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Hello!!! Here is May's upload schedule! I figured a back and forth uploading would be a good one for Firely and Angel? Then near the end of next month, I will post a new poll to see what show I should add next! 

Hope you all enjoy the month! I do plan on adding some bonus videos for the Buffy comics or other Buffy related content later on :) (sorry again for the delay in the s7 wrap up, still feel sicky, blagh </3)




The love for Firefly is ridiculous. 14 episodes that aired 21 years ago...yawn.


Ooo firefly, here we goo


wow thats a great argument against a show's quality, im sure Alley will be questioning if she should watch it or not now Phil


Yeah what does the amount of episodes or when it aired have to do with whether people should love it or not? Such a weird attitude.


I think Firefly is fun, though, I didn't care for the movie.

Elisa H.

Firefly happy dance!


Wouldn't it make far more sense to finish the Buffyverse first before adding entirely different shows? I mean, I understand the financial reasons for dragging it out, but like...?

Kelly Walker

So excited for the addition of Firefly!


Sorry you're feeling blah... Hope you get well asap!


hope you watch Dollhouse after you are done with Angel and Firefly.


Sounds great to me. Really looking forward to both Firefly and Angel season 5 Alley. Gonna be a great month.


I guess that's why you don't see things getting rebooted or revisited or sequels made to things from years ago at all these days. There's simply no market for things that were broadcast a long time ago that people enjoyed. I personally enjoy sitting in my kitchen watching the cracked tile on the wall for hours on end until I'm drooling. A far more dignified way to spend an evening.

Ron Fehr

As a Firefly fan, I don't mind her starting it early. Angel is only one more season anyway, and she'll be done Firefly before she even finishes Angel. Although, I guess I know what you mean. Just watch all the Angel episodes first, meaning two episodes per week.

Cayden C

So glad you're doing Firefly as well as Angel. Good to mix it up and both are terrific seasons.


You do what you think is best for you Alley, I'll keep watching irregardless. :)

Johnny Coleman

So glad you're watching both at the same time.


Hope you feel better soon *waves arms*


Alley, have you thought about doing a Q&amp;A for all of Buffy? How about a special segment on the music of Buffy - both the bands and the score? - Ross


Whooo! Firefly!


What shows will be on the poll?




Hope breaking bad is picked!

Colleen Elizabeth

I really hope Battlestar Galactica is in the running for next show, that would be a great one for reacting


I will renew my support for Hercules and Xena. 😁 I hope you feel better soon! 💝


The characters, the emotion, the score! Bet she'd love it

Markus E.

Regarding the upcoming poll: In your last poll, people could only vote for a single show. I think it would be better if you could vote for multiple shows. That reduces the problem of „strategic voting“ (i.e. that people don‘t vote for their favorite show if they think it‘s not that popular and instead vote for a more popular one). With multiple votes, everyone can just vote for all shows they‘re interested in (and the one with the most votes still wins).

Alley Box

yes! i noticed that after i posted the poll! will forsure change how it is set up for the next one :)

Loves Bitca

The concept that we are done with Buffy still hasn't completely sunk in yet. I still keep looking forward to Buffy reactions. Probably have to watch the finale reaction again. Looking forward to your Firefly reactions though, and this will be one of the better seasons of Angel IMO.

Lia Garcia

Tonight Angel Can't Wait

Ari is my Cat

Firefly order is tricky. Hopefully you are not doing it in the order the episodes aired because that was a confusing mess with the pilot being shown as the finale..

Austin Silv

Hoping for charmed after firefly! Makes the most sense then after angel is finished Veronica mars, please don’t do dollhouse it’s very problematic and poorly ended