Beljoxa's Eye described.


I wholeheartedly agree with you about the First, especially once you have the chance to watch it with the benefit of seeing the whole season and how it plays out; it has a lot of potential, so to speak, but it doesn't connect the dots the way a stronger season like 2 or 3 does, or season 5. I think it's actually while watching your reactions that it dawned on me how different the season feels after Conversations with Dead People; like there was a story shift. And I wonder now if they were originally planning on taking things one way up to CwDP and then did an abrupt course correction. Because we have these things setup, of the First seeing Willow as a threat, and whatever the hell was going with Dawn, and Spike killing all these people; and Jonathan is killed on the seal - and then it's, oh, Jonathan's blood wasn't enough, for some reason; and we never really go back to the whole thing with Joyce and Dawn. And it's the very next episode after CwDP where Giles and the Potentials show up; and the tone just feels different after that. I know I've seen people recently mention that there was supposed to be an arc of the First appearing as past big bads in descending order, so that the last confrontation would be between Buffy and the Master, which is why we got Warren having Andrew kill Jonathan (instead of, you know, homicidal Caleb, whom the First already had working for him). And it actually is kind of shame, because that sounds like it could have been cool. I also feel like they could have done more with the First's ability to enter dreams. I liked how they had Joyce appear to Buffy in ways where you weren't sure if it was really just a dream or the First, but they could have done more. With it being incorporeal, the best place to attack would be in people's dreams; presumably it could "touch" people in that setting, or at least mess with their heads, keep them off balance. Imagine if it turned out in Conversations with Dead People that each person's experience was a dream; and none of them would know if any of it was real or meant anything. And then as the season progresses, they realize - they never actually woke up. They're connected telepathically, in a shared dream stage, but eventually their bodies will die from neglect; and it's the calling spell that wakes them all up.

Ashtara Levin

Hey Alley - Regarding TPN's videos - One - I think you can very well react to at least the one in which he talks about the Buffy Remaster (I've seen other reactors doing it, so I know it's okay) and it would also be a nice round up for the show. Two - If he is not open to sharing a full reaction publically, I can think of a couple of option - first, do it as a patreon exclusive content, and second only uploading a sort of "vlog" for the videos, and mostly only if you have more to contribute or a certain conversation that you would like to start around a specific episode..


Since you said in you finale you wanted some fanfiction, here's some I wrote just a few days ago, thinking about how things played out immediate after the screen went to black. The Scoobies, having survived the fight, get back on the bus and start heading down the road, looking for the next town over; arguing where to stop, especially for those who need medical attention (the ending kind of glosses over some of their very urgent needs for medical attention....). It's now late, the sun's gone down. Dawn and Buffy sit near the front, talking with Giles as he drives the bus. Recalling to them how she had asked Angel to establish a second front, Buffy mentions they should locate Angel, to tell him they succeeded, so he knows they can stand down. Dawn wonders what sort of "second front" Angel put together, when Giles hits the brakes, calling Buffy's attention to the blockade in the road faintly made out through the light of the bus' headlights. It's a small army of black-ops soldiers, mystics, and perhaps a few demons crowding the road in front of the bus; and standing at the head of all of this is Angel. Buffy gets off the bus and cautiously approaches Angel, who likewise begins to walk in her direction. Their pace quickens, until they're both running towards each other, then dive into an embrace. Angel says, "You made it." "I did," Buffy replies. "But Spike, some of the others... and Sunnydale, it's... gone." "Gone?" "Yeah." "As in...?" "Gone. There's nothing left." "So, everything's okay then?" "I think so." "You're hurt." "I'll be okay. We have other's on the bus who are worse. We need to get them medical attention." Angel turns back to the barricade and calls out, "Wes, Fred! They have wounded" They in turn start calling out orders to their respective teams, sending medics to the bus. Buffy looks past Angel, taking in the size of the force Angel's assembled. "How?" She asks. "It's a long story." "I've got all kinds of time. You can tell me it over pie." "Pie sounds... Is this a cookie thing?" "No, pie is pie. Pie and catching up." "Pie sounds good." Cut to Buffy and Angel sitting in a roadside diner. The Slayers who weren't seriously wounded are at other tables, along with Xander, Dawn and Andrew. Buffy and Angel keep staring a their food, not talking. Buffy's unsure where to start or how to process the battle. Angel doesn't know how to talk about how he's now the head of Wolfram and Hart. Meanwhile, Giles and Wesley are standing outside by the bus, arms crossed, not looking at one another; having the conversation Buffy and Angel are awkwardly avoiding the specifics of. "So," Giles starts, "You'll be running their LA office, then?" "Yes," Wesley replies, blankly. "We've been given carte blanche. Or at least, so we've been told." "You don't trust that to be entirely accurate?" "Would you?" "If you don't trust them to keep their word, why did you accept their offer?" "We each had our reasons. Mine was... personal." "And it was through this Wolfram and Hart that Angel got the amulet Spike used to collapse the hellmouth?" "That's correct." "I take it he didn't anticipate Spike using it. Which means someone..." "Someone meant for Angel to use it. Yes." "And that doesn't concern you?" "It wouldn't be the first time someone at Wolfram and Hart tried to kill Angel. Or the rest of us, for that matter. We know what we're walking into." "Do you? Sounds risky." "Well," said Wesley, "That is the nature of our work, isn't it? But we will make every effort to mitigate that risk and perhaps even use some of these new resources to do some good." Giles isn't sure what to say to this and lets silence follow for a moment, before adding, "Are you using contacts?" "Yes." "Do you like them?" "They took some getting used to." "Hmmm.... I like the beard." "Thank you."


Luckily they come in collected volumes, so she could easily do a review of Season 8 Vol 1, S8V2, S8V3, etc... Now we just need a fan to send her one so she's obligated to read it XD


We're not doing ranking? Well I do them. The first watch through my season rankings from most enjoyable to least enjoyable was 2,6,5,3,1,4,7. Upon rewatch with Alley my new rankings are 2,6,4,1,5,3,7. Mind you, I'm not talking best, I'm talking most enjoyable. Top episodes: Innocence(best hour in television history) Prophecy Girl, Hush, Two to Go, Passion, OMWF. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

Eric Haefele

I vote for a short? video of your take on extra Buffy content, in whatever form it may take. But without SMG.....


Who is gonna say no to more Buffy-related content? For the comics, I personally would love watching videos of you talking about or reviewing the comics. I've only read Season 8 half way (not really a comic book reader), but I've read some summaries of upcoming seasons. If you were to read them, I'd prolly be interested in getting back to reading them too. There are also new Buffy books that have recently came out that are supposed to be canon as well.


Id vote for checking out Buffy bloopers, behind the scenes DVD extras, the biography on VH1 and user created music videos!

Calistus Jay

Comic reactions would be awesome! There’s a motion comic you can watch like a show! And I would love reactions to special features on the Buffy DVD’s. There’s that OMWF mini documentary you never got to!


I would love to see your reaction to the comics.

Ron Fehr

I recall Domi doing a reaction to the OMWF mini documentary. I wonder if Alley will contact her and see if it's worth watching (in my opinion, yes).


I personally would like to second the idea of watching his videos as a Patreon exclusive. Maybe react to one or two of his videos on Youtube, like the one you suggested and/or "Why You Should Watch Buffy", but then watch the rest on Patreon - without showing any of his footage - with the expectation that if anyone wanted to watch along they would also have to click on his video and give him the added views.

Allan Cornett

Loved season 7. The Spike monologues alone are priceless.


The thing with Buffy getting kicked out, Anya’s speech, Giles, etc. it all goes back to the theme of power. Buffy took on the philosophy of "the mission is what matters", but she misunderstood the mission. She thought it was to win the war, but in actuality it was to empower others. Anya saying Buffy was luckier is pointing to Buffy having power (and Anya not having any), Giles wanted Buffy to use her power over others, in a fairly patriarchal way. His idea of leadership was for her to act as a General, capable of making cold and calculated decisions. Buffy tried to do that and was met with resistance - just as Buffy would’ve resisted (and did with the Watcher’s Council in season three) - because it was a misuse (or at the very least a misunderstanding) of power. That’s why Faith immediately failed as a leader as well, because she went into her leadership role with the same goal; win a battle, win a war. That’s why everything goes haywire because Buffy wasn’t empowering anyone - and it’s why she was given the guidance counselor position in the first place (from a writing perspective) so that Buffy could be in a position to be able to better understand what each individual Potential was going through, namely a sense of powerlessness, and recognize the right path forward. So when Buffy comes back she continues to use her power but she doesn’t use her power over anyone and then she ultimately realizes the solution that has been there the whole time; sharing her power and creating a sense of equality.

Cayden C

You've pretty much summed up my feelings about s7, tho they are maybe a bit more ambivalent than yours. Lots of great moments and every episode is either solid or great but there's just something missing for me. Yep, the First is a great villain on paper but actually possesses very little menace. And I totally agree about Giles. I've always felt that he probably should have died in s6 at the hands of Dark Willow. It would have been a fitting end to his journey and would have given Willow's s7 remorse a tangible focus. I think the main problem is that in watching s7, you're watching a core set of characters who have been left broken by ss4-6. By this point, all the Scoobies are depressively wrestling with their own sense of failure and they're all a far cry from the optimistic, funny characters of s1-3. Every time I watch s7, I find myself mourning the Scoobies-That-Were. And none of the new characters were fleshed out enough to represent a 'new generation' as it were. Plus I guess I'm a little bitter that we didn't have Robin having to contend with the ghost of Schneider -- or that he didn't get eaten in the end.


I like that you mentioned the bit where Faith held the Scythe and felt it belonged to her but then said that it must be Buffy's, it kinda sums up her situation from the start of being overshadowed by the "real" Slayer. That bit at the end where Faith is in the background could also be nod to that maybe?


On the subject of money problems disappearing in s7, how does Buffy explain to the bank and/or insurance company about the loss of her house... act of Goddess?! :P no wait, it was Spike not Willow who did the damage. Perhaps Buffy's mortgage was with 'The First' National Bank of Sunnydale? lol

Ron Fehr

I like that Faith willingly gave the Scythe back to her. She realized the futility of debating over who the owner was, as well as the importance of the overall mission. Faith had grown up. She was not the same person we met.

Ron Fehr

My favorite one of his was his pep talk with Buffy after she got kicked out of the house. I especially like the part where he says why he loves her. It's just what she needed to hear. And I think that's what Buffy meant when she told Spike that she loved him.

Cameron Lapp

With Giles, part of the problem is that he's written for The First fakeout at the beginning of the season - so he's intentionally literally "hands off" and feels more distant when he first comes back. In universe he has a lot of trauma from the end of season 5 murdering Ben &amp; losing Buffy through consciously sacrificing his own life to stop Willow, then being on the run from Bringers and all other Watchers being killed (which his family was entwined with for several generations). It's kind of understandable that he wants to kill Spike? Spike has a history of thousands of murders and is actively killing again, there's very little proof that he's a force for good and a lot that the First wants him to destroy Buffy. He also clearly feels a lot for Robin as the other remaining "Watcher" - it's a shame this relationship doesn't get more exploration before they decide to take out Spike.

Fuiono Ching Sung

Alley, would love to get your reaction to this trailer for the series. It's less than 3 mins long but it's quite possibly the best summarization of this show that I've ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3PtopB7zyo&amp;t=14s

Fuiono Ching Sung

And here's one that never gets old - Buffy vs. Edward Cullen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZwM3GvaTRM&amp;t=1s

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

So Giles gave Buffy a check that carried her through until she got a job at the school and then by the time she got fired there wasn't anyone in the town to make her pay for the house and stuff. Then of course the whole town gets destroyed, so that's that. Money situation solved. Pretty straight forward. Also the whole gang was living in the house for the entirety of the season so like 6 people all chipping in for expenses.

Greg Davis (YT-nobody you need to know)

I was hoping someone would have gotten her thoughts on the prefight conversation between the Giles and the original friend trio (Buffy, Willow, Xander) and then the trio kinda forgetting about Giles and having a little HS banter before they split off into different groups. It's such a good scene. I guess I shoulda asked but I thought someone woulda asked. oh well. lol

Cameron Ferguson

I do 1000% think you should read the Buffy comics!! Even if I'm the only one to watch your reviews on them lol. Maybe in like 10 comic incremements? Specifically the ones that are canon to the show (So Buffy Season 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) It expands so well on the characters in such a realistic matter and I'd love to see your thoughts on it. ESPECIALLY with how Season 8 plays out, omg.

Ron Fehr

Buffy dying a third time to end the series would not have the desired impact, considering that she came back to life two previous times. It was a good thing that the writers went a different route for the series finale. And it makes sense for Buffy to contradict the original intentions, meaning having one person (for the Council) to control.

Ron Fehr

I wonder if Buffy, being the Slayer, had become a vampire, would she have been even more powerful than other vampires, possibly ubervamp strong?

Fuiono Ching Sung

In the comics, Slaypires (Slayers who were turned into vampires) were stronger than your run of the mill vamps.

Ron Fehr

Question- Did they still have their souls? Or maybe I shouldn't ask, in case Alley does review the comics, in which case your answer could be considered a spoiler. Another question (same would apply)- How would they, being Slayers, voluntarily (in applicable cases) justify letting themselves be turnd?

Ron Fehr

Buffy didn't actually defeat The First, although she did drive it out of Sunnydale. Yes, she can defeat its agents, like Caleb, the ubervamps, or the bringers, but not The First, not completely. Evil is a mindset, and not a physical thing. As Giles once said, Buffy needs something she can fight, something physical and tangible. Sunnydale was just a place in California. The First had the whole world it could influence.

Ron Fehr

Alley, would you consider Spike's death as mystical? If so, do you think he could come back?


If you decide to read the comics on camera you'll need a leather chair, a smoking jacket and a pipe - Andrew-style! :D "Come with me now, fellow human being..."

Michael Smith


Karen Mahoney

I would love to see you react to tpn's analyses. there have been so many times i wanted to refer you there and ask your opinion, but had to restrain myself because... spoilers!


Not one word on Xander this season? That's cold...

Graham Nickless

Would really like to watch you react to passion of the need episode guides. They are so good

Teresa Schultz

Definitely up for reacting to TPN’s commentary. He is so good!

Robert Carroll

Just caught up. Thanks for everything Alley! What a ride!